The Joe Rogan interview with Dr Malone.

The owners of Spotify are going "Oh shit. Here we go."

I think it's past time for the FCC to be having quiet chats with these streaming services about the sedition, lies, and bullshit they're making their money from.

Given the release of Sean Hannity's text messages to Mark Meadows this week, perhaps someone should have a quiet chat with Rupert Murdoch about his promotion of false information about the election, since Hannity is very clear in his texts that he knows Joe Biden won, regardless of what he tells his viewers. Then there's the lies and misinformation about vaccines in a pandemic .

When does the FOX FCC license come up for renewal? Should a network which promotes lies about the election and the pandemic, have a license at all?
What happened to "Republicans are in favour of smaller government and less regulation?". You're now asking government to expand to a size that is large enough to monitor and control social media corporations.

And Trump's expansion of DHS and the military added 2 million workers to the federal payroll:

You keep railing against the size of government and yet you keep expanding to control, regulate and punish working Americans for living their lives. All while doing nothing to help the American people succeed. Republicans are setting up an military/police state authoritarian structure to control the American people.

Cutting money for education, infrastructure, and research, and redirecting the money to military, policing, and prisons.

Pay no attention to the white supremacists and billionaires pulling the strings on all of this. Look!!!! Brown people crossing the Southern Border. Instead of building schools and hospitals for the children of your military, Trump took the money to build a wall and hire border guards.

That's what Republicans are doing. Cutting funds to education so inner city children get no education at all, unless their parents can afford a charter school. Cutting funds for recreation and community centres so they can spend money on military equipment for police forces.

But now you want to police social media so you can control who gets to speak. Don't think we aren't seeing what's going on her Festus!!!!

So a Christian bakery can refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple? A woman looking for a tenant can advertise for a single white woman? Really
I think it's past time for the FCC to be having quiet chats with these streaming services about the sedition, lies, and bullshit they're making their money from.

Given the release of Sean Hannity's text messages to Mark Meadows this week, perhaps someone should have a quiet chat with Rupert Murdoch about his promotion of false information about the election, since Hannity is very clear in his texts that he knows Joe Biden won, regardless of what he tells his viewers. Then there's the lies and misinformation about vaccines in a pandemic .

When does the FOX FCC license come up for renewal? Should a network which promotes lies about the election and the pandemic, have a license at all?

All in favor of Dragonlady's Fascist rules, raise your right hand!
Pleasing their customers by banning doctors giving medically accurate information?

The doctors who were banned, weren't giving medically accurate information. They were selling the drugs they were promoting. There were links in their videos to their website so you could buy invermectin or hydroxychloroquine.

Look at how many of these right wing radio personalities and preachers who believed and promoted these clowns, who have died of covid.

Ron DeSantis is down in Florida demanding more monoclonal antibodies at $6000 per patient, and telling people not to get vaccinated at $40 per patient because there are now treatments of covid, and lockdowns aren't necessary, because there's anti-clonal antibodies. Ron DeSantis owns stock in the company that makes monoclonal antibodies.


All in favor of Dragonlady's Fascist rules, raise your right hand!

You seem to forget that the entire purpose of the FCC broadcast licensing provisions is to prevent anyone for using the airwaves to promote sedition or revolution against the government.

Not only is FOX promoting the lie that the Election was stolen, and that vaccines are dangerous, they have openly promoted the 30,000 lies that Donald Trump told leading up to the failed insurrection.

It's time for the government to do their job and put down this seditious coup attempt by the Republican Party, aided and abetted by the right wing billionaire media.
I think it's past time for the FCC to be having quiet chats with these streaming services about the sedition, lies, and bullshit they're making their money from.

Given the release of Sean Hannity's text messages to Mark Meadows this week, perhaps someone should have a quiet chat with Rupert Murdoch about his promotion of false information about the election, since Hannity is very clear in his texts that he knows Joe Biden won, regardless of what he tells his viewers. Then there's the lies and misinformation about vaccines in a pandemic .

When does the FOX FCC license come up for renewal? Should a network which promotes lies about the election and the pandemic, have a license at all?
Fitting name for your communism ideals..........Dragon.........lady. just saying.

Nice Wuhan you have there.
You seem to forget that the entire purpose of the FCC broadcast licensing provisions is to prevent anyone for using the airwaves to promote sedition or revolution against the government.

Not only is FOX promoting the lie that the Election was stolen, and that vaccines are dangerous, they have openly promoted the 30,000 lies that Donald Trump told leading up to the failed insurrection.

It's time for the government to do their job and put down this seditious coup attempt by the Republican Party, aided and abetted by the right wing billionaire media.
So says every dictatorship in the history of mankind.................HOW DARE YOU SAY ANYTHING I DO NOT APPROVE OF......

Go sit your happy ass back in the corner where you belong Canuck.
You seem to forget that the entire purpose of the FCC broadcast licensing provisions is to prevent anyone for using the airwaves to promote sedition or revolution against the government.

Not only is FOX promoting the lie that the Election was stolen, and that vaccines are dangerous, they have openly promoted the 30,000 lies that Donald Trump told leading up to the failed insurrection.

It's time for the government to do their job and put down this seditious coup attempt by the Republican Party, aided and abetted by the right wing billionaire media.

Sure, Goebbels. Sure
In case you haven't noticed, Google is censoring the entire internet,.

That's actually oversimplifying it to make Google look like the one bad guy, when you've got basically all of Silicon Valley, on top of that the NSA and the other 5 EYES , not to mention whatever China and Russia are doing.
I think it's past time for the FCC to be having quiet chats with these streaming services about the sedition, lies, and bullshit they're making their money from.

Given the release of Sean Hannity's text messages to Mark Meadows this week, perhaps someone should have a quiet chat with Rupert Murdoch about his promotion of false information about the election, since Hannity is very clear in his texts that he knows Joe Biden won, regardless of what he tells his viewers. Then there's the lies and misinformation about vaccines in a pandemic .

When does the FOX FCC license come up for renewal? Should a network which promotes lies about the election and the pandemic, have a license at all?
We don't need your vaccine
Exhibit A.

You are likely doomed to a lifetime of making the same, childish error, because you are so satisfied in your ignorance.
In the meantime, I just got over a week of omicron and my immune system is at least 27 times healthier than yours-- much more if you smoke or drink which I don't.

I'm 60, and healthier than I was at 40.
If that's ignorance, I'll take it over wokeness anytime.

Still with the same woman after 33 years.

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