The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

Listen, I was being a dick about this last night. and upon further review you've actually got research to back up most of what you say. I still disagree with you're conclusion.

The thing about the "mist" just isn't true. Many times when people get shot that exact same thing happens. It depends a lot on the caliber being used and the ballistics of that particular bullet, but you claiming it's impossible is false.
Any person who supports Oswald must act childish. There's no other way.:eusa_liar:

good point,very true.

Only the truth holds up to scrutiny in any murder case and the driver cannot be debunked or even remotely challenged.

yeah so very true.what I am wondering is whats up with Debra Conway? I have met her many times before and I know for a fact she is a serious truth seeker,she is very nice and wants justice done in this case as much as anybody.Thats why I dont get why she ignores the evidence in this film on Greer.Is she like on drugs or something? Unless your a troll like Gerald Posner, the author of the book Case Closed,you would have to be on drugs or something to come to any other conclusion.:lol:
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Mocking an entire generation of baby boomers whose 47 year reign on covering up Jfk's real assassin has ended

Testimony Of Mrs. Jean Lollis Hill
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "

Over the past 24 hours a certain Robert Hanson was successful in penetrating the Deep Politics Forum with the obvious truth about the driver killing Kennedy and I banned him because the truth raped my soul so I used my power to censor the truth that has been known by Fetzer, Groden and hundreds of other researchers for decades.

In doing so, Hanson hosted a most enlightening workshop in the craft of sleuthing.

About a half-hour ago I discovered Hanson's blog, "The Driver Killed Kennedy." It seems to have been created on November 19 of this year.

From his blog there is his thread titled "Jean Hill saw Greer shoot back."

In classic sleuthing style, Hanson cites a lengthy segment of Hill's WC testimony given to Arlen Specter so as to A) demonstrate his own familiarity with the record, and B) appeal to reading comprehension and general Kennedy sleuthing.

In essence, Hill states that she simply saw the Secret Service shooting back which is totally obvious to everyone looking at Greer's left arm crossing his right shoulder in the nix film. SHE STATES THAT SHE SAW THE SS SHOOT BACK AND SHE CLEARLY STATES THAT SHE HEARD GUNFIRE FROM THE GRASSY KNOLL. This, in the real world is called corroboration. Greer is the only ss agent who shot back, so she could not have meant anyone else.

Mr. SPECTER - You thought that perhaps the second burst of shots you heard were being directed toward him by the Secret Service?
Mrs. HILL - I Just thought, "Oh, goodness, the Secret Service is shooting back."

Hanson is TELLING THE TRUTH when he states that "Jean Hill saw Greer shoot back,"

It's that simple.


Here's what Hill told Specter -- as published by Hanson on his own blog:

Mr. SPECTER - What was your impression as to the source of the second group of shots which you have described as the fourth, perhaps the fifth, and perhaps the sixth shot?

Mrs. HILL - Well, nothing, except that I thought that they were fired by someone else.

Mr. SPECTER - And did you have any idea where they were coming from?

Mrs. HILL - No; as I said, I thought they were coming from the general direction of that knoll.

Mr. SPECTER - Well, did you think that the Secret Service was firing them from that knoll?

Mrs. HILL - I said I didn't know-I really don't.
Specter was trying to make her sound crazy but she was simply describing the confusion of gunshots coming from all directions. She saw Greer shoot back and she heard what she thought were multiple shots from the knoll although there was only one fired immediately after Greer shot Kennedy to provide a distraction for Greer. The last shot arguably did come from the north knoll but was was fired to only confuse people as to who shot Kennedy. Without the last shot that followed Greer's, people would have thrown their hands up like the agents did after Roberts called them off jfk's limo. It was a dummie shot to confuse and give witnesses an alternative account for where the fatal shot really came from, the ss agent driving Kennedy's limo.

Mr. SPECTER - You just had the general impression that shots were coming from the knoll?

Mrs. HILL - Yes.

Mr. SPECTER - And you had the general impression that the Secret Service was firing the second group of shots at the man who fired the first group of shots?

Mrs. HILL - That's right

Mr. SPECTER - But you had no specific impression as to the source of those shots?

Mrs. HILL - No.

What could have prompted Hill to conclude that the SS was shooting in Dealey Plaza? Because she was looking right at Greer when he shot back at jfk's forehead.

Mr. SPECTER - You thought that perhaps the second burst of shots you heard were being directed toward him by the Secret Service?
Mrs. HILL - I Just thought, "Oh, goodness, the Secret Service is shooting back."
Mrs. Hill - ... I thought, because I guess from the TV and movies, that it was Secret Service agents shooting back. To me, if somebody shoots at somebody they always shoot back and so I just thought that that's what it was and I thought, well, they are getting him and shooting back, you know; I didn't know[.]

In point of FACT:

Hill offers eyewitness evidence for a Greer Shot.

Hill offers compelling ear witness testimony for a Grassy Knoll shot which is the red herring promoted by Hollywood and disinfo clowns like Groden and Fetzer

And so we're left with this:

For the third time, Hanson is TELLING THE TRUTH when he states that "Jean Hill saw Greer shoot back." I see no other viable interpretations for his obvious claim.

It's that simple.

Expect more of this sort of truth movement as we move closer to the 50th anniversary of the Dealey Plaza coup d'etat. I am afraid but I know just beneath the surface that Greer killed Kennedy.
Charles Drago
Co-Founder, Deep Politics Forum

so much for the people that have said in JFK discussions over the years,that if it were true,witnesses would have reported seeing Greer do the shooting.well thats ONE witness right there who has come out and said she saw Greer doing the shooting.and as we can tell from looking at the pic,she is looking directly at Greer.I have met and interviewed Jean Hill a couple of times,she never mentioned to me the part about seeing Greer or wrote about it in her book.I wonder if she was afraid to go that far to mention Greer or something.I know she was harrassed and had death threats given to her over the years.she even had the FBI monitering her and watching her moves outside her house till the day she died.amazing how the FBI was STILL doing that all the way up to that point in her life isnt it?

arlen spector sure was rewarded handsomely in his participation of the coverup wasnt he? Us senator.good deal for him i would say wouldnt you? Gerald Ford was REALLY rewarded for his participation in the coverup on the warren commission as well I would say.the office of the presidency.same with Bush,LBJ,Reagan,and Nixon. Reagan was rewarded the office of the presidency as well for his participation in the governor of california,he blocked Jim Garrisons extradition request to subpoena Allen Dulles for the trial. what a reward huh? bet you didnt know about that one huh?

yeah its obvious here that Spector was trying to mislead Hill in her testimony to get her attention away from greer.
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good point,very true.

Only the truth holds up to scrutiny in any murder case and the driver cannot be debunked or even remotely challenged.

yeah so very true.what I am wondering is whats up with Debra Conway? I have met her many times before and I know for a fact she is a serious truth seeker,she is very nice and wants justice done in the case as anybody.Thats why I dont get why she ignores the evidence in this film on Greer.Is she like on drugs or something? Unless your a troll like Geral Posner the authoer of the book Case Closed,you would have to be on drugs to c ome to any other conclusion.:lol:

She supports the south grassy knoll which is progress, but I doubt Lancer will ever cop to the truth about Greer. Proving film alteration leads to only Greer which is why no one has ever done what I have.
Only the truth holds up to scrutiny in any murder case and the driver cannot be debunked or even remotely challenged.

yeah so very true.what I am wondering is whats up with Debra Conway? I have met her many times before and I know for a fact she is a serious truth seeker,she is very nice and wants justice done in the case as anybody.Thats why I dont get why she ignores the evidence in this film on Greer.Is she like on drugs or something? Unless your a troll like Geral Posner the authoer of the book Case Closed,you would have to be on drugs to c ome to any other conclusion.:lol:

She supports the south grassy knoll which is progress, but I doubt Lancer will ever cop to the truth about Greer. Proving film alteration leads to only Greer which is why no one has ever done what I have.

whats the story with Lancer who only seems to ACT like they are interested in the truth?
yeah so very true.what I am wondering is whats up with Debra Conway? I have met her many times before and I know for a fact she is a serious truth seeker,she is very nice and wants justice done in the case as anybody.Thats why I dont get why she ignores the evidence in this film on Greer.Is she like on drugs or something? Unless your a troll like Geral Posner the authoer of the book Case Closed,you would have to be on drugs to c ome to any other conclusion.:lol:

She supports the south grassy knoll which is progress, but I doubt Lancer will ever cop to the truth about Greer. Proving film alteration leads to only Greer which is why no one has ever done what I have.

whats the story with Lancer who only seems to ACT like they are interested in the truth?

The driver is off limits because it was deemed politically incorrect a very long time ago. It's the truth though and my grip on it, is very secure.
Listen, I was being a dick about this last night. and upon further review you've actually got research to back up most of what you say. I still disagree with you're conclusion.

The thing about the "mist" just isn't true. Many times when people get shot that exact same thing happens. It depends a lot on the caliber being used and the ballistics of that particular bullet, but you claiming it's impossible is false.

I actually just watched a show that pretty thoroughly debunked all the usual theories put out there, they interestingly did not even touch yours. Again I need to apologize for being a dick about things earlier. Finding an individual willing to actually research and back-up the claims they're making is a rare thing, so it would be dumb of me to crush any rational discussion just because I think you're wrong.

As for some of your claims, as I pointed out earlier, the one about the "pink mist" I believe to be false. I've seen similar looking spray come out of a deer shot with a hunting rifle. Having never shot a person in the head, I can't say for sure it would happen, maybe some law enforcement/military could shed light on that. But still, I believe your point to be false.

Also, for a pistol to do that type of damage to someones head, it would have to be a fairly large caliber. I'm no expert on ballistics, but I know enough to tell you that a .22LR wouldn't blow the back of a mans head off from a couple feet away. Bigger bullet means louder blast, and an all around more noticeable shot. I still have a hard time believing only a handful of people claimed to notice anything.

Just for fun, if you believe the driver shot him, you must believe in a larger conspiracy as well. Perhaps the driver pulled the trigger, but who do you believe were the guys in the shadows pulling the strings?
The fatal shot came from the driver's seat and nowhere else. Those two moronic clowns debunked nothing but failed miserably at disinformation. When a man gets shot in face, he goes backward as is exactly what happens in real life.

A reply from another forum.

Well I gotta give you some respect for actually putting together an argument and being willing to back it up with research. That said I still think your theory is absolutely insane. You still haven't touched on the caliber issue. Pistol rounds don't blow peoples heads off unless you shoot them with something big, and something big would surely be noticed by everyone within a hundred feet.
A reply from another forum.

Well I gotta give you some respect for actually putting together an argument and being willing to back it up with research. That said I still think your theory is absolutely insane. You still haven't touched on the caliber issue. Pistol rounds don't blow peoples heads off unless you shoot them with something big, and something big would surely be noticed by everyone within a hundred feet.

this person is clearly living in denial and needs to read Jean Hills witness testimony to Spector.You are right,he debunked nothing.
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Originally Posted by 7forever
The zfilm proves both of Greer's hands are off the wheel before he turns the first time and his left hand is off the wheel during the shooting sequence because that is what happens in the nix film. The driver of Kennedy's car, Greer, has his right hand on the wheel when a bullet enters Kennedy's forehead but his left arm and hand are crossing his shoulder in unison with the headshot in the nix film.

You have been banned for proving that you cannot prove anything other than BS.

In fact, I'm going to delete this entire thread.
William Cooper: JFK Assassin Unmasked - Page 5 - Club Conspiracy Forums
Dear MOD...

Can we get different sub-categories in Conspiracy Theories so the JFK "experts" can argue in peace aside from the 9/11 "experts" etc...?
Deep Politics Forum Kaput? - The Education Forum - Page 3
Deep Politics Forum

It seems that my Greer thread was one of the reasons it's closed or at least temporarily.LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL:razz:

POST #43
As previously stated:

The Deep Politics Forum is wholly dedicated to free speech. Contrary to recent vitriolic speculation -- born of petty jealousies and/or the intent to destroy a source of truth, integrity, and courageously held convictions -- it hosts a full Wikileaks mirror and is proud to do so. The costs involved in running the DPF and its Wikileaks mirror, are entirely borne by the forum's founders - although donations are always welcome - but membership is and will always remain free. As a point of principal we are an advertising-free forum and will always remain so.

PLEASE MAKE CAREFUL NOTE: The undersigned, all founding members who contribute to the running costs of DPF, and will continue to do so, are the ONLY individuals authorized to speak for and otherwise represent the Deep Politics Forum:

Charles Drago, David Guyatt, Magda Hassan, Jan Klimkowski, Dawn Meredith

The mist is fake and no person on this planet can prove that fake red blotch has ever happened except in the altered zapruder film. This idiot gets shot right in the face just like Kennedy did and there is nothing but distortion after impact. NO BLOOD FLOWS AT THE MOMENT OF IMPACT. The zfilm has the mist forming before the shot to hide the shot coming from Greer.



Hey candyass, if you don't like reading the truth then stop reading this thread.:cuckoo:
Originally Posted by 7forever
The zfilm proves both of Greer's hands are off the wheel before he turns the first time and his left hand is off the wheel during the shooting sequence because that is what happens in the nix film. The driver of Kennedy's car, Greer, has his right hand on the wheel when a bullet enters Kennedy's forehead but his left arm and hand are crossing his shoulder in unison with the headshot in the nix film.

You have been banned for proving that you cannot prove anything other than BS.

In fact, I'm going to delete this entire thread.
William Cooper: JFK Assassin Unmasked - Page 5 - Club Conspiracy Forums

funny how the truth hurts them so hurts them so much that they go and ban you for it.Proof that you are getting to them.:clap2:
The mist is fake and no person on this planet can prove that fake red blotch has ever happened except in the altered zapruder film. This idiot gets shot right in the face just like Kennedy did and there is nothing but distortion after impact. NO BLOOD FLOWS AT THE MOMENT OF IMPACT. The zfilm has the mist forming before the shot to hide the shot coming from Greer.



Hey candyass, if you don't like reading the truth then stop reading this thread.:cuckoo:

this troll has such a sad and patheitc life he goes around trolling hoping for people to reply cause he seeks attention so badly like the troll he is.proof of that is he always address people that have them on thier ignore list,thats a sign of an attention seeker that needs help and is mentally unstable.
Originally Posted by 7forever
The zfilm proves both of Greer's hands are off the wheel before he turns the first time and his left hand is off the wheel during the shooting sequence because that is what happens in the nix film. The driver of Kennedy's car, Greer, has his right hand on the wheel when a bullet enters Kennedy's forehead but his left arm and hand are crossing his shoulder in unison with the headshot in the nix film.

You have been banned for proving that you cannot prove anything other than BS.

In fact, I'm going to delete this entire thread.
William Cooper: JFK Assassin Unmasked - Page 5 - Club Conspiracy Forums

funny how the truth hurts them so hurts them so much that they go and ban you for it.Proof that you are getting to them.:clap2:

It's happened many times but most often they leave it alone. Forum owners should not post much on their own boards, IMO.
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Wrong direction...Wrong trajectory...Wrong direction for JFK's head to snap-back, if it was the driver.
Sorry -- I've been studying this since jr high.

Good effort, great tenacity, but no, it wasn't the driver.

*3 to 4 shots fired.
*From at least two directions, but probably 3.
*The story from the majority of eye-witness accounts (actual eye witness accounts), cannot be refuted.
*James Tague is a big clue.
Wrong direction...Wrong trajectory...Wrong direction for JFK's head to snap-back, if it was the driver.
Sorry -- I've been studying this since jr high.

Good effort, great tenacity, but no, it wasn't the driver.

*3 to 4 shots fired.
*From at least two directions, but probably 3.
*The story from the majority of eye-witness accounts (actual eye witness accounts), cannot be refuted.
*James Tague is a big clue.

All of that and, you know, the passenger side driver, Governor and Ms. Conally and likely Jackie O would all have had either permanent or pronounced acute hearing loss from a pistol fired so close to them. None of that happened.

Physical evidence always trumps these silly assed fantasies.

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