The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

I guessed a .38 service revolver because it was standard for decades. Maybe Greer's perfect/sitting duck shot also helped create the extreme damage.

The driver shot jfk with a handgun, likely a 38 revolver fired from 6-8 feet in front of the President. The violent thrashing backwards was caused by the close range shot.

John F. Kennedy Assassination Homepage :: Warren Commission :: Hearings :: Volume VI :: Page 38
John F. Kennedy Assassination Homepage :: Warren Commission :: Hearings :: Volume VI :: Page 39

This interview leaves no doubt about the right rear being blasted out and Greer's close range shot with a high velocity handgun. This silly interviewer quickly changes the subject after cerebellum falling out is brought to light.

Dr. Mcclelland. I think even then you could make the statement that this wound could have resulted from this type bullet fired through this particular mass of soft tissue, losing that much velocity before it exited from the body. Where you would expect to see this really great hole that is left behind would be, for instance, from a very high velocity missile fired at close range with a heavy caliber bullet, such as a .45 pistol fired at close range, which would make a small entrance hole, relatively, and particularly if it entered some portion of the anatomy such as the head, where there was a sudden change in density from the brain to the skull cavity, as it entered. As it left the body, it would still have a great deal of force behind it and would blow up a large segment of tissue as it exited.

But I don't think the bullet of this nature fired from that distance and going through this large area of homogenous soft tissue would necessarily make the usual kind of exit wound like I just described, with a close range high velocity heavy caliber bullet. This is why it would be difficult to say with certainty as has been implied in some newspaper articles that quoted me, that you could tell for sure that this was an entrance or an exit wound. I think this was blown up a good deal.
I proved the driver's shot, not Bill Cooper or anyone else.

The Governor of Texas, John Connally looked directly at jfk's real assassin immediately after the fatal headshot. The driver and ss agent (William Greer) fired that shot into the President's right forehead with the resulting bullet exiting the right rear. This case was proven and closed almost 6 years ago. He kind of lifts his head up and pauses before hitting the floor.

Connally saw the fatal shot and quickly corrected himself, but his reaction when looking at Greer proves he slipped up. Watch him hit the floor in horror once he realized Greer shot JFK. The Governor, logically starting turning toward the driver because he was braking before he shot the President.

John F. Kennedy Assassination Homepage :: Warren Commission :: Hearings :: Volume IV :: Page 136

Obviously, at least the major wound that I took in the shoulder through the chest couldn't have been anything but the second shot. Obviously, it couldn't have been the third, because when the third shot was fired I was in a reclining position, and heard it, saw it and the effects of it, rather--I didn't see it, I saw the effects of it--so it obviously could not have been the third, and couldn't have been the first, in my judgment.


John F. Kennedy Assassination Homepage :: Warren Commission :: Hearings :: Volume IV :: Page 133

So I merely doubled up, and then turned to my right again and began to--I just sat there, and Mrs. Connally pulled me over to her lap. She was sitting, of course, on the jump seat, so I reclined with my head in her lap, conscious all the time, and with my eyes open; and then, of course, the third shot sounded, and I heard the shot very clearly. I heard it hit him. I heard the shot hit something, and I assumed again--it never entered my mind that it ever hit anybody but the President. I heard it hit. It was a very loud noise, just that audible, very clear.

GREER FIRED RIGHT OVER CONNALLY'S HEAD and when he realized Greer fired it, he hit the floor, terrified. WATCH THE GOVERNOR.

hey seven,your back,where you been for so long?
you proved it was the driver who shot him in the head many times on this thread.:thup:

btw,you should go back to PF,I referred someone to your thread there but they refused to look at any of your posts there on the thread that the driver did it,these people who say the CIA did it and there was a conspiracy like BF for example.they participate in the coverup as much as the magic bullet theorists do.
I guessed a .38 service revolver because it was standard for decades. Maybe Greer's perfect/sitting duck shot also helped create the extreme damage.

The driver shot jfk with a handgun, likely a 38 revolver fired from 6-8 feet in front of the President. The violent thrashing backwards was caused by the close range shot.

John F. Kennedy Assassination Homepage :: Warren Commission :: Hearings :: Volume VI :: Page 38
John F. Kennedy Assassination Homepage :: Warren Commission :: Hearings :: Volume VI :: Page 39

This interview leaves no doubt about the right rear being blasted out and Greer's close range shot with a high velocity handgun. This silly interviewer quickly changes the subject after cerebellum falling out is brought to light.

Dr. Mcclelland. I think even then you could make the statement that this wound could have resulted from this type bullet fired through this particular mass of soft tissue, losing that much velocity before it exited from the body. Where you would expect to see this really great hole that is left behind would be, for instance, from a very high velocity missile fired at close range with a heavy caliber bullet, such as a .45 pistol fired at close range, which would make a small entrance hole, relatively, and particularly if it entered some portion of the anatomy such as the head, where there was a sudden change in density from the brain to the skull cavity, as it entered. As it left the body, it would still have a great deal of force behind it and would blow up a large segment of tissue as it exited.

But I don't think the bullet of this nature fired from that distance and going through this large area of homogenous soft tissue would necessarily make the usual kind of exit wound like I just described, with a close range high velocity heavy caliber bullet. This is why it would be difficult to say with certainty as has been implied in some newspaper articles that quoted me, that you could tell for sure that this was an entrance or an exit wound. I think this was blown up a good deal.
you took not only the lone nut theorists to school here in this post that Greer shot him,but the others that acknowledge it was the CIA and a conspiracy but refuse to admit Greer did it like BF to school as well.:up: they can only whine and cry in defeat and sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:D
How many agency/people were in on this plot?

1. Secret Service
2. Parkland doctors
3. FBI
4. CIA
5. Cubans
6. The Warren commissioners
7. LBJ
8. The Mafia
9. LEO

Everyone was in on it except Lee Harvey Oswald

And yet they have kept their secret secret for all these years.
How many agency/people were in on this plot?

1. Secret Service
2. Parkland doctors
3. FBI
4. CIA
5. Cubans
6. The Warren commissioners
7. LBJ
8. The Mafia
9. LEO

Everyone was in on it except Lee Harvey Oswald

And yet they have kept their secret secret for all these years.

This is, without a doubt, the best documentary ever done. I have watched it 12 times and taken over a 100 pages of notes so I could do the proper vetting of the information and I have not been able to find any chinks in their armor. I would make this documentary required viewing if I was a teacher. Wake up, people....we are all in this together.

I proved the driver's shot, not Bill Cooper or anyone else.
hey seven,your back,where you been for so long?
you proved it was the driver who shot him in the head many times on this thread.:thup:

btw,you should go back to PF,I referred someone to your thread there but they refused to look at any of your posts there on the thread that the driver did it,these people who say the CIA did it and there was a conspiracy like BF for example.they participate in the coverup as much as the magic bullet theorists do.

I've been obsessing over the election. Hoping Trump can stop stupid from prevailing yet again. I suppose the CIA was behind it, but the SS did the actual killing.
How many agency/people were in on this plot?

1. Secret Service
2. Parkland doctors
3. FBI
4. CIA
5. Cubans
6. The Warren commissioners
7. LBJ
8. The Mafia
9. LEO

Everyone was in on it except Lee Harvey Oswald

And yet they have kept their secret secret for all these years.

pretty much everyone you listed except the parkland doctors.:thup:

three members of the warren commission themselves did not go along with the magic bullet theory,one of them even coined it that and wound up dying mysteriously after that.
How many agency/people were in on this plot?

1. Secret Service
2. Parkland doctors
3. FBI
4. CIA
5. Cubans
6. The Warren commissioners
7. LBJ
8. The Mafia
9. LEO

Everyone was in on it except Lee Harvey Oswald

And yet they have kept their secret secret for all these years.

This is, without a doubt, the best documentary ever done. I have watched it 12 times and taken over a 100 pages of notes so I could do the proper vetting of the information and I have not been able to find any chinks in their armor. I would make this documentary required viewing if I was a teacher. Wake up, people....we are all in this together.

you nailed it.:thup:
I proved the driver's shot, not Bill Cooper or anyone else.
hey seven,your back,where you been for so long?
you proved it was the driver who shot him in the head many times on this thread.:thup:

btw,you should go back to PF,I referred someone to your thread there but they refused to look at any of your posts there on the thread that the driver did it,these people who say the CIA did it and there was a conspiracy like BF for example.they participate in the coverup as much as the magic bullet theorists do.

I've been obsessing over the election. Hoping Trump can stop stupid from prevailing yet again. I suppose the CIA was behind it, but the SS did the actual killing.

well Greer had connections to the CIA though so they did do it after all.Plus he only fired the fatal head shot not the shots to the throut and back. Its pretty pointless to obsess over Trump winning got to remember,we dont elect these people and put them in office,elections are rigged and they are going to rid it to make sure that evil with Hillary gets the nomination.they will sabotage his election the same way they effectively changed the rules at the last moment to make sure that Ron Paul did not get the republican nomination four years ago.

Trump would be a threat to the establishment and the CIA starting their dirty wars across the country because he would open up the JFK case and have an independent investigation of it as well as get rid of the CIA so i guarantee you,he wont get elected,save getting your hopes up right now.
How many agency/people were in on this plot?

1. Secret Service
2. Parkland doctors
3. FBI
4. CIA
5. Cubans
6. The Warren commissioners
7. LBJ
8. The Mafia
9. LEO

Everyone was in on it except Lee Harvey Oswald

And yet they have kept their secret secret for all these years.

This is, without a doubt, the best documentary ever done. I have watched it 12 times and taken over a 100 pages of notes so I could do the proper vetting of the information and I have not been able to find any chinks in their armor. I would make this documentary required viewing if I was a teacher. Wake up, people....we are all in this together.

100 pages of notes ?
Rock solid proof of your delusions.
How many agency/people were in on this plot?

1. Secret Service
2. Parkland doctors
3. FBI
4. CIA
5. Cubans
6. The Warren commissioners
7. LBJ
8. The Mafia
9. LEO

Everyone was in on it except Lee Harvey Oswald

And yet they have kept their secret secret for all these years.

This is, without a doubt, the best documentary ever done. I have watched it 12 times and taken over a 100 pages of notes so I could do the proper vetting of the information and I have not been able to find any chinks in their armor. I would make this documentary required viewing if I was a teacher. Wake up, people....we are all in this together.

100 pages of notes ?
Rock solid proof of your delusions.

Yeah, lil paws101, da gubermint NEVER lies...yeah, I took down a notebook full of notes so I could do a proper veting of the information because ass-wipes like yourself would jump on any little thing that might be suspect in order to discredit all the other stuff. I have to be 100 percent on my game 100 percent of the time. I have no room for error while sorry dipshits like you work incessantly to find any chink in my armor and even when you get proven wromng? Well, you just go to the next piece of information in hopes that you can pick it to pieces....get it now, punkinpuss?
proper vetting is not what you do ,you use only information that fits your cognitive bias,
true vetting is looking objectively at both sides of an issue .
you never even attempt that .
How many agency/people were in on this plot?

1. Secret Service
2. Parkland doctors
3. FBI
4. CIA
5. Cubans
6. The Warren commissioners
7. LBJ
8. The Mafia
9. LEO

Everyone was in on it except Lee Harvey Oswald

And yet they have kept their secret secret for all these years.

This is, without a doubt, the best documentary ever done. I have watched it 12 times and taken over a 100 pages of notes so I could do the proper vetting of the information and I have not been able to find any chinks in their armor. I would make this documentary required viewing if I was a teacher. Wake up, people....we are all in this together.

100 pages of notes ?
Rock solid proof of your delusions.

Yeah, lil paws101, da gubermint NEVER lies...yeah, I took down a notebook full of notes so I could do a proper veting of the information because ass-wipes like yourself would jump on any little thing that might be suspect in order to discredit all the other stuff. I have to be 100 percent on my game 100 percent of the time. I have no room for error while sorry dipshits like you work incessantly to find any chink in my armor and even when you get proven wromng? Well, you just go to the next piece of information in hopes that you can pick it to pieces....get it now, punkinpuss?

you mean you seriously DONT have government disinfo agent lying paid troll DAWGSHIT on your ignore list dude?
Last edited:
How many agency/people were in on this plot?

1. Secret Service
2. Parkland doctors
3. FBI
4. CIA
5. Cubans
6. The Warren commissioners
7. LBJ
8. The Mafia
9. LEO

Everyone was in on it except Lee Harvey Oswald

And yet they have kept their secret secret for all these years.

This is, without a doubt, the best documentary ever done. I have watched it 12 times and taken over a 100 pages of notes so I could do the proper vetting of the information and I have not been able to find any chinks in their armor. I would make this documentary required viewing if I was a teacher. Wake up, people....we are all in this together.

100 pages of notes ?
Rock solid proof of your delusions.

Yeah, lil paws101, da gubermint NEVER lies...yeah, I took down a notebook full of notes so I could do a proper veting of the information because ass-wipes like yourself would jump on any little thing that might be suspect in order to discredit all the other stuff. I have to be 100 percent on my game 100 percent of the time. I have no room for error while sorry dipshits like you work incessantly to find any chink in my armor and even when you get proven wromng? Well, you just go to the next piece of information in hopes that you can pick it to pieces....get it now, punkinpuss?

you mean you seriously DONT have government disinfo agent lying paid troll DAWGSHIT on your ignore list dude?

I enjoy kicking his ass from time to time......he has got nothing.
How many agency/people were in on this plot?

1. Secret Service
2. Parkland doctors
3. FBI
4. CIA
5. Cubans
6. The Warren commissioners
7. LBJ
8. The Mafia
9. LEO

Everyone was in on it except Lee Harvey Oswald

And yet they have kept their secret secret for all these years.

This is, without a doubt, the best documentary ever done. I have watched it 12 times and taken over a 100 pages of notes so I could do the proper vetting of the information and I have not been able to find any chinks in their armor. I would make this documentary required viewing if I was a teacher. Wake up, people....we are all in this together.

100 pages of notes ?
Rock solid proof of your delusions.

Yeah, lil paws101, da gubermint NEVER lies...yeah, I took down a notebook full of notes so I could do a proper veting of the information because ass-wipes like yourself would jump on any little thing that might be suspect in order to discredit all the other stuff. I have to be 100 percent on my game 100 percent of the time. I have no room for error while sorry dipshits like you work incessantly to find any chink in my armor and even when you get proven wromng? Well, you just go to the next piece of information in hopes that you can pick it to pieces....get it now, punkinpuss?

you mean you seriously DONT have government disinfo agent lying paid troll DAWGSHIT on your ignore list dude?

I enjoy kicking his ass from time to time......he has got nothing.

So I watched about 1 hour of the video provided. I will say it was well done. That alone does not make it true.

They say 8 shooters but it is pretty well established that there were only 3 shots. If you want to count the shot that hit the curb then there is only one more. They have audio of the 3 shots.

But you were/are claiming that the driver shot Kennedy. So what is it? 8 shooters that raise the possibility of detection 8 fold? Seriously there would need to be too many people in on it to every keep it secret this long.

Now if the conspiracy theorists wanted to say that there was one expert rifleman in the SBD and he shot Kennedy and Oswald was to take the fall that seems more believable. But even at that it does not explain why Oswald fled the scene and killed Tippets. Yeah lots of things can be speculated as to why he killed Tippets but all we really know for sure is he did.

For the theory that the video puts forth, too many people would be involved, all the way up to and including the Kennedy justice department.
This is, without a doubt, the best documentary ever done. I have watched it 12 times and taken over a 100 pages of notes so I could do the proper vetting of the information and I have not been able to find any chinks in their armor. I would make this documentary required viewing if I was a teacher. Wake up, people....we are all in this together.

100 pages of notes ?
Rock solid proof of your delusions.

Yeah, lil paws101, da gubermint NEVER lies...yeah, I took down a notebook full of notes so I could do a proper veting of the information because ass-wipes like yourself would jump on any little thing that might be suspect in order to discredit all the other stuff. I have to be 100 percent on my game 100 percent of the time. I have no room for error while sorry dipshits like you work incessantly to find any chink in my armor and even when you get proven wromng? Well, you just go to the next piece of information in hopes that you can pick it to pieces....get it now, punkinpuss?

you mean you seriously DONT have government disinfo agent lying paid troll DAWGSHIT on your ignore list dude?

I enjoy kicking his ass from time to time......he has got nothing.

So I watched about 1 hour of the video provided. I will say it was well done. That alone does not make it true.

They say 8 shooters but it is pretty well established that there were only 3 shots. If you want to count the shot that hit the curb then there is only one more. They have audio of the 3 shots.

But you were/are claiming that the driver shot Kennedy. So what is it? 8 shooters that raise the possibility of detection 8 fold? Seriously there would need to be too many people in on it to every keep it secret this long.

Now if the conspiracy theorists wanted to say that there was one expert rifleman in the SBD and he shot Kennedy and Oswald was to take the fall that seems more believable. But even at that it does not explain why Oswald fled the scene and killed Tippets. Yeah lots of things can be speculated as to why he killed Tippets but all we really know for sure is he did.

For the theory that the video puts forth, too many people would be involved, all the way up to and including the Kennedy justice department.

I disagree....and a bolt action rifle used by the best marksman ever could not have gotten off the shots I heard and it was more than three. Not only that, the snipers synchronized their shots.
100 pages of notes ?
Rock solid proof of your delusions.

Yeah, lil paws101, da gubermint NEVER lies...yeah, I took down a notebook full of notes so I could do a proper veting of the information because ass-wipes like yourself would jump on any little thing that might be suspect in order to discredit all the other stuff. I have to be 100 percent on my game 100 percent of the time. I have no room for error while sorry dipshits like you work incessantly to find any chink in my armor and even when you get proven wromng? Well, you just go to the next piece of information in hopes that you can pick it to pieces....get it now, punkinpuss?

you mean you seriously DONT have government disinfo agent lying paid troll DAWGSHIT on your ignore list dude?
I enjoy kicking his ass from time to time......he has got nothing.

So I watched about 1 hour of the video provided. I will say it was well done. That alone does not make it true.

They say 8 shooters but it is pretty well established that there were only 3 shots. If you want to count the shot that hit the curb then there is only one more. They have audio of the 3 shots.

But you were/are claiming that the driver shot Kennedy. So what is it? 8 shooters that raise the possibility of detection 8 fold? Seriously there would need to be too many people in on it to every keep it secret this long.

Now if the conspiracy theorists wanted to say that there was one expert rifleman in the SBD and he shot Kennedy and Oswald was to take the fall that seems more believable. But even at that it does not explain why Oswald fled the scene and killed Tippets. Yeah lots of things can be speculated as to why he killed Tippets but all we really know for sure is he did.

For the theory that the video puts forth, too many people would be involved, all the way up to and including the Kennedy justice department.

I disagree....and a bolt action rifle used by the best marksman ever could not have gotten off the shots I heard and it was more than three. Not only that, the snipers synchronized their shots.

Just not true. Not long ago there was a fight over a police radio which was keyed on. It sounded like four shots and that evidence along had the investigation into the shooting conclude a conspiracy. But later it was shown that there were actually only 3 shots. As for making the shots. You were there in Dealey Plaza as was I. To make those shots would not have been anywhere near impossible it has been proven over and over.

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