The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

A little man with a crappy gun killed a President, not good enough, the killer needs made bigger to fit the crime of the century..
100 pages of notes ?
Rock solid proof of your delusions.

Yeah, lil paws101, da gubermint NEVER lies...yeah, I took down a notebook full of notes so I could do a proper veting of the information because ass-wipes like yourself would jump on any little thing that might be suspect in order to discredit all the other stuff. I have to be 100 percent on my game 100 percent of the time. I have no room for error while sorry dipshits like you work incessantly to find any chink in my armor and even when you get proven wromng? Well, you just go to the next piece of information in hopes that you can pick it to pieces....get it now, punkinpuss?

you mean you seriously DONT have government disinfo agent lying paid troll DAWGSHIT on your ignore list dude?
I enjoy kicking his ass from time to time......he has got nothing.

So I watched about 1 hour of the video provided. I will say it was well done. That alone does not make it true.

They say 8 shooters but it is pretty well established that there were only 3 shots. If you want to count the shot that hit the curb then there is only one more. They have audio of the 3 shots.

But you were/are claiming that the driver shot Kennedy. So what is it? 8 shooters that raise the possibility of detection 8 fold? Seriously there would need to be too many people in on it to every keep it secret this long.

Now if the conspiracy theorists wanted to say that there was one expert rifleman in the SBD and he shot Kennedy and Oswald was to take the fall that seems more believable. But even at that it does not explain why Oswald fled the scene and killed Tippets. Yeah lots of things can be speculated as to why he killed Tippets but all we really know for sure is he did.

For the theory that the video puts forth, too many people would be involved, all the way up to and including the Kennedy justice department.

I disagree....and a bolt action rifle used by the best marksman ever could not have gotten off the shots I heard and it was more than three. Not only that, the snipers synchronized their shots.
Total bullshit , it's been proven in many tests that those shot were made by a bolt action rifle gsr test s show the Oswald's rifle had been fired.
Yeah, lil paws101, da gubermint NEVER lies...yeah, I took down a notebook full of notes so I could do a proper veting of the information because ass-wipes like yourself would jump on any little thing that might be suspect in order to discredit all the other stuff. I have to be 100 percent on my game 100 percent of the time. I have no room for error while sorry dipshits like you work incessantly to find any chink in my armor and even when you get proven wromng? Well, you just go to the next piece of information in hopes that you can pick it to pieces....get it now, punkinpuss?

you mean you seriously DONT have government disinfo agent lying paid troll DAWGSHIT on your ignore list dude?
I enjoy kicking his ass from time to time......he has got nothing.

So I watched about 1 hour of the video provided. I will say it was well done. That alone does not make it true.

They say 8 shooters but it is pretty well established that there were only 3 shots. If you want to count the shot that hit the curb then there is only one more. They have audio of the 3 shots.

But you were/are claiming that the driver shot Kennedy. So what is it? 8 shooters that raise the possibility of detection 8 fold? Seriously there would need to be too many people in on it to every keep it secret this long.

Now if the conspiracy theorists wanted to say that there was one expert rifleman in the SBD and he shot Kennedy and Oswald was to take the fall that seems more believable. But even at that it does not explain why Oswald fled the scene and killed Tippets. Yeah lots of things can be speculated as to why he killed Tippets but all we really know for sure is he did.

For the theory that the video puts forth, too many people would be involved, all the way up to and including the Kennedy justice department.

I disagree....and a bolt action rifle used by the best marksman ever could not have gotten off the shots I heard and it was more than three. Not only that, the snipers synchronized their shots.
Total bullshit , it's been proven in many tests that those shot were made by a bolt action rifle gsr test s show the Oswald's rifle had been fired.
But Oswald never fired a gun that day, which is why he had to be murdered.

The killing shot clearly came from the front.
you mean you seriously DONT have government disinfo agent lying paid troll DAWGSHIT on your ignore list dude?
I enjoy kicking his ass from time to time......he has got nothing.

So I watched about 1 hour of the video provided. I will say it was well done. That alone does not make it true.

They say 8 shooters but it is pretty well established that there were only 3 shots. If you want to count the shot that hit the curb then there is only one more. They have audio of the 3 shots.

But you were/are claiming that the driver shot Kennedy. So what is it? 8 shooters that raise the possibility of detection 8 fold? Seriously there would need to be too many people in on it to every keep it secret this long.

Now if the conspiracy theorists wanted to say that there was one expert rifleman in the SBD and he shot Kennedy and Oswald was to take the fall that seems more believable. But even at that it does not explain why Oswald fled the scene and killed Tippets. Yeah lots of things can be speculated as to why he killed Tippets but all we really know for sure is he did.

For the theory that the video puts forth, too many people would be involved, all the way up to and including the Kennedy justice department.

I disagree....and a bolt action rifle used by the best marksman ever could not have gotten off the shots I heard and it was more than three. Not only that, the snipers synchronized their shots.
Total bullshit , it's been proven in many tests that those shot were made by a bolt action rifle gsr test s show the Oswald's rifle had been fired.
But Oswald never fired a gun that day, which is why he had to be murdered.

The killing shot clearly came from the front.
Bullshit got a link?
I enjoy kicking his ass from time to time......he has got nothing.

So I watched about 1 hour of the video provided. I will say it was well done. That alone does not make it true.

They say 8 shooters but it is pretty well established that there were only 3 shots. If you want to count the shot that hit the curb then there is only one more. They have audio of the 3 shots.

But you were/are claiming that the driver shot Kennedy. So what is it? 8 shooters that raise the possibility of detection 8 fold? Seriously there would need to be too many people in on it to every keep it secret this long.

Now if the conspiracy theorists wanted to say that there was one expert rifleman in the SBD and he shot Kennedy and Oswald was to take the fall that seems more believable. But even at that it does not explain why Oswald fled the scene and killed Tippets. Yeah lots of things can be speculated as to why he killed Tippets but all we really know for sure is he did.

For the theory that the video puts forth, too many people would be involved, all the way up to and including the Kennedy justice department.

I disagree....and a bolt action rifle used by the best marksman ever could not have gotten off the shots I heard and it was more than three. Not only that, the snipers synchronized their shots.
Total bullshit , it's been proven in many tests that those shot were made by a bolt action rifle gsr test s show the Oswald's rifle had been fired.
But Oswald never fired a gun that day, which is why he had to be murdered.

The killing shot clearly came from the front.
Bullshit got a link?
Damn....there are numerous sources showing he never fired a gun that day...asking for proof only proves you are uninformed.
So I watched about 1 hour of the video provided. I will say it was well done. That alone does not make it true.

They say 8 shooters but it is pretty well established that there were only 3 shots. If you want to count the shot that hit the curb then there is only one more. They have audio of the 3 shots.

But you were/are claiming that the driver shot Kennedy. So what is it? 8 shooters that raise the possibility of detection 8 fold? Seriously there would need to be too many people in on it to every keep it secret this long.

Now if the conspiracy theorists wanted to say that there was one expert rifleman in the SBD and he shot Kennedy and Oswald was to take the fall that seems more believable. But even at that it does not explain why Oswald fled the scene and killed Tippets. Yeah lots of things can be speculated as to why he killed Tippets but all we really know for sure is he did.

For the theory that the video puts forth, too many people would be involved, all the way up to and including the Kennedy justice department.

I disagree....and a bolt action rifle used by the best marksman ever could not have gotten off the shots I heard and it was more than three. Not only that, the snipers synchronized their shots.
Total bullshit , it's been proven in many tests that those shot were made by a bolt action rifle gsr test s show the Oswald's rifle had been fired.
But Oswald never fired a gun that day, which is why he had to be murdered.

The killing shot clearly came from the front.
Bullshit got a link?
Damn....there are numerous sources showing he never fired a gun that day...asking for proof only proves you are uninformed.
False !
that just means you can't or won't produce it..
Search challenged are we
It is very clear that JFK was murdered by dark nefarious forces within and without our government....and why? Because he was working diligently to terminate the CIA and the Cold War.
It is very clear that JFK was murdered by dark nefarious forces within and without our government....and why? Because he was working diligently to terminate the CIA and the Cold War.
Any credible evidence to support that claim?
Or just Crapspiracy theory raving?
It is everywhere. You just have to open your closed statist mind.
you mean you seriously DONT have government disinfo agent lying paid troll DAWGSHIT on your ignore list dude?
I enjoy kicking his ass from time to time......he has got nothing.

So I watched about 1 hour of the video provided. I will say it was well done. That alone does not make it true.

They say 8 shooters but it is pretty well established that there were only 3 shots. If you want to count the shot that hit the curb then there is only one more. They have audio of the 3 shots.

But you were/are claiming that the driver shot Kennedy. So what is it? 8 shooters that raise the possibility of detection 8 fold? Seriously there would need to be too many people in on it to every keep it secret this long.

Now if the conspiracy theorists wanted to say that there was one expert rifleman in the SBD and he shot Kennedy and Oswald was to take the fall that seems more believable. But even at that it does not explain why Oswald fled the scene and killed Tippets. Yeah lots of things can be speculated as to why he killed Tippets but all we really know for sure is he did.

For the theory that the video puts forth, too many people would be involved, all the way up to and including the Kennedy justice department.

I disagree....and a bolt action rifle used by the best marksman ever could not have gotten off the shots I heard and it was more than three. Not only that, the snipers synchronized their shots.
Total bullshit , it's been proven in many tests that those shot were made by a bolt action rifle gsr test s show the Oswald's rifle had been fired.
But Oswald never fired a gun that day, which is why he had to be murdered.

The killing shot clearly came from the front.

Oswald never fired a single shot. Witnesses have him down stairs getting a coke. The shots came from surrounding buildings and from the grassy knoll with what I believe was the kill shot fired from the storm drain by Jack Lawrence after Greer got the signal from the umbrella welding agent instructing him to stop. The Zapruder tape has been altered and they did a shitty job of it.
It is very clear that JFK was murdered by dark nefarious forces within and without our government....and why? Because he was working diligently to terminate the CIA and the Cold War.
Any credible evidence to support that claim?
Or just Crapspiracy theory raving?
It is everywhere. You just have to open your closed statist mind.
Classic non answer.
I enjoy kicking his ass from time to time......he has got nothing.

So I watched about 1 hour of the video provided. I will say it was well done. That alone does not make it true.

They say 8 shooters but it is pretty well established that there were only 3 shots. If you want to count the shot that hit the curb then there is only one more. They have audio of the 3 shots.

But you were/are claiming that the driver shot Kennedy. So what is it? 8 shooters that raise the possibility of detection 8 fold? Seriously there would need to be too many people in on it to every keep it secret this long.

Now if the conspiracy theorists wanted to say that there was one expert rifleman in the SBD and he shot Kennedy and Oswald was to take the fall that seems more believable. But even at that it does not explain why Oswald fled the scene and killed Tippets. Yeah lots of things can be speculated as to why he killed Tippets but all we really know for sure is he did.

For the theory that the video puts forth, too many people would be involved, all the way up to and including the Kennedy justice department.

I disagree....and a bolt action rifle used by the best marksman ever could not have gotten off the shots I heard and it was more than three. Not only that, the snipers synchronized their shots.
Total bullshit , it's been proven in many tests that those shot were made by a bolt action rifle gsr test s show the Oswald's rifle had been fired.
But Oswald never fired a gun that day, which is why he had to be murdered.

The killing shot clearly came from the front.

Oswald never fired a single shot. Witnesses have him down stairs getting a coke. The shots came from surrounding buildings and from the grassy knoll with what I believe was the kill shot fired from the storm drain by Jack Lawrence after Greer got the signal from the umbrella welding agent instructing him to stop. The Zapruder tape has been altered and they did a shitty job of it.
Yep...imagine you have just blown the president's head off in broad daylight with hundreds of witnesses....and you merrily stroll into the lunchroom (actually he had to run the length of the sixth floor and down several flights to be found by the cop relaxing with a coke in the lunchroom) make no effort to leisurely walk out of the TBD and stand at a bus stop, but then take a cab home....then somehow you magically kill a cop in broad daylight, then go to the theater, where you are apprehended. Then a couple days later you are murdered in the most heavily guarded building in the world, by a gunman with shady ties who magically walks right up to you and shoots you on national TV.

Only an idiot would believe the government's version of events.
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So I watched about 1 hour of the video provided. I will say it was well done. That alone does not make it true.

They say 8 shooters but it is pretty well established that there were only 3 shots. If you want to count the shot that hit the curb then there is only one more. They have audio of the 3 shots.

But you were/are claiming that the driver shot Kennedy. So what is it? 8 shooters that raise the possibility of detection 8 fold? Seriously there would need to be too many people in on it to every keep it secret this long.

Now if the conspiracy theorists wanted to say that there was one expert rifleman in the SBD and he shot Kennedy and Oswald was to take the fall that seems more believable. But even at that it does not explain why Oswald fled the scene and killed Tippets. Yeah lots of things can be speculated as to why he killed Tippets but all we really know for sure is he did.

For the theory that the video puts forth, too many people would be involved, all the way up to and including the Kennedy justice department.

I disagree....and a bolt action rifle used by the best marksman ever could not have gotten off the shots I heard and it was more than three. Not only that, the snipers synchronized their shots.
Total bullshit , it's been proven in many tests that those shot were made by a bolt action rifle gsr test s show the Oswald's rifle had been fired.
But Oswald never fired a gun that day, which is why he had to be murdered.

The killing shot clearly came from the front.

Oswald never fired a single shot. Witnesses have him down stairs getting a coke. The shots came from surrounding buildings and from the grassy knoll with what I believe was the kill shot fired from the storm drain by Jack Lawrence after Greer got the signal from the umbrella welding agent instructing him to stop. The Zapruder tape has been altered and they did a shitty job of it.
Yep...imagine you have just blown the president's head off in broad daylight with hundreds of witnesses....and you merrily stroll into the lunchroom (actually he had to run the length of the sixth floor and down several flights to be found by the cop relaxing with a coke in the lunchroom) make no effort to leisurely walk out of the TBD and stand at a bus stop, but then take a cab home....then somehow you magically kill a cop in broad daylight, then go to the theater, where you are apprehended. Then a couple days later you are murdered in the most heavily guarded building in the world, by a gunman with shaded ties who magically walks right up to you and he shoots you on national TV.

Only an idiot would believe the government's version of events.

No shit.....move along folks....nothing to see here=. People really are fucking staggers the mind.
I enjoy kicking his ass from time to time......he has got nothing.

So I watched about 1 hour of the video provided. I will say it was well done. That alone does not make it true.

They say 8 shooters but it is pretty well established that there were only 3 shots. If you want to count the shot that hit the curb then there is only one more. They have audio of the 3 shots.

But you were/are claiming that the driver shot Kennedy. So what is it? 8 shooters that raise the possibility of detection 8 fold? Seriously there would need to be too many people in on it to every keep it secret this long.

Now if the conspiracy theorists wanted to say that there was one expert rifleman in the SBD and he shot Kennedy and Oswald was to take the fall that seems more believable. But even at that it does not explain why Oswald fled the scene and killed Tippets. Yeah lots of things can be speculated as to why he killed Tippets but all we really know for sure is he did.

For the theory that the video puts forth, too many people would be involved, all the way up to and including the Kennedy justice department.

I disagree....and a bolt action rifle used by the best marksman ever could not have gotten off the shots I heard and it was more than three. Not only that, the snipers synchronized their shots.
Total bullshit , it's been proven in many tests that those shot were made by a bolt action rifle gsr test s show the Oswald's rifle had been fired.
But Oswald never fired a gun that day, which is why he had to be murdered.

The killing shot clearly came from the front.

Oswald never fired a single shot. Witnesses have him down stairs getting a coke. The shots came from surrounding buildings and from the grassy knoll with what I believe was the kill shot fired from the storm drain by Jack Lawrence after Greer got the signal from the umbrella welding agent instructing him to stop. The Zapruder tape has been altered and they did a shitty job of it.
Bahahahaha! there is absolutely no credible evidence to support that claim!
On the other hand it's powerful evidence of the gullibility of the ignorant.
I disagree....and a bolt action rifle used by the best marksman ever could not have gotten off the shots I heard and it was more than three. Not only that, the snipers synchronized their shots.
Total bullshit , it's been proven in many tests that those shot were made by a bolt action rifle gsr test s show the Oswald's rifle had been fired.
But Oswald never fired a gun that day, which is why he had to be murdered.

The killing shot clearly came from the front.

Oswald never fired a single shot. Witnesses have him down stairs getting a coke. The shots came from surrounding buildings and from the grassy knoll with what I believe was the kill shot fired from the storm drain by Jack Lawrence after Greer got the signal from the umbrella welding agent instructing him to stop. The Zapruder tape has been altered and they did a shitty job of it.
Yep...imagine you have just blown the president's head off in broad daylight with hundreds of witnesses....and you merrily stroll into the lunchroom (actually he had to run the length of the sixth floor and down several flights to be found by the cop relaxing with a coke in the lunchroom) make no effort to leisurely walk out of the TBD and stand at a bus stop, but then take a cab home....then somehow you magically kill a cop in broad daylight, then go to the theater, where you are apprehended. Then a couple days later you are murdered in the most heavily guarded building in the world, by a gunman with shaded ties who magically walks right up to you and he shoots you on national TV.

Only an idiot would believe the government's version of events.

No shit.....move along folks....nothing to see here=. People really are fucking staggers the mind.
yes there are dense folks like the poster in this thread, but a considerable percentage of Americans have never believed the government's story (really lies) about the assassination.

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