The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

New column on Poppy Bush. He likely was involved in the JFK coup d'etat.


Two Faces, Neither Good
For anyone unfamiliar with my work: I spent five years researching Poppy and his clan for my book, Family of Secrets. In the course of my digging, I was positively gobsmacked to discover that this supposedly mild-mannered, nerdy, inarticulate, awkward, indecisive fellow had actually been much more interesting and consequential.

From the moment he went to World War II as a naval aviator through successive stints as an oilman, congressman, diplomat, and party official, his official work masked the fact that he was deeply immersed in the spy world. He was involved with a succession of highly secretive covert operations affecting not just outcomes in his own country but around the world — from the Bay of Pigs to coups abroad and scandals and cataclysms at home — including Watergate and Iran Contra. (To learn more, begin here,Part 1 of a series of 10 excerpts from Family of Secrets.)

Publicly, he said he couldn’t recall where he was when John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas, but I found out. Guess where? Dallas! Guess who he was working for? The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)! Whose longtime director and master coup planner, Allen Dulles, a close friend of the Bush family, had two years earlier been forced out by JFK.

This “double life,” explains why in 1976 — at a moment when Congress was digging into the deepest secrets of the CIA and threatening to dismember that powerful and unaccountable club — the man chosen to run it was none other than the “pleasant”, preppy, purported non-spook, George H.W. Bush.
RussRant: The Poppy Cover-Up Book? - WhoWhatWhy

Never gets old watching you hand the nazi shills ass to him on a platter.:biggrin::up:

There is no nazi here and he is the one who lost that exchange.

If course you know what that is like since you consistently lose every argument.
still ANOTHER fart from the NAZI paid shill,the whining crybaby troll who crys to the mods at PF like the baby kid he is.^:9::biggrin::banana:
gotta say again since it is so much the

Never gets old watching you hand the nazi shills ass to him on a platter.:biggrin::up:
New column on Poppy Bush. He likely was involved in the JFK coup d'etat.


Two Faces, Neither Good
For anyone unfamiliar with my work: I spent five years researching Poppy and his clan for my book, Family of Secrets. In the course of my digging, I was positively gobsmacked to discover that this supposedly mild-mannered, nerdy, inarticulate, awkward, indecisive fellow had actually been much more interesting and consequential.

From the moment he went to World War II as a naval aviator through successive stints as an oilman, congressman, diplomat, and party official, his official work masked the fact that he was deeply immersed in the spy world. He was involved with a succession of highly secretive covert operations affecting not just outcomes in his own country but around the world — from the Bay of Pigs to coups abroad and scandals and cataclysms at home — including Watergate and Iran Contra. (To learn more, begin here,Part 1 of a series of 10 excerpts from Family of Secrets.)

Publicly, he said he couldn’t recall where he was when John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas, but I found out. Guess where? Dallas! Guess who he was working for? The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)! Whose longtime director and master coup planner, Allen Dulles, a close friend of the Bush family, had two years earlier been forced out by JFK.

This “double life,” explains why in 1976 — at a moment when Congress was digging into the deepest secrets of the CIA and threatening to dismember that powerful and unaccountable club — the man chosen to run it was none other than the “pleasant”, preppy, purported non-spook, George H.W. Bush.
RussRant: The Poppy Cover-Up Book? - WhoWhatWhy

Never gets old watching you hand the nazi shills ass to him on a platter.:biggrin::up:
Except that you Re the only nazi here being handed his ass on a routine basis.

Everyone knows that is the truth
still ANOTHER fart from the NAZI paid shill,the whining crybaby troll who crys to the mods at PF like the baby kid he is.^:9::biggrin::banana:
New column on Poppy Bush. He likely was involved in the JFK coup d'etat.


Two Faces, Neither Good
For anyone unfamiliar with my work: I spent five years researching Poppy and his clan for my book, Family of Secrets. In the course of my digging, I was positively gobsmacked to discover that this supposedly mild-mannered, nerdy, inarticulate, awkward, indecisive fellow had actually been much more interesting and consequential.

From the moment he went to World War II as a naval aviator through successive stints as an oilman, congressman, diplomat, and party official, his official work masked the fact that he was deeply immersed in the spy world. He was involved with a succession of highly secretive covert operations affecting not just outcomes in his own country but around the world — from the Bay of Pigs to coups abroad and scandals and cataclysms at home — including Watergate and Iran Contra. (To learn more, begin here,Part 1 of a series of 10 excerpts from Family of Secrets.)

Publicly, he said he couldn’t recall where he was when John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas, but I found out. Guess where? Dallas! Guess who he was working for? The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)! Whose longtime director and master coup planner, Allen Dulles, a close friend of the Bush family, had two years earlier been forced out by JFK.

This “double life,” explains why in 1976 — at a moment when Congress was digging into the deepest secrets of the CIA and threatening to dismember that powerful and unaccountable club — the man chosen to run it was none other than the “pleasant”, preppy, purported non-spook, George H.W. Bush.
RussRant: The Poppy Cover-Up Book? - WhoWhatWhy

Never gets old Gipper watching you take the paid nazi shill to school here everyday handing his ass to him on a platter with him only able cry and sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:biggrin::beer:
still ANOTHER fart from the NAZI paid shill,the whining crybaby troll who crys to the mods at PF like the baby kid he is.^:9::biggrin::banana:
Never gets old Gipper watching you take the paid nazi shill to school here everyday handing his ass to him on a platter with him only able cry and sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:biggrin::beer:
Never gets old Gipper watching you take the paid nazi shill to school here everyday handing his ass to him on a platter with him only able cry and sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:biggrin::beer:
There are no paid shills or Nazis.

The only liar is you and you are the only on farting.

You and the others conspiracy theorists are the only ones being schooled with facts and evidence.

Everyone has seen and knows you have been schooled, crushed and humiated with every post.
till ANOTHER fart from the NAZI paid shill,the whining crybaby troll who crys to the mods at PF like the baby kid he is.^:9::biggrin::banana:
till ANOTHER fart from the NAZI paid shill,the whining crybaby troll who crys to the mods at PF like the baby kid he is.^:9::biggrin::banana:
Never gets old Gipper watching you take the paid nazi shill to school here everyday handing his ass to him on a platter with him only able cry and sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:biggrin::beer:
Never gets old Gipper watching you take the paid nazi shill to school here everyday handing his ass to him on a platter with him only able cry and sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:biggrin::beer:
You are the only one slinging shit in defeat then projecting that behavior on others.

You also.are the only one who has complained to the mods.

Everyone has seen it and all have seen you lose every debate
till ANOTHER fart from the NAZI paid shill,the whining crybaby troll who crys to the mods at PF like the baby kid he is.^:9::biggrin::banana:
Never gets old Gipper watching you take the paid nazi shill to school here everyday handing his ass to him on a platter with him only able cry and sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:biggrin::beer:
Never gets old Gipper watching you take the paid nazi shill to school here everyday handing his ass to him on a platter with him only able cry and sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:biggrin::beer:
You are the only one slinging shit in defeat and lying.

You are also the only one complaining to the mods.

All the foul noise comes from you
till ANOTHER fart from the NAZI paid shill,the whining crybaby troll who crys to the mods at PF like the baby kid he is.^:9::biggrin::banana:

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