The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

There is no evidence proving Oswald fired a gun that day. There is no evidence proving Oswald was even on the sixth floor. There is no evidence the shitty bolt action rifle the government claimed was fired, was even fired.

well THATS old news,everybody knows that,thats the understatement of the century.You've proven that throughout this entire thread with my help of

so lets move on to my post,what are your thoughts here about this?

america is indeed much more like communist Russia now under Stalins rule now where Russia is much more of a free country that america has ever been since 1913 when the fed took over which was a major reason why JFK was killed was he was going to abolish the fed.

Russia is smart,they are off the dollar now which makes the bankers angry and why they will probably try and start WWIII with Russia.
I am not aware of JFK's plans to end the Fed. Can you provide references?
I do not doubt that the banker owned US gov will start WWIII to protect the reserve currency status. Putin is no doubt a threat to them.

It seems you have not researched this as throughly as i thought you had.:biggrin:

The bankers have been behind every presidential assassination and every major war. Lincoln and Kennedy were killed for the same reason. same as with JFK,John Wilkes Booth was their patsy and lone nutter same as oswald was.

as you can see from this link below,for five months are money was backed by silver and actually worth something.the money we have now is not backed by anything,it is as worthless as monopoly money.

for the trolls who try to deny this reality that JFK was killed by the bankers,many reseachers have the proof that he was because while in office,he had a couple hundred thousand or so notes printed out that said UNITED STATES NOTES on them instead of the notes we have now that say federal reserve notes on them. I have met researchers who were alive back then who STILL have some of those notes printed that said united states notes on them.:cool: a friend of mine has a few at his house.:thup:

after the assassination,Lyndon Johnson immediately stopped the printing of the notes two days later.

as you can see from these quotes by Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln,they knew what an evil entity the federal reserve is, what they said back then has come full circle and is happening RIGHT NOW. that is why i think they will try and start WWIII with Russia because Russia has gotten smart,they are off the dollar.:thup:

On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree,Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Rothschild Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest.

When President John Fitzgerald Kennedy signed this Order, it returned to the United States federal government, specifically the Treasury Department, the Constitutional power to create and issue currency - money – without going through the privately owned Rothschild Federal Reserve Bank.

kennedy knew that if the silver-backed United States Notes were widely circulated, they would have eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve Notes. This is a very simple matter of economics. The USN was backed by silver and the FRN was not backed by anything of intrinsic value.

"The money power preys upon the nation in time of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me, and causes me to tremble for the safety of our country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the republic is destroyed."Lincoln continued to fight against the central bank, and some now believe that it was his anticipated success in influencing Congress to limit the life of the Bank of the United States to just the war years that was the motivating factor behind his assassination.

In 1835, President Andrew Jackson declared his disdain for the international bankers:
"You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning."There followed an (unsuccessful) assassination attempt on President Jackson's life. Jackson had told his vice president, Martin Van Buren,
"The bank, Mr. Van Buren, is trying to kill me."Was this the beginning of a pattern of intrigue that would plague the White House itself over the coming decades? Was his (and Lincoln's) death related by an invisible thread to the international bankers?

JFK Killed After Shutting Down Rothschild’s Federal Reserve; List of US Presidents Murdered by the Rothschild Banking Cartel | Humans Are Free

as you can see from this video below,many presidents spoke out on how dangerous the federal reserve rothschild bank is.

The only president who spoke out against the fed and LIVED surviving an assassination attempt from the bankers was Andrew Jackson. that is why each president since JFK has lived as well because they have not tried to get rid of the fed.

Glenn Beck spoke about how the fed is dangerous as well,to no surprise after doing so,fox news fired him.

JFK did do away with the fed.

Executive order 11110 did not do away with the fed either.

As usual complete fail
No one saw Oswald with a gun on the sixth plan and shoot JFK. It is all speculation by the government to cover up its own actions.

Oswald was found on the second floor lunch room just seconds after the shots were fired. The government claims he shot the president, hid the rifle, ran the length of the sixth floor, down four flights of stairs and waltz into the lunch room cool as a cucumber and NO ONE SAW HIM until he was confronted by a cop with gun drawn. one who has researched the event HONESTLY...believes the government's bs.

This is simply not true for several reasons.

Yes no one was actually on the sixth floor with him and no one saw him shoot. That however is irrelevant. No one saw ANYBODY firing a gun from anywhere in Dealey plaza. But we know someone did because two men were shot. It is not uncommon to find cases of premeditated murder with no immediate witnesses who saw the actual murder. This is because premeditated means planned and even a person of below average intelligence may well understand that it is best not to have witnesses.

What we do have is witnesses such as Charlie Givens who worked in the TSBD and saw Oswald on the sixth floor and even spoke to him on the sixth floor shortly before the assassination. He left Oswald there. This places Oswald on the sixth floor. When witnesses see someone in a certain location and then leave the person alone it is reasonable to conclude that said person remained there at least for a while and such is the case with Oswald.

The truly compelling evidence is the physical evidence which you pretend does not exist. His rifle with his prints ( and no other prints ) was found on the sixth floor. The bag he hid the rifle in was found on the sixth floor and on the bag were found fibers which exclusively matched the blanket which he had hidden the rifle under while storing it in Ruth Paine's garage. Shell cases were found and chemically proven to have been fired from his rifle to the exclusion of any other rifle and one had his print on it. All bullets or fragments of bullet recovered from the scene were chemically proven to have been fired from his exact rifle and no other. No other bullets or expended cartridges were found.

That is only some of the evidence and it is overwhelming nor have you challenged it or offered conflicting evidence.

It was actually two minutes after the shooting that he was confronted by other employees and a police officer on the second floor not as you say a matter of seconds. This allows more than ample time to stash the weapon behind some boxes ( where it was found ) and WALK down to the second floor. This fact has been proven by endless tests. MAny people have walked from the snipers nest to the spot where he stashed the rifle, paused and walked down to the second floor in less than two minutes. Your implication that he could not have done it is PROVEN false.

Yes the Warren Commission has researched this honestly as have many others. Like all who attack the Warren COmmission you have not read their report and cannot provide a shred of evidence that they were dishonest you only repeat the assertion WITHOUT evidence.

Much like your repeated claim that the government covered up their own shooting of Kennedy is unsupported by any evidence whatsoever.

No matter how many times you repeat it you are only stating a belief WITHOUT evidence.

On the other hand the evidence that Oswald shot Kennedy is more crushing and overwhelming than most murders which are solved and result in conviction.

You are flat out denying fact and reality again
So what you are saying is your's and the government's circumstantial evidence is better than mine and many expert's circumstantial evidence.

The thing is we know the government lies and lies often. Believing them is not smart.

The evidence of a conspiracy is overwhelming. You can chose to ignore it, but again that just means you are not intelligent enough to accept the truth.

There is nothing circumstantial about the evidence I cited.

It is rock solid damning evidence.

You on the other hand have none whatsoever.

No expert you can cite has any credible evidence either. Although it is interesting that you have yet to post any in any fashion.

Yes government lies and sometimes tells the truth.

Saying government has lied proves nothing it certainly does not prove it lies ALL the time. Once again this is about evidence and not circumstantial evidence either but overwhelming solid evidence.

There is no evidence of a conspiracy you keep claiming there is but have never shown any and neither have the legions of authors and movie makers. No on is ignoring it you are simply insisting on what does not exist
No one saw Oswald with a gun on the sixth plan and shoot JFK. It is all speculation by the government to cover up its own actions.

Oswald was found on the second floor lunch room just seconds after the shots were fired. The government claims he shot the president, hid the rifle, ran the length of the sixth floor, down four flights of stairs and waltz into the lunch room cool as a cucumber and NO ONE SAW HIM until he was confronted by a cop with gun drawn. one who has researched the event HONESTLY...believes the government's bs.

This is simply not true for several reasons.

Yes no one was actually on the sixth floor with him and no one saw him shoot. That however is irrelevant. No one saw ANYBODY firing a gun from anywhere in Dealey plaza. But we know someone did because two men were shot. It is not uncommon to find cases of premeditated murder with no immediate witnesses who saw the actual murder. This is because premeditated means planned and even a person of below average intelligence may well understand that it is best not to have witnesses.

What we do have is witnesses such as Charlie Givens who worked in the TSBD and saw Oswald on the sixth floor and even spoke to him on the sixth floor shortly before the assassination. He left Oswald there. This places Oswald on the sixth floor. When witnesses see someone in a certain location and then leave the person alone it is reasonable to conclude that said person remained there at least for a while and such is the case with Oswald.

The truly compelling evidence is the physical evidence which you pretend does not exist. His rifle with his prints ( and no other prints ) was found on the sixth floor. The bag he hid the rifle in was found on the sixth floor and on the bag were found fibers which exclusively matched the blanket which he had hidden the rifle under while storing it in Ruth Paine's garage. Shell cases were found and chemically proven to have been fired from his rifle to the exclusion of any other rifle and one had his print on it. All bullets or fragments of bullet recovered from the scene were chemically proven to have been fired from his exact rifle and no other. No other bullets or expended cartridges were found.

That is only some of the evidence and it is overwhelming nor have you challenged it or offered conflicting evidence.

It was actually two minutes after the shooting that he was confronted by other employees and a police officer on the second floor not as you say a matter of seconds. This allows more than ample time to stash the weapon behind some boxes ( where it was found ) and WALK down to the second floor. This fact has been proven by endless tests. MAny people have walked from the snipers nest to the spot where he stashed the rifle, paused and walked down to the second floor in less than two minutes. Your implication that he could not have done it is PROVEN false.

Yes the Warren Commission has researched this honestly as have many others. Like all who attack the Warren COmmission you have not read their report and cannot provide a shred of evidence that they were dishonest you only repeat the assertion WITHOUT evidence.

Much like your repeated claim that the government covered up their own shooting of Kennedy is unsupported by any evidence whatsoever.

No matter how many times you repeat it you are only stating a belief WITHOUT evidence.

On the other hand the evidence that Oswald shot Kennedy is more crushing and overwhelming than most murders which are solved and result in conviction.

You are flat out denying fact and reality again
So what you are saying is your's and the government's circumstantial evidence is better than mine and many expert's circumstantial evidence.

The thing is we know the government lies and lies often. Believing them is not smart.

The evidence of a conspiracy is overwhelming. You can chose to ignore it, but again that just means you are not intelligent enough to accept the truth.

you should ask the paid shill to look at my last

and actually i think you meant his and the governments circumstantial evidence against your hard factual evidence there is no proof oswald fired the shots and there was a conspiracy.
You are simply lying
No one saw Oswald with a gun on the sixth plan and shoot JFK. It is all speculation by the government to cover up its own actions.

Oswald was found on the second floor lunch room just seconds after the shots were fired. The government claims he shot the president, hid the rifle, ran the length of the sixth floor, down four flights of stairs and waltz into the lunch room cool as a cucumber and NO ONE SAW HIM until he was confronted by a cop with gun drawn. one who has researched the event HONESTLY...believes the government's bs.

This is simply not true for several reasons.

Yes no one was actually on the sixth floor with him and no one saw him shoot. That however is irrelevant. No one saw ANYBODY firing a gun from anywhere in Dealey plaza. But we know someone did because two men were shot. It is not uncommon to find cases of premeditated murder with no immediate witnesses who saw the actual murder. This is because premeditated means planned and even a person of below average intelligence may well understand that it is best not to have witnesses.

What we do have is witnesses such as Charlie Givens who worked in the TSBD and saw Oswald on the sixth floor and even spoke to him on the sixth floor shortly before the assassination. He left Oswald there. This places Oswald on the sixth floor. When witnesses see someone in a certain location and then leave the person alone it is reasonable to conclude that said person remained there at least for a while and such is the case with Oswald.

The truly compelling evidence is the physical evidence which you pretend does not exist. His rifle with his prints ( and no other prints ) was found on the sixth floor. The bag he hid the rifle in was found on the sixth floor and on the bag were found fibers which exclusively matched the blanket which he had hidden the rifle under while storing it in Ruth Paine's garage. Shell cases were found and chemically proven to have been fired from his rifle to the exclusion of any other rifle and one had his print on it. All bullets or fragments of bullet recovered from the scene were chemically proven to have been fired from his exact rifle and no other. No other bullets or expended cartridges were found.

That is only some of the evidence and it is overwhelming nor have you challenged it or offered conflicting evidence.

It was actually two minutes after the shooting that he was confronted by other employees and a police officer on the second floor not as you say a matter of seconds. This allows more than ample time to stash the weapon behind some boxes ( where it was found ) and WALK down to the second floor. This fact has been proven by endless tests. MAny people have walked from the snipers nest to the spot where he stashed the rifle, paused and walked down to the second floor in less than two minutes. Your implication that he could not have done it is PROVEN false.

Yes the Warren Commission has researched this honestly as have many others. Like all who attack the Warren COmmission you have not read their report and cannot provide a shred of evidence that they were dishonest you only repeat the assertion WITHOUT evidence.

Much like your repeated claim that the government covered up their own shooting of Kennedy is unsupported by any evidence whatsoever.

No matter how many times you repeat it you are only stating a belief WITHOUT evidence.

On the other hand the evidence that Oswald shot Kennedy is more crushing and overwhelming than most murders which are solved and result in conviction.

You are flat out denying fact and reality again
So what you are saying is your's and the government's circumstantial evidence is better than mine and many expert's circumstantial evidence.

The thing is we know the government lies and lies often. Believing them is not smart.

The evidence of a conspiracy is overwhelming. You can chose to ignore it, but again that just means you are not intelligent enough to accept the truth.

you should ask the paid shill to look at my last

and actually i think you meant his and the governments circumstantial evidence against your hard factual evidence there is no proof oswald fired the shots and there was a conspiracy.
Of the many holes in the government's story, the belief that Oswald shoots JFK, ends up seconds later in the lunch room, sticks around for awhile, takes a bus then a cab to his apartment, then be seen waiting for bus, then kills a cop in board daylight, then goes to a movie so ludicrous it boggles the mind.

Even the dumbest assassin knows he must get as far away from the shooting as quickly as possible.

Once again you are being dishonest because you have no evidence.

It was not MERELY second later that he was confronted in the lunchroom it was MINUTES later and it has been proven endlessly that this was ample time to stash the rifl walk down the stairs to the second floor and be seen by the witnesses. There is no question here. It is not a hole which is why you insist on calling it seconds rather than the minutes it actually took place in.

Murders happen all the time and many people act in similar fashion. Take the Manson family murders for example. They hung around for a while, walked away, stopped to trespass and use some guys garden hose to wash off, then went to a diner for ice cream. Endless murders can be shown where people take their time waltzing away as though they are not concerned with getting caught.

Oswald was better off acting as he did he did not RUN from the scene he calmly left at a natural pace and this makes much more sense. Bolting and running as fast as you can ATTRACTS attention which is what he would have wished to avoid. His movements after the fact are senseless because he had no where to go.

Murder is an irrational act and therefore it is COMMON for murderers to act in an irrational act. You are insisting that someone did something irrational and then should have acted rationally.

Sorry but you have no evidence and the evidence PROVES he did precisely what you do not believe
still ANOTHER fart from the NAZI paid shill,the whining crybaby troll who crys to the mods at PF like the baby kid he is.^:9::biggrin::banana:
still ANOTHER fart from the NAZI paid shill,the whining crybaby troll who crys to the mods at PF like the baby kid he is.^:9::biggrin::banana:
still ANOTHER fart from the NAZI paid shill,the whining crybaby troll who crys to the mods at PF like the baby kid he is.^:9::biggrin::banana:
still ANOTHER fart from the NAZI paid shill,the whining crybaby troll who crys to the mods at PF like the baby kid he is.^:9::biggrin::banana:
still ANOTHER fart from the NAZI paid shill,the whining crybaby troll who crys to the mods at PF like the baby kid he is.^:9::biggrin::banana:
New column on Poppy Bush. He likely was involved in the JFK coup d'etat.


Two Faces, Neither Good
For anyone unfamiliar with my work: I spent five years researching Poppy and his clan for my book, Family of Secrets. In the course of my digging, I was positively gobsmacked to discover that this supposedly mild-mannered, nerdy, inarticulate, awkward, indecisive fellow had actually been much more interesting and consequential.

From the moment he went to World War II as a naval aviator through successive stints as an oilman, congressman, diplomat, and party official, his official work masked the fact that he was deeply immersed in the spy world. He was involved with a succession of highly secretive covert operations affecting not just outcomes in his own country but around the world — from the Bay of Pigs to coups abroad and scandals and cataclysms at home — including Watergate and Iran Contra. (To learn more, begin here,Part 1 of a series of 10 excerpts from Family of Secrets.)

Publicly, he said he couldn’t recall where he was when John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas, but I found out. Guess where? Dallas! Guess who he was working for? The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)! Whose longtime director and master coup planner, Allen Dulles, a close friend of the Bush family, had two years earlier been forced out by JFK.

This “double life,” explains why in 1976 — at a moment when Congress was digging into the deepest secrets of the CIA and threatening to dismember that powerful and unaccountable club — the man chosen to run it was none other than the “pleasant”, preppy, purported non-spook, George H.W. Bush.
RussRant: The Poppy Cover-Up Book? - WhoWhatWhy
Earl Warren to LBJ: “I’ll just do whatever you say.” Now that is a great jurist for you!!!

The years since the first assassination investigation was hastily concluded in September 1964 have not been kind to the Warren Commission. Subsequent inquiries have found the commission’s process, and the resulting report, horrendously flawed. And there are lingering questions about the very origins of the commission. First, all the members were appointed by Kennedy’s successor, Lyndon B. Johnson, who was – stark as this may sound – a chief beneficiary of the assassination, having immediately replaced the dead president to become the thirty-sixth president of the United States.

Bush and The JFK Hit, Part 3: Where was Poppy November 22, 1963? - WhoWhatWhy
New column on Poppy Bush. He likely was involved in the JFK coup d'etat.


Two Faces, Neither Good
For anyone unfamiliar with my work: I spent five years researching Poppy and his clan for my book, Family of Secrets. In the course of my digging, I was positively gobsmacked to discover that this supposedly mild-mannered, nerdy, inarticulate, awkward, indecisive fellow had actually been much more interesting and consequential.

From the moment he went to World War II as a naval aviator through successive stints as an oilman, congressman, diplomat, and party official, his official work masked the fact that he was deeply immersed in the spy world. He was involved with a succession of highly secretive covert operations affecting not just outcomes in his own country but around the world — from the Bay of Pigs to coups abroad and scandals and cataclysms at home — including Watergate and Iran Contra. (To learn more, begin here,Part 1 of a series of 10 excerpts from Family of Secrets.)

Publicly, he said he couldn’t recall where he was when John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas, but I found out. Guess where? Dallas! Guess who he was working for? The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)! Whose longtime director and master coup planner, Allen Dulles, a close friend of the Bush family, had two years earlier been forced out by JFK.

This “double life,” explains why in 1976 — at a moment when Congress was digging into the deepest secrets of the CIA and threatening to dismember that powerful and unaccountable club — the man chosen to run it was none other than the “pleasant”, preppy, purported non-spook, George H.W. Bush.
RussRant: The Poppy Cover-Up Book? - WhoWhatWhy

There is no evidence that Bush 41 was involved.

Likely means nothing and is not even true but just an opinion.

Even the book you cited has no evidence.

The old memo prepared for George Bush has long since been shown to be prepared for a different George Bush which is not an uncommon name,

You still have nothing but wild speculation
Earl Warren to LBJ: “I’ll just do whatever you say.” Now that is a great jurist for you!!!

The years since the first assassination investigation was hastily concluded in September 1964 have not been kind to the Warren Commission. Subsequent inquiries have found the commission’s process, and the resulting report, horrendously flawed. And there are lingering questions about the very origins of the commission. First, all the members were appointed by Kennedy’s successor, Lyndon B. Johnson, who was – stark as this may sound – a chief beneficiary of the assassination, having immediately replaced the dead president to become the thirty-sixth president of the United States.

Bush and The JFK Hit, Part 3: Where was Poppy November 22, 1963? - WhoWhatWhy

The accusations have not been kind ig is true but the accusations are fictional.

People fail to give any such examples of these flaws but only generalizations. This is because NO ONE has found a shred of evidence to dispute the findings of the commission. On the other hand the commission arrived at it's findings by following and examining a mountain of hardcore evidence which you have yet to even challenge.

There is nothing at all wrong or flawed with LBJ appointing the commission since he was the president.

You are repeating the same old nonsense and claims without evidence
still ANOTHER fart from the NAZI paid shill,the whining crybaby troll who crys to the mods at PF like the baby kid he is.^:9::biggrin::banana:
New column on Poppy Bush. He likely was involved in the JFK coup d'etat.


Two Faces, Neither Good
For anyone unfamiliar with my work: I spent five years researching Poppy and his clan for my book, Family of Secrets. In the course of my digging, I was positively gobsmacked to discover that this supposedly mild-mannered, nerdy, inarticulate, awkward, indecisive fellow had actually been much more interesting and consequential.

From the moment he went to World War II as a naval aviator through successive stints as an oilman, congressman, diplomat, and party official, his official work masked the fact that he was deeply immersed in the spy world. He was involved with a succession of highly secretive covert operations affecting not just outcomes in his own country but around the world — from the Bay of Pigs to coups abroad and scandals and cataclysms at home — including Watergate and Iran Contra. (To learn more, begin here,Part 1 of a series of 10 excerpts from Family of Secrets.)

Publicly, he said he couldn’t recall where he was when John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas, but I found out. Guess where? Dallas! Guess who he was working for? The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)! Whose longtime director and master coup planner, Allen Dulles, a close friend of the Bush family, had two years earlier been forced out by JFK.

This “double life,” explains why in 1976 — at a moment when Congress was digging into the deepest secrets of the CIA and threatening to dismember that powerful and unaccountable club — the man chosen to run it was none other than the “pleasant”, preppy, purported non-spook, George H.W. Bush.
RussRant: The Poppy Cover-Up Book? - WhoWhatWhy

Never gets old watching you hand the nazi shills ass to him on a platter.:biggrin::up:

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