The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

There is no evidence of multiple shooters.

The entrance wounds were all proven to be in the back and angled to as to indicate entry from above and behind. The exit wounds however were all in the front of kennedy and in line with the entrance wounds. The quote you refer to is from a doctor at PArkland who had no close detailed observation of ANY of the wounds. These are the sort of witnesses that conspiracy theories rely on. An analogy is the immediate impression of a first responder versus the findings of an autopsy. The doctors at Parkland like all emergency room doctors were not the least bit concerned with exploring the details of the bullet wounds and determining where they came from etc,. Their only purpose was to save the life of the patient who was badly injured and dying. This is why the autopsy evidence is the true evidence determining facts.

The doctors at Bethesda were in fact trained and highly experienced experts in performing autopsies on victims of violent death. Your article tries to repeat the long since proven lie that they had no such training or experience.

The location of Bethesda was chosen by Jackie kennedy while on Air Force one to en route to DC making it virtually impossible to set up or control the outcome of the autopsy by some vague conspiracy.

the result so the autopsy prove the bullet wounds entered from above and behind consistent with Oswald's sniper nest. No physical evidence exists anywhere of a second shooter.

Further support for these facts are ignored by all conspiracy theorists namely the wounds do Governor Connally which were all clearly identified by doctors and investigators as having entered from above and behind. Even the entrance wound in his back is important as it was an elongated incision approximately one inch in length. At first glance it may have seemed to be a knife wound but was in fact a bullet entrance wound mis-shappen because the bullet entered his back sideways. This is perfectly consistent with the type of ammo OSwald used which was documented to fire bullets which were tumblrs meaning they begin spinning end over and after striking something, in this case Kennedy.

There was no where else for the bullet wound in Connally's back to come from and in order to hit Kennedy first before hitting Connally it had to come from above and behind.

No entrance wounds were found in the front of either man and no exit wounds in their back. There was also significant damage to the limo which came, again, from above and behind and no where else possible.

The article you mention is nothing more than an opinion piece repeating the same tired long since debunked lies such as magic bullets which is a myth invented strictly by conspiracy theorists.
There is enough evidence to suggest there were multiple shooters

well that is the understatement of the century.Dude as I advise Gipper all the time and skye just recently as well about this evil NAZI disinfo agent,-:trolls:

He so OBVIOUSLY on the governments payroll sent here to troll

trust me you are better off trying to reason with a brick wall than you are with this shill.This is coming from someone who has a long history with this paid shill going back years with him.He trolls on several political message boards everywhere on JFK.

His boss pays him very well and obviously has an obsession over this the fact he sends him to so many message boards to troll all the time and has for several years running.

Some say that is HW minutes after JFK was shot. Maybe...maybe not...on the far left in the oval.


Add in Bush's phony phone call to the FBI implicating an innocent man for wanting to kill JFK a few hours after the murder, possibly an effort to conceal his whereabouts that day. Add in Hoover's reference to "George Bush" after the murder. And Dulles' good buddy was Prescott Bush, HW's poppa...all HATED JFK.

Bush said he was somewhere in Texas that day, but couldn't remember where....too funny. He has refused to say where he was many times...until Barbara Bush finally gave a convoluted explanation 30 years after the coup d'etat.

Yeah we dont know for sure or not that thats Bush there or not but that guy in that photo does indeed bear a striking resemblence to him for sure though when you look at the photos of what Bush looked like back then during that time and compare the two.

the fact that Bush lied that he was never employed in the CIA back then and never worked for them before until becoming CIA director under Ford-"notice that was his first promotion by his buddy Ford was CIA director before becoming president?" You have to believe that could very well be Bush.Too bad there has never been an honest investigation into the assassination huh? the fact there never has been,we'll never know.

I know you have seen this video below.The evidence in this video and the facts revealed in it prove beyond a doubt to any thinking person not in denial there was a conspiracy,that Bush was involved in this up to his ears.

Yes lots of to speak. That video is a good one and effectively blows up the gov's position.

Remember that Ford was a member to the Warren. Commission... And very willing to do as Dulles instructed. To his dying day, the disgusting big gov statist demanded Americans believe the lies.

You have yet to offer any evidence whatsoever of such lies or even specify a lie

I never said lie my posts.

fortunately for the shill,pinochio is not true otherwise he would be right up there with tom brady as someone who would have a nose that would stretch miles long.:biggrin: Dick "im not a crook" Nixon and Bill "i never had sex with that woman." clinton along with tom brady are heros of his the fact they all have the same common theme he has,no conscience or morals.just money.:lmao:

You are the proven shill
There is enough evidence to suggest there were multiple shooters
tHere is none actually.

All of the physical evidence shows Oswald was the only shooter and this is supported by the vast majority of witnesses.

It is also supported by the actions of Oswald after the fact.

He was the only TSBD employee to leave the scene and not return.

He was the only person who shot a police officer in an attempt to avoid being apprehended.

The truth is people want there to be another shooter but there is no evidence of one.
You are conveniently omitting other equally import factors as I have provided.
No I am not I addressed them directly and showed clearly why they are not evidence of a second shooter,

It is you ignoring that fact
Look there are enough bullshit artists on the internet when you decide you wish to have a serious discussion I will be available,.
and you will be waiting DECADES for that moment to come to frutation when he finds out in the end the money his boss pays him,wont buy him true happiness like he ignorantly believes it will.:lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha:

Usually such comments come from the unemployed.

Of course you have admitted in the past living in moms basement so that is an accurate description
No there was only one shooter which was Oswald.

no evidence of any kind proves otherwise

Read article too long to post here:

The conclusion: "If we stop the physical evidence here. we must consider that there was more than one shooter. A wound of entry in the head, near the temple, as announced to the press that day, and a wound of entry in the throat. Neither of those could have been caused by a shooter in the Texas School Book Depository. More than one shooter defines that a conspiracy took place."

Multiple Shots from Many Directions Killed JFK - US News

There is no evidence of multiple shooters.

The entrance wounds were all proven to be in the back and angled to as to indicate entry from above and behind. The exit wounds however were all in the front of kennedy and in line with the entrance wounds. The quote you refer to is from a doctor at PArkland who had no close detailed observation of ANY of the wounds. These are the sort of witnesses that conspiracy theories rely on. An analogy is the immediate impression of a first responder versus the findings of an autopsy. The doctors at Parkland like all emergency room doctors were not the least bit concerned with exploring the details of the bullet wounds and determining where they came from etc,. Their only purpose was to save the life of the patient who was badly injured and dying. This is why the autopsy evidence is the true evidence determining facts.

The doctors at Bethesda were in fact trained and highly experienced experts in performing autopsies on victims of violent death. Your article tries to repeat the long since proven lie that they had no such training or experience.

The location of Bethesda was chosen by Jackie kennedy while on Air Force one to en route to DC making it virtually impossible to set up or control the outcome of the autopsy by some vague conspiracy.

the result so the autopsy prove the bullet wounds entered from above and behind consistent with Oswald's sniper nest. No physical evidence exists anywhere of a second shooter.

Further support for these facts are ignored by all conspiracy theorists namely the wounds do Governor Connally which were all clearly identified by doctors and investigators as having entered from above and behind. Even the entrance wound in his back is important as it was an elongated incision approximately one inch in length. At first glance it may have seemed to be a knife wound but was in fact a bullet entrance wound mis-shappen because the bullet entered his back sideways. This is perfectly consistent with the type of ammo OSwald used which was documented to fire bullets which were tumblrs meaning they begin spinning end over and after striking something, in this case Kennedy.

There was no where else for the bullet wound in Connally's back to come from and in order to hit Kennedy first before hitting Connally it had to come from above and behind.

No entrance wounds were found in the front of either man and no exit wounds in their back. There was also significant damage to the limo which came, again, from above and behind and no where else possible.

The article you mention is nothing more than an opinion piece repeating the same tired long since debunked lies such as magic bullets which is a myth invented strictly by conspiracy theorists.
There is enough evidence to suggest there were multiple shooters
tHere is none actually.

All of the physical evidence shows Oswald was the only shooter and this is supported by the vast majority of witnesses.

It is also supported by the actions of Oswald after the fact.

He was the only TSBD employee to leave the scene and not return.

He was the only person who shot a police officer in an attempt to avoid being apprehended.

The truth is people want there to be another shooter but there is no evidence of one.
You are conveniently omitting other equally import factors as I have provided.

he is only doing what his boss has instructed him to shit all over the floor each time he opens up his mouth same as old fart style does everyday.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl:

I figured you would enjoy that last sentence there.:cool::D
Read article too long to post here:

The conclusion: "If we stop the physical evidence here. we must consider that there was more than one shooter. A wound of entry in the head, near the temple, as announced to the press that day, and a wound of entry in the throat. Neither of those could have been caused by a shooter in the Texas School Book Depository. More than one shooter defines that a conspiracy took place."

Multiple Shots from Many Directions Killed JFK - US News

There is no evidence of multiple shooters.

The entrance wounds were all proven to be in the back and angled to as to indicate entry from above and behind. The exit wounds however were all in the front of kennedy and in line with the entrance wounds. The quote you refer to is from a doctor at PArkland who had no close detailed observation of ANY of the wounds. These are the sort of witnesses that conspiracy theories rely on. An analogy is the immediate impression of a first responder versus the findings of an autopsy. The doctors at Parkland like all emergency room doctors were not the least bit concerned with exploring the details of the bullet wounds and determining where they came from etc,. Their only purpose was to save the life of the patient who was badly injured and dying. This is why the autopsy evidence is the true evidence determining facts.

The doctors at Bethesda were in fact trained and highly experienced experts in performing autopsies on victims of violent death. Your article tries to repeat the long since proven lie that they had no such training or experience.

The location of Bethesda was chosen by Jackie kennedy while on Air Force one to en route to DC making it virtually impossible to set up or control the outcome of the autopsy by some vague conspiracy.

the result so the autopsy prove the bullet wounds entered from above and behind consistent with Oswald's sniper nest. No physical evidence exists anywhere of a second shooter.

Further support for these facts are ignored by all conspiracy theorists namely the wounds do Governor Connally which were all clearly identified by doctors and investigators as having entered from above and behind. Even the entrance wound in his back is important as it was an elongated incision approximately one inch in length. At first glance it may have seemed to be a knife wound but was in fact a bullet entrance wound mis-shappen because the bullet entered his back sideways. This is perfectly consistent with the type of ammo OSwald used which was documented to fire bullets which were tumblrs meaning they begin spinning end over and after striking something, in this case Kennedy.

There was no where else for the bullet wound in Connally's back to come from and in order to hit Kennedy first before hitting Connally it had to come from above and behind.

No entrance wounds were found in the front of either man and no exit wounds in their back. There was also significant damage to the limo which came, again, from above and behind and no where else possible.

The article you mention is nothing more than an opinion piece repeating the same tired long since debunked lies such as magic bullets which is a myth invented strictly by conspiracy theorists.
There is enough evidence to suggest there were multiple shooters
tHere is none actually.

All of the physical evidence shows Oswald was the only shooter and this is supported by the vast majority of witnesses.

It is also supported by the actions of Oswald after the fact.

He was the only TSBD employee to leave the scene and not return.

He was the only person who shot a police officer in an attempt to avoid being apprehended.

The truth is people want there to be another shooter but there is no evidence of one.
You are conveniently omitting other equally import factors as I have provided.

he is only doing what his boss has instructed him to shit all over the floor each time he opens up his mouth same as old fart style does everyday.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl:

I figured you would enjoy that last sentence there.:cool::D

Thats how you always respond when faced with facts proving that it is merely projection from the weak minded which is you
still ANOTHER fart from the NAZI paid shill,the whining crybaby troll who crys to the mods at PF like the baby kid he is.:9::biggrin::banana:
There is enough evidence to suggest there were multiple shooters
tHere is none actually.

All of the physical evidence shows Oswald was the only shooter and this is supported by the vast majority of witnesses.

It is also supported by the actions of Oswald after the fact.

He was the only TSBD employee to leave the scene and not return.

He was the only person who shot a police officer in an attempt to avoid being apprehended.

The truth is people want there to be another shooter but there is no evidence of one.
You are conveniently omitting other equally import factors as I have provided.
No I am not I addressed them directly and showed clearly why they are not evidence of a second shooter,

It is you ignoring that fact
Look there are enough bullshit artists on the internet when you decide you wish to have a serious discussion I will be available,.

Yes they are here on this thread screaming about bush etc.

What I posted was serious and factual you just do not like it.

You have yet to offer evidence of a second shooter you made an attempt using old debunked irrelevant facts but that is all.
My Bush vid was more fun than not and was directed at the audience I was having fun with.
still ANOTHER fart from the NAZI paid shill,the whining crybaby troll who crys to the mods at PF like the baby kid he is.:9::biggrin::banana:
They all come from you the list and juvenile cry baby.

I have never posted a complaint to the mods but you have reported many people when embarrassed
tHere is none actually.

All of the physical evidence shows Oswald was the only shooter and this is supported by the vast majority of witnesses.

It is also supported by the actions of Oswald after the fact.

He was the only TSBD employee to leave the scene and not return.

He was the only person who shot a police officer in an attempt to avoid being apprehended.

The truth is people want there to be another shooter but there is no evidence of one.
You are conveniently omitting other equally import factors as I have provided.
No I am not I addressed them directly and showed clearly why they are not evidence of a second shooter,

It is you ignoring that fact
Look there are enough bullshit artists on the internet when you decide you wish to have a serious discussion I will be available,.

Yes they are here on this thread screaming about bush etc.

What I posted was serious and factual you just do not like it.

You have yet to offer evidence of a second shooter you made an attempt using old debunked irrelevant facts but that is all.
My Bush vid was more fun than not and was directed at the audience I was having fun with.
So you agree there is no evidence of any one but Oswald shooting Kennedy
still ANOTHER fart from the NAZI paid shill,the whining crybaby troll who crys to the mods at PF like the baby kid he is.:9::biggrin::banana:
worth repeating because it is SO

still ANOTHER fart from the NAZI paid shill,the whining crybaby troll who crys to the mods at PF like the baby kid he is.:9::biggrin::banana:
More on the murderous - Allen Dulles....interesting article. Ever heard of the Safari Club?

Dulles stated his worldview publicly and explicitly in 1938 during his only run for political office: “Democracy only works if the so-called intelligent people make it work. You can’t sit back and let democracy run itself.” ---no doubt most of our recent Presidents would agree with him...Gipper

In a sense, however, all of The Devil’s Chessboard seems to exist to set the stage for the final chapters about the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. In the first 500 pages you are convinced that Dulles would have had no moral qualms about killing any politician, including Americans. You learn Dulles had a lifetime of experience in arranging assassinations, and apparent ties to attempts to overthrow or murder French president Charles de Gaulle. And you discover the depth of his grudge against John F. Kennedy, who dismissed him and several of his key underlings after the Bay of Pigs.

But were JFK and possibly Robert Kennedy killed by conspiracies involving Dulles? That’s the conjecture of The Devil’s Chessboard. There’s no question Talbot has pulled together a lot of suggestive old information, and uncovered some that’s new. Furthermore, he certainly proves there was a great deal of reluctance on the part of journalists and politicians at the time to pull on even the most obvious threads. But 50 years later, I don’t think there’s any way to say much for sure on this subject, except that it’s pretty interesting.

The surveillance state is alive and well...amazingly many Americans are clueless. America may be more like the USSR than Russia is.

Moreover, it’s still right there in front of us today. Talbot recently argued, “The surveillance state that Snowden and others have exposed is very much a legacy of the Dulles past. I think Dulles would have been delighted by how technology and other developments have allowed the American security state to go much further than he went.”

Or as a staff member of the 1970s congressional investigation of Kennedy’s murder said in an interview with Talbot: “One CIA official told me, ‘So you’re from Congress — what the hell is that to us? You’ll be packed up and gone in a couple of years, and we’ll still be here.’” According to The Devil’s Chessboard, the Safari never ends.
A New Biography Traces the Pathology of Allen Dulles and His Appalling Cabal
More on the murderous - Allen Dulles....interesting article. Ever heard of the Safari Club?

Dulles stated his worldview publicly and explicitly in 1938 during his only run for political office: “Democracy only works if the so-called intelligent people make it work. You can’t sit back and let democracy run itself.” ---no doubt most of our recent Presidents would agree with him...Gipper

In a sense, however, all of The Devil’s Chessboard seems to exist to set the stage for the final chapters about the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. In the first 500 pages you are convinced that Dulles would have had no moral qualms about killing any politician, including Americans. You learn Dulles had a lifetime of experience in arranging assassinations, and apparent ties to attempts to overthrow or murder French president Charles de Gaulle. And you discover the depth of his grudge against John F. Kennedy, who dismissed him and several of his key underlings after the Bay of Pigs.

But were JFK and possibly Robert Kennedy killed by conspiracies involving Dulles? That’s the conjecture of The Devil’s Chessboard. There’s no question Talbot has pulled together a lot of suggestive old information, and uncovered some that’s new. Furthermore, he certainly proves there was a great deal of reluctance on the part of journalists and politicians at the time to pull on even the most obvious threads. But 50 years later, I don’t think there’s any way to say much for sure on this subject, except that it’s pretty interesting.

The surveillance state is alive and well...amazingly many Americans are clueless. America may be more like the USSR than Russia is.

Moreover, it’s still right there in front of us today. Talbot recently argued, “The surveillance state that Snowden and others have exposed is very much a legacy of the Dulles past. I think Dulles would have been delighted by how technology and other developments have allowed the American security state to go much further than he went.”

Or as a staff member of the 1970s congressional investigation of Kennedy’s murder said in an interview with Talbot: “One CIA official told me, ‘So you’re from Congress — what the hell is that to us? You’ll be packed up and gone in a couple of years, and we’ll still be here.’” According to The Devil’s Chessboard, the Safari never ends.
A New Biography Traces the Pathology of Allen Dulles and His Appalling Cabal

All of which is partisan spin and conjecture with no evidence linking him to a crime
Many think Dulles masterminded the killing. He certainly did the coverup.
worth repeating because it is SO

still ANOTHER fart from the NAZI paid shill,the whining crybaby troll who crys to the mods at PF like the baby kid he is.:9::biggrin:
More on the murderous - Allen Dulles....interesting article. Ever heard of the Safari Club?

Dulles stated his worldview publicly and explicitly in 1938 during his only run for political office: “Democracy only works if the so-called intelligent people make it work. You can’t sit back and let democracy run itself.” ---no doubt most of our recent Presidents would agree with him...Gipper

In a sense, however, all of The Devil’s Chessboard seems to exist to set the stage for the final chapters about the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. In the first 500 pages you are convinced that Dulles would have had no moral qualms about killing any politician, including Americans. You learn Dulles had a lifetime of experience in arranging assassinations, and apparent ties to attempts to overthrow or murder French president Charles de Gaulle. And you discover the depth of his grudge against John F. Kennedy, who dismissed him and several of his key underlings after the Bay of Pigs.

But were JFK and possibly Robert Kennedy killed by conspiracies involving Dulles? That’s the conjecture of The Devil’s Chessboard. There’s no question Talbot has pulled together a lot of suggestive old information, and uncovered some that’s new. Furthermore, he certainly proves there was a great deal of reluctance on the part of journalists and politicians at the time to pull on even the most obvious threads. But 50 years later, I don’t think there’s any way to say much for sure on this subject, except that it’s pretty interesting.

The surveillance state is alive and well...amazingly many Americans are clueless. America may be more like the USSR than Russia is.

Moreover, it’s still right there in front of us today. Talbot recently argued, “The surveillance state that Snowden and others have exposed is very much a legacy of the Dulles past. I think Dulles would have been delighted by how technology and other developments have allowed the American security state to go much further than he went.”

Or as a staff member of the 1970s congressional investigation of Kennedy’s murder said in an interview with Talbot: “One CIA official told me, ‘So you’re from Congress — what the hell is that to us? You’ll be packed up and gone in a couple of years, and we’ll still be here.’” According to The Devil’s Chessboard, the Safari never ends.
A New Biography Traces the Pathology of Allen Dulles and His Appalling Cabal
america is indeed much more like communist Russia now under Stalins rule now where Russia is much more of a free country that america has ever been since 1913 when the fed took over which was a major reason why JFK was killed was he was going to abolish the fed.

Russia is smart,they are off the dollar now which makes the bankers angry and why they will probably try and start WWIII with Russia.

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