The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

so skye,alex,have you guys seen this video by chance?

you have got to take two hours out of your time in the next couple days or so to watch this video if you havent.

You will see the proof in the pudding from the photos taken that day what i was talking about earlier that the protection for the president was VERY GOOD in the several blocks BEFORE he entered dealy plaza where there were THOUSANDS lined up to see the parade,but when he gets into the kill zone into dealy plaza,the crowds thin out to just a 100 or so and he has no protection which obviously disproves the theory of the warren commissions of course that he requested them not to guard him because he allegedly wanted to be seen that day by the crowds.
WHY would he want to be seen by just a mere 100 bystanders or so instead of THOUSANDS?:uhoh3::rolleyes::rolleyes-41::rofl::lmao::haha:
Some say that is HW minutes after JFK was shot. Maybe...maybe not...on the far left in the oval.


Add in Bush's phony phone call to the FBI implicating an innocent man for wanting to kill JFK a few hours after the murder, possibly an effort to conceal his whereabouts that day. Add in Hoover's reference to "George Bush" after the murder. And Dulles' good buddy was Prescott Bush, HW's poppa...all HATED JFK.

Bush said he was somewhere in Texas that day, but couldn't remember where....too funny. He has refused to say where he was many times...until Barbara Bush finally gave a convoluted explanation 30 years after the coup d'etat.

Yeah we dont know for sure or not that thats Bush there or not but that guy in that photo does indeed bear a striking resemblence to him for sure though when you look at the photos of what Bush looked like back then during that time and compare the two.

the fact that Bush lied that he was never employed in the CIA back then and never worked for them before until becoming CIA director under Ford-"notice that was his first promotion by his buddy Ford was CIA director before becoming president?" You have to believe that could very well be Bush.Too bad there has never been an honest investigation into the assassination huh? the fact there never has been,we'll never know.

I know you have seen this video below.The evidence in this video and the facts revealed in it prove beyond a doubt to any thinking person not in denial there was a conspiracy,that Bush was involved in this up to his ears.

Yes lots of to speak. That video is a good one and effectively blows up the gov's position.

Remember that Ford was a member to the Warren. Commission... And very willing to do as Dulles instructed. To his dying day, the disgusting big gov statist demanded Americans believe the lies.
Some say that is HW minutes after JFK was shot. Maybe...maybe not...on the far left in the oval.


Add in Bush's phony phone call to the FBI implicating an innocent man for wanting to kill JFK a few hours after the murder, possibly an effort to conceal his whereabouts that day. Add in Hoover's reference to "George Bush" after the murder. And Dulles' good buddy was Prescott Bush, HW's poppa...all HATED JFK.

Bush said he was somewhere in Texas that day, but couldn't remember where....too funny. He has refused to say where he was many times...until Barbara Bush finally gave a convoluted explanation 30 years after the coup d'etat.

Yeah we dont know for sure or not that thats Bush there or not but that guy in that photo does indeed bear a striking resemblence to him for sure though when you look at the photos of what Bush looked like back then during that time and compare the two.

the fact that Bush lied that he was never employed in the CIA back then and never worked for them before until becoming CIA director under Ford-"notice that was his first promotion by his buddy Ford was CIA director before becoming president?" You have to believe that could very well be Bush.Too bad there has never been an honest investigation into the assassination huh? the fact there never has been,we'll never know.

I know you have seen this video below.The evidence in this video and the facts revealed in it prove beyond a doubt to any thinking person not in denial there was a conspiracy,that Bush was involved in this up to his ears.

Yes lots of to speak. That video is a good one and effectively blows up the gov's position.

Remember that Ford was a member to the Warren. Commission... And very willing to do as Dulles instructed. To his dying day, the disgusting big gov statist demanded Americans believe the lies.

blows it up indeed.:thup:

Yeah like so many other politicians,Ford got very well rewarded for his participation in the coverup being POTUS for his future reward.same as Bush. that other bastard arlen specter was handsomely rewarded as well being senator later on.

Hope that all that power grab they all so badly wanted was worth the pain and suffering they are experiencing now burning in hell now as we speak.:D
Its is a well known fact that Kennedy himself ordered the security arrangements.

He often did this as he preferred to be unencumbered by tight security and felt the people deserved a direct view of him un obstructed by the close presence of guards.

There was only one assassin
If he wore a fedora he may have been saved.

BTW there were more than one gunman

No there was only one shooter which was Oswald.

no evidence of any kind proves otherwise

Read article too long to post here:

The conclusion: "If we stop the physical evidence here. we must consider that there was more than one shooter. A wound of entry in the head, near the temple, as announced to the press that day, and a wound of entry in the throat. Neither of those could have been caused by a shooter in the Texas School Book Depository. More than one shooter defines that a conspiracy took place."

Multiple Shots from Many Directions Killed JFK - US News

There is no evidence of multiple shooters.

The entrance wounds were all proven to be in the back and angled to as to indicate entry from above and behind. The exit wounds however were all in the front of kennedy and in line with the entrance wounds. The quote you refer to is from a doctor at PArkland who had no close detailed observation of ANY of the wounds. These are the sort of witnesses that conspiracy theories rely on. An analogy is the immediate impression of a first responder versus the findings of an autopsy. The doctors at Parkland like all emergency room doctors were not the least bit concerned with exploring the details of the bullet wounds and determining where they came from etc,. Their only purpose was to save the life of the patient who was badly injured and dying. This is why the autopsy evidence is the true evidence determining facts.

The doctors at Bethesda were in fact trained and highly experienced experts in performing autopsies on victims of violent death. Your article tries to repeat the long since proven lie that they had no such training or experience.

The location of Bethesda was chosen by Jackie kennedy while on Air Force one to en route to DC making it virtually impossible to set up or control the outcome of the autopsy by some vague conspiracy.

the result so the autopsy prove the bullet wounds entered from above and behind consistent with Oswald's sniper nest. No physical evidence exists anywhere of a second shooter.

Further support for these facts are ignored by all conspiracy theorists namely the wounds do Governor Connally which were all clearly identified by doctors and investigators as having entered from above and behind. Even the entrance wound in his back is important as it was an elongated incision approximately one inch in length. At first glance it may have seemed to be a knife wound but was in fact a bullet entrance wound mis-shappen because the bullet entered his back sideways. This is perfectly consistent with the type of ammo OSwald used which was documented to fire bullets which were tumblrs meaning they begin spinning end over and after striking something, in this case Kennedy.

There was no where else for the bullet wound in Connally's back to come from and in order to hit Kennedy first before hitting Connally it had to come from above and behind.

No entrance wounds were found in the front of either man and no exit wounds in their back. There was also significant damage to the limo which came, again, from above and behind and no where else possible.

The article you mention is nothing more than an opinion piece repeating the same tired long since debunked lies such as magic bullets which is a myth invented strictly by conspiracy theorists.
There is enough evidence to suggest there were multiple shooters
tHere is none actually.

All of the physical evidence shows Oswald was the only shooter and this is supported by the vast majority of witnesses.

It is also supported by the actions of Oswald after the fact.

He was the only TSBD employee to leave the scene and not return.

He was the only person who shot a police officer in an attempt to avoid being apprehended.

The truth is people want there to be another shooter but there is no evidence of one.
If he wore a fedora he may have been saved.

BTW there were more than one gunman

No there was only one shooter which was Oswald.

no evidence of any kind proves otherwise

Read article too long to post here:

The conclusion: "If we stop the physical evidence here. we must consider that there was more than one shooter. A wound of entry in the head, near the temple, as announced to the press that day, and a wound of entry in the throat. Neither of those could have been caused by a shooter in the Texas School Book Depository. More than one shooter defines that a conspiracy took place."

Multiple Shots from Many Directions Killed JFK - US News

There is no evidence of multiple shooters.

The entrance wounds were all proven to be in the back and angled to as to indicate entry from above and behind. The exit wounds however were all in the front of kennedy and in line with the entrance wounds. The quote you refer to is from a doctor at PArkland who had no close detailed observation of ANY of the wounds. These are the sort of witnesses that conspiracy theories rely on. An analogy is the immediate impression of a first responder versus the findings of an autopsy. The doctors at Parkland like all emergency room doctors were not the least bit concerned with exploring the details of the bullet wounds and determining where they came from etc,. Their only purpose was to save the life of the patient who was badly injured and dying. This is why the autopsy evidence is the true evidence determining facts.

The doctors at Bethesda were in fact trained and highly experienced experts in performing autopsies on victims of violent death. Your article tries to repeat the long since proven lie that they had no such training or experience.

The location of Bethesda was chosen by Jackie kennedy while on Air Force one to en route to DC making it virtually impossible to set up or control the outcome of the autopsy by some vague conspiracy.

the result so the autopsy prove the bullet wounds entered from above and behind consistent with Oswald's sniper nest. No physical evidence exists anywhere of a second shooter.

Further support for these facts are ignored by all conspiracy theorists namely the wounds do Governor Connally which were all clearly identified by doctors and investigators as having entered from above and behind. Even the entrance wound in his back is important as it was an elongated incision approximately one inch in length. At first glance it may have seemed to be a knife wound but was in fact a bullet entrance wound mis-shappen because the bullet entered his back sideways. This is perfectly consistent with the type of ammo OSwald used which was documented to fire bullets which were tumblrs meaning they begin spinning end over and after striking something, in this case Kennedy.

There was no where else for the bullet wound in Connally's back to come from and in order to hit Kennedy first before hitting Connally it had to come from above and behind.

No entrance wounds were found in the front of either man and no exit wounds in their back. There was also significant damage to the limo which came, again, from above and behind and no where else possible.

The article you mention is nothing more than an opinion piece repeating the same tired long since debunked lies such as magic bullets which is a myth invented strictly by conspiracy theorists.
There is enough evidence to suggest there were multiple shooters
tHere is none actually.

All of the physical evidence shows Oswald was the only shooter and this is supported by the vast majority of witnesses.

It is also supported by the actions of Oswald after the fact.

He was the only TSBD employee to leave the scene and not return.

He was the only person who shot a police officer in an attempt to avoid being apprehended.

The truth is people want there to be another shooter but there is no evidence of one.
You are conveniently omitting other equally import factors as I have provided.
Allen Dulles was even more evil than knowledgeable people realize. He and his brother ran Wall Street's largest firm prior to their political careers...some things never change. They accumulated enormous power resulting in the murders of leaders around the world leading to terrible death and destruction..

Dulles ignored his firing and continued to operate the CIA after JFK dismissed him. He connives against JFK. Then misleads the Warren Commission and withholds evidence.

The Warren Report should be renamed the Dulles Report.

Get this book...

Calling Dulles evil is ridiculous and unsupported by evidence.

He did not run the CIA after resigning from the post as director. Such government agencies do not function that way. and the claim is absurd foolishness. Even within the CIA people are going to transfer their loyalty to who ever is in the top office and would not risk their careers pensions and freedom by illegally following someone who is not in charge.

The Warren Commission was run by Earl Warren who Dulles answered to. Trying to claim otherwise is fiction.

Your claim and assertion boils down to unproven and unsupported allegations of murder and the fact that he ran a profitable business which is not evil or a crime.

As usual you confuse opinions and vague euphemisms with evidence
No there was only one shooter which was Oswald.

no evidence of any kind proves otherwise

Read article too long to post here:

The conclusion: "If we stop the physical evidence here. we must consider that there was more than one shooter. A wound of entry in the head, near the temple, as announced to the press that day, and a wound of entry in the throat. Neither of those could have been caused by a shooter in the Texas School Book Depository. More than one shooter defines that a conspiracy took place."

Multiple Shots from Many Directions Killed JFK - US News

There is no evidence of multiple shooters.

The entrance wounds were all proven to be in the back and angled to as to indicate entry from above and behind. The exit wounds however were all in the front of kennedy and in line with the entrance wounds. The quote you refer to is from a doctor at PArkland who had no close detailed observation of ANY of the wounds. These are the sort of witnesses that conspiracy theories rely on. An analogy is the immediate impression of a first responder versus the findings of an autopsy. The doctors at Parkland like all emergency room doctors were not the least bit concerned with exploring the details of the bullet wounds and determining where they came from etc,. Their only purpose was to save the life of the patient who was badly injured and dying. This is why the autopsy evidence is the true evidence determining facts.

The doctors at Bethesda were in fact trained and highly experienced experts in performing autopsies on victims of violent death. Your article tries to repeat the long since proven lie that they had no such training or experience.

The location of Bethesda was chosen by Jackie kennedy while on Air Force one to en route to DC making it virtually impossible to set up or control the outcome of the autopsy by some vague conspiracy.

the result so the autopsy prove the bullet wounds entered from above and behind consistent with Oswald's sniper nest. No physical evidence exists anywhere of a second shooter.

Further support for these facts are ignored by all conspiracy theorists namely the wounds do Governor Connally which were all clearly identified by doctors and investigators as having entered from above and behind. Even the entrance wound in his back is important as it was an elongated incision approximately one inch in length. At first glance it may have seemed to be a knife wound but was in fact a bullet entrance wound mis-shappen because the bullet entered his back sideways. This is perfectly consistent with the type of ammo OSwald used which was documented to fire bullets which were tumblrs meaning they begin spinning end over and after striking something, in this case Kennedy.

There was no where else for the bullet wound in Connally's back to come from and in order to hit Kennedy first before hitting Connally it had to come from above and behind.

No entrance wounds were found in the front of either man and no exit wounds in their back. There was also significant damage to the limo which came, again, from above and behind and no where else possible.

The article you mention is nothing more than an opinion piece repeating the same tired long since debunked lies such as magic bullets which is a myth invented strictly by conspiracy theorists.
There is enough evidence to suggest there were multiple shooters
tHere is none actually.

All of the physical evidence shows Oswald was the only shooter and this is supported by the vast majority of witnesses.

It is also supported by the actions of Oswald after the fact.

He was the only TSBD employee to leave the scene and not return.

He was the only person who shot a police officer in an attempt to avoid being apprehended.

The truth is people want there to be another shooter but there is no evidence of one.
You are conveniently omitting other equally import factors as I have provided.
No I am not I addressed them directly and showed clearly why they are not evidence of a second shooter,

It is you ignoring that fact
The old saying "where there's smoke, there's fire" is most applicable to the JFK coup d'etat. So damn much smoke, that the fire has to be there. Sadly some Americans are blinded by the smoke, making them stupid.

The smoke you refer to is generated by conspiracy theorists who rely on the gullible to sell books and movies there is no fire or evidence
I watched a documentary about Sam Gaincana the other night and they talked about the bio "Double Cross" by Giancana 's brother. In it, they mention the name of Richard Cain as one of the six shooters in Dealy Plaza.

My question is this... is there any truth to the fact the Cain was one of the shooters?


Does anybody here knows the name and identities of all the 6 (or more) shooters that fateful day?

Thank you all! :).
well its been established the fatal head shot came from the driver bill greer despite what the paid nazi shill says.:lol: Greer just so you know had connections to the CIA.

as far as the shooter behind the knoll? some have speculated the one behind the picket fence was David Ferrie.that one is up in the air though.

What about Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis?

Their names comes up a lot as possible shooters.

if you answer my question I just posed on the presidents protection that day in post # 3708 and comment on that post if you were aware of those facts,then I will provide something for you i know you will find very informative on what you asked about Sturgis and Hunt there.:cool:

Absolutely I am aware about Kennedy's protection or rather lack of, protection that day.

Moreover, I have read that security in general was very weak and Secret Service men were told to keep off the car! can you imagine??o_O Oh yes I am totally aware of the whole travesty in security that fateful day.

The assassins had a work to do and by George! they did it.

well I assumed that but that wasnt my question i posed though which is were you aware of how the protection was very good in the several blocks BEFORE he enters dealy plaza where they had thousands lined on the streets?:D

I was not aware of that fact despite all the hundred or so books i have read on it till i came across this one book recently where it shows photos that day that that indeed happened.:thup:

This claim of yours has been debunked and proven false.

The fact is no matter how much you repeat a proven lie security arrangements were the same before Dealey
if you answer my question I just posed on the presidents protection that day in post # 3708 and comment on that post if you were aware of those facts,then I will provide something for you i know you will find very informative on what you asked about Sturgis and Hunt there.:cool:

Absolutely I am aware about Kennedy's protection or rather lack of, protection that day.

Moreover, I have read that security in general was very weak and Secret Service men were told to keep off the car! can you imagine??o_O Oh yes I am totally aware of the whole travesty in security that fateful day.

The assassins had a work to do and by George! they did it.

skye: " by George!"

What do you mean "by George" you think Bush was involved?


You are not the only one who thinks it is funny

Bush Sr. Laughs at JFK Shooting

those two evil bastards Ford and Bush were handsomely rewarded POTUS for their participation in the assassination or covering it as as Bush was in the former and Ford did in the latter.

Yeah Bush is laughing about it here that him and his buddies got away with it scott free.

As valid and reliable as a loch ness monster sighting
Read article too long to post here:

The conclusion: "If we stop the physical evidence here. we must consider that there was more than one shooter. A wound of entry in the head, near the temple, as announced to the press that day, and a wound of entry in the throat. Neither of those could have been caused by a shooter in the Texas School Book Depository. More than one shooter defines that a conspiracy took place."

Multiple Shots from Many Directions Killed JFK - US News

There is no evidence of multiple shooters.

The entrance wounds were all proven to be in the back and angled to as to indicate entry from above and behind. The exit wounds however were all in the front of kennedy and in line with the entrance wounds. The quote you refer to is from a doctor at PArkland who had no close detailed observation of ANY of the wounds. These are the sort of witnesses that conspiracy theories rely on. An analogy is the immediate impression of a first responder versus the findings of an autopsy. The doctors at Parkland like all emergency room doctors were not the least bit concerned with exploring the details of the bullet wounds and determining where they came from etc,. Their only purpose was to save the life of the patient who was badly injured and dying. This is why the autopsy evidence is the true evidence determining facts.

The doctors at Bethesda were in fact trained and highly experienced experts in performing autopsies on victims of violent death. Your article tries to repeat the long since proven lie that they had no such training or experience.

The location of Bethesda was chosen by Jackie kennedy while on Air Force one to en route to DC making it virtually impossible to set up or control the outcome of the autopsy by some vague conspiracy.

the result so the autopsy prove the bullet wounds entered from above and behind consistent with Oswald's sniper nest. No physical evidence exists anywhere of a second shooter.

Further support for these facts are ignored by all conspiracy theorists namely the wounds do Governor Connally which were all clearly identified by doctors and investigators as having entered from above and behind. Even the entrance wound in his back is important as it was an elongated incision approximately one inch in length. At first glance it may have seemed to be a knife wound but was in fact a bullet entrance wound mis-shappen because the bullet entered his back sideways. This is perfectly consistent with the type of ammo OSwald used which was documented to fire bullets which were tumblrs meaning they begin spinning end over and after striking something, in this case Kennedy.

There was no where else for the bullet wound in Connally's back to come from and in order to hit Kennedy first before hitting Connally it had to come from above and behind.

No entrance wounds were found in the front of either man and no exit wounds in their back. There was also significant damage to the limo which came, again, from above and behind and no where else possible.

The article you mention is nothing more than an opinion piece repeating the same tired long since debunked lies such as magic bullets which is a myth invented strictly by conspiracy theorists.
There is enough evidence to suggest there were multiple shooters
tHere is none actually.

All of the physical evidence shows Oswald was the only shooter and this is supported by the vast majority of witnesses.

It is also supported by the actions of Oswald after the fact.

He was the only TSBD employee to leave the scene and not return.

He was the only person who shot a police officer in an attempt to avoid being apprehended.

The truth is people want there to be another shooter but there is no evidence of one.
You are conveniently omitting other equally import factors as I have provided.
No I am not I addressed them directly and showed clearly why they are not evidence of a second shooter,

It is you ignoring that fact
Look there are enough bullshit artists on the internet when you decide you wish to have a serious discussion I will be available,.
If he wore a fedora he may have been saved.

BTW there were more than one gunman

No there was only one shooter which was Oswald.

no evidence of any kind proves otherwise

Read article too long to post here:

The conclusion: "If we stop the physical evidence here. we must consider that there was more than one shooter. A wound of entry in the head, near the temple, as announced to the press that day, and a wound of entry in the throat. Neither of those could have been caused by a shooter in the Texas School Book Depository. More than one shooter defines that a conspiracy took place."

Multiple Shots from Many Directions Killed JFK - US News

There is no evidence of multiple shooters.

The entrance wounds were all proven to be in the back and angled to as to indicate entry from above and behind. The exit wounds however were all in the front of kennedy and in line with the entrance wounds. The quote you refer to is from a doctor at PArkland who had no close detailed observation of ANY of the wounds. These are the sort of witnesses that conspiracy theories rely on. An analogy is the immediate impression of a first responder versus the findings of an autopsy. The doctors at Parkland like all emergency room doctors were not the least bit concerned with exploring the details of the bullet wounds and determining where they came from etc,. Their only purpose was to save the life of the patient who was badly injured and dying. This is why the autopsy evidence is the true evidence determining facts.

The doctors at Bethesda were in fact trained and highly experienced experts in performing autopsies on victims of violent death. Your article tries to repeat the long since proven lie that they had no such training or experience.

The location of Bethesda was chosen by Jackie kennedy while on Air Force one to en route to DC making it virtually impossible to set up or control the outcome of the autopsy by some vague conspiracy.

the result so the autopsy prove the bullet wounds entered from above and behind consistent with Oswald's sniper nest. No physical evidence exists anywhere of a second shooter.

Further support for these facts are ignored by all conspiracy theorists namely the wounds do Governor Connally which were all clearly identified by doctors and investigators as having entered from above and behind. Even the entrance wound in his back is important as it was an elongated incision approximately one inch in length. At first glance it may have seemed to be a knife wound but was in fact a bullet entrance wound mis-shappen because the bullet entered his back sideways. This is perfectly consistent with the type of ammo OSwald used which was documented to fire bullets which were tumblrs meaning they begin spinning end over and after striking something, in this case Kennedy.

There was no where else for the bullet wound in Connally's back to come from and in order to hit Kennedy first before hitting Connally it had to come from above and behind.

No entrance wounds were found in the front of either man and no exit wounds in their back. There was also significant damage to the limo which came, again, from above and behind and no where else possible.

The article you mention is nothing more than an opinion piece repeating the same tired long since debunked lies such as magic bullets which is a myth invented strictly by conspiracy theorists.
There is enough evidence to suggest there were multiple shooters

well that is the understatement of the century.Dude as I advise Gipper all the time and skye just recently as well about this evil NAZI disinfo agent,-:trolls:

He so OBVIOUSLY on the governments payroll sent here to troll

trust me you are better off trying to reason with a brick wall than you are with this shill.This is coming from someone who has a long history with this paid shill going back years with him.He trolls on several political message boards everywhere on JFK.

His boss pays him very well and obviously has an obsession over this the fact he sends him to so many message boards to troll all the time and has for several years running.

Some say that is HW minutes after JFK was shot. Maybe...maybe not...on the far left in the oval.


Add in Bush's phony phone call to the FBI implicating an innocent man for wanting to kill JFK a few hours after the murder, possibly an effort to conceal his whereabouts that day. Add in Hoover's reference to "George Bush" after the murder. And Dulles' good buddy was Prescott Bush, HW's poppa...all HATED JFK.

Bush said he was somewhere in Texas that day, but couldn't remember where....too funny. He has refused to say where he was many times...until Barbara Bush finally gave a convoluted explanation 30 years after the coup d'etat.

Yeah we dont know for sure or not that thats Bush there or not but that guy in that photo does indeed bear a striking resemblence to him for sure though when you look at the photos of what Bush looked like back then during that time and compare the two.

the fact that Bush lied that he was never employed in the CIA back then and never worked for them before until becoming CIA director under Ford-"notice that was his first promotion by his buddy Ford was CIA director before becoming president?" You have to believe that could very well be Bush.Too bad there has never been an honest investigation into the assassination huh? the fact there never has been,we'll never know.

I know you have seen this video below.The evidence in this video and the facts revealed in it prove beyond a doubt to any thinking person not in denial there was a conspiracy,that Bush was involved in this up to his ears.

Yes lots of to speak. That video is a good one and effectively blows up the gov's position.

Remember that Ford was a member to the Warren. Commission... And very willing to do as Dulles instructed. To his dying day, the disgusting big gov statist demanded Americans believe the lies.

You have yet to offer any evidence whatsoever of such lies or even specify a lie
No there was only one shooter which was Oswald.

no evidence of any kind proves otherwise

Read article too long to post here:

The conclusion: "If we stop the physical evidence here. we must consider that there was more than one shooter. A wound of entry in the head, near the temple, as announced to the press that day, and a wound of entry in the throat. Neither of those could have been caused by a shooter in the Texas School Book Depository. More than one shooter defines that a conspiracy took place."

Multiple Shots from Many Directions Killed JFK - US News

There is no evidence of multiple shooters.

The entrance wounds were all proven to be in the back and angled to as to indicate entry from above and behind. The exit wounds however were all in the front of kennedy and in line with the entrance wounds. The quote you refer to is from a doctor at PArkland who had no close detailed observation of ANY of the wounds. These are the sort of witnesses that conspiracy theories rely on. An analogy is the immediate impression of a first responder versus the findings of an autopsy. The doctors at Parkland like all emergency room doctors were not the least bit concerned with exploring the details of the bullet wounds and determining where they came from etc,. Their only purpose was to save the life of the patient who was badly injured and dying. This is why the autopsy evidence is the true evidence determining facts.

The doctors at Bethesda were in fact trained and highly experienced experts in performing autopsies on victims of violent death. Your article tries to repeat the long since proven lie that they had no such training or experience.

The location of Bethesda was chosen by Jackie kennedy while on Air Force one to en route to DC making it virtually impossible to set up or control the outcome of the autopsy by some vague conspiracy.

the result so the autopsy prove the bullet wounds entered from above and behind consistent with Oswald's sniper nest. No physical evidence exists anywhere of a second shooter.

Further support for these facts are ignored by all conspiracy theorists namely the wounds do Governor Connally which were all clearly identified by doctors and investigators as having entered from above and behind. Even the entrance wound in his back is important as it was an elongated incision approximately one inch in length. At first glance it may have seemed to be a knife wound but was in fact a bullet entrance wound mis-shappen because the bullet entered his back sideways. This is perfectly consistent with the type of ammo OSwald used which was documented to fire bullets which were tumblrs meaning they begin spinning end over and after striking something, in this case Kennedy.

There was no where else for the bullet wound in Connally's back to come from and in order to hit Kennedy first before hitting Connally it had to come from above and behind.

No entrance wounds were found in the front of either man and no exit wounds in their back. There was also significant damage to the limo which came, again, from above and behind and no where else possible.

The article you mention is nothing more than an opinion piece repeating the same tired long since debunked lies such as magic bullets which is a myth invented strictly by conspiracy theorists.
There is enough evidence to suggest there were multiple shooters

well that is the understatement of the century.Dude as I advise Gipper all the time and skye just recently as well about this evil NAZI disinfo agent,-:trolls:

He so OBVIOUSLY on the governments payroll sent here to troll

trust me you are better off trying to reason with a brick wall than you are with this shill.This is coming from someone who has a long history with this paid shill going back years with him.He trolls on several political message boards everywhere on JFK.

His boss pays him very well and obviously has an obsession over this the fact he sends him to so many message boards to troll all the time and has for several years running.

Some say that is HW minutes after JFK was shot. Maybe...maybe not...on the far left in the oval.


Add in Bush's phony phone call to the FBI implicating an innocent man for wanting to kill JFK a few hours after the murder, possibly an effort to conceal his whereabouts that day. Add in Hoover's reference to "George Bush" after the murder. And Dulles' good buddy was Prescott Bush, HW's poppa...all HATED JFK.

Bush said he was somewhere in Texas that day, but couldn't remember where....too funny. He has refused to say where he was many times...until Barbara Bush finally gave a convoluted explanation 30 years after the coup d'etat.

Yeah we dont know for sure or not that thats Bush there or not but that guy in that photo does indeed bear a striking resemblence to him for sure though when you look at the photos of what Bush looked like back then during that time and compare the two.

the fact that Bush lied that he was never employed in the CIA back then and never worked for them before until becoming CIA director under Ford-"notice that was his first promotion by his buddy Ford was CIA director before becoming president?" You have to believe that could very well be Bush.Too bad there has never been an honest investigation into the assassination huh? the fact there never has been,we'll never know.

I know you have seen this video below.The evidence in this video and the facts revealed in it prove beyond a doubt to any thinking person not in denial there was a conspiracy,that Bush was involved in this up to his ears.

Yes lots of to speak. That video is a good one and effectively blows up the gov's position.

Remember that Ford was a member to the Warren. Commission... And very willing to do as Dulles instructed. To his dying day, the disgusting big gov statist demanded Americans believe the lies.

You have yet to offer any evidence whatsoever of such lies or even specify a lie

I never said lie my posts.
There is no evidence of multiple shooters.

The entrance wounds were all proven to be in the back and angled to as to indicate entry from above and behind. The exit wounds however were all in the front of kennedy and in line with the entrance wounds. The quote you refer to is from a doctor at PArkland who had no close detailed observation of ANY of the wounds. These are the sort of witnesses that conspiracy theories rely on. An analogy is the immediate impression of a first responder versus the findings of an autopsy. The doctors at Parkland like all emergency room doctors were not the least bit concerned with exploring the details of the bullet wounds and determining where they came from etc,. Their only purpose was to save the life of the patient who was badly injured and dying. This is why the autopsy evidence is the true evidence determining facts.

The doctors at Bethesda were in fact trained and highly experienced experts in performing autopsies on victims of violent death. Your article tries to repeat the long since proven lie that they had no such training or experience.

The location of Bethesda was chosen by Jackie kennedy while on Air Force one to en route to DC making it virtually impossible to set up or control the outcome of the autopsy by some vague conspiracy.

the result so the autopsy prove the bullet wounds entered from above and behind consistent with Oswald's sniper nest. No physical evidence exists anywhere of a second shooter.

Further support for these facts are ignored by all conspiracy theorists namely the wounds do Governor Connally which were all clearly identified by doctors and investigators as having entered from above and behind. Even the entrance wound in his back is important as it was an elongated incision approximately one inch in length. At first glance it may have seemed to be a knife wound but was in fact a bullet entrance wound mis-shappen because the bullet entered his back sideways. This is perfectly consistent with the type of ammo OSwald used which was documented to fire bullets which were tumblrs meaning they begin spinning end over and after striking something, in this case Kennedy.

There was no where else for the bullet wound in Connally's back to come from and in order to hit Kennedy first before hitting Connally it had to come from above and behind.

No entrance wounds were found in the front of either man and no exit wounds in their back. There was also significant damage to the limo which came, again, from above and behind and no where else possible.

The article you mention is nothing more than an opinion piece repeating the same tired long since debunked lies such as magic bullets which is a myth invented strictly by conspiracy theorists.
There is enough evidence to suggest there were multiple shooters
tHere is none actually.

All of the physical evidence shows Oswald was the only shooter and this is supported by the vast majority of witnesses.

It is also supported by the actions of Oswald after the fact.

He was the only TSBD employee to leave the scene and not return.

He was the only person who shot a police officer in an attempt to avoid being apprehended.

The truth is people want there to be another shooter but there is no evidence of one.
You are conveniently omitting other equally import factors as I have provided.
No I am not I addressed them directly and showed clearly why they are not evidence of a second shooter,

It is you ignoring that fact
Look there are enough bullshit artists on the internet when you decide you wish to have a serious discussion I will be available,.

Yes they are here on this thread screaming about bush etc.

What I posted was serious and factual you just do not like it.

You have yet to offer evidence of a second shooter you made an attempt using old debunked irrelevant facts but that is all.
Read article too long to post here:

The conclusion: "If we stop the physical evidence here. we must consider that there was more than one shooter. A wound of entry in the head, near the temple, as announced to the press that day, and a wound of entry in the throat. Neither of those could have been caused by a shooter in the Texas School Book Depository. More than one shooter defines that a conspiracy took place."

Multiple Shots from Many Directions Killed JFK - US News

There is no evidence of multiple shooters.

The entrance wounds were all proven to be in the back and angled to as to indicate entry from above and behind. The exit wounds however were all in the front of kennedy and in line with the entrance wounds. The quote you refer to is from a doctor at PArkland who had no close detailed observation of ANY of the wounds. These are the sort of witnesses that conspiracy theories rely on. An analogy is the immediate impression of a first responder versus the findings of an autopsy. The doctors at Parkland like all emergency room doctors were not the least bit concerned with exploring the details of the bullet wounds and determining where they came from etc,. Their only purpose was to save the life of the patient who was badly injured and dying. This is why the autopsy evidence is the true evidence determining facts.

The doctors at Bethesda were in fact trained and highly experienced experts in performing autopsies on victims of violent death. Your article tries to repeat the long since proven lie that they had no such training or experience.

The location of Bethesda was chosen by Jackie kennedy while on Air Force one to en route to DC making it virtually impossible to set up or control the outcome of the autopsy by some vague conspiracy.

the result so the autopsy prove the bullet wounds entered from above and behind consistent with Oswald's sniper nest. No physical evidence exists anywhere of a second shooter.

Further support for these facts are ignored by all conspiracy theorists namely the wounds do Governor Connally which were all clearly identified by doctors and investigators as having entered from above and behind. Even the entrance wound in his back is important as it was an elongated incision approximately one inch in length. At first glance it may have seemed to be a knife wound but was in fact a bullet entrance wound mis-shappen because the bullet entered his back sideways. This is perfectly consistent with the type of ammo OSwald used which was documented to fire bullets which were tumblrs meaning they begin spinning end over and after striking something, in this case Kennedy.

There was no where else for the bullet wound in Connally's back to come from and in order to hit Kennedy first before hitting Connally it had to come from above and behind.

No entrance wounds were found in the front of either man and no exit wounds in their back. There was also significant damage to the limo which came, again, from above and behind and no where else possible.

The article you mention is nothing more than an opinion piece repeating the same tired long since debunked lies such as magic bullets which is a myth invented strictly by conspiracy theorists.
There is enough evidence to suggest there were multiple shooters

well that is the understatement of the century.Dude as I advise Gipper all the time and skye just recently as well about this evil NAZI disinfo agent,-:trolls:

He so OBVIOUSLY on the governments payroll sent here to troll

trust me you are better off trying to reason with a brick wall than you are with this shill.This is coming from someone who has a long history with this paid shill going back years with him.He trolls on several political message boards everywhere on JFK.

His boss pays him very well and obviously has an obsession over this the fact he sends him to so many message boards to troll all the time and has for several years running.

Some say that is HW minutes after JFK was shot. Maybe...maybe not...on the far left in the oval.


Add in Bush's phony phone call to the FBI implicating an innocent man for wanting to kill JFK a few hours after the murder, possibly an effort to conceal his whereabouts that day. Add in Hoover's reference to "George Bush" after the murder. And Dulles' good buddy was Prescott Bush, HW's poppa...all HATED JFK.

Bush said he was somewhere in Texas that day, but couldn't remember where....too funny. He has refused to say where he was many times...until Barbara Bush finally gave a convoluted explanation 30 years after the coup d'etat.

Yeah we dont know for sure or not that thats Bush there or not but that guy in that photo does indeed bear a striking resemblence to him for sure though when you look at the photos of what Bush looked like back then during that time and compare the two.

the fact that Bush lied that he was never employed in the CIA back then and never worked for them before until becoming CIA director under Ford-"notice that was his first promotion by his buddy Ford was CIA director before becoming president?" You have to believe that could very well be Bush.Too bad there has never been an honest investigation into the assassination huh? the fact there never has been,we'll never know.

I know you have seen this video below.The evidence in this video and the facts revealed in it prove beyond a doubt to any thinking person not in denial there was a conspiracy,that Bush was involved in this up to his ears.

Yes lots of to speak. That video is a good one and effectively blows up the gov's position.

Remember that Ford was a member to the Warren. Commission... And very willing to do as Dulles instructed. To his dying day, the disgusting big gov statist demanded Americans believe the lies.

You have yet to offer any evidence whatsoever of such lies or even specify a lie

I never said lie my posts.

That was directed at someone else.

There is more than one person I am responding to and it should be pretty clear. You should probably read more closely
Last edited:
Read article too long to post here:

The conclusion: "If we stop the physical evidence here. we must consider that there was more than one shooter. A wound of entry in the head, near the temple, as announced to the press that day, and a wound of entry in the throat. Neither of those could have been caused by a shooter in the Texas School Book Depository. More than one shooter defines that a conspiracy took place."

Multiple Shots from Many Directions Killed JFK - US News

There is no evidence of multiple shooters.

The entrance wounds were all proven to be in the back and angled to as to indicate entry from above and behind. The exit wounds however were all in the front of kennedy and in line with the entrance wounds. The quote you refer to is from a doctor at PArkland who had no close detailed observation of ANY of the wounds. These are the sort of witnesses that conspiracy theories rely on. An analogy is the immediate impression of a first responder versus the findings of an autopsy. The doctors at Parkland like all emergency room doctors were not the least bit concerned with exploring the details of the bullet wounds and determining where they came from etc,. Their only purpose was to save the life of the patient who was badly injured and dying. This is why the autopsy evidence is the true evidence determining facts.

The doctors at Bethesda were in fact trained and highly experienced experts in performing autopsies on victims of violent death. Your article tries to repeat the long since proven lie that they had no such training or experience.

The location of Bethesda was chosen by Jackie kennedy while on Air Force one to en route to DC making it virtually impossible to set up or control the outcome of the autopsy by some vague conspiracy.

the result so the autopsy prove the bullet wounds entered from above and behind consistent with Oswald's sniper nest. No physical evidence exists anywhere of a second shooter.

Further support for these facts are ignored by all conspiracy theorists namely the wounds do Governor Connally which were all clearly identified by doctors and investigators as having entered from above and behind. Even the entrance wound in his back is important as it was an elongated incision approximately one inch in length. At first glance it may have seemed to be a knife wound but was in fact a bullet entrance wound mis-shappen because the bullet entered his back sideways. This is perfectly consistent with the type of ammo OSwald used which was documented to fire bullets which were tumblrs meaning they begin spinning end over and after striking something, in this case Kennedy.

There was no where else for the bullet wound in Connally's back to come from and in order to hit Kennedy first before hitting Connally it had to come from above and behind.

No entrance wounds were found in the front of either man and no exit wounds in their back. There was also significant damage to the limo which came, again, from above and behind and no where else possible.

The article you mention is nothing more than an opinion piece repeating the same tired long since debunked lies such as magic bullets which is a myth invented strictly by conspiracy theorists.
There is enough evidence to suggest there were multiple shooters

well that is the understatement of the century.Dude as I advise Gipper all the time and skye just recently as well about this evil NAZI disinfo agent,-:trolls:

He so OBVIOUSLY on the governments payroll sent here to troll

trust me you are better off trying to reason with a brick wall than you are with this shill.This is coming from someone who has a long history with this paid shill going back years with him.He trolls on several political message boards everywhere on JFK.

His boss pays him very well and obviously has an obsession over this the fact he sends him to so many message boards to troll all the time and has for several years running.

Some say that is HW minutes after JFK was shot. Maybe...maybe not...on the far left in the oval.


Add in Bush's phony phone call to the FBI implicating an innocent man for wanting to kill JFK a few hours after the murder, possibly an effort to conceal his whereabouts that day. Add in Hoover's reference to "George Bush" after the murder. And Dulles' good buddy was Prescott Bush, HW's poppa...all HATED JFK.

Bush said he was somewhere in Texas that day, but couldn't remember where....too funny. He has refused to say where he was many times...until Barbara Bush finally gave a convoluted explanation 30 years after the coup d'etat.

Yeah we dont know for sure or not that thats Bush there or not but that guy in that photo does indeed bear a striking resemblence to him for sure though when you look at the photos of what Bush looked like back then during that time and compare the two.

the fact that Bush lied that he was never employed in the CIA back then and never worked for them before until becoming CIA director under Ford-"notice that was his first promotion by his buddy Ford was CIA director before becoming president?" You have to believe that could very well be Bush.Too bad there has never been an honest investigation into the assassination huh? the fact there never has been,we'll never know.

I know you have seen this video below.The evidence in this video and the facts revealed in it prove beyond a doubt to any thinking person not in denial there was a conspiracy,that Bush was involved in this up to his ears.

Yes lots of to speak. That video is a good one and effectively blows up the gov's position.

Remember that Ford was a member to the Warren. Commission... And very willing to do as Dulles instructed. To his dying day, the disgusting big gov statist demanded Americans believe the lies.

You have yet to offer any evidence whatsoever of such lies or even specify a lie

I never said lie my posts.

fortunately for the shill,pinochio is not true otherwise he would be right up there with tom brady as someone who would have a nose that would stretch miles long.:biggrin: Dick "im not a crook" Nixon and Bill "i never had sex with that woman." clinton along with tom brady are heros of his the fact they all have the same common theme he has,no conscience or morals.just money.:lmao:
so skye,alex,have you guys seen this video by chance?

you have got to take two hours out of your time in the next couple days or so to watch this video if you havent.

You will see the proof in the pudding from the photos taken that day what i was talking about earlier that the protection for the president was VERY GOOD in the several blocks BEFORE he entered dealy plaza where there were THOUSANDS lined up to see the parade,but when he gets into the kill zone into dealy plaza,the crowds thin out to just a 100 or so and he has no protection which obviously disproves the theory of the warren commissions of course that he requested them not to guard him because he allegedly wanted to be seen that day by the crowds.
WHY would he want to be seen by just a mere 100 bystanders or so instead of THOUSANDS?:uhoh3::rolleyes::rolleyes-41::rofl::lmao::haha:

Security was the same in the motorcade before dealey plaza. You keep referring to a photograph which no one has seen because you made it up.

Typical of you who has been beaten down and made to look foolish in every thread.

Lets look at what you have posted in the past.

Some say the CIA killed Kennedy, without evidence, and you agree.

Some say the Military Industrial complex killed Kennedy, without evidence, and you agree.

Some say the KGB killed Kennedy, without evidence, and you agree.

Some say the Mafia killed Kennedy, without evidence, and you agree.

Some say Castro killed Kennedy, without evidence, and you agree.

Some say the free masons killed kennedy, without evidence, and you agree.

You agreed with those claiming Howard Hunt shot Kennedy.

You agreed with the fool who claims Bill Greer Killed Kennedy.

You agreed with the film claiming David Ferrie shot Kennedy.

You agreed with the ass clown who claimed Jackie shot Kennedy.

You agreed with the conspiracy theory who claimed Alan Hale ( the skipper from Gilligan's Island ) shot Kennedy.

You even agreed with the guy who said Douglas Macarthur was on the knoll directing the operation.

So according to you a conspiracy of over 90,000 people masterminded and organized the assassination with 47 shooters firing 208 bullets at Kennedy from 17 directions.

And not one shred of evidence.

Yet you claim to know when someone is a paid agent as though such people waste time in forums.
There is no evidence of multiple shooters.

The entrance wounds were all proven to be in the back and angled to as to indicate entry from above and behind. The exit wounds however were all in the front of kennedy and in line with the entrance wounds. The quote you refer to is from a doctor at PArkland who had no close detailed observation of ANY of the wounds. These are the sort of witnesses that conspiracy theories rely on. An analogy is the immediate impression of a first responder versus the findings of an autopsy. The doctors at Parkland like all emergency room doctors were not the least bit concerned with exploring the details of the bullet wounds and determining where they came from etc,. Their only purpose was to save the life of the patient who was badly injured and dying. This is why the autopsy evidence is the true evidence determining facts.

The doctors at Bethesda were in fact trained and highly experienced experts in performing autopsies on victims of violent death. Your article tries to repeat the long since proven lie that they had no such training or experience.

The location of Bethesda was chosen by Jackie kennedy while on Air Force one to en route to DC making it virtually impossible to set up or control the outcome of the autopsy by some vague conspiracy.

the result so the autopsy prove the bullet wounds entered from above and behind consistent with Oswald's sniper nest. No physical evidence exists anywhere of a second shooter.

Further support for these facts are ignored by all conspiracy theorists namely the wounds do Governor Connally which were all clearly identified by doctors and investigators as having entered from above and behind. Even the entrance wound in his back is important as it was an elongated incision approximately one inch in length. At first glance it may have seemed to be a knife wound but was in fact a bullet entrance wound mis-shappen because the bullet entered his back sideways. This is perfectly consistent with the type of ammo OSwald used which was documented to fire bullets which were tumblrs meaning they begin spinning end over and after striking something, in this case Kennedy.

There was no where else for the bullet wound in Connally's back to come from and in order to hit Kennedy first before hitting Connally it had to come from above and behind.

No entrance wounds were found in the front of either man and no exit wounds in their back. There was also significant damage to the limo which came, again, from above and behind and no where else possible.

The article you mention is nothing more than an opinion piece repeating the same tired long since debunked lies such as magic bullets which is a myth invented strictly by conspiracy theorists.
There is enough evidence to suggest there were multiple shooters
tHere is none actually.

All of the physical evidence shows Oswald was the only shooter and this is supported by the vast majority of witnesses.

It is also supported by the actions of Oswald after the fact.

He was the only TSBD employee to leave the scene and not return.

He was the only person who shot a police officer in an attempt to avoid being apprehended.

The truth is people want there to be another shooter but there is no evidence of one.
You are conveniently omitting other equally import factors as I have provided.
No I am not I addressed them directly and showed clearly why they are not evidence of a second shooter,

It is you ignoring that fact
Look there are enough bullshit artists on the internet when you decide you wish to have a serious discussion I will be available,.

well done,could not have said it better myself.:udaman::thup::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1:

and you will be waiting DECADES for that moment to come to frutation when he finds out in the end the money his boss pays him,wont buy him true happiness like he ignorantly believes it does..:lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha:

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