The John Lewis Bridge

Because it was the Democrats who created,

Slavery existed for two hundred years in the south BEFORE the Democratic Party was formed

Ha ha ha, now you suddenly made a tack to a different subject, Slavery, it clear you have no argument to tackle Segregation.

You did that because you realize you can't address this post at all:

"Because it was the Democrats who created, promoted and eventually ended it. They promote de facto segregation to this day. The Republicans NEVER created that abomination, but they did follow it as de jure segregation, which the democrats created and supported for many decades.

The Democrat party created it and supported it, that is a fact. Stop resisting the overwhelming historical evidence!

Like I said, you need to do some research on voting patterns."

We were talking about SEGREGATION in the last few posts, the one you keep dancing around with feeble replies.

Segregation existed in the north too, which you seem completely ignorant of....., thus destroys the North and South divide claim you made. It was a POLITICAL decision that made Segregation exist in the first place, the Democrats created it. It didn't just bubble out of the ground, it was CREATED by Democrats, pure and simple.

Because it was the Democrats who created,

Slavery existed for two hundred years in the south BEFORE the Democratic Party was formed

Ha ha ha, now you suddenly made a tack to a different subject, Slavery, it clear you have no argument to tackle Segregation.

You did that because you realize you can't address this post at all:

"Because it was the Democrats who created, promoted and eventually ended it. They promote de facto segregation to this day. The Republicans NEVER created that abomination, but they did follow it as de jure segregation, which the democrats created and supported for many decades.

The Democrat party created it and supported it, that is a fact. Stop resisting the overwhelming historical evidence!

Like I said, you need to do some research on voting patterns."

We were talking about SEGREGATION in the last few posts, the one you keep dancing around with feeble replies.

Segregation existed in the north too, which you seem completely ignorant of....., thus destroys the North and South divide claim you made. It was a POLITICAL decision that made Segregation exist in the first place, the Democrats created it. It didn't just bubble out of the ground, it was CREATED by Democrats, pure and simple.

Jim Crow was the South’s solution to not being allowed to own slaves any more.

It continued a 300 year tradition of the racial inferiority of blacks

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.


When do we blow up Buckingham Palance
Because it was the Democrats who created,

Slavery existed for two hundred years in the south BEFORE the Democratic Party was formed

Ha ha ha, now you suddenly made a tack to a different subject, Slavery, it clear you have no argument to tackle Segregation.

You did that because you realize you can't address this post at all:

"Because it was the Democrats who created, promoted and eventually ended it. They promote de facto segregation to this day. The Republicans NEVER created that abomination, but they did follow it as de jure segregation, which the democrats created and supported for many decades.

The Democrat party created it and supported it, that is a fact. Stop resisting the overwhelming historical evidence!

Like I said, you need to do some research on voting patterns."

We were talking about SEGREGATION in the last few posts, the one you keep dancing around with feeble replies.

Segregation existed in the north too, which you seem completely ignorant of....., thus destroys the North and South divide claim you made. It was a POLITICAL decision that made Segregation exist in the first place, the Democrats created it. It didn't just bubble out of the ground, it was CREATED by Democrats, pure and simple.

Jim Crow was the South’s solution to not being allowed to own slaves any more.

It continued a 300 year tradition of the racial inferiority of blacks

Promoted by southern democrats.

Good job.

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.

We've already named a couple of outhouses after you.

We really don't need your advice or you telling us what should or should not be.

You should be busy out kissing the ass of most of the civilized world for the way you treated them as an Empire.

Your history is the greasiest pile of shit in any book.

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.


When do we blow up Buckingham Palance
Crack on ya thick fucker.


What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.


When do we blow up Buckingham Palance
Crack on ya thick fucker.

View attachment 365041

Was there a date in there ?

Didn't see one.

I mean if we are going to get rid of monuments to oppression and injustice, that bitch has got to go.

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.


When do we blow up Buckingham Palance
Crack on ya thick fucker.

View attachment 365041
C'mon Tommy Pissant...when does B.P. come down.

Monument to the most brutal of empires, surpassing even the Romans.

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.


When do we blow up Buckingham Palance
Crack on ya thick fucker.

View attachment 365041
Harry and Megan are on this side of the pond. Easy pickens for you.

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.
Great more space to graffiti

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.


When do we blow up Buckingham Palance
Crack on ya thick fucker.

View attachment 365041
Harry and Megan are on this side of the pond. Easy pickens for you.

Tommy is a low life brit.

The kind who seems to think ratting out your neighobors is a good idea.

Can't wait for it to get really serious.

Wonder why he thinks about the U.S.

Could it be because the U.K. is a such a fucked up mess ?
All the racists are out today for sure. Sad that you types have yet to evolve.

YOu said "Wacist" like you think it means anything.

It means one thing. You are an asshole. And a faggot.
It does amongst decent folk. But you are so debased it makes no difference to you.

NO it doesn't. You people use it primarily to smear good people, because you are assholes and faggots.


Have your police admitted to allowing any more rape rings to operate? Have you change ANY policies to prevent it from happening again?

Just kidding. I know that is not a concern of yours.

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.
Not going to happen in a Republican controlled state, where conservatives couldn’t care less about Lewis, and some on the right are likely glad he’s gone.
I think they will have little choice.

There is little reason to defend the legacy of Edmund Pettus.
Right now, it symbolizes Alabama’s racist past with Pettus a former Klan leader
Something Trump and most on the right seem proud of and are willing to defend.
it wasn't Republicans swinging the nightsticks, or the fists that injured him

It was southern Conservatives

Now you lie once again. Democrats were the ones who opposed desegregation, they were the ones who opposed removing slavery, they were the ones who ran the KKK group.

The 1960's South was strongly dominated by democrat majority, the same majority that resisted the SCOTUS desegregation decision of 10 years earlier, the same turds who resist the 1964 Civil rights act.
Actually there were THOUSANDS of northern Democrats who opposed segregation
There were also southern REPUBLICANS who supported Segregation laws

The common thread was SOUTHERN
The common thread is conservative.
That is for the people of Sema to decide.

Tommy likes to ignore the racism in his country, so he focuses on the United States because he know if accuses Muslims of hate and bigotry, they’d find him and...

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.
Not going to happen in a Republican controlled state, where conservatives couldn’t care less about Lewis, and some on the right are likely glad he’s gone.
I think they will have little choice.

There is little reason to defend the legacy of Edmund Pettus.
Right now, it symbolizes Alabama’s racist past with Pettus a former Klan leader
Something Trump and most on the right seem proud of and are willing to defend.

That you have to lie about us, shows that you know you are on the wrong side.

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