The joke of sexual politics and feminism.


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009
If women ever want to get to a place in society where they are going to be considered equals of men, then they are going to have to do it in a way that men do it. Now, of course, you might argue that a woman is not a man. No shit. She is very different both biologically and psychologically. Not to mention culturally. Nature and nurture has caused a lot of tension between men and women.

How does this translate into sexual politics?

Think of it this way. What if the playing field is just like a hunting ground? Well, in that case there is no equality for women if they just make themselves a very attractive piece of pray. Thus far, men have been behaving like the predators. They have been chasing down the objects of their desire. If women actually want to reach a point in society on the level of sexual politics where they feel and are represented as men's equal then they will have to turn that around and become the hunter and not the hunted.

Basically, women fail because they are women.

edit: LMFAO conspiracy moved. The mods on this site are beyond retarded. hahahaha. Seriously, who hires these buffoons?
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If women ever want to get to a place in society where they are going to be considered equals of men, then they are going to have to do it in a way that men do it. Now, of course, you might argue that a woman is not a man. No shit. She is very different both biologically and psychologically. Not to mention culturally. Nature and nurture has caused a lot of tension between men and women.

How does this translate into sexual politics?

Think of it this way. What if the playing field is just like a hunting ground? Well, in that case there is no equality for women if they just make themselves a very attractive piece of pray. Thus far, men have been behaving like the predators. They have been chasing down the objects of their desire. If women actually want to reach a point in society on the level of sexual politics where they feel and are represented as men's equal then they will have to turn that around and become the hunter and not the hunted.

Basically, women fail because they are women.

edit: LMFAO conspiracy moved. The mods on this site are beyond retarded. hahahaha. Seriously, who hires these buffoons?

I kind of see your point, but our soceity has increasing separated social/romantic/sexual activity from business/work activity and the result has been a very good amount of equality. The biggest problem in the work place nowadays is when women take advantage of sexuality to get over on men and the men are dumb enough to go for it.

As far as the social/romantic/sexual world. It does amaze me that women do remain 'passive/aggressive'. It tends to mean that ultimately they have no control over their own personal lives.

Of course my experience is that women will do everything they possibly can to completely ruin (or at least make very miserable) their own personal lives and that of every poor SOB that actually loves them. They are GREAT at that.

About the only thing that keeps the human race going is the fact that men eventually get so disgusted and cynical towards women that we won't tolerate their nonsense anymore.

Then if they ever want a husband and father for their kids they'd better mind their Ps & Qs.
i'm amazed that anyone thinks like the o/p in this century.

what a retarded freak...

but it is proof that we still need laws to protect us from freaks like him.

If women ever want to get to a place in society where they are going to be considered equals of men, then they are going to have to do it in a way that men do it. Now, of course, you might argue that a woman is not a man. No shit. She is very different both biologically and psychologically. Not to mention culturally. Nature and nurture has caused a lot of tension between men and women.

How does this translate into sexual politics?

Think of it this way. What if the playing field is just like a hunting ground? Well, in that case there is no equality for women if they just make themselves a very attractive piece of pray. Thus far, men have been behaving like the predators. They have been chasing down the objects of their desire. If women actually want to reach a point in society on the level of sexual politics where they feel and are represented as men's equal then they will have to turn that around and become the hunter and not the hunted.

Basically, women fail because they are women.

edit: LMFAO conspiracy moved. The mods on this site are beyond retarded. hahahaha. Seriously, who hires these buffoons?

I kind of see your point, but our soceity has increasing separated social/romantic/sexual activity from business/work activity and the result has been a very good amount of equality. The biggest problem in the work place nowadays is when women take advantage of sexuality to get over on men and the men are dumb enough to go for it.

As far as the social/romantic/sexual world. It does amaze me that women do remain 'passive/aggressive'. It tends to mean that ultimately they have no control over their own personal lives.

Of course my experience is that women will do everything they possibly can to completely ruin (or at least make very miserable) their own personal lives and that of every poor SOB that actually loves them. They are GREAT at that.

About the only thing that keeps the human race going is the fact that men eventually get so disgusted and cynical towards women that we won't tolerate their nonsense anymore.

Then if they ever want a husband and father for their kids they'd better mind their Ps & Qs.


And I thought the OP was bad....
Speaking from an awful lot of experience:

If you treat a women like a lady, she will act like a whore.

If you treat a women like a whore, she will act like a lady.

That's just the way women are, don't blame us guys.
im pretty sure i made a valid enough point. It might not be pretty, but its reality.
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Speaking from an awful lot of experience:

If you treat a women like a lady, she will act like a whore.

If you treat a women like a whore, she will act like a lady.

That's just the way women are, don't blame us guys.

Yeah, your experience. I'll just go out on limb and say you probably went through a nasty, bitter divorce; your ex-wife is a bitch, ergo, women suck.

So your speaking for yourself, that's fine. But there's way too much generalizing going on there. Some women are like that, but I've met some great girls that throw your little theory our the window.

OP is still stupid, too.
haha. well, dissect my argument and maybe ill rethink my opinion.
i'm amazed that anyone thinks like the o/p in this century.

what a retarded freak...

but it is proof that we still need laws to protect us from freaks like him.

You are obviously not very familiar with CON$ervatism. Male Chauvinism is rampant in the Right Wing Whacko mindset. I'm amazed by the number of masochistic women who crave CON$ervative condescension and abuse.

July 22, 2008
RUSH: So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative. Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.

August 8, 2008
RUSH: Now we're told the night Hillary speaks is the anniversary of women getting the vote, which is what started the welfare state that now strangles us, by the way. If women had never gotten the vote we wouldn't have a budget deficit, but that's another story.

November 6, 2008
RUSH: Snerdley, do you remember we had a survey not long ago about unmarried women, women that are not in a relationship are stupider than women who are in a relationship?* Remember that?*
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i'm amazed that anyone thinks like the o/p in this century.

what a retarded freak...

but it is proof that we still need laws to protect us from freaks like him.

You are obviously not very familiar with CON$ervatism. Male Chauvinism is rampant in the Right Wing Whacko mindset. I'm amazed by the number of masochistic women who crave CON$ervative condescension and abuse.

July 22, 2008
RUSH: So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative. Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.

August 8, 2008
RUSH: Now we're told the night Hillary speaks is the anniversary of women getting the vote, which is what started the welfare state that now strangles us, by the way. If women had never gotten the vote we wouldn't have a budget deficit, but that's another story.

November 6, 2008
RUSH: Snerdley, do you remember we had a survey not long ago about unmarried women, women that are not in a relationship are stupider than women who are in a relationship?* Remember that?*

I'm inclined to agree with all except the August 8 one.

edit: actually, i disagree with all three. Doesn't make much sense if someone suddenly becomes in part of a relationship they automatically get "smarter". So in my humble opinion, rush is wrong in the provided quotes.

For those of you jumping out of your panties in rage that a man could maybe observe and hypothesize on why women still "struggle" for their equality with men (or in some feminist groups, superiority), maybe you should just chill out and think about it. Think about the dynamic a bit instead of flipping out in nonconstructive ways.
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i'm amazed that anyone thinks like the o/p in this century.

what a retarded freak...

but it is proof that we still need laws to protect us from freaks like him.

You are obviously not very familiar with CON$ervatism. Male Chauvinism is rampant in the Right Wing Whacko mindset. I'm amazed by the number of masochistic women who crave CON$ervative condescension and abuse.

July 22, 2008
RUSH: So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative. Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.

August 8, 2008
RUSH: Now we're told the night Hillary speaks is the anniversary of women getting the vote, which is what started the welfare state that now strangles us, by the way. If women had never gotten the vote we wouldn't have a budget deficit, but that's another story.

November 6, 2008
RUSH: Snerdley, do you remember we had a survey not long ago about unmarried women, women that are not in a relationship are stupider than women who are in a relationship?* Remember that?*

I'm inclined to agree with all except the August 8 one.

edit: actually, i disagree with all three. Doesn't make much sense if someone suddenly becomes in part of a relationship they automatically get "smarter". So in my humble opinion, rush is wrong in the provided quotes.

For those of you jumping out of your panties in rage that a man could maybe observe and hypothesize on why women still "struggle" for their equality with men (or in some feminist groups, superiority), maybe you should just chill out and think about it. Think about the dynamic a bit instead of flipping out in nonconstructive ways.

Nobody here is flipping out in a rage. I don't care enough about this thread to be doing that. But i'll respond anyways.

You posted that women fail because they are women. What you see as failure, I see as a slow but steady progress. I would love it if sexism (and some other -isms) could go away at the snap of a finger; that's not reality. The reality is that society is a product of its history. You don't elevate about thousands of years of different brands of misogyny in just a couple of generations. It's a sea change.

That's my piece. Good luck with the wimmins. :thup:

Word of advice: 'women fail because they're women' will not be a good ice-breaker at a bar.

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