The Joys of Public Transportation

Overall U.S. Mass Transit ridership remains down about 40% from pre-pandemic levels.

One of the main generators of Mass Transit ridership are people commuting and working daily in the downtown areas of major supercities like Cleveland, Pittsburgh or New York.

The pandemic taught a lot of people that they don't have to make the trip every day- or ever- so they are continuing to stay out of the increasingly crimeridden urban heck holes and riding buses and trains.

Even those who continue to go to the central cities are now finding parking easier, and still often avoiding a train.

And a looser business real estate market has made suburban office parks with ample parking a good choice for a lot of people.
Riding a bike is great. Exercise plus no wear and tear on your vehicle. Now go to work so you can pay for my social security.
Riding a bike is great. Exercise plus no wear and tear on your vehicle. Now go to work so you can pay for my social security.
That sounds great. 3-4 hour commute to and from work each day on several major highways. What could go wrong?
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