The Joys of State Run Healthcare

/----/ US tax rates: 10% - 37%

UK tax rate is up to 45% PLUS a Value Added Tax of 20% BUT YOU FREELOADERS THINK YOU GET FREE HEALTHCARE. › vat-rates

VAT rates - GOV.UK

The standard rate of VAT increased to 20% on 4 January 2011 (from 17.5%). Some things are exempt from VAT , such as postage stamps, financial and property transactions. The VAT rate businesses ...
Come on dummy, explain the 45% tax rate :popcorn:

Just say it, you haven't a fucking clue!!
Income tax rate starts at 0%. Explain that!!

VAT/sales tax, inheritance tax, stamp duty etc.. all the percentages are irrelevant because the tax burden is higher in the US than the UK. So we pay less in tax and get healthcare and you guys pay more tax and get no healthcare. You are such a thick bake.

What a stupid thick wanker
Come on dummy, explain the 45% tax rate :popcorn:

Just say it, you haven't a fucking clue!!
Income tax rate starts at 0%. Explain that!!

VAT/sales tax, inheritance tax, stamp duty etc.. all the percentages are irrelevant because the tax burden is higher in the US than the UK. So we pay less in tax and get healthcare and you guys pay more tax and get no healthcare. You are such a thick bake.

What a stupid thick wanker
/-----/ What is to explain that confuses you? The highest rate a Brit can pay is 45%, plus a VAT on many other things ALL Brits pay. A tax is a tax. Add them up yourself.

But, since you don't post anything other than juvenile name calling instead of links to facts, I'm calling you a loser in this debate.
See ya.
/-----/ What is to explain that confuses you? The highest rate a Brit can pay is 45%, plus a VAT on many other things ALL Brits pay. A tax is a tax. Add them up yourself.

But, since you don't post anything other than juvenile name calling instead of links to facts, I'm calling you a loser in this debate.
See ya.
Ok thick bellend, I will explain UK income tax -


If your wage was £125,141, you would pay 45% on £1.

I'm Limited company and this a director. My income tax bill has been £0.00 for 20 years.

It's irrelevant the individual tax amounts, Americans on average pay nearly twice as much in tax as us Brits do, and we get healthcare out of that.

And you're so thick as fuck, it doesn't sink in your head. If you haf something between both lugs to stop the info, you would be within a fighting chance. Hence why you're still thick as fuck with the whole taxation idea.
Cellblock2429 tax revenue as a % of GDP is -

UK 33.3%
US 40.6%

In basic retard laments terms, the government in the US collects a greater percentage of tax off an American than the UK government does off a Brit. And the other difference is, the British government can still afford to give folk a health service. And yet another difference is, we can speed our health service up by paying (as in going private). But the UK has many thick folk like you, and they can't grasp this. And those thickos in the UK are called Labourites (aka Left Wing parasites).
Cellblock2429 tax revenue as a % of GDP is -

UK 33.3%
US 40.6%

In basic retard laments terms, the government in the US collects a greater percentage of tax off an American than the UK government does off a Brit. And the other difference is, the British government can still afford to give folk a health service. And yet another difference is, we can speed our health service up by paying (as in going private). But the UK has many thick folk like you, and they can't grasp this. And those thickos in the UK are called Labourites (aka Left Wing parasites).

I suppose Sir Keir is going to be the next PM. :(
Come on dummy, explain the 45% tax rate :popcorn:

Just say it, you haven't a fucking clue!!
Income tax rate starts at 0%. Explain that!!

VAT/sales tax, inheritance tax, stamp duty etc.. all the percentages are irrelevant because the tax burden is higher in the US than the UK. So we pay less in tax and get healthcare and you guys pay more tax and get no healthcare. You are such a thick bake.

What a stupid thick wanker

You should see the property taxes in the US.
Ok thick bellend, I will explain UK income tax -

View attachment 967660

If your wage was £125,141, you would pay 45% on £1.

I'm Limited company and this a director. My income tax bill has been £0.00 for 20 years.

It's irrelevant the individual tax amounts, Americans on average pay nearly twice as much in tax as us Brits do, and we get healthcare out of that.

And you're so thick as fuck, it doesn't sink in your head. If you haf something between both lugs to stop the info, you would be within a fighting chance. Hence why you're still thick as fuck with the whole taxation idea.
So you are a freeloader. Other people pay for your services. That explains a lot of your attitudes.
Cellblock2429 tax revenue as a % of GDP is -

UK 33.3%
US 40.6%

In basic retard laments terms, the government in the US collects a greater percentage of tax off an American than the UK government does off a Brit. And the other difference is, the British government can still afford to give folk a health service. And yet another difference is, we can speed our health service up by paying (as in going private). But the UK has many thick folk like you, and they can't grasp this. And those thickos in the UK are called Labourites (aka Left Wing parasites).
Yeah you can pay for your "free" health care, but not your own defense. You have to borrow USMC F-35s to operate off your two aircraft carriers because you can't afford to buy or train your own aircraft and pilots. Your entire navy consists of THIRTY FIVE combat vessels, nearly half of which were built in the last century. You can't even man the few ships that you have forcing the early retirement of some ships to reduce the manpower shortfalls. The RAF has fewer than 130 combat aircraft with the 53 Tranche 1 Eurofighters being retired by the end of 2025 with no replacements scheduled.
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Cellblock2429 tax revenue as a % of GDP is -

UK 33.3%
US 40.6%

In basic retard laments terms, the government in the US collects a greater percentage of tax off an American than the UK government does off a Brit. And the other difference is, the British government can still afford to give folk a health service. And yet another difference is, we can speed our health service up by paying (as in going private). But the UK has many thick folk like you, and they can't grasp this. And those thickos in the UK are called Labourites (aka Left Wing parasites).
/----/ So VAT doesn't exist or for the sake of the lame argument you are making, is real but you're not going to include it.
So let me get this straight, the UK pay less in tax than the US but that tax covers healthcare for all. The US pay shit loads in tax, that tax can't afford healthcare for it's citizens so the lucky ones who can afford health insurance can get partial cover. And you call our system shitty 🤔

Fuck me, no brains on your side of the family is there!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So if Brits put to one side the difference between the average tax burden to the NHS and the average US health insurance cost in the US, if we ever need to use the NHS, we could just pay private. But rather than suffer your burden, we enjoy healthcare and spend the rest on leisure. You guys pay more and go bankrupt, and you champion that? Lol.
Canada's is better
Ok thick bellend, I will explain UK income tax -

View attachment 967660

If your wage was £125,141, you would pay 45% on £1.

I'm Limited company and this a director. My income tax bill has been £0.00 for 20 years.

It's irrelevant the individual tax amounts, Americans on average pay nearly twice as much in tax as us Brits do, and we get healthcare out of that.

And you're so thick as fuck, it doesn't sink in your head. If you haf something between both lugs to stop the info, you would be within a fighting chance. Hence why you're still thick as fuck with the whole taxation idea.
/----/ "It's irrelevant the individual tax amounts, Americans on average pay nearly twice as much in tax as us Brits do,"
I'm glad you agree that Americans are over taxed. BTW, if you work for a living, many companies include health insurance that isn't taxed as a benefit. You do have a copay and deductibles, but it's a great benefit.
/----/ US tax rates: 10% - 37%

UK tax rate is up to 45% PLUS a Value Added Tax of 20% BUT YOU FREELOADERS THINK YOU GET FREE HEALTHCARE. › vat-rates

VAT rates - GOV.UK

The standard rate of VAT increased to 20% on 4 January 2011 (from 17.5%). Some things are exempt from VAT , such as postage stamps, financial and property transactions. The VAT rate businesses ...
And free education.
If the colonies stayed under UK rule, they would be paying much less tax !!
/----/ "If the colonies stayed under UK rule, they would be paying much less tax !!"
And with the British mindset, we would have been ill prepared for WWII (maybe even WWI) as the UK was. We'd all be speaking German now and praising the Fatherland..
/----/ "If the colonies stayed under UK rule, they would be paying much less tax !!"
And with the British mindset, we would have been ill prepared for WWII (maybe even WWI) as the UK was. We'd all be speaking German now and praising the Fatherland..
You would still be speaking correct English if the French didn't save your ass. And the colonies were upset about tax levels!! Looks like their lack of brains has been passed down the generations.
Just go on YouTube and find Americans living in the UK, you will find loads. And they all say the same thing on healthcare -

This video is just ONE of MANY and the ones that live in Germany, Netherlands etc.. have exactly the same story on American healthcare.

If you're brought up in America, then your system is the only system you know. If you think it's no.1 in the world, good for you. Those Americans that got a passport and experienced the world will often beg to differ with you.

But the other parts of her video are good too, toxic individualism, guns, excessive food etc.. are for other threads. The part about healthcare is around the 3:50 mark.
Yeah you can pay for your "free" health care, but not your own defense. You have to borrow USMC F-35s to operate off your two aircraft carriers because you can't afford to buy or train your own aircraft and pilots. Your entire navy consists of THIRTY FIVE combat vessels, nearly half of which were built in the last century. You can't even man the few ships that you have forcing the early retirement of some ships to reduce the manpower shortfalls. The RAF has fewer than 130 combat aircraft with the 53 Tranche 1 Eurofighters being retired by the end of 2025 with no replacements scheduled.

In terms of total amount the UK is one of the biggest spenders on it's defense, in the world. They are literally in the top 6 🤷‍♀️
Yeah you can pay for your "free" health care, but not your own defense. You have to borrow USMC F-35s to operate off your two aircraft carriers because you can't afford to buy or train your own aircraft and pilots. Your entire navy consists of THIRTY FIVE combat vessels, nearly half of which were built in the last century. You can't even man the few ships that you have forcing the early retirement of some ships to reduce the manpower shortfalls. The RAF has fewer than 130 combat aircraft with the 53 Tranche 1 Eurofighters being retired by the end of 2025 with no replacements scheduled.
It's sad Americans go down the list of clichés when they lose debates. Defence spending has nothing to do with the NHS. Please stay on topic or stop derailing and take a trip to the defence section of the forum for therapy.
It's sad Americans go down the list of clichés when they lose debates. Defence spending has nothing to do with the NHS. Please stay on topic or stop derailing and take a trip to the defence section of the forum for therapy.
/----/ What cliches? Do you even know what the word means? And, if you're spending most of your money on healthcare, you won't have money for defense.

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