The Joys of State Run Healthcare

/----/ What cliches? Do you even know what the word means? And, if you're spending most of your money on healthcare, you won't have money for defense.
Sorry for late reply, I was going through the rules on the "rep" function abuse, were you're simply just going down the thread hitting fake news on everything, regardless of content. I redacted two of mine because I realised your flame-baiting.

Yes, search clichés, I think it's mainly under the gun section. When there's there a debate, say about guns or healthcare, the American clichés spill out. Like, Limeys, we kicked your asses out, you're subjects, defence spending and so on and so on, all clichés irrelevant to the discussion. Why you guys do it; losing debates, low IQ, inbreeding etc.. who knows. But it's sad and pathetic.

If you think the American healthcare system is the best in the world but you've never been out of own country, try using the likes of YouTube to listen to all the Americans that now live elsewhere. Take there word for it, not mine. The same thing about food, healthcare, guns, courtesy etc.. constantly crops up, and unfortunately for you, they never go your way.

You're like a Democrat that desperately clings onto, "It was an insurrection", dream. You guys are brain washed.
Captain Caveman,

Have you been watching the debates? Between the tetchy PM, and the wooden PM in-waiting? lol.

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