The Killing Of The United States of America

If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

. state already does most of this stuff. It’s mostly no brainer changes.

Most, what do they not do? Please be specific.


Please try your question again in English.
Poor little commie, you're displaying your ignorance again. Democrats were responsible for Jim Crow laws, the rest of your post is full of it.
Southern Krackers were responsible for Jim Crow, much as their descendents are now attempting the modern version - voter restriction - under the Republican label.

Do you really think everyone can't see exactly what's happening?

Are you saying members of your party are too inept to follow the same rules as everyone else?

If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.


You rubes did your best to kill the United States after the storming of the capitol based on the lies of your orange god.
If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

Was wondering how long before the anti-democracy crowd would be bitching about HR-1. It will probably pass. Have you picked your next country yet? Bye.
They want to make DC a state along with other odd laws. Will never pass in the senate.
Nope. If you had read my long post where some air head, wanted me to respond to the right wing talking points post, slanted their way those to ignorant of lazy to read a piece of legislation, you would have seen my comment, saying I do not care about that section and would just as soon DC stay as it is. I am not much of a throw the baby with the bathwater. Never, ever saw a piece of legislation (especially one as complicated as that, thought most are nowadays) that I agreed with every single line. Overall, I still support the bill. It will be tweaked and edited before this is over in the Senate. It goes a long way to requiring securities and accountabilities, and conformance performance across the country in regards to Federal elections, that were complained about by both sides during the 2020, including paper backup that can be viewed by the voter and cross referenced to the electronic count to insure the worst fear (voting machine programming shenanigans) to not take place. It codifies early voting times that is being curtailed in state legislatures, in the effort to keep the opposition party from voting. It makes registering to vote simpler and quicker for all that have trouble standing in line at some location (often DMV) to register or make changes to registration and make the voting database more accessible to states cross referencing voters that might try to register in more than one place. the bill does a host of thing and contribute to greater participation of the populous in voting, which is the basis of our democratically elected representative form of constitutional governance.
So how do you think it will pass when the resolution has DC as a state in it?
Don't know. Just as soon it got stripped in the Senate, as it is not the primary focus of the bill. I prefer clean legislation that stays on topic, just as I prefer clean spending bills that stay on topic, as we all do, but do not get very often anymore. Not sure we ever have, but I didn't start reading entire pieces of legislation until a few years ago, as I too was to lazy to do more than just bitch about what some partisan writer picked out as the most important to make a case for or against based on their political preferences.
Is it the fault of the partisanship of a writer to question why a bill for COVID relief for the American people includes millions of dollars to Ivy League Universities with endowments of billions?

Are you concerned that other reporters and writers dont see an issue with that?

Or is it the "Faux News" organization who is the problem.
You do know you are on the wrong thread, right? HR-1 is about voting, not covid. That last paragraph refers to some dumb ass Representative thinking the bill on securing and codifying voting federal elections should also have statehood for DC. Support it if you like. It is just not an issue I care about and is not associated with voting, voting rights or voting laws. Always dishonest when some jerk tacks on a unrelated matter, standard legislation or spending. Often it is either a tag along to something they will pass or a poison pill to kill good legislation, but always a bad idea in my opinion, as I prefer clean legislation.
My error.
I did not have the patience to read your, as you put it, long post. Not your fault. My lack of free time. I misunderstood the topic and I made an ass of myself.
Happened before and will happen again. But I learn from it every time.

I am sorry I wasted your time.
Nah. It is a long ass post. Worse than that, the post only goes half way through that long ass piece of legislation. There is stuff in there to like and dislike for everybody.
Name one thing any Republican would like.
Name on thing a republican led house and senate would write that a democrat would like.

Problem is, there is no such thing as compromise anymore.

Funny thing about the "America Recovery Act"....President Biden asked (paraphrased) "what should be taken out. Who doesn't want to help the American People who need money in their pockets? Who doesnt want to ensure our kids get back to school?"

But when people wanted to asnwer that question of his, he took no questions.

Such as...

How does giving millions to ivy league schools who have millions in endowments help Americans put money in their pocket? How does giving money to Museums who have millions in donations put money in Americans pockets?

Its a smoke and mirror thing with our elected officials.

Personally, I am sick of it.

It's the palousey payoff to big donors. Some of the money won't even be spent till 2028.

If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

so you have the comply with the 15th amendment? aww. poor baby.
So the 14th & 15th amendment compliance means the "loss of everything this country has ever stood for"?
If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

You mean a third American revolution. The second one occurred on 1/6. It failed. Miserably.

God you're stupid. That wasn't a revolution. If the second one comes, there will be no questions about what it is.


Why should I not believe the revolutionaries who fought there to salvage the election they believe was stolen from them?

You're going to believe what ever your masters tell you to believe. But believe this, revolutionaries don't go to a fight unarmed.

I have already accepted the facts
USA is a full Marxist nation and we are never going back
I even tried using my “ mutant powers” and tried to turn into a nuclear bomb
I have failed
If we are a pure Marxist form of government where is the Marxist economic controls?
Green New Deal !!!
They already control the biggest government apparatus in the history of mankind
If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

Trump lost under the current rules, why would we need more? I think infrastructure is much more important.

Stop lying commie bitch, multiple States made last minute changes to their election procedures, most illegally.

If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

. state already does most of this stuff. It’s mostly no brainer changes.

Most, what do they not do? Please be specific.


Please try your question again in English.

Are you really that senile? state already does most of this stuff.
Obviously language isn't the problem. It must be your lack of intellect.

So I'll ask again:
Most, what do they not do? Please be specific.

If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.


You rubes did your best to kill the United States after the storming of the capitol based on the lies of your orange god.

Wow, did your masters help you type that?

If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

so you have the comply with the 15th amendment? aww. poor baby.
So the 14th & 15th amendment compliance means the "loss of everything this country has ever stood for"?

What the fuck are you babbling about?

If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

. state already does most of this stuff. It’s mostly no brainer changes.

Most, what do they not do? Please be specific.


Please try your question again in English.

Are you really that senile? state already does most of this stuff.
Obviously language isn't the problem. It must be your lack of intellect.

So I'll ask again:
Most, what do they not do? Please be specific.

Your sentence still doesn't make sense grammatically

We pretty much already do all of it. Early voting at E-15, done...we start at E-30. Same day registration, done. No excuse Vote by Mail? We do better, universal Vote by Mail.

I haven't gone line by line through the bill yet, but it doesn't seem to have much impact on my state.
And this is happening because of a stolen get really mad...the minority is doing this to our nation...because they have the courts the news media the FBI the CIA in the palm of their hands....
Please read the report folks. I think it contains things that even the most ardent commiecrats would object to.
Well, you are certainly encouraging Dems by calling them a slur.

I read the whole thing. It's a hit piece expressing opinions of what will happen, opinions that offer next to nothing in the form of analysis or evidence.

Not too surprising given that Heritage is one of the outfits that backed the neocons and Trotsky-like never-ending war in the Middle East. And here I thought Trumpers shared my contempt for neocons.
Everything that is anti-American sounds reasonable to you. The Constitution delegates the conduct of elections to the States, this BS is unconstitutional. That explains why you like it, centralized control. That's all you commies want, to control every aspect of people's lives. Move your ass to North Korea or China if that's the type of government you want.

Guy, Voting is federalized under the 12th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 23rd, 24th and 26th amendments.

If you guys spent half the time you spend trying to prevent poor people of color from voting and instead giving them reasons to vote for you, then you might even win an election once in a while, legitimately.
It has nothing to do with race. The problem in our country is we have too many stupid people voting. If it were up to me, everybody would have to go to the polls, take an extremely simple test to secure they have the minimal knowledge needed to vote.

They had those, they were called "Literacy tests". They were the source of all sorts of racist discrimination.

The Democrats found a way to get more stupid to vote via Covid. But Covid will be long behind us in 2022. Therefore they are trying to pass legislation to keep the stupid vote coming. The more stupid votes, the more chance the commies have at retaining power.

Uh, guy, Your side hasn't won the popular vote in a General Election since 2004.... and you had to terrify the nation into just barely doing that.
Thankfully (hopefully?) the current mix on the Supreme Court won't let this stand if somehow it gets through congress and Biden's stamp of approval.
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If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

so you have the comply with the 15th amendment? aww. poor baby.
So the 14th & 15th amendment compliance means the "loss of everything this country has ever stood for"?

What the fuck are you babbling about?


He just got his new talking points memo today, and he's still trying to figure out how to shoehorn it into conversations.
If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

. state already does most of this stuff. It’s mostly no brainer changes.

Most, what do they not do? Please be specific.


Please try your question again in English.

Are you really that senile? state already does most of this stuff.
Obviously language isn't the problem. It must be your lack of intellect.

So I'll ask again:
Most, what do they not do? Please be specific.

Your sentence still doesn't make sense grammatically

We pretty much already do all of it. Early voting at E-15, done...we start at E-30. Same day registration, done. No excuse Vote by Mail? We do better, universal Vote by Mail.

I haven't gone line by line through the bill yet, but it doesn't seem to have much impact on my state.

So your State has already criminalized challenging a voters eligibility? And your State has limited any challenge to your election laws to a single court in DC?


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