The Klan Never Organized Huge Protests Chanting Death Threats Like These Organized By Al Sharpton

Yeah, no thugs.

Careful, you'll give yourself away.
You already have, Byrd apologist.

Racist prick.
Hey bitch, you're the one who has been defending an Exalted Cyclops for several days now, and you're calling ME the racist???

You are a liar. I have not once defended Byrds racist deeds, I've only given him credit for admitting to his mistakes and you know that. You know you're a racist piece of shit, you're just too chicken shit to admit it. Steve McRacist may be one ignorant SOB, but at least he willingly admits to being a racist. Hell, he wears it proudly on his sleeve, the big dummy. But're too much of a coward. You have to hide behind "code words."

I'm content to let everyone simply read your posts to determine whether or not you've been defending Byrd throughout this thread.
Yes, S. J. has lied constantly in this thread about the klan and etc. He admire Strom Thurmond because he tooks his racism to the GOP. He hates Byrd because he owned up to errors and changed his way.
Provide a quote where I lied about the klan or where I said I admired Strom Thurmond. And I never said I hated Byrd. I'm simply pointing out the glaring hypocrisy of the Democratic Party, and you lying liberal pieces of shit. Now, how about providing those quotes?
Careful, you'll give yourself away.
You already have, Byrd apologist.

Racist prick.
Hey bitch, you're the one who has been defending an Exalted Cyclops for several days now, and you're calling ME the racist???

You are a liar. I have not once defended Byrds racist deeds, I've only given him credit for admitting to his mistakes and you know that. You know you're a racist piece of shit, you're just too chicken shit to admit it. Steve McRacist may be one ignorant SOB, but at least he willingly admits to being a racist. Hell, he wears it proudly on his sleeve, the big dummy. But're too much of a coward. You have to hide behind "code words."

I'm content to let everyone simply read your posts to determine whether or not you've been defending Byrd throughout this thread.

You are a liar. I have not once defended Byrd's racist deeds, I've only given him credit for admitting to his mistakes and you know that. That's a far cry from approving of his Klan membership.

Now, if you can't show where I've been supportive of his racist past or Klan membership, you can STFU.
You already have, Byrd apologist.

Racist prick.
Hey bitch, you're the one who has been defending an Exalted Cyclops for several days now, and you're calling ME the racist???

You are a liar. I have not once defended Byrds racist deeds, I've only given him credit for admitting to his mistakes and you know that. You know you're a racist piece of shit, you're just too chicken shit to admit it. Steve McRacist may be one ignorant SOB, but at least he willingly admits to being a racist. Hell, he wears it proudly on his sleeve, the big dummy. But're too much of a coward. You have to hide behind "code words."

I'm content to let everyone simply read your posts to determine whether or not you've been defending Byrd throughout this thread.

You are a liar. I have not once defended Byrd's racist deeds, I've only given him credit for admitting to his mistakes and you know that. That's a far cry from approving of his Klan membership.

Now, if you can't show where I've been supportive of his racist past or Klan membership, you can STFU.
Maybe you didn't understand what I just said. I'm content to let everyone simply read your posts to determine whether or not you've been defending Byrd throughout this thread. Calling me a liar over and over isn't gonna change your many comments defending the klansman.
Racist prick.
Hey bitch, you're the one who has been defending an Exalted Cyclops for several days now, and you're calling ME the racist???

You are a liar. I have not once defended Byrds racist deeds, I've only given him credit for admitting to his mistakes and you know that. You know you're a racist piece of shit, you're just too chicken shit to admit it. Steve McRacist may be one ignorant SOB, but at least he willingly admits to being a racist. Hell, he wears it proudly on his sleeve, the big dummy. But're too much of a coward. You have to hide behind "code words."

I'm content to let everyone simply read your posts to determine whether or not you've been defending Byrd throughout this thread.

You are a liar. I have not once defended Byrd's racist deeds, I've only given him credit for admitting to his mistakes and you know that. That's a far cry from approving of his Klan membership.

Now, if you can't show where I've been supportive of his racist past or Klan membership, you can STFU.
Maybe you didn't understand what I just said. I'm content to let everyone simply read your posts to determine whether or not you've been defending Byrd throughout this thread. Calling me a liar over and over isn't gonna change your many comments defending the klansman.

And I said put up, or STFU.
Hey bitch, you're the one who has been defending an Exalted Cyclops for several days now, and you're calling ME the racist???

You are a liar. I have not once defended Byrds racist deeds, I've only given him credit for admitting to his mistakes and you know that. You know you're a racist piece of shit, you're just too chicken shit to admit it. Steve McRacist may be one ignorant SOB, but at least he willingly admits to being a racist. Hell, he wears it proudly on his sleeve, the big dummy. But're too much of a coward. You have to hide behind "code words."

I'm content to let everyone simply read your posts to determine whether or not you've been defending Byrd throughout this thread.

You are a liar. I have not once defended Byrd's racist deeds, I've only given him credit for admitting to his mistakes and you know that. That's a far cry from approving of his Klan membership.

Now, if you can't show where I've been supportive of his racist past or Klan membership, you can STFU.
Maybe you didn't understand what I just said. I'm content to let everyone simply read your posts to determine whether or not you've been defending Byrd throughout this thread. Calling me a liar over and over isn't gonna change your many comments defending the klansman.

And I said put up, or STFU.
I don't need to "put up", you've already done that. Here's a question for you. Do you condemn the Democratic Party for supporting Byrd all those years when he was their Senate majority leader, Senate minority leader, and President pro tempore? And do you condemn them for supporting his campaigns after he more recently used the N word on television? Put up or STFU.
Yes, S. J. has lied constantly in this thread about the klan and etc. He admire Strom Thurmond because he tooks his racism to the GOP. He hates Byrd because he owned up to errors and changed his way.
Provide a quote where I lied about the klan or where I said I admired Strom Thurmond. And I never said I hated Byrd. I'm simply pointing out the glaring hypocrisy of the Democratic Party, and you lying liberal pieces of shit. Now, how about providing those quotes?
You are a liar. I have not once defended Byrds racist deeds, I've only given him credit for admitting to his mistakes and you know that. You know you're a racist piece of shit, you're just too chicken shit to admit it. Steve McRacist may be one ignorant SOB, but at least he willingly admits to being a racist. Hell, he wears it proudly on his sleeve, the big dummy. But're too much of a coward. You have to hide behind "code words."

I'm content to let everyone simply read your posts to determine whether or not you've been defending Byrd throughout this thread.

You are a liar. I have not once defended Byrd's racist deeds, I've only given him credit for admitting to his mistakes and you know that. That's a far cry from approving of his Klan membership.

Now, if you can't show where I've been supportive of his racist past or Klan membership, you can STFU.
Maybe you didn't understand what I just said. I'm content to let everyone simply read your posts to determine whether or not you've been defending Byrd throughout this thread. Calling me a liar over and over isn't gonna change your many comments defending the klansman.

And I said put up, or STFU.
I don't need to "put up", you've already done that. Here's a question for you. Do you condemn the Democratic Party for supporting Byrd all those years when he was their Senate majority leader, Senate minority leader, and President pro tempore? And do you condemn them for supporting his campaigns after he more recently used the N word on television? Put up or STFU.
S. J. has failed to put up on this KKK thread.

He attacks Byrd but not Thurmond, he refuses to accept that the conservative moved to the GOP and remained a racist while the other stayed in the Dems and changed.

We all know S. J. would have voted for Thurmond as a Dixiecrat and as a Republican.

And all S. J. does is chirp.
S. J. has failed to put up on this KKK thread.

He attacks Byrd but not Thurmond, he refuses to accept that the conservative moved to the GOP and remained a racist while the other stayed in the Dems and changed.

We all know S. J. would have voted for Thurmond as a Dixiecrat and as a Republican.

And all S. J. does is chirp.
You've got nothing. The KKK belong to the Democrats and you stepped in shit trying to defend Byrd. Now the only thing you have left is to bring Strom Thurmond into the mix in a desperate attempt to deflect from your defense of your KKK hero. I'll bet you have a confederate flag hanging in your garage, next to your Bob Byrd poster.
It's true. Tonight in New York, another protest was organized like last Saturdays march in which the protestors chanted death threats. When can you recall the Ku Klux Klan ever doing something like this? The answer is never.

BREAKING Protesters Ignore Mayor De Blasio March on 5th Avenue Chanting 8220 Murdering Pigs 8221 Video The Gateway Pundit
You are incredibly ignorant of the history of the KKK.
Which is so ironic, he should know the most about the KKK.
S. J. has failed to put up on this KKK thread.

He attacks Byrd but not Thurmond, he refuses to accept that the conservative moved to the GOP and remained a racist while the other stayed in the Dems and changed.

We all know S. J. would have voted for Thurmond as a Dixiecrat and as a Republican.

And all S. J. does is chirp.
You've got nothing. The KKK belong to the Democrats and you stepped in shit trying to defend Byrd. Now the only thing you have left is to bring Strom Thurmond into the mix in a desperate attempt to deflect from your defense of your KKK hero. I'll bet you have a confederate flag hanging in your garage, next to your Bob Byrd poster.

We defended Byrd quite well, and you failed.

You can't defend Thurmond, so you fail again.

You love the KKK, so you fail a third time.

And we know you have a pin up of David Duke in his KKK uniform above your bed.

S. J., the jig's up, and you have been had.
S. J. has failed to put up on this KKK thread.

He attacks Byrd but not Thurmond, he refuses to accept that the conservative moved to the GOP and remained a racist while the other stayed in the Dems and changed.

We all know S. J. would have voted for Thurmond as a Dixiecrat and as a Republican.

And all S. J. does is chirp.
You've got nothing. The KKK belong to the Democrats and you stepped in shit trying to defend Byrd. Now the only thing you have left is to bring Strom Thurmond into the mix in a desperate attempt to deflect from your defense of your KKK hero. I'll bet you have a confederate flag hanging in your garage, next to your Bob Byrd poster.

We defended Byrd quite well, and you failed.

You can't defend Thurmond, so you fail again.

You love the KKK, so you fail a third time.

And we know you have a pin up of David Duke in his KKK uniform above your bed.

S. J., the jig's up, and you have been had.
Finally, you admit you've been defending Byrd. Thank you!

And I'm still waiting for you to post a quote of me defending Strom Thurmond, the KKK, or David Duke. Of course, I know you won't post the quotes because there AREN'T any to post. So I guess since you can't "put up", you'll have to SHUT UP.
S. J. has failed to put up on this KKK thread.

He attacks Byrd but not Thurmond, he refuses to accept that the conservative moved to the GOP and remained a racist while the other stayed in the Dems and changed.

We all know S. J. would have voted for Thurmond as a Dixiecrat and as a Republican.

And all S. J. does is chirp.
You've got nothing. The KKK belong to the Democrats and you stepped in shit trying to defend Byrd. Now the only thing you have left is to bring Strom Thurmond into the mix in a desperate attempt to deflect from your defense of your KKK hero. I'll bet you have a confederate flag hanging in your garage, next to your Bob Byrd poster.

If the KKK belongs to Democrats, why was (R) Steve Scalise giving speeches to NeoNazi's, founded by David Duke, back in 2002?
Thank you, S. J., for admitting defeat.

Yes, we defended Byrd after he changed.

You and many other conservative racists have not changed. Yes, you admitted that you never condemned Thurmond.

He was you hero who led the way for hundreds of thousands of racists conservatives into the the southern GOP, where we, the Good Guys, have have spend decades marginalizing them and their influence. Many of the conservative racists are dead and most of the rest will be gone within twenty years.

I challenge you as a new year opportunity to confront and eliminate your inner conservative racism. Take message of redemption to you KKK buddies.

Happy New Year, little buddy.
Thank you, S. J., for admitting defeat.

Yes, we defended Byrd after he changed.

You and many other conservative racists have not changed. Yes, you admitted that you never condemned Thurmond.

He was you hero who led the way for hundreds of thousands of racists conservatives into the the southern GOP, where we, the Good Guys, have have spend decades marginalizing them and their influence. Many of the conservative racists are dead and most of the rest will be gone within twenty years.

I challenge you as a new year opportunity to confront and eliminate your inner conservative racism. Take message of redemption to you KKK buddies.

Happy New Year, little buddy.
Still waiting for the quotes, little buddy.
S. J. has failed to put up on this KKK thread.

He attacks Byrd but not Thurmond, he refuses to accept that the conservative moved to the GOP and remained a racist while the other stayed in the Dems and changed.

We all know S. J. would have voted for Thurmond as a Dixiecrat and as a Republican.

And all S. J. does is chirp.
You've got nothing. The KKK belong to the Democrats and you stepped in shit trying to defend Byrd. Now the only thing you have left is to bring Strom Thurmond into the mix in a desperate attempt to deflect from your defense of your KKK hero. I'll bet you have a confederate flag hanging in your garage, next to your Bob Byrd poster.

If the KKK belongs to Democrats, why was (R) Steve Scalise giving speeches to NeoNazi's, founded by David Duke, back in 2002?
Same reason Obama has Al Sharpton as his adviser on race relations as well as attending the Rev Wright's Church of Hate for 20 years, I suppose.

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