The Kremlin hacking for Trump...Again

That is plainly wrong. It was a huge defeat for the Republicans. It may be a harbinger of things to come.
Huge defeat of the Republicans.

View attachment 300191
and what do you have to show for it?? Incompetent judges elected, a tax cut that supports only the rich and what else? Please remind me.

  • Six years of blocking Obama.
  • Trump in the White House.
  • Hillary NOT in the White House.
  • Lots and LOTS of Constitutional conservative judges.
  • The Supreme Court.
  • Out of TPP.
  • Out of JCPOA.
  • Out of Paris Accord.
  • Tons of deregulation.
  • NK put in its place.
  • Military rebuilt.
  • ISIS all but destroyed.
  • New trade deals with China in the works.
  • Stronger economy than ever.
  • Cracking down on crime, gangs, and illegals.
  • Protections for gun owners and religion.
  • 100 miles of border fence repaired, improved or built.
  • Billions of dollars by progressives wasted fighting Trump.
  • Millions of Leftard heads exploded.
  • A president who is proud of America and puts us first.
  • A couple in the White House I can respect.
  • A really nice tax refund for me.

Here is her problem with that -

She Luv Obama
She Luv Hillary
She Hates Conservatives
She Luv agreements that hurt the USA
She Luv regulations because only Government cares about her.
She hates money being left in the citizens hands because people don't spend it to her liking.
She Hate guns.
She Luv open borders.

So you can see that President Trump - no be too good for her.
Really? The only people that hate republicans and those who are humans!!

If that was written in English, what would it say?
You didn't make historic gains in Congress in 2018
2018 was a disaster, historically speaking for Dems.
That is plainly wrong. It was a huge defeat for the Republicans. It may be a harbinger of things to come.
Huge defeat of the Republicans.

View attachment 300191
and what do you have to show for it?? Incompetent judges elected, a tax cut that supports only the rich and what else? Please remind me.

  • Six years of blocking Obama.
  • Trump in the White House.
  • Hillary NOT in the White House.
  • Lots and LOTS of Constitutional conservative judges.
  • The Supreme Court.
  • Out of TPP.
  • Out of JCPOA.
  • Out of Paris Accord.
  • Tons of deregulation.
  • NK put in its place.
  • Military rebuilt.
  • ISIS all but destroyed.
  • New trade deals with China in the works.
  • Stronger economy than ever.
  • Cracking down on crime, gangs, and illegals.
  • Protections for gun owners and religion.
  • 100 miles of border fence repaired, improved or built.
  • Billions of dollars by progressives wasted fighting Trump.
  • Millions of Leftard heads exploded.
  • A president who is proud of America and puts us first.
  • A couple in the White House I can respect.
  • A really nice tax refund for me.
Uhmmmm, no mentioning of the really good shit, we no longer have reliable allies, reliable intelligences sourcs, the world hates us, our deficits is shit, wages still stagnent, no real healthcare reform, no wall, our farmers are on welfare, homeland security at risk, our elections at risk, mass shootings are up, our country divided, white ppl gone cra cra, he golfs more than Woods, never says anything that isn't a lie, he's corrupt, deranged and stupid..BUT DUMB MF'S LIKE YOU...its all good...bye felicia

You really are bowling for shitbrain of the year, yes?
  • Our allies were only reliable before because we were bribing them to be our friends bankrolling them and they went along to stay on our good side to keep sucking our teat.
  • The world already hated us, moron, we are just hating them back now. I don't lose no sleep over what our enemies think. Friends don't hate you.
  • Obama created the deficit, idiot.
  • Wages have been stagnant since the 1970s, Moron.
  • If the Dems hadn't fucked up healthcare, we wouldn't need to reform it. Another thing the Pelosi House has failed to deliver.
  • Dems keep blocking the wall but its getting built little by little.
  • Farming is a risky business. Every battle has its casualties.
  • Homeland is just fine.
  • If elections are at risk, they are only from the Left. Didn't your buddy Barry say elections were solid as gold impregnable a few years ago??? You calling Barry a liar?
  • Shootings are down. They are only up where democrats are in charge. People are sick of the world the Left has given them.
  • Obama was the Great Divider.
  • You really want to say Trump's golfing is one of the national crises, crackhead?
  • After corrupt, deranged and stupid Hillary, anyone else looks like an angel!
  • Man are you a fucking triggered idiot!
Says the guy still promoting the Russia boogeyman theory.
What do you think the Russians are doing hacking the Burisma computers?

I think they are doing the same shit they've been doing for 50 years.

Are you people seriously this fucking dense? You actually believe that foreign interference in our elections just started 4 years ago?
What do you think they targeted Burisma for, specifically? Try answering the question.

How the fuck should I know why they do what they do?

You could argue it's to help Trump. But you could also argue that it's to make Trump look bad because "REEEEEE RUSSIAN COLLUSION" and further the division in this country. They're not our friends, you know...
They're nosing around to find the "goods" to help Trump's campaign. He's done a b
Big fucking deal. They've been doing it for decades, as has the USA. Why do you tards act like this is something new?
No you are delusional. The Russians never interfered as they did in 2016. That is just so much right-wing lies and misinformation. The Russians are gearing up again. My advice to you and others like you: stop being useful idiots for the Russians.

The only idiot here is you - the delusional moron who thinks dirty geopolitics hasn't been happening since civilization began.

It seems you and the others who seem to be strong supporters of Donald Trump have used ad hominems, attacking the author of the OP and all Democrats. If you have any evidence to support this "circle jerk" of ad hominems, please do so.

You want evidence? How about 3 years of Russia boogeyman bullshit that was proven completely BUNK by your own partisan investigation.

So excuse the fuck out of me while I take your latest Russian boogeymen claim with a grain of salt.
Proven completely "bunk?" 13 Russians indicted, if I recall, and their actions to interfere with and manipulate the election with fake news and stolen information. They are thugs! How can that be alright with you?
Ok. Russians are thugs. But Brits are thugs, too. Mexicans are thugs, Chinamen are thugs, Arabs are thugs. What is worse - to hire few foreign hackers to make a job, or to invite millions of foreign criminals and allow them to vote?
With President Trump facing an impeachment trial over his efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his son Hunter Biden, Russian military hackers have been boring into the Ukrainian gas company at the center of the affair, according to security experts.

The hacking attempts against Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company on whose board Hunter Biden served, began in early November, as talk of the Bidens, Ukraine and impeachment was dominating the news in the United States.

It is not yet clear what the hackers found, or precisely what they were searching for. But the experts say the timing and scale of the attacks suggest that the Russians could be searching for potentially embarrassing material on the Bidens — the same kind of information that Mr. Trump wanted from Ukraine when he pressed for an investigation of the Bidens and Burisma, setting off a chain of events that led to his impeachment.

The Russian tactics are strikingly similar to what American intelligence agencies say was Russia’s hacking of emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman and the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 presidential campaign. In that case, once they had the emails, the Russians used trolls to spread and spin the material, and built an echo chamber to widen its effect.

Russians Hacked Ukrainian Gas Company at Center of Impeachment

Yeah, the Kremlin is once again hacking for their man, Donald J. Trump. They want to find dirt on Hunter Biden to assist their asset in his White House in his reelection bid.

Burisma' s major competitor in that region is Gazprom. It's pretty much owned and operated by Putin. Tried to pull your head out of your ass at least once a month. Stop seeing little images of Donald Trump in your Cheerios!

Tell you what. When President Trump finally admits to and starts cracking down on the Russian interferance (much less, admits it's happening and he's benefiting from it) then maybe we will stop bring up the Russian Interference. Sounds fair to me.
But I'm sure you won't and you won't stop lying about Trump "benefiting" from Russian hacking. That's just a popular myth that the left can't let go of and cannot prove either. Sort of like all the rest of their lies.

Oh, really, The latest that you clown have latched onto like a greedy dog onto a bone is the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden thing. That is straight out of the Russian GRU play book. How many votes will that end up costing Biden in both the Primary and the General election? We know it came directly from the GRU mill but you think it's real. I know you will never believe otherwise but most of all the rest of us know better and more are coming to that conclusion each day.

You literally may not understand the Space Time Continuum thingy, but -
Biden was under investigation - 2 full years before Joe Biden announced his Presidency.
Joe Biden was simply a private citizen and former VP who had not ran in 2016.

You need to pay attention to history instead of the fantasy that you are fed by your handlers.
Tell you what. When President Trump finally admits to and starts cracking down on the Russian interferance (much less, admits it's happening and he's benefiting from it) then maybe we will stop bring up the Russian Interference. Sounds fair to me.
But I'm sure you won't and you won't stop lying about Trump "benefiting" from Russian hacking. That's just a popular myth that the left can't let go of and cannot prove either. Sort of like all the rest of their lies.

Oh, really, The latest that you clown have latched onto like a greedy dog onto a bone is the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden thing. That is straight out of the Russian GRU play book. How many votes will that end up costing Biden in both the Primary and the General election? We know it came directly from the GRU mill but you think it's real. I know you will never believe otherwise but most of all the rest of us know better and more are coming to that conclusion each day.

You literally may not understand the Space Time Continuum thingy, but -
Biden was under investigation - 2 full years before Joe Biden announced his Presidency.
Joe Biden was simply a private citizen and former VP who had not ran in 2016.

You need to pay attention to history instead of the fantasy that you are fed by your handlers.

Highlight what I stated that was not correct.
Burisma' s major competitor in that region is Gazprom. It's pretty much owned and operated by Putin. Tried to pull your head out of your ass at least once a month. Stop seeing little images of Donald Trump in your Cheerios!

1. So, "experts" are almost sure, that there are "potentially embarrassing material on the Bidens", aren't they?
2. Can Burisma hack Gazprom servers, and search for some "embarrassing material" on Putin? If "no" - why?
Oh, really, The latest that you clown have latched onto like a greedy dog onto a bone is the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden thing. That is straight out of the Russian GRU play book. How many votes will that end up costing Biden in both the Primary and the General election? We know it came directly from the GRU mill but you think it's real. I know you will never believe otherwise but most of all the rest of us know better and more are coming to that conclusion each day.
What specifically with regard to Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden and his loser son are you referring to?
I "think" it's real that Burisma gave Biden's kid a highly paid position at this Ukrainian gas and oil company with zero experience in that business or in Ukraine at all, for that matter because that's what happened!
It's a fact! Facts are real things we can all examine and discuss and go over.

By the way, after your sad deflection you haven't denied that Russian hacking in the 2016 campaign was not designed to benefit Trump in particular so let's just admit the point is conceded and the OP is based on a tiresome lie.

Please quote Robert Mueller, who spent over two years investigating the matter, claiming that Russia hacked the presidential election with the intent of gifting Trump the election. I haven't pored over every word of his report but I think had he claimed that it would have made at least a few news headlines. And partisan liars pushing that fake meme would really have a point instead of none at all as this entire bullshit filled thread demonstrates.
They're nosing around to find the "goods" to help Trump's campaign. He's done a b

That is pure speculation. Prove it.

You can't.

Proven completely "bunk?" 13 Russians indicted, if I recall, and their actions to interfere with and manipulate the election with fake news and stolen information. They are thugs! How can that be alright with you?

Toothless indictments against foreign nationals where we don't have jurisdiction. It's entirely meaningless. And do you recall who those "13 Russians" were? It was a goddamn troll farm making memes on social media and promoting them. Whoop-dee-fuckin-doo.

Completely and utterly absurd.
If their contributions were so unremarkable, why did they hide who they were and use false names when they bought ad space, etc.

And I was more pissed off about the criminal stuff--the HACKING--the breaking in to private property, stealing it and then broadcasting it to the four winds. Do NOT tell me that selling the DNC emails to Wikileaks didn't help Trump's campaign and hurt Hillary's, because you know better.
The hacking was actually criminal.

Why do you think that it was hacked?
What an odd question. What do you mean?
Oh, really, The latest that you clown have latched onto like a greedy dog onto a bone is the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden thing. That is straight out of the Russian GRU play book. How many votes will that end up costing Biden in both the Primary and the General election? We know it came directly from the GRU mill but you think it's real. I know you will never believe otherwise but most of all the rest of us know better and more are coming to that conclusion each day.
What specifically with regard to Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden and his loser son are you referring to?
I "think" it's real that Burisma gave Biden's kid a highly paid position at this Ukrainian gas and oil company with zero experience in that business or in Ukraine at all, for that matter because that's what happened!
It's a fact! Facts are real things we can all examine and discuss and go over.

By the way, after your sad deflection you haven't denied that Russian hacking in the 2016 campaign was not designed to benefit Trump in particular so let's just admit the point is conceded and the OP is based on a tiresome lie.

Please quote Robert Mueller, who spent over two years investigating the matter, claiming that Russia hacked the presidential election with the intent of gifting Trump the election. I haven't pored over every word of his report but I think had he claimed that it would have made at least a few news headlines. And partisan liars pushing that fake meme would really have a point instead of none at all as this entire bullshit filled thread demonstrates.
They're nosing around to find the "goods" to help Trump's campaign. He's done a b

That is pure speculation. Prove it.

You can't.

Proven completely "bunk?" 13 Russians indicted, if I recall, and their actions to interfere with and manipulate the election with fake news and stolen information. They are thugs! How can that be alright with you?

Toothless indictments against foreign nationals where we don't have jurisdiction. It's entirely meaningless. And do you recall who those "13 Russians" were? It was a goddamn troll farm making memes on social media and promoting them. Whoop-dee-fuckin-doo.

Completely and utterly absurd.
If their contributions were so unremarkable, why did they hide who they were and use false names when they bought ad space, etc.

And I was more pissed off about the criminal stuff--the HACKING--the breaking in to private property, stealing it and then broadcasting it to the four winds. Do NOT tell me that selling the DNC emails to Wikileaks didn't help Trump's campaign and hurt Hillary's, because you know better.
The hacking was actually criminal.

Why do you think that it was hacked?
What an odd question. What do you mean?

Do you have personal knowledge that it was hacked, like maybe you work for Crowd strike,
or did someone that you trust just tell you that?
What do you think the Russians are doing hacking the Burisma computers?

I think they are doing the same shit they've been doing for 50 years.

Are you people seriously this fucking dense? You actually believe that foreign interference in our elections just started 4 years ago?
What do you think they targeted Burisma for, specifically? Try answering the question.

How the fuck should I know why they do what they do?

You could argue it's to help Trump. But you could also argue that it's to make Trump look bad because "REEEEEE RUSSIAN COLLUSION" and further the division in this country. They're not our friends, you know...
They're nosing around to find the "goods" to help Trump's campaign. He's done a b
No you are delusional. The Russians never interfered as they did in 2016. That is just so much right-wing lies and misinformation. The Russians are gearing up again. My advice to you and others like you: stop being useful idiots for the Russians.

The only idiot here is you - the delusional moron who thinks dirty geopolitics hasn't been happening since civilization began.

It seems you and the others who seem to be strong supporters of Donald Trump have used ad hominems, attacking the author of the OP and all Democrats. If you have any evidence to support this "circle jerk" of ad hominems, please do so.

You want evidence? How about 3 years of Russia boogeyman bullshit that was proven completely BUNK by your own partisan investigation.

So excuse the fuck out of me while I take your latest Russian boogeymen claim with a grain of salt.
Proven completely "bunk?" 13 Russians indicted, if I recall, and their actions to interfere with and manipulate the election with fake news and stolen information. They are thugs! How can that be alright with you?
Ok. Russians are thugs. But Brits are thugs, too. Mexicans are thugs, Chinamen are thugs, Arabs are thugs. What is worse - to hire few foreign hackers to make a job, or to invite millions of foreign criminals and allow them to vote?
Tell me where the Brits or Arabs or Chinese hacked into an American's private business's records and stole them, distributing them for the world to see. Give me that link. No, the world is not all "thugs." Some deserve the label, though. You should seriously consider why you support them.
Oh, really, The latest that you clown have latched onto like a greedy dog onto a bone is the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden thing. That is straight out of the Russian GRU play book. How many votes will that end up costing Biden in both the Primary and the General election? We know it came directly from the GRU mill but you think it's real. I know you will never believe otherwise but most of all the rest of us know better and more are coming to that conclusion each day.
What specifically with regard to Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden and his loser son are you referring to?
I "think" it's real that Burisma gave Biden's kid a highly paid position at this Ukrainian gas and oil company with zero experience in that business or in Ukraine at all, for that matter because that's what happened!
It's a fact! Facts are real things we can all examine and discuss and go over.

By the way, after your sad deflection you haven't denied that Russian hacking in the 2016 campaign was not designed to benefit Trump in particular so let's just admit the point is conceded and the OP is based on a tiresome lie.

Please quote Robert Mueller, who spent over two years investigating the matter, claiming that Russia hacked the presidential election with the intent of gifting Trump the election. I haven't pored over every word of his report but I think had he claimed that it would have made at least a few news headlines. And partisan liars pushing that fake meme would really have a point instead of none at all as this entire bullshit filled thread demonstrates.
They're nosing around to find the "goods" to help Trump's campaign. He's done a b

That is pure speculation. Prove it.

You can't.

Proven completely "bunk?" 13 Russians indicted, if I recall, and their actions to interfere with and manipulate the election with fake news and stolen information. They are thugs! How can that be alright with you?

Toothless indictments against foreign nationals where we don't have jurisdiction. It's entirely meaningless. And do you recall who those "13 Russians" were? It was a goddamn troll farm making memes on social media and promoting them. Whoop-dee-fuckin-doo.

Completely and utterly absurd.
If their contributions were so unremarkable, why did they hide who they were and use false names when they bought ad space, etc.

And I was more pissed off about the criminal stuff--the HACKING--the breaking in to private property, stealing it and then broadcasting it to the four winds. Do NOT tell me that selling the DNC emails to Wikileaks didn't help Trump's campaign and hurt Hillary's, because you know better.
The hacking was actually criminal.

Why do you think that it was hacked?
What an odd question. What do you mean?

Do you have personal knowledge that it was hacked, like maybe you work for Crowd strike,
or did someone that you trust just tell you that?
I don't have any reason to question this guy. The only reason you do is that it is inconvenient to admit that the Russians assisted Donald's campaign in any way. And you wouldn't care about that, either, except Donald doesn't like it so you mustn't like it either.

Oren Falkowitz, a co-founder of Area 1, who previously served at the National Security Agency. Mr. Falkowitz’s firm maintains a network of sensors on web servers around the globe — many known to be used by state-sponsored hackers — which gives the firm a front-row seat to phishing attacks, and allows them to block attacks on their customers.

“The timing of the Russian campaign mirrors the G.R.U. hacks we saw in 2016 against the D.N.C. and John Podesta,” the Clinton campaign chairman, Mr. Falkowitz said. “Once again, they are stealing email credentials, in what we can only assume is a repeat of Russian interference in the last election.”
With President Trump facing an impeachment trial over his efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his son Hunter Biden, Russian military hackers have been boring into the Ukrainian gas company at the center of the affair, according to security experts.

The hacking attempts against Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company on whose board Hunter Biden served, began in early November, as talk of the Bidens, Ukraine and impeachment was dominating the news in the United States.

It is not yet clear what the hackers found, or precisely what they were searching for. But the experts say the timing and scale of the attacks suggest that the Russians could be searching for potentially embarrassing material on the Bidens — the same kind of information that Mr. Trump wanted from Ukraine when he pressed for an investigation of the Bidens and Burisma, setting off a chain of events that led to his impeachment.

The Russian tactics are strikingly similar to what American intelligence agencies say was Russia’s hacking of emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman and the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 presidential campaign. In that case, once they had the emails, the Russians used trolls to spread and spin the material, and built an echo chamber to widen its effect.

Russians Hacked Ukrainian Gas Company at Center of Impeachment

Yeah, the Kremlin is once again hacking for their man, Donald J. Trump. They want to find dirt on Hunter Biden to assist their asset in his White House in his reelection bid.
Wht are you hiding?
What specifically with regard to Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden and his loser son are you referring to?
I "think" it's real that Burisma gave Biden's kid a highly paid position at this Ukrainian gas and oil company with zero experience in that business or in Ukraine at all, for that matter because that's what happened!
It's a fact! Facts are real things we can all examine and discuss and go over.

By the way, after your sad deflection you haven't denied that Russian hacking in the 2016 campaign was not designed to benefit Trump in particular so let's just admit the point is conceded and the OP is based on a tiresome lie.

Please quote Robert Mueller, who spent over two years investigating the matter, claiming that Russia hacked the presidential election with the intent of gifting Trump the election. I haven't pored over every word of his report but I think had he claimed that it would have made at least a few news headlines. And partisan liars pushing that fake meme would really have a point instead of none at all as this entire bullshit filled thread demonstrates.
That is pure speculation. Prove it.

You can't.

Toothless indictments against foreign nationals where we don't have jurisdiction. It's entirely meaningless. And do you recall who those "13 Russians" were? It was a goddamn troll farm making memes on social media and promoting them. Whoop-dee-fuckin-doo.

Completely and utterly absurd.
If their contributions were so unremarkable, why did they hide who they were and use false names when they bought ad space, etc.

And I was more pissed off about the criminal stuff--the HACKING--the breaking in to private property, stealing it and then broadcasting it to the four winds. Do NOT tell me that selling the DNC emails to Wikileaks didn't help Trump's campaign and hurt Hillary's, because you know better.
The hacking was actually criminal.

Why do you think that it was hacked?
What an odd question. What do you mean?

Do you have personal knowledge that it was hacked, like maybe you work for Crowd strike,
or did someone that you trust just tell you that?
I don't have any reason to question this guy. The only reason you do is that it is inconvenient to admit that the Russians assisted Donald's campaign in any way. And you wouldn't care about that, either, except Donald doesn't like it so you mustn't like it either.

Oren Falkowitz, a co-founder of Area 1, who previously served at the National Security Agency. Mr. Falkowitz’s firm maintains a network of sensors on web servers around the globe — many known to be used by state-sponsored hackers — which gives the firm a front-row seat to phishing attacks, and allows them to block attacks on their customers.

“The timing of the Russian campaign mirrors the G.R.U. hacks we saw in 2016 against the D.N.C. and John Podesta,” the Clinton campaign chairman, Mr. Falkowitz said. “Once again, they are stealing email credentials, in what we can only assume is a repeat of Russian interference in the last election.”

I hate it when emails expose Dem corruption.

Dem corruption must always be hidden.
It seems you are convinced Hunter Biden and his father somehow, someway are guilty of something.
At a minimum, Joe Biden is guilty of using his government position and clout to get his son a high paying, do nothing position with Ukraine's largest energy producer.
It reeks of cronyism and it certainly seems corrupt when you realize Burisma is not a non profit job placement
service for the good for nothing sons of American politicians and now Quid ProJoe owes them a big favor.
Will he ever be in the position to repay Busirama? Hopefully not, but still, he is obliged to Burisma now.

You also seem to believe Russia (PUTIN) did not do anything to support The President or to collude with him and his family before and after Trump was elected.
All I know is what Google tells me: Mueller finds no collusion with Russia, leaves obstruction question open
Maybe as a butt sore loser and inveterate Trump hater you think you know better. I sincerely doubt it.

I thought Robert Mueller's multi year jihad against Trump was supposed to settle issues like these.
I guess not and like some residents of the South that sill hold a grudge against the North and talk about "smart assed Harvard lawyers and writers" that misrepresented the South (I was actually told this in South Carolina some years ago by an otherwise nice pleasant lady) dim witted whiners will carry on this myth to their graves.

Yes, I "seem to believe" what the evidence tells me. What do you do when the facts contradict your myths? I see you opt for the warm womb-like comfort of your myths and lies.

Yet no evidence of wrong doing has been uncovered finding either Biden culpable. And much circumstantial evidence has been reported that Trump&Co. have engaged Russian's and even provided our base in Syria with their troops and hegemony in the Middle East.
What Biden did for coked up whore chasing son Hunter was unethical
and smacks of using his government position of power for personal gain (which I always thought was against the law)
but do you expect Barack Obama to smack down Joe? Or do you think legal action will be taken against candidate Joe?

If Hillary Clinton can destroy over 30,000 emails subpoenaed by Congress, and pay no price, then absent Joe standing over a body filled with bullet holes, smoking gun in hand, I don't think he has anything to worry about.

As for the Russian base in Syria that was vacated by the US I'm not sure what you want Trump to do about something
we had no further use for. Go to war? Would that make you happier?

See: Here's the truth about the allegations involving Joe Biden's son and Ukraine drummed up by Trump and Rudy Giuliani

As one piece of exculpatory evidence uncovered in the link. Please post some incriminating evidence to prove how the Bidens had any impact on the decision by trump to withhold already appropraited money for Ukraine to protect itself from Russia.
Did you know while the Russians were stealing the Crimea Obama refused to give Ukraine any military aid at all? What did you say about that...if anything at all? I'll just say it for you....nothing!

I don't think the Bidens had any impact at all on aid given to Ukraine by Trump. Pelosi and Schiff, the Batman and Robin of
democrat impeachment mania, certainly has found none. Good try though.

BTW, it is being reported that Russians have hacked the Ukrainian gas company. Is this one more effort to benefit Trump in the next election?
Is it? You use your omnipotent powers and tell me.
I hate it when emails expose Dem corruption.

Dem corruption must always be hidden.
It will be as long as government approved leftist media outlets control what 80% of the dupes in this country consider "the news". Journalism, or propagandaism, will continue to give cover to the democrats while covering the right as negatively
as they think they can get away with.
I think they are doing the same shit they've been doing for 50 years.

Are you people seriously this fucking dense? You actually believe that foreign interference in our elections just started 4 years ago?
What do you think they targeted Burisma for, specifically? Try answering the question.

How the fuck should I know why they do what they do?

You could argue it's to help Trump. But you could also argue that it's to make Trump look bad because "REEEEEE RUSSIAN COLLUSION" and further the division in this country. They're not our friends, you know...
They're nosing around to find the "goods" to help Trump's campaign. He's done a b
The only idiot here is you - the delusional moron who thinks dirty geopolitics hasn't been happening since civilization began.

It seems you and the others who seem to be strong supporters of Donald Trump have used ad hominems, attacking the author of the OP and all Democrats. If you have any evidence to support this "circle jerk" of ad hominems, please do so.

You want evidence? How about 3 years of Russia boogeyman bullshit that was proven completely BUNK by your own partisan investigation.

So excuse the fuck out of me while I take your latest Russian boogeymen claim with a grain of salt.
Proven completely "bunk?" 13 Russians indicted, if I recall, and their actions to interfere with and manipulate the election with fake news and stolen information. They are thugs! How can that be alright with you?
Ok. Russians are thugs. But Brits are thugs, too. Mexicans are thugs, Chinamen are thugs, Arabs are thugs. What is worse - to hire few foreign hackers to make a job, or to invite millions of foreign criminals and allow them to vote?
Tell me where the Brits or Arabs or Chinese hacked into an American's private business's records and stole them, distributing them for the world to see. Give me that link. No, the world is not all "thugs." Some deserve the label, though. You should seriously consider why you support them.
Disclosure information about crimes is good, not bad, especially, if we are talking about elections. It helps us to make an informed choice.
Is it good, or bad when our "allies" try to frame and endanger American soldiers by training Syrian militants to use NCB-equipment?

Is it good, or bad, when our "enemies" help us to keep order and save lifes in the chaotised country?
The fact that the far right radical extremist conservatives here have absolutely no problem with this hacking and russia helping trump win reelection their screaming all that garbage about voter ID and removing names from voting rolls has absolutely nothing to do with having an honest election. It has absolutely nothing to do with foreigners voting or influencing our elections.

The far right radical extremist conservatives here only care about republicans and trump winning an election. They don't give a damn about an honest and fair election.

They don't give a damn about democracy or a representative government by and for the people.

They are nothing but frauds.
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The fact that the far right radical extremist conservatives here have absolutely no problem with this hacking and russia helping trump win reelection they are screaming that all that garbage about voter ID and removing names from voting rolls has absolutely nothing to do with having an honest election. It has absolutely nothing to do with foreigners voting or influencing our elections.

The far right radical extremist conservatives here only care about republicans and trump winning an election. They don't give a damn about an honest and fair election.

They don't give a damn about democracy or a representative government by and for the people.

They are nothing but frauds.

conservatives here have absolutely no problem with this hacking and russia helping trump win reelection


Russian memes caused millions of dems to vote for Trump last time.

removing names from voting rolls has absolutely nothing to do with having an honest election.

Should any name ever be removed from the voter rolls? Which ones?

Russian memes caused millions of dems to vote for Trump last time.
There's no proof of that but carry on. There were lots of voters that voted against
Madame Hillary because she and Debbie Wasserman Schultz colluded against
crazy Bernie Sanders and admitted as much in court.

Funny how the leftists never bring that proven case of collusion up. But carry on, still.

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