The Kremlin has allowed the US/Ukraine attack on Donbass to go on far too long. Will war be the result?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Russia shall kick out the coward dumb-ass Putin and his idiot minister Lavrow and allow Donbass to join Russia. The stupidity of Putin brought the world almost to WWIII because Nazi Ukrainian Apes are allowed to do anything they please by NATO and USA. No one knows exactly today what happens by any scenario, but the nuclear outcome has the highest probability, Russia has no other choice as to respond by nuclear weapons against any involvement of NATO in Ukrainian conflict. Paul Craig Roberts is wrong, not Putin only is a moron but also NATO, EU and USA too, because all of them allowed the ape with a bomb too long kill and persecute native Russians in Ukraine.
Now is the showtime.

Paul Craig Roberts

Kiev now claims a US “guarantee.” This is a situation similar to the “guarantee” the idiot British government gave to Poland, thus encouraging Poland to provoke Germany into war. Moscow warns of ‘measures’ against any Western troop deployment in Ukraine, as Kiev cites guarantees of US support in a conflict The worst decision the present-day Kremiln has made is to refuse the request of Donbass to reunite with Russia. This deplorable decision has produced ongoing conflict, ongoing deaths of Russian people in Donbass, a buildup in Ukrainian military forces, and now a Pentagon guarantee against Russian defense of Donbass.
The normally low-key Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that attempts to start a new military conflict in Donbass could end up destroying Ukraine. As the Kremlin has accepted countless insults and provocations, Washington puts zero concern on Lavrov’s warning.

Quite a mess that the Kremlin has made for itself.

The Kremlin's latest statements out Friday amid the potential new Ukraine crisis which has seen a serious flare-up in fighting in the Donbass region, along with what appears to be far bigger-than-usual troop movements on Russia's side of the border, has raised the stakes further. Russia has vowed it will take "extra measures to ensure its own security" should it observe any deployment of NATO troops inside Ukraine, the Kremlin statement said Friday according to Reuters.



Are you ready to die due to darlings of Biden, Merkel, Macron and NWO?
By the way all of them are Holocaust deniers, Hitler admirers and Jew haters.
Did you heard about by presstitutes?
The West supports this trash which already murdered more as 100,000 native Russians in Ukraine.
I guess you will be glad to receive a Russian nuke in your city as a 'thank' for such support.



Paul Craig Roberts

He was something, before the mad cow disease.

The Windy City was something too before it had been hijacked by commies, BLM and faggots

Yeah, Chicago politicians suck......not as bad as Putin.

Of course Putin is an as.hole, but what he did you wrong?

He's an evil bastard. Hasn't done anything to me.
He should stay out of Ukraine.
Paul Craig Roberts

He was something, before the mad cow disease.

The Windy City was something too before it had been hijacked by commies, BLM and faggots

Yeah, Chicago politicians suck......not as bad as Putin.

Of course Putin is an as.hole, but what he did you wrong?

He's an evil bastard. Hasn't done anything to me.
He should stay out of Ukraine.

Russian folk are Russians, East Ukrainians and Belorussians.
Not the West-Ukraine and Washington D.C decide about the future of Russian people.
Russians ( not traitor Putin, his place is in Tel-Aviv) ) are interesting a fu.. about opinion of Bruxelles, Tel-Aviv and D.C.
Russians will be united and no one can stop it.
Except of course the West - Ukraine who was NEVER a part of Russia and is a mix of polish, ungarish, romanian and jewish blood.
Russia doesn't split USA in three parts, therefore the scary moron and lection thief shall be fu.. off from Russian business.



Paul Craig Roberts

He was something, before the mad cow disease.

The Windy City was something too before it had been hijacked by commies, BLM and faggots

Yeah, Chicago politicians suck......not as bad as Putin.

Of course Putin is an as.hole, but what he did you wrong?

He's an evil bastard. Hasn't done anything to me.
He should stay out of Ukraine.

Russian folk are Russians, East Ukrainians and Belorussians.
Not the West.Ukraine and Washington D.C decide about the future of Russian people.
Russians ( not traitor Putin ) are interesting a fu.. about opinion of Bruxelles, Tel-Aviv and D.C.
Russians will ben united and no one cans top it.
Except of course the West - Ukraine who was NEVER a part of Russia and is a mix of polish, ungarish, romanian and jewish blood.
Russia doesn't split USA in three parts, therefore the scary moron and lection thief shall be fu.. off from Russian business.



You're right, all the Russians should move out of Ukraine.
Paul Craig Roberts

He was something, before the mad cow disease.

The Windy City was something too before it had been hijacked by commies, BLM and faggots

Yeah, Chicago politicians suck......not as bad as Putin.

Of course Putin is an as.hole, but what he did you wrong?

He's an evil bastard. Hasn't done anything to me.
He should stay out of Ukraine.

Russian folk are Russians, East Ukrainians and Belorussians.
Not the West.Ukraine and Washington D.C decide about the future of Russian people.
Russians ( not traitor Putin ) are interesting a fu.. about opinion of Bruxelles, Tel-Aviv and D.C.
Russians will ben united and no one cans top it.
Except of course the West - Ukraine who was NEVER a part of Russia and is a mix of polish, ungarish, romanian and jewish blood.
Russia doesn't split USA in three parts, therefore the scary moron and lection thief shall be fu.. off from Russian business.



You're right, all the Russians should move out of Ukraine.

Not Russians shall move from Ukraine, but the West go out from the United Russia ( Belarus, East-Ukraine and Russia )
Then united Russia will move to China and Asia and make a huge border between Europe and Russia

Paul Craig Roberts

He was something, before the mad cow disease.

The Windy City was something too before it had been hijacked by commies, BLM and faggots

Yeah, Chicago politicians suck......not as bad as Putin.

Of course Putin is an as.hole, but what he did you wrong?

He's an evil bastard. Hasn't done anything to me.
He should stay out of Ukraine.

Russian folk are Russians, East Ukrainians and Belorussians.
Not the West.Ukraine and Washington D.C decide about the future of Russian people.
Russians ( not traitor Putin ) are interesting a fu.. about opinion of Bruxelles, Tel-Aviv and D.C.
Russians will ben united and no one cans top it.
Except of course the West - Ukraine who was NEVER a part of Russia and is a mix of polish, ungarish, romanian and jewish blood.
Russia doesn't split USA in three parts, therefore the scary moron and lection thief shall be fu.. off from Russian business.



You're right, all the Russians should move out of Ukraine.

Not Russians shall move from Ukraine, but the West go out from the United Russia ( Belarus, East-Ukraine and Russia )
Then united Russia will move to China and Asia and make a huge border between Europe and Russia


China would wipe you off the map if you ever attempted that and I hate China!
Baron... Why do you keep on wanting war with the U.S.?

I don't want a war.
The crazy election thief wants it.
Ukrainian Nazis bomb Donbass since many days, dozens murdered, did you heard about by western presstitutes?
The West had spitted Russian people and wants now a war between us.
Jewish traitor Putin from one side and Jewish clown Zelinsky from another.
Millions must die due to interests of satanists and enemies of Russian People
Paul Craig Roberts

He was something, before the mad cow disease.

The Windy City was something too before it had been hijacked by commies, BLM and faggots

Yeah, Chicago politicians suck......not as bad as Putin.

Of course Putin is an as.hole, but what he did you wrong?

He's an evil bastard. Hasn't done anything to me.
He should stay out of Ukraine.

Russian folk are Russians, East Ukrainians and Belorussians.
Not the West.Ukraine and Washington D.C decide about the future of Russian people.
Russians ( not traitor Putin ) are interesting a fu.. about opinion of Bruxelles, Tel-Aviv and D.C.
Russians will ben united and no one cans top it.
Except of course the West - Ukraine who was NEVER a part of Russia and is a mix of polish, ungarish, romanian and jewish blood.
Russia doesn't split USA in three parts, therefore the scary moron and lection thief shall be fu.. off from Russian business.



You're right, all the Russians should move out of Ukraine.

Not Russians shall move from Ukraine, but the West go out from the United Russia ( Belarus, East-Ukraine and Russia )
Then united Russia will move to China and Asia and make a huge border between Europe and Russia


China would wipe you off the map if you ever attempted that and I hate China!

Russian go to China, a friendship with the West after Odessa, 2014 and seven years long genocide on Russians in Ukraine is impossible.
In the US live millions of Russian emigrants, the US citizens, even Jews who have the similar opinion

Paul Craig Roberts

He was something, before the mad cow disease.

The Windy City was something too before it had been hijacked by commies, BLM and faggots

Yeah, Chicago politicians suck......not as bad as Putin.

Of course Putin is an as.hole, but what he did you wrong?

He's an evil bastard. Hasn't done anything to me.
He should stay out of Ukraine.

Russian folk are Russians, East Ukrainians and Belorussians.
Not the West.Ukraine and Washington D.C decide about the future of Russian people.
Russians ( not traitor Putin ) are interesting a fu.. about opinion of Bruxelles, Tel-Aviv and D.C.
Russians will ben united and no one cans top it.
Except of course the West - Ukraine who was NEVER a part of Russia and is a mix of polish, ungarish, romanian and jewish blood.
Russia doesn't split USA in three parts, therefore the scary moron and lection thief shall be fu.. off from Russian business.



You're right, all the Russians should move out of Ukraine.

Not Russians shall move from Ukraine, but the West go out from the United Russia ( Belarus, East-Ukraine and Russia )
Then united Russia will move to China and Asia and make a huge border between Europe and Russia


Not Russians shall move from Ukraine

Why not?
Isn't Russia the largest country on Earth?
Paul Craig Roberts

He was something, before the mad cow disease.

The Windy City was something too before it had been hijacked by commies, BLM and faggots

Yeah, Chicago politicians suck......not as bad as Putin.

Of course Putin is an as.hole, but what he did you wrong?

He's an evil bastard. Hasn't done anything to me.
He should stay out of Ukraine.

Russian folk are Russians, East Ukrainians and Belorussians.
Not the West.Ukraine and Washington D.C decide about the future of Russian people.
Russians ( not traitor Putin ) are interesting a fu.. about opinion of Bruxelles, Tel-Aviv and D.C.
Russians will ben united and no one cans top it.
Except of course the West - Ukraine who was NEVER a part of Russia and is a mix of polish, ungarish, romanian and jewish blood.
Russia doesn't split USA in three parts, therefore the scary moron and lection thief shall be fu.. off from Russian business.



You're right, all the Russians should move out of Ukraine.

Not Russians shall move from Ukraine, but the West go out from the United Russia ( Belarus, East-Ukraine and Russia )
Then united Russia will move to China and Asia and make a huge border between Europe and Russia


Not Russians shall move from Ukraine

Why not?
Isn't Russia the largest country on Earth?

And a lot of land where no one and I mean no one want to live and even with the land that some will live on those in their correct state of mind wouldn’t live there!
No Baron the West does not want War with Russia...

Just leave the Ukraine alone and take your people home...

The West shall leave Russia for ever.
And take the traitor Putin with his regime.
Any relationship between Russia and the West are impossible within at least three - four generations.
Say thanks to your guy Putin, otherwise it would be zero relations between Russia and the West.

The future of Russia is in Asia
Paul Craig Roberts

He was something, before the mad cow disease.

The Windy City was something too before it had been hijacked by commies, BLM and faggots

Yeah, Chicago politicians suck......not as bad as Putin.

Of course Putin is an as.hole, but what he did you wrong?

He's an evil bastard. Hasn't done anything to me.
He should stay out of Ukraine.

Russian folk are Russians, East Ukrainians and Belorussians.
Not the West.Ukraine and Washington D.C decide about the future of Russian people.
Russians ( not traitor Putin ) are interesting a fu.. about opinion of Bruxelles, Tel-Aviv and D.C.
Russians will ben united and no one cans top it.
Except of course the West - Ukraine who was NEVER a part of Russia and is a mix of polish, ungarish, romanian and jewish blood.
Russia doesn't split USA in three parts, therefore the scary moron and lection thief shall be fu.. off from Russian business.



You're right, all the Russians should move out of Ukraine.

Not Russians shall move from Ukraine, but the West go out from the United Russia ( Belarus, East-Ukraine and Russia )
Then united Russia will move to China and Asia and make a huge border between Europe and Russia


Not Russians shall move from Ukraine

Why not?
Isn't Russia the largest country on Earth?

It's Russian business to decide about Russian matters
Paul Craig Roberts

He was something, before the mad cow disease.

The Windy City was something too before it had been hijacked by commies, BLM and faggots

Yeah, Chicago politicians suck......not as bad as Putin.

Of course Putin is an as.hole, but what he did you wrong?

He's an evil bastard. Hasn't done anything to me.
He should stay out of Ukraine.

Russian folk are Russians, East Ukrainians and Belorussians.
Not the West.Ukraine and Washington D.C decide about the future of Russian people.
Russians ( not traitor Putin ) are interesting a fu.. about opinion of Bruxelles, Tel-Aviv and D.C.
Russians will ben united and no one cans top it.
Except of course the West - Ukraine who was NEVER a part of Russia and is a mix of polish, ungarish, romanian and jewish blood.
Russia doesn't split USA in three parts, therefore the scary moron and lection thief shall be fu.. off from Russian business.



You're right, all the Russians should move out of Ukraine.

Not Russians shall move from Ukraine, but the West go out from the United Russia ( Belarus, East-Ukraine and Russia )
Then united Russia will move to China and Asia and make a huge border between Europe and Russia


Not Russians shall move from Ukraine

Why not?
Isn't Russia the largest country on Earth?

It's Russian business to decide about Russian matters

The Ukraine and Belarus are not part of Russia nor should they be and neither is China...

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