Zone1 Putin warns that sending Western troops to Ukraine risks a global nuclear war - should the west show restraint and force the Ukranians in negotations?

Putin warns that sending Western troops to Ukraine risks a global nuclear war
Russian President Vladimir Putin vowed Thursday to fulfill Moscow’s goals in Ukraine and sternly warned the West against deeper involvement in the fighting, saying that such a move is fraught with the risk of a global nuclear conflict.

Remote : Thu, 29 Feb 2024 13:05:06 GMT
Local : 2024-02-29(Thursday) 14 : 05 : 06
Found via World Headlines on

so should the west at this point be the wiser party in the crowd, and just force the Ukranians into negotiations?
with the Donbass given up to Russia, and Ukraine prevented from NATO membership? a neutral country, like the Russians proposed?
Putin will commit suicide by shooting himself sixty times in the back before Russia takes the war nuclear. He may be crazy enough, but but his generals aren’t.
I suspect it was Putin who declared Ukraine an existential threat. When he is gone maybe the threat will be gone too.
Not unless you believe Ukraine has not served as a pathway for western invasions of Russia since Napoleon's 1812 attempt. Virtually every Russian family alive today had ancestors who perished in the Nazi invasion during WWII.

Russians on the left and right of Putin see US/ NATO aggression in Ukraine as an existential threat.

Putin will be around much longer than the US puppet Zelensky and the current US attempt at balkanizing Ru$$ia for the benefit of western investor$.

"The headings and subheadings at the top read 'A Map of Free Post-Russian States: The Decolonization and Reconstruction of Russia: Time for Indigenous Peoples and Regions to Restore Their Independence and Sovereignty.'"

Chronicling Days One Hundred and Forty-Seven through One Hundred and Sixty-One of the Information War - Law & Public Policy Program
..... Russians on the left and right of Putin see US/ NATO aggression in Ukraine as an existential threat.
Particularly Ukraine, (if for no other reason) because it is the last domino in a pack of originally non-committed dominos. You could argue that Belarus remains but I think trust in the Yankees is already much too thin. I would say US/NATO aggression in Ukraine is most definitely an existential threat to Russia.
Particularly Ukraine, (if for no other reason) because it is the last domino in a pack of originally non-committed dominos. You could argue that Belarus remains but I think trust in the Yankees is already much too thin. I would say US/NATO aggression in Ukraine is most definitely an existential threat to Russia.
If Russia is afraid of being attacked by a foreign power, they should do what most of Europe has already done, join NATO.
Putin warns that sending Western troops to Ukraine risks a global nuclear war
Russian President Vladimir Putin vowed Thursday to fulfill Moscow’s goals in Ukraine and sternly warned the West against deeper involvement in the fighting, saying that such a move is fraught with the risk of a global nuclear conflict.

Remote : Thu, 29 Feb 2024 13:05:06 GMT
Local : 2024-02-29(Thursday) 14 : 05 : 06
Found via World Headlines on

so should the west at this point be the wiser party in the crowd, and just force the Ukranians into negotiations?
with the Donbass given up to Russia, and Ukraine prevented from NATO membership? a neutral country, like the Russians proposed?
The two most dangerous individuals on the planet at the moment are Beni and Sleepy Joe.

As for Putin, he should be our strongest ally, but we gave him to China.
The two most dangerous individuals on the planet at the moment are Beni and Sleepy Joe.

As for Putin, he should be our strongest ally, but we gave him to China.
how can you expect that when we took Eastern Europe from him?
how can you expect that when we took Eastern Europe from him?
He tried to join NATO over 20 years ago .
Our CIA has been interfering in Crimea and Ukraine for at least 10 years, and Europeans froze last winter because we blew up Nordstream 2..

The war is a Black rock project that should not have happened.

Ukraine should surrender asap before another half million die unnecessarily.
If Russia is afraid of being attacked by a foreign power, they should do what most of Europe has already done, join NATO.
I don't want to make too sharp of a personal point on it but ....... do you know nothing at all about the situation? I don't think you do.

FIRST: Russia is not afraid. Russia is probably the least afraid nation on the globe. Russia wants to avoid war because their historical experience tells them that war is good for no one, except the war-mongering profiteers.
SECOND: Russia did apply for NATO membership. The United Snakes refused because the Yankees want war for the reasons I mentioned in the FIRST part of this reply.
I don't want to make too sharp of a personal point on it but ....... do you know nothing at all about the situation? I don't think you do.

FIRST: Russia is not afraid. Russia is probably the least afraid nation on the globe. Russia wants to avoid war because their historical experience tells them that war is good for no one, except the war-mongering profiteers.
SECOND: Russia did apply for NATO membership. The United Snakes refused because the Yankees want war for the reasons I mentioned in the FIRST part of this reply.
Russians are not only unafraid, but very angry after the concert attack .

And they have the cell phones after capturing the they know everything.
Is this a map of how the people of Russia would vote if they were allowed to vote for secession?
We will probably never know:

Separatism in Russia - Wikipedia

"In 2013 it became illegal to promote separatism (in Russia).[11]

"Most of the people arrested or jailed for promoting separatism were discussing it on social networks.

"Most of the messages did not contain any calls for violence, but only ideas were expressed about the possible independence of one region or another."
Putin warns that sending Western troops to Ukraine risks a global nuclear war
Russian President Vladimir Putin vowed Thursday to fulfill Moscow’s goals in Ukraine and sternly warned the West against deeper involvement in the fighting, saying that such a move is fraught with the risk of a global nuclear conflict.

Remote : Thu, 29 Feb 2024 13:05:06 GMT
Local : 2024-02-29(Thursday) 14 : 05 : 06
Found via World Headlines on

so should the west at this point be the wiser party in the crowd, and just force the Ukranians into negotiations?
with the Donbass given up to Russia, and Ukraine prevented from NATO membership? a neutral country, like the Russians proposed?
So Biden ruined lives with his disastrous pullout from Afghanistan, leaving massive weaponry, opened a new MORE expensive front in
Ukraine and then backed away from Israel. 3 massively stupid moves. So Putin thinks he can do whatever he wants. Biden also as a further ultra-stupidity has been backing off Taiwan. The world is open to tyrants.
I don't want to make too sharp of a personal point on it but ....... do you know nothing at all about the situation? I don't think you do.
Do you?

FIRST: Russia is not afraid. Russia is probably the least afraid nation on the globe. Russia wants to avoid war because their historical experience tells them that war is good for no one, except the war-mongering profiteers.
Was it Ukraine that sent soldiers into Ukraine or the other way around?

SECOND: Russia did apply for NATO membership. The United Snakes refused because the Yankees want war for the reasons I mentioned in the FIRST part of this reply.
Not according to George Robertson, a former Labour defence secretary who led Nato between 1999 and 2003:
He said Putin made it clear at their first meeting that he wanted Russia to be part of western Europe. “They wanted to be part of that secure, stable prosperous west that Russia was out of at the time,” he said.​
The Labour peer recalled an early meeting with Putin, who became Russian president in 2000. “Putin said: ‘When are you going to invite us to join Nato?’ And [Robertson] said: ‘Well, we don’t invite people to join Nato, they apply to join Nato.’ And he said: ‘Well, we’re not standing in line with a lot of countries that don’t matter.’”​
The account chimes with what Putin told the late David Frost in a BBC interview shortly before he was first inaugurated as Russian president more than 21 years ago. Putin told Frost he would not rule out joining Nato “if and when Russia’s views are taken into account as those of an equal partner”.​
He told Frost it was hard for him to visualise Nato as an enemy. “Russia is part of the European culture. And I cannot imagine my own country in isolation from Europe and what we often call the civilised world.”​

So Russia is not afraid of NATO? Then why is NATO membership for Ukraine such a worry for Putin?
Putin warns that sending Western troops to Ukraine risks a global nuclear war
Russian President Vladimir Putin vowed Thursday to fulfill Moscow’s goals in Ukraine and sternly warned the West against deeper involvement in the fighting, saying that such a move is fraught with the risk of a global nuclear conflict.

Remote : Thu, 29 Feb 2024 13:05:06 GMT
Local : 2024-02-29(Thursday) 14 : 05 : 06
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so should the west at this point be the wiser party in the crowd, and just force the Ukranians into negotiations?
with the Donbass given up to Russia, and Ukraine prevented from NATO membership? a neutral country, like the Russians proposed?
Biden backed off Taiwan,Afghanistan, Israel....let China do horrible things just so he could say he has a climate treaty. So Putin makes the first claim about war and that will stand. Had Biden backed any of our 'allies' with a threat we wouldn't have this shit
Biden backed off Taiwan,Afghanistan, Israel....let China do horrible things just so he could say he has a climate treaty. So Putin makes the first claim about war and that will stand. Had Biden backed any of our 'allies' with a threat we wouldn't have this shit
the Democrats are shy (due to domestic voting issues) to issue (realistic) threats to ANYONE, remember?
Was it Ukraine that sent soldiers into Ukraine ...
Yes, it was Ukraine that sent Azov Nazi soldiers into the Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk. Is it possible you don't know that?

Russia did apply for NATO membership. The United Snakes refused.

Not according to George Robertson a former Labour defence secretary who led Nato between 1999 and 2003
Well! Ain't that a kick in the ass! I (who have no special diplomatic connections) know more than this George Robertson fellow! He must be a graduate of the George Orwell College of Deception. :omg:
Putin warns that sending Western troops to Ukraine risks a global nuclear war
Russian President Vladimir Putin vowed Thursday to fulfill Moscow’s goals in Ukraine and sternly warned the West against deeper involvement in the fighting, saying that such a move is fraught with the risk of a global nuclear conflict.

Remote : Thu, 29 Feb 2024 13:05:06 GMT
Local : 2024-02-29(Thursday) 14 : 05 : 06
Found via World Headlines on

so should the west at this point be the wiser party in the crowd, and just force the Ukranians into negotiations?
with the Donbass given up to Russia, and Ukraine prevented from NATO membership? a neutral country, like the Russians proposed?
See.lazy Biden threatened nothing and should cowardice, so first guy on megaphone sets the terms.
Yes, it was Ukraine that sent Azov Nazi soldiers into the Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk. Is it possible you don't know that?
There are ultra-nationalists in every military in every country. The Russia-backed Donetsk People's Republic rewarded one of its fighters for killing Ukrainian "nationalists." Footage shows the fighter wearing neo-Nazi symbols while receiving his medal.

I'm not sure what significance the term 'Nazi' has since Ukraine is headed by a Jew and Russia is not.

Well! Ain't that a kick in the ass! I (who have no special diplomatic connections) know more than this George Robertson fellow! He must be a graduate of the George Orwell College of Deception. :omg:
You can certainly make any claims you wish, this is the internet after all, but George Robertson has way more credibility than an anonymous internet poster will ever have.

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