The Kurds’ cause is ours – let’s help them fight the barbarians

The Kurds should have been helped a long time ago with modern weaponry.

The Kurds’ cause is ours – let’s help them fight the barbarians
Meeting the refugees from Isil terror makes one wish that Britain could do more for them








Photo: AFP

By Boris Johnson

8:58PM GMT 25 Jan 2015

I am standing on the muddy floor of an old cement factory in northern Iraq and trying to console a widow. It’s not easy to find the words. She has come from Mosul, like hundreds of other families in the expanding refugee camp that surrounds us, and she has lost her husband to the maniacs. We call them Isil; they call them Da’ish – and of all the human scourges that have ever afflicted this planet, they are among the most repellent.

They took against her husband because he was a Shabak, an adherent of an ancient and syncretic religion that has something in common with the Yazidis – the worshippers of the peacock god whose sufferings we saw on our screens last year. They asked him to renounce his faith, and to become a Sunni Muslim. He refused. They took him away and shot him, as they have murdered so many others – like the poor Japanese hostage this weekend – with the hideous gloating arrogance of their movement. Now she lives with her seven grimy children in a hessian tent, with no money and no hope; no food, no heat, no protection save what she gets from the Kurdish government.

Continue reading at:
Disgusting hypocrisy. It would have been better if your crazy regime would not have created and armed ISIS and Co. Now you want to keep the bloodshed running by arming even more groups.

The people should support the Syrian and the Iraqi armies instead of incalculable groups erecting their various caliphates and regimes.

You, if you want to play hell, do it where it hurts nobody.

The Syrian government used to be one of the funders of ISIS and its predecessor movements like the ISI / AQI, not to mention numerous other terrorist groups like Hamas, and Hezbollah. There is little reason to support Assad.
Incredible nonsense. It has already been proven that the US is behind ISIS. Assad is the only reason why the western backed terrorists were not able to create their ME Caliphate. After the evil saw that FSA and allies failed, it sent out ISIS on its massive offensives in 2014. And it is still arming ISIS.

URGENT Unknown aircrafts drop weapons to ISIS southeast of Tikrit - Iraqi News

Believe in conspiracy theories much?
Why is it a conspiracy theory?
The Kurds should have been helped a long time ago with modern weaponry.

The Kurds’ cause is ours – let’s help them fight the barbarians
Meeting the refugees from Isil terror makes one wish that Britain could do more for them








Photo: AFP

By Boris Johnson

8:58PM GMT 25 Jan 2015

I am standing on the muddy floor of an old cement factory in northern Iraq and trying to console a widow. It’s not easy to find the words. She has come from Mosul, like hundreds of other families in the expanding refugee camp that surrounds us, and she has lost her husband to the maniacs. We call them Isil; they call them Da’ish – and of all the human scourges that have ever afflicted this planet, they are among the most repellent.

They took against her husband because he was a Shabak, an adherent of an ancient and syncretic religion that has something in common with the Yazidis – the worshippers of the peacock god whose sufferings we saw on our screens last year. They asked him to renounce his faith, and to become a Sunni Muslim. He refused. They took him away and shot him, as they have murdered so many others – like the poor Japanese hostage this weekend – with the hideous gloating arrogance of their movement. Now she lives with her seven grimy children in a hessian tent, with no money and no hope; no food, no heat, no protection save what she gets from the Kurdish government.

Continue reading at:
Disgusting hypocrisy. It would have been better if your crazy regime would not have created and armed ISIS and Co. Now you want to keep the bloodshed running by arming even more groups.

The people should support the Syrian and the Iraqi armies instead of incalculable groups erecting their various caliphates and regimes.

You, if you want to play hell, do it where it hurts nobody.

The Syrian government used to be one of the funders of ISIS and its predecessor movements like the ISI / AQI, not to mention numerous other terrorist groups like Hamas, and Hezbollah. There is little reason to support Assad.
Incredible nonsense. It has already been proven that the US is behind ISIS. Assad is the only reason why the western backed terrorists were not able to create their ME Caliphate. After the evil saw that FSA and allies failed, it sent out ISIS on its massive offensives in 2014. And it is still arming ISIS.

URGENT Unknown aircrafts drop weapons to ISIS southeast of Tikrit - Iraqi News

Believe in conspiracy theories much?
Why is it a conspiracy theory?

You still staying up when people in Germany are sleeping because you feel you might miss something. T
The Kurds should have been helped a long time ago with modern weaponry.

The Kurds’ cause is ours – let’s help them fight the barbarians
Meeting the refugees from Isil terror makes one wish that Britain could do more for them








Photo: AFP

By Boris Johnson

8:58PM GMT 25 Jan 2015

I am standing on the muddy floor of an old cement factory in northern Iraq and trying to console a widow. It’s not easy to find the words. She has come from Mosul, like hundreds of other families in the expanding refugee camp that surrounds us, and she has lost her husband to the maniacs. We call them Isil; they call them Da’ish – and of all the human scourges that have ever afflicted this planet, they are among the most repellent.

They took against her husband because he was a Shabak, an adherent of an ancient and syncretic religion that has something in common with the Yazidis – the worshippers of the peacock god whose sufferings we saw on our screens last year. They asked him to renounce his faith, and to become a Sunni Muslim. He refused. They took him away and shot him, as they have murdered so many others – like the poor Japanese hostage this weekend – with the hideous gloating arrogance of their movement. Now she lives with her seven grimy children in a hessian tent, with no money and no hope; no food, no heat, no protection save what she gets from the Kurdish government.

Continue reading at:
Disgusting hypocrisy. It would have been better if your crazy regime would not have created and armed ISIS and Co. Now you want to keep the bloodshed running by arming even more groups.

The people should support the Syrian and the Iraqi armies instead of incalculable groups erecting their various caliphates and regimes.

You, if you want to play hell, do it where it hurts nobody.

The Syrian government used to be one of the funders of ISIS and its predecessor movements like the ISI / AQI, not to mention numerous other terrorist groups like Hamas, and Hezbollah. There is little reason to support Assad.
Incredible nonsense. It has already been proven that the US is behind ISIS. Assad is the only reason why the western backed terrorists were not able to create their ME Caliphate. After the evil saw that FSA and allies failed, it sent out ISIS on its massive offensives in 2014. And it is still arming ISIS.

URGENT Unknown aircrafts drop weapons to ISIS southeast of Tikrit - Iraqi News

Believe in conspiracy theories much?
Why is it a conspiracy theory?

You still staying up when people in Germany are sound asleep? This forum must be awfully important to you. Do you feel you might miss something if you go to sleep? Why is this a conspiracy theory? Because the U.S. has been backing the Free Syria Army, and not the barbaric ISIS. Seeing the U.S. backing those you hate because they go against your idol doesn't mean that they belong to ISIS.
The Kurds should have been helped a long time ago with modern weaponry.

The Kurds’ cause is ours – let’s help them fight the barbarians
Meeting the refugees from Isil terror makes one wish that Britain could do more for them








Photo: AFP

By Boris Johnson

8:58PM GMT 25 Jan 2015

I am standing on the muddy floor of an old cement factory in northern Iraq and trying to console a widow. It’s not easy to find the words. She has come from Mosul, like hundreds of other families in the expanding refugee camp that surrounds us, and she has lost her husband to the maniacs. We call them Isil; they call them Da’ish – and of all the human scourges that have ever afflicted this planet, they are among the most repellent.

They took against her husband because he was a Shabak, an adherent of an ancient and syncretic religion that has something in common with the Yazidis – the worshippers of the peacock god whose sufferings we saw on our screens last year. They asked him to renounce his faith, and to become a Sunni Muslim. He refused. They took him away and shot him, as they have murdered so many others – like the poor Japanese hostage this weekend – with the hideous gloating arrogance of their movement. Now she lives with her seven grimy children in a hessian tent, with no money and no hope; no food, no heat, no protection save what she gets from the Kurdish government.

Continue reading at:
Disgusting hypocrisy. It would have been better if your crazy regime would not have created and armed ISIS and Co. Now you want to keep the bloodshed running by arming even more groups.

The people should support the Syrian and the Iraqi armies instead of incalculable groups erecting their various caliphates and regimes.

You, if you want to play hell, do it where it hurts nobody.

The Syrian government used to be one of the funders of ISIS and its predecessor movements like the ISI / AQI, not to mention numerous other terrorist groups like Hamas, and Hezbollah. There is little reason to support Assad.
Incredible nonsense. It has already been proven that the US is behind ISIS. Assad is the only reason why the western backed terrorists were not able to create their ME Caliphate. After the evil saw that FSA and allies failed, it sent out ISIS on its massive offensives in 2014. And it is still arming ISIS.

URGENT Unknown aircrafts drop weapons to ISIS southeast of Tikrit - Iraqi News

Believe in conspiracy theories much?
Why is it a conspiracy theory?
Are you suggesting that the U.S. is using ISIS to counter Hezbollah in Syria?
If our asshole president would have simply armed the Kurds, there would be no ISIS to speak of now. This guy is just one massive failure after another. I lost count of how many countries Obama has fucked up. Everything he's touched has turned to shit. Once he leaves, it's going to take a few years just to clean up his mess.

This seems rather naive considering the fact that ISIS has some of its way back roots prior to becoming AQI in a Kurdish militant group, among others. Kurdish fighters have absolutely no chance of completely defeating ISIS; they have political and geographical constraints that would prevent them from controlling all of the territory that ISIS operates within.

The Kurds number in the millions and they have have been fighting Sadam, the Turks, the Syrians etc. for centuries. They are legendary experienced fighters, with a very tolerant culture. After the Iraq war, Iraqi Kurdistan was the most stable with the least terrorism. All the US needs to do is give them the weapons they need and watch ISIS disappear off the map. Sure in the end all countries need to agree to give them some of their land in exchange for either a state or an autonomous region. Who else deserves a homeland but the Kurds who are ancient people that have been on their land for thousands of years?

And they have a regional block of territory outside of which they have little ability to govern / control. They depend on ethnic identities and thus notions of them rolling through all of Iraq and Syria and destroying ISIS are a bit naive. The Kurds may be able to hold their own territory, but they aren't the answer to ISIS.

If you want troops on the ground who know the terrain, and who know how to fight, but don't want any Americans, then the Kurds are it.

Arm them with advanced weaponry and provide air backup, and watch them destroy ISIS. They are tougher and more experienced than ISIS, by far.
The Kurds should have been helped a long time ago with modern weaponry.

The Kurds’ cause is ours – let’s help them fight the barbarians
Meeting the refugees from Isil terror makes one wish that Britain could do more for them








Photo: AFP

By Boris Johnson

8:58PM GMT 25 Jan 2015

I am standing on the muddy floor of an old cement factory in northern Iraq and trying to console a widow. It’s not easy to find the words. She has come from Mosul, like hundreds of other families in the expanding refugee camp that surrounds us, and she has lost her husband to the maniacs. We call them Isil; they call them Da’ish – and of all the human scourges that have ever afflicted this planet, they are among the most repellent.

They took against her husband because he was a Shabak, an adherent of an ancient and syncretic religion that has something in common with the Yazidis – the worshippers of the peacock god whose sufferings we saw on our screens last year. They asked him to renounce his faith, and to become a Sunni Muslim. He refused. They took him away and shot him, as they have murdered so many others – like the poor Japanese hostage this weekend – with the hideous gloating arrogance of their movement. Now she lives with her seven grimy children in a hessian tent, with no money and no hope; no food, no heat, no protection save what she gets from the Kurdish government.

Continue reading at:
Disgusting hypocrisy. It would have been better if your crazy regime would not have created and armed ISIS and Co. Now you want to keep the bloodshed running by arming even more groups.

The people should support the Syrian and the Iraqi armies instead of incalculable groups erecting their various caliphates and regimes.

You, if you want to play hell, do it where it hurts nobody.

The Syrian government used to be one of the funders of ISIS and its predecessor movements like the ISI / AQI, not to mention numerous other terrorist groups like Hamas, and Hezbollah. There is little reason to support Assad.
Incredible nonsense. It has already been proven that the US is behind ISIS. Assad is the only reason why the western backed terrorists were not able to create their ME Caliphate. After the evil saw that FSA and allies failed, it sent out ISIS on its massive offensives in 2014. And it is still arming ISIS.

URGENT Unknown aircrafts drop weapons to ISIS southeast of Tikrit - Iraqi News

US is behind ISIS? Right, and I'm the Queen of England.
Just imagine, all of this is because Obama is such a gigantic fuckup as president.
Disgusting hypocrisy. It would have been better if your crazy regime would not have created and armed ISIS and Co. Now you want to keep the bloodshed running by arming even more groups.

The people should support the Syrian and the Iraqi armies instead of incalculable groups erecting their various caliphates and regimes.

You, if you want to play hell, do it where it hurts nobody.

The Syrian government used to be one of the funders of ISIS and its predecessor movements like the ISI / AQI, not to mention numerous other terrorist groups like Hamas, and Hezbollah. There is little reason to support Assad.
Incredible nonsense. It has already been proven that the US is behind ISIS. Assad is the only reason why the western backed terrorists were not able to create their ME Caliphate. After the evil saw that FSA and allies failed, it sent out ISIS on its massive offensives in 2014. And it is still arming ISIS.

URGENT Unknown aircrafts drop weapons to ISIS southeast of Tikrit - Iraqi News

Believe in conspiracy theories much?
Why is it a conspiracy theory?

You still staying up when people in Germany are sleeping because you feel you might miss something. T
Disgusting hypocrisy. It would have been better if your crazy regime would not have created and armed ISIS and Co. Now you want to keep the bloodshed running by arming even more groups.

The people should support the Syrian and the Iraqi armies instead of incalculable groups erecting their various caliphates and regimes.

You, if you want to play hell, do it where it hurts nobody.

The Syrian government used to be one of the funders of ISIS and its predecessor movements like the ISI / AQI, not to mention numerous other terrorist groups like Hamas, and Hezbollah. There is little reason to support Assad.
Incredible nonsense. It has already been proven that the US is behind ISIS. Assad is the only reason why the western backed terrorists were not able to create their ME Caliphate. After the evil saw that FSA and allies failed, it sent out ISIS on its massive offensives in 2014. And it is still arming ISIS.

URGENT Unknown aircrafts drop weapons to ISIS southeast of Tikrit - Iraqi News

Believe in conspiracy theories much?
Why is it a conspiracy theory?

You still staying up when people in Germany are sound asleep? This forum must be awfully important to you. Do you feel you might miss something if you go to sleep? Why is this a conspiracy theory? Because the U.S. has been backing the Free Syria Army, and not the barbaric ISIS. Seeing the U.S. backing those you hate because they go against your idol doesn't mean that they belong to ISIS.
Not that there is any difference between FSA and ISIS but I just want to inform you:

Baghdadi and a FSA flag?

Last edited:
The Kurds should have been helped a long time ago with modern weaponry.

The Kurds’ cause is ours – let’s help them fight the barbarians
Meeting the refugees from Isil terror makes one wish that Britain could do more for them








Photo: AFP

By Boris Johnson

8:58PM GMT 25 Jan 2015

I am standing on the muddy floor of an old cement factory in northern Iraq and trying to console a widow. It’s not easy to find the words. She has come from Mosul, like hundreds of other families in the expanding refugee camp that surrounds us, and she has lost her husband to the maniacs. We call them Isil; they call them Da’ish – and of all the human scourges that have ever afflicted this planet, they are among the most repellent.

They took against her husband because he was a Shabak, an adherent of an ancient and syncretic religion that has something in common with the Yazidis – the worshippers of the peacock god whose sufferings we saw on our screens last year. They asked him to renounce his faith, and to become a Sunni Muslim. He refused. They took him away and shot him, as they have murdered so many others – like the poor Japanese hostage this weekend – with the hideous gloating arrogance of their movement. Now she lives with her seven grimy children in a hessian tent, with no money and no hope; no food, no heat, no protection save what she gets from the Kurdish government.

Continue reading at:
Disgusting hypocrisy. It would have been better if your crazy regime would not have created and armed ISIS and Co. Now you want to keep the bloodshed running by arming even more groups.

The people should support the Syrian and the Iraqi armies instead of incalculable groups erecting their various caliphates and regimes.

You, if you want to play hell, do it where it hurts nobody.

The Syrian government used to be one of the funders of ISIS and its predecessor movements like the ISI / AQI, not to mention numerous other terrorist groups like Hamas, and Hezbollah. There is little reason to support Assad.
Incredible nonsense. It has already been proven that the US is behind ISIS. Assad is the only reason why the western backed terrorists were not able to create their ME Caliphate. After the evil saw that FSA and allies failed, it sent out ISIS on its massive offensives in 2014. And it is still arming ISIS.

URGENT Unknown aircrafts drop weapons to ISIS southeast of Tikrit - Iraqi News

US is behind ISIS? Right, and I'm the Queen of England.

McCain and Baghdadi meet in Syria:

The Kurds should have been helped a long time ago with modern weaponry.

The Kurds’ cause is ours – let’s help them fight the barbarians
Meeting the refugees from Isil terror makes one wish that Britain could do more for them








Photo: AFP

By Boris Johnson

8:58PM GMT 25 Jan 2015

I am standing on the muddy floor of an old cement factory in northern Iraq and trying to console a widow. It’s not easy to find the words. She has come from Mosul, like hundreds of other families in the expanding refugee camp that surrounds us, and she has lost her husband to the maniacs. We call them Isil; they call them Da’ish – and of all the human scourges that have ever afflicted this planet, they are among the most repellent.

They took against her husband because he was a Shabak, an adherent of an ancient and syncretic religion that has something in common with the Yazidis – the worshippers of the peacock god whose sufferings we saw on our screens last year. They asked him to renounce his faith, and to become a Sunni Muslim. He refused. They took him away and shot him, as they have murdered so many others – like the poor Japanese hostage this weekend – with the hideous gloating arrogance of their movement. Now she lives with her seven grimy children in a hessian tent, with no money and no hope; no food, no heat, no protection save what she gets from the Kurdish government.

Continue reading at:

If our asshole president would have simply armed the Kurds, there would be no ISIS to speak of now. This guy is just one massive failure after another. I lost count of how many countries Obama has fucked up. Everything he's touched has turned to shit. Once he leaves, it's going to take a few years just to clean up his mess.

You are correct, the Kurds are fighting ISIS with Soviet era weapons, if we armed them with our equipment ISIS would have been finished off by Halloween.

So true because they are fierce fighters, even their women. Regardless of their getting help from the coalition, I am happy for them that they gained a victory over ISIS.
The Kurds should have been helped a long time ago with modern weaponry.

The Kurds’ cause is ours – let’s help them fight the barbarians
Meeting the refugees from Isil terror makes one wish that Britain could do more for them








Photo: AFP

By Boris Johnson

8:58PM GMT 25 Jan 2015

I am standing on the muddy floor of an old cement factory in northern Iraq and trying to console a widow. It’s not easy to find the words. She has come from Mosul, like hundreds of other families in the expanding refugee camp that surrounds us, and she has lost her husband to the maniacs. We call them Isil; they call them Da’ish – and of all the human scourges that have ever afflicted this planet, they are among the most repellent.

They took against her husband because he was a Shabak, an adherent of an ancient and syncretic religion that has something in common with the Yazidis – the worshippers of the peacock god whose sufferings we saw on our screens last year. They asked him to renounce his faith, and to become a Sunni Muslim. He refused. They took him away and shot him, as they have murdered so many others – like the poor Japanese hostage this weekend – with the hideous gloating arrogance of their movement. Now she lives with her seven grimy children in a hessian tent, with no money and no hope; no food, no heat, no protection save what she gets from the Kurdish government.

Continue reading at:

If our asshole president would have simply armed the Kurds, there would be no ISIS to speak of now. This guy is just one massive failure after another. I lost count of how many countries Obama has fucked up. Everything he's touched has turned to shit. Once he leaves, it's going to take a few years just to clean up his mess.

You are correct, the Kurds are fighting ISIS with Soviet era weapons, if we armed them with our equipment ISIS would have been finished off by Halloween.

Regardless of the Kurds having help via the coallition, it is great to see them proud of their victory over ISIS. The certainly are fierce fighters, including their women, and you are right in that if they have had modern equipment right from the beginning they could have finished off a lot of the members of ISIS.

After Kobani liberation from Islamic State what next for Syria s Kurds ?

Gritty Kurdish fighter gloats over recapture of Syria s Kobani?

The Kurdish women are tougher fighters than the ISIS men!
The Kurds should have been helped a long time ago with modern weaponry.

The Kurds’ cause is ours – let’s help them fight the barbarians
Meeting the refugees from Isil terror makes one wish that Britain could do more for them








Photo: AFP

By Boris Johnson

8:58PM GMT 25 Jan 2015

I am standing on the muddy floor of an old cement factory in northern Iraq and trying to console a widow. It’s not easy to find the words. She has come from Mosul, like hundreds of other families in the expanding refugee camp that surrounds us, and she has lost her husband to the maniacs. We call them Isil; they call them Da’ish – and of all the human scourges that have ever afflicted this planet, they are among the most repellent.

They took against her husband because he was a Shabak, an adherent of an ancient and syncretic religion that has something in common with the Yazidis – the worshippers of the peacock god whose sufferings we saw on our screens last year. They asked him to renounce his faith, and to become a Sunni Muslim. He refused. They took him away and shot him, as they have murdered so many others – like the poor Japanese hostage this weekend – with the hideous gloating arrogance of their movement. Now she lives with her seven grimy children in a hessian tent, with no money and no hope; no food, no heat, no protection save what she gets from the Kurdish government.

Continue reading at:
Disgusting hypocrisy. It would have been better if your crazy regime would not have created and armed ISIS and Co. Now you want to keep the bloodshed running by arming even more groups.

The people should support the Syrian and the Iraqi armies instead of incalculable groups erecting their various caliphates and regimes.

You, if you want to play hell, do it where it hurts nobody.

The Syrian government used to be one of the funders of ISIS and its predecessor movements like the ISI / AQI, not to mention numerous other terrorist groups like Hamas, and Hezbollah. There is little reason to support Assad.
Incredible nonsense. It has already been proven that the US is behind ISIS. Assad is the only reason why the western backed terrorists were not able to create their ME Caliphate. After the evil saw that FSA and allies failed, it sent out ISIS on its massive offensives in 2014. And it is still arming ISIS.

URGENT Unknown aircrafts drop weapons to ISIS southeast of Tikrit - Iraqi News

US is behind ISIS? Right, and I'm the Queen of England.

McCain and Baghdadi meet in Syria:


How do we know the man in the photo is who you are saying it is. It's difficult to believe that someone who was a prisoner of the U.S. at one time for being a terrorist would be invited to sit down and speak to any American congressman. Why don't you tell us when that was taken? Was it before ISIS showed their hand at beheading people, raping and enslaving women, etc.? If the U.S. knew just what ISIS was going to become, do you honestly think this country would have had anything to do with them right from the beginning? Meanwhile, why don't you tell us why so many Arab countries had uprisings? Could it be that so many of the citizens were disgusted with their brutal dictators and wanted a change for the better? Tell us why we see a civil war in Syria between Assad and the Free Syrian Army and yet we didn't see a civil war in such Arab countries as Morocco or the Emirates. Could it be that the leaders are not brutal so there is no need for a civil war to try to oust them?

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