The last 51 years Detroit has had Democrat mayors.. duh?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Detroit has had Democrat Mayors for the last half a century!

Doesn't that kind of indicate what the Democrat party stands for?

I mean the Democrat President Obama encourages bankruptcies!
Obama said: "if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,![/I][/B][/COLOR]""

And what do you expect of a group of people that elected a President who said:
1) "I'd like higher gas prices.." ..........THANKS to the EPA adding 25 cents per gallon next year!
Really you think MOST people want to have higher gas prices????

2) “Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket".
Really you think MOST people want to have higher utility rates??????

The Bankrupt party ... Democrats!
Yup. They've done a hell of a job for Detroit.

Thats why the city is bankrupt.
Detroit has had Democrat Mayors for the last half a century!

Doesn't that kind of indicate what the Democrat party stands for?

I mean the Democrat President Obama encourages bankruptcies!
Obama said: "if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,![/I][/B][/COLOR]""

And what do you expect of a group of people that elected a President who said:
1) "I'd like higher gas prices.." ..........THANKS to the EPA adding 25 cents per gallon next year!
Really you think MOST people want to have higher gas prices????

2) “Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket".
Really you think MOST people want to have higher utility rates??????

The Bankrupt party ... Democrats!

All their legislators are Democrats also. Their primary is essentially their general election!
Well shouldn't we hold the National Democrat party to task?
Of course we won't see those stories with "(D)" around the stories regarding Detroit!
That's because the MSM should have (D) around each of their stories!
Yep. Turn your city - your state - over to liberals and you have Detroit or Flint or Chicago or anywhere in Kalifornia.

If that doesn't tell you all you need to know.........then there is no hope.
Yup. They've done a hell of a job for Detroit.

Thats why the city is bankrupt.

Unfortunately, Detroit politics drove out almost all of the whites and, with them, all of the money. Coleman Young once said that Detroit didn't need white money for Detroit to be a great city. Well, he was wrong. The fact is money is what makes cities viable, and the other fact is that blacks as a whole do not generate the kind of income necessary to support a city of two million people. Of course, today, the population is under one million, but the city must still service a city that should be supported by tax dollars from two million people.

There is an answer but it involves bulldozing entire neighborhoods and giving the land away to developers. The biggest obstacle is that politicians are having a difficult time with the idea of forcing people out of their homes. The answer is harsh and simple. Just cut off all public services to those areas if the people do not leave on their own accord. The bottom line is that the only way to make Detroit a viable vibrant city again is to bring whites back to Detroit. This has nothing to do with race but everything to do with reality.
Yup. They've done a hell of a job for Detroit.

Thats why the city is bankrupt.

Unfortunately, Detroit politics drove out almost all of the whites and, with them, all of the money. Coleman Young once said that Detroit didn't need white money for Detroit to be a great city. Well, he was wrong. The fact is money is what makes cities viable, and the other fact is that blacks as a whole do not generate the kind of income necessary to support a city of two million people. Of course, today, the population is under one million, but the city must still service a city that should be supported by tax dollars from two million people.

There is an answer but it involves bulldozing entire neighborhoods and giving the land away to developers. The biggest obstacle is that politicians are having a difficult time with the idea of forcing people out of their homes. The answer is harsh and simple. Just cut off all public services to those areas if the people do not leave on their own accord. The bottom line is that the only way to make Detroit a viable vibrant city again is to bring whites back to Detroit. This has nothing to do with race but everything to do with reality.

The problem, at least in Detroit, is flight by both white AND black. I saw on the news last night that there are currently 76 THOUSAND empty structures in Detroit. It would take an Army to raze that amount of buildings. Money that Detroit doesn't have.

Whites will never go "back" to Detroit. The numbers needed to affect any sort of change would be astronomical and, quite frankly, I'm black and there is no way on Gods green earth that I would ever live in that hell hole.

No, unfortunately, looking at Detroit or Flint, it's easy to see what happens when liberals have free reign over a city for decades. The only viable answer for Detroit is to eventually tear it all down and turn it into farmland. The stigma, at least in my opinion, is too great to ever bring that once great city back.
The primary problem with Detroit is that it had jobs, and all the lazy welfare recipients went there to find a job.
When VW came on the scene and offered a cheap reliable car, Detroit took notice and made its fender tail fins higher. Then Honda came on the scene with another cheap reliable car and the tail fins went even higher. The big three are still trying to figure out how cheap reliable cars became more important than big tail fins.
The primary problem with Detroit is that it had jobs, and all the lazy welfare recipients went there to find a job.
When VW came on the scene and offered a cheap reliable car, Detroit took notice and made its fender tail fins higher. Then Honda came on the scene with another cheap reliable car and the tail fins went even higher. The big three are still trying to figure out how cheap reliable cars became more important than big tail fins.

Its a lot more than that. I put most of the blame on the UAW with its obscene wage and benefit demands. Couple that with incompetent management and its clear why the american car companies were/are in trouble.

as to the city of Detroit. It was a great city back in the 1950s, then the liberals and democrats took over. The same thing is happening today to the state of California.

its not really very complicated.
Yep. Turn your city - your state - over to liberals and you have Detroit or Flint or Chicago or anywhere in Kalifornia.

If that doesn't tell you all you need to know.........then there is no hope.

Or elect Reagan and slowly kill the manufacturing field. Why is it the 80s we started to see the decline of Detroit?
Yep. Turn your city - your state - over to liberals and you have Detroit or Flint or Chicago or anywhere in Kalifornia.

If that doesn't tell you all you need to know.........then there is no hope.

Or elect Reagan and slowly kill the manufacturing field. Why is it the 80s we started to see the decline of Detroit?

Yeah, you're absolutely right. It's all the republicans fault. :cuckoo:

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