The last Honorable President of United States

How can you people say Carter was an honorable president? He was labeled the worst president in modern history for decades.

Then you people voted for the Oreo twice and it made Carter look like the 2nd coming of Jesus.
no one said Carter was a great President, He is a very honorable person...... Who else do you know that is very rich and is in his 90's and still volunteers to build houses for Habitat for Humanity
Yep. Hes a good man, but he was one of the least qualified to be president. I remember the dark Carter years. He was quite a failure as president
What the OP means by honorable - someone who loses with dignity.

What others mean by honorable - someone who wins with glory.

President Trump is the first honorable president in ages.
Honorable - one with integrity and willingness to do what is believed to be right, despite the harm it may bring to themselves.

The last President who deserves this label, in my opinion is H.W. Bush.
How sad is that? That the last President who conducted themselves in this manner was 28 years ago.
And we can clearly see where it has lead us.
There will be those who will say "what about Obama?". Obama conducted himself with physical poise and professionalism. But that does not make one honorable. Obama did many, many things that resulted in significant loss and pain to the many for the gain of the few. (including of course his own gain)
That is not honorable.
H.W. Bush is the last President that acted and chose according to what he believed to be right for the American people, and the country.
Some of his ideals and actions were wrong. Particularly his work with building economic relations with China. But that is much more out of his inability to see or predict the ruthless greed that led to where China is today.
Nothing showed the character of HW more than when he raised taxes. Despite heavy resistance within his own party, and the brutal attack by the media who constantly replayed his unfortunate campaign promise - READ MY LIPS!!! NO NEW TAXES.
In an interview 15 years later he was asked "knowing that it might have caused you the Presidency, would you still have done it?" - without hesitation he said "absolutely, it was the right thing to do".
A leader who chooses to do what is right, even if it cost them their own job... is who you want as President.
Will we ever have someone like that again?
While I disagree on Obam, I agree on Bush. well said.
I agree that GHW Bush was last honorable President, but he lost it there at the end. Throwing up on the Japanese prime minister, his amazement at grocery check out scanners made him seem out of touch, his horrible debate performance where he was caught scanning down at his watch and it was obvious he'd rather be watching Jake and the Fat Man.

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