The Last of the Lincolns: Delmer Berg Dies at age 100

Commie says what? Do you have your sad party supplies yet?
Don't wait too long. Moron.
Why do you apologize for the Nazis, then defend them?

From your post to the one above. Anyone can read them and see that you are secret Nazi. It is easy to infer that you would have loved serving in the Waffen SS.

Secret homo thinks I'm a secret Nazi.
Commie says what? Do you have your sad party supplies yet?
Don't wait too long. Moron.
Why do you apologize for the Nazis, then defend them?

From your post to the one above. Anyone can read them and see that you are secret Nazi. It is easy to infer that you would have loved serving in the Waffen SS.

Absolutely- if the Lincoln Brigade consisted of 'premature Anti-fascists'- then those who condemn them clearly are post facto pro-fascists.
Indeed, Todd is a pro-fascist.

You love Italian. :lol:

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