The Latest Conservative Hot Take; Greta Thunberg Is Like Hitler

I did state she MODERATED her position yes; she thinks CO2 has some effects so do I, but I see no danger and neither does she which she makes clear over and over in her blog.

But Man-made warming claims she disputes since NO ONE has shown that Humans cause all the warming, but it can be shown quite easily that we contribute a small amount and nothing more.

Go read those postings I gave you where it shows she isn't toeing the climate emergency/we are doomed message; it is all bullshit!
CO2 does have some effects on the environment, some beautiful, wonderful, effects. CO2 gives life to trees, grass, flowers, plankton, and just about every living thing on earth. CO2 is life.

We're not an Oxygen dependent life form nearly as much as we are a Carbon-dioxide dependent life form. Oxygen is what we breathe but CO2 feeds the plants that make the oxygen so, up to that point, they're even. Then consider that we also eat plants, and we eat animals that eat the plants, and we eat animals that eat the animals that eat the plants, that plant life is extremely important and it is dependent on CO2. In overall importance,

CO2 is far more central to our existence than is Oxygen.
CO2 does have some effects on the environment, some beautiful, wonderful, effects. CO2 gives life to trees, grass, flowers, plankton, and just about every living thing on earth. CO2 is life.

We're not an Oxygen dependent life form nearly as much as we are a Carbon-dioxide dependent life form. Oxygen is what we breathe but CO2 feeds the plants that make the oxygen so, up to that point, they're even. Then consider that we also eat plants, and we eat animals that eat the plants, and we eat animals that eat the animals that eat the plants, that plant life is extremely important and it is dependent on CO2. In overall importance,

CO2 is far more central to our existence than is Oxygen.

Ummmm, no. CO2 makes life worth living. With no O2, there IS no life.

At least, not as we know it.
Judith Curry?? Too funny~

Judith Curry owns Climate Etc. Donations fund the website.

Analysis / Bias

The majority of articles reviewed minimize or deny the impacts of human-driven climate change. According to a Scientific American interview, Judith Curry admits to receiving funding from the fossil fuel industry. This article also labeled her a “climate heretic.” Further, Republicans have also invited Judith Curry to testify at climate change hearings regarding alleged uncertainties regarding man-made climate change. Finally, Skeptical Science has labeled Judith Curry as a “Climate Misinformer.”
The website publishes blog posts by Judith Curry related to climate change, and they provide links to other sources that also promote human-influenced climate change denial, such as Watts Up With That and John Stossel who is not even remotely a climate scientist. The consensus of climate scientists is that climate change is human-influenced and this site minimizes that assessment. They have also failed numerous fact checks.

Failed Fact Checks

LOL, how so predictable this is what I see a lot these days as they have long run out of cogent arguments on the topic it is now fallacies deflection smears and lies.

It is typical smear attacks that only warmists/alarmists does, and they lie hard over her too since she actually accepts the AGW conjecture but NOT the runaway warming or the stupid doom and gloom bullshit that those smear blogs believe in.

Meanwhile idiots like YOU will drool over a tiny used teen who doesn't shit about the science, it is truly hilarious that you smear Dr. Curry while you are silent on Greta who offers nothing at all.
Right wingers don't give a damn about the Thunburg babe unless she poses for Playboy. Somebody with the preposterous name of Audulus Pennyfarthing of the "Daily Kos" seems to think that a story about Thunburg and Hitler might be fun.

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