The Left Controls the Media isn't a war of's a war on ideology.
This last election wasn't about a war on ideas, the right picked up those seats because of Obama's ideology of a government. Only wingnuts would be in denial about that. By the way, where do you stand? :D

Stand on what? Kind of a general question. Be specific, I don't have all day. "War on Ideas", "War on Ideology", To-MAY-to, To-MAH-to! :cool:

I see your not acting like a moron, you are a......:D

See what I mean by falling educational standards? :D
Correct. And since he has no answer, he will now play a game of making believe that he has already said or proven something, and you're just not smart enough to get it.

Typical daveman troll-job.
How many times do I have to keep telling you? "Troll" does NOT mean "someone who hurts my widdle feewings".

We'll have save this and bring it out when the "PC is bad" types start whining..., AGAIN! :cool:
If you drooling idiot leftists didn't keep redefining words, we wouldn't complain about it.
If you'd like to make the case that they are synonymous, go ahead, but fair warning -- you will fail.

Syndi is just demanding that George W. Bush with an MBA meant that Bush was highly intelligent!
And he got higher grades in college than did Kerry. Gore, too, I believe.

But Synthia will insist that's different. Somehow. It just is.
Every American who has access to the media has access to conservative programming,

in abundance. No one is being denied access to the remote, or the radio dial, or having their internet access filtered.

This rightwing complaint is without merit.

But the lions share of media does lean left.

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom

What, are we supposed to reward the losers? If the media leans left, it's because the right has lost the war of ideas. :cool:
The left's ideas cannot survive exposure to opposition. That's why the left seeks to silence the opposition, so they have exclusive control over what the people are exposed to.
What, are we supposed to reward the losers? If the media leans left, it's because the right has lost the war of ideas. :cool:

You're not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag, Konnie.

{Fox is the most trusted television news network in the country, according to a new poll out Tuesday.

A Public Policy Polling nationwide survey of 1,151 registered voters Jan. 18-19 found that 49 percent of Americans trusted Fox News, 10 percentage points more than any other network.

Thirty-seven percent said they didn’t trust Fox, also the lowest level of distrust that any of the networks recorded.

There was a strong partisan split among those who said they trusted Fox — with 74 percent of Republicans saying they trusted the network, while only 30 percent of Democrats said they did.

CNN was the second-most-trusted network, getting the trust of 39 percent of those polled. Forty-one percent said they didn’t trust CNN. }

Poll: Fox most trusted name in news - Andy Barr -

We're talking intelligence and ideas, NOT polls. You can ask all your friends and they can all say the same thing, but that doesn't make it valid. :cool:
But you and your friends repeating the same ideas at the same time is valid?
Every American who has access to the media has access to conservative programming,

Isn't that precisely what you of the left seek the "Hush Rush" bill, censorship of Fox and FCC control of the Web? - Because people has access to alternative views?

Sure it is!

in abundance. No one is being denied access to the remote, or the radio dial, or having their internet access filtered.

This rightwing complaint is without merit.

Yet the left continues to work on censoring all of these, through the "fairness doctrine" and "net neutrality" which crush opposition media sources.

If the right's ideas are so good, why does the media lean left?
If the left's ideas are so good, why do they seek to mandate them by law without letting the people know what's in the bills?
Eventually, many media outlets will find out that liberalism does not pay. We will see programming change over gradually. The old guard liberal media still dominates but they are getting older.

For 40 years, Edward Murrow ran roughshod on Television news. Even NBC and ABC bowed to the Murrow methods of literally consulting the democratic party on the presentation of important stories.

World War II hero and singing cowboy, Gene Autry bought Los Angeles television station KTLA specifically to run an alternative to what he called "Murrow's Communist propaganda."

For a very long lime, far left programming in news reporting did pay, and was the only option. Murrow spawned such far left news readers as Walter Cronkite, Huntley and Brinkley and a host of lesser icons of the golden age of controlled news. The party directly controlled what the nation saw on the news, with rare exception by local stations. Generally, ABC+CBS+NBC = DNC, and that was what America had. Murrow is dead and cable plus the internet have broken the back of managed news. The old players still run the same game, but now look like fools for their effort.

Like we're going to take as gospel who's a Communist from the board Nazi!!! :cuckoo:
Nazi? You may as well come right out and say that you got nothin'.
Every American who has access to the media has access to conservative programming,

Isn't that precisely what you of the left seek the "Hush Rush" bill, censorship of Fox and FCC control of the Web? - Because people has access to alternative views?

Sure it is!

in abundance. No one is being denied access to the remote, or the radio dial, or having their internet access filtered.

This rightwing complaint is without merit.

Yet the left continues to work on censoring all of these, through the "fairness doctrine" and "net neutrality" which crush opposition media sources.

You're lying about my views for starters.

Do you dispute that everyone who has media access in general has access to conservative broadcasting?
you can always take it upon yourself to disprove their assertions or facts. facts as in the medias use of the pejorative con vs. liberal labeling which I have already described.

Their assertions are to that the combined throw weight of the media submerges con outlets, by a huge margin, there fore this provides a platform that is overwhelming, and I won't even count the day time shows the view, good morning America etc etc etc ....the TV' entertainment' programming.

And what makes that fact important is; each on of us, you me all of us employ bias. we seek out and extend from ourselves what we perceive or feel is 'right' in every context and medium.

The newsrooms, media depts. etc etc etc . of that media have a combined pop. that is over 85% self identifying left of center/liberal.

Fox is slanted, no doubt about it, and so to are the rest. it really is that simple.

Every American who has access to the media has access to conservative programming,

in abundance. No one is being denied access to the remote, or the radio dial, or having their internet access filtered.

This rightwing complaint is without merit.

But the lions share of media does lean left.

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom

What's the point if a person has access to a broad spectrum of left/right bias?
Every American who has access to the media has access to conservative programming,

in abundance. No one is being denied access to the remote, or the radio dial, or having their internet access filtered.

This rightwing complaint is without merit.

But the lions share of media does lean left.

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom

What's the point if a person has access to a broad spectrum of left/right bias?

Not everyone has a broad spectrum, and most do not involve themselves in politics except for a headline. This is where the left (IMO) has the advantage....because they own the lions share of news. I'm not bitching, but I'm stating a fact. TV and newspapers have the advantage for the left. Radio has the advantage for the right.

What's the point if a person has access to a broad spectrum of left/right bias?

Not everyone has a broad spectrum, and most do not involve themselves in politics except for a headline. This is where the left (IMO) has the advantage....because they own the lions share of news. I'm not bitching, but I'm stating a fact. TV and newspapers have the advantage for the left. Radio has the advantage for the right.

So when Obama spends his 1.2 billion on media advertising with the full support of the left wing controlled media supporting him and he loses, how will you explain your thesis then?
What's the point if a person has access to a broad spectrum of left/right bias?

Not everyone has a broad spectrum, and most do not involve themselves in politics except for a headline. This is where the left (IMO) has the advantage....because they own the lions share of news. I'm not bitching, but I'm stating a fact. TV and newspapers have the advantage for the left. Radio has the advantage for the right.

So when Obama spends his 1.2 billion on media advertising with the full support of the left wing controlled media supporting him and he loses, how will you explain your thesis then?

So why don't you point out where my post is wrong?
Not everyone has a broad spectrum, and most do not involve themselves in politics except for a headline. This is where the left (IMO) has the advantage....because they own the lions share of news. I'm not bitching, but I'm stating a fact. TV and newspapers have the advantage for the left. Radio has the advantage for the right.

So when Obama spends his 1.2 billion on media advertising with the full support of the left wing controlled media supporting him and he loses, how will you explain your thesis then?

So why don't you point out where my post is wrong?
Why are you dodging Gadawg's question?

What's the point if a person has access to a broad spectrum of left/right bias?

Not everyone has a broad spectrum, and most do not involve themselves in politics except for a headline. This is where the left (IMO) has the advantage....because they own the lions share of news. I'm not bitching, but I'm stating a fact. TV and newspapers have the advantage for the left. Radio has the advantage for the right.

Who? Who can't listen to rightwing radio all day and all night, but instead has to listen to or watch something liberal?

Who has cable or satellite that doesn't have Foxnews but has CNN and MSNBC, etc.?

Who are you talking about?
you can always take it upon yourself to disprove their assertions or facts. facts as in the medias use of the pejorative con vs. liberal labeling which I have already described.

Their assertions are to that the combined throw weight of the media submerges con outlets, by a huge margin, there fore this provides a platform that is overwhelming, and I won't even count the day time shows the view, good morning America etc etc etc ....the TV' entertainment' programming.

And what makes that fact important is; each on of us, you me all of us employ bias. we seek out and extend from ourselves what we perceive or feel is 'right' in every context and medium.

The newsrooms, media depts. etc etc etc . of that media have a combined pop. that is over 85% self identifying left of center/liberal.

Fox is slanted, no doubt about it, and so to are the rest. it really is that simple.

Every American who has access to the media has access to conservative programming,

in abundance. No one is being denied access to the remote, or the radio dial, or having their internet access filtered.

This rightwing complaint is without merit.

But the lions share of media does lean left.

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom

I'm familiar with that 6 year old study. I've used it before to counter the rightwing argument that PBS is liberal.

The opening lines of your link:

While the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal is conservative, the newspaper's news pages are liberal, even more liberal than The New York Times. The Drudge Report may have a right-wing reputation, but it leans left. Coverage by public television and radio is conservative compared to the rest of the mainstream media.

Do you really accept as credible that study's conclusions?

1. that the WSJ is more liberal than the NY Times?

2. that PBS and NPR are more conservative than the rest of the mainstream media?

lol, I hope you'll step up to support me the next time we hear some clueless conservative claim that public television and radio are leftist propaganda.
1. Have you seen the posts by our less informed colleagues challenging the idea that the media is Leftist? Consider this story the next time you read one of those misguided individuals….

2. “New York-based nonprofit news organization ProPublica is getting a boost from NBC, thanks to its new owner Comcast. And New York television viewers will see more investigative stories…. a partnership with ProPublica…ProPublica, which does extensive investigative reporting and data mining,… ProPublica will receive a donation from NBC, and, in return, will get a wider audience for its stories.”

3. This is how deeply the Left has infiltrated every form of information disseminaton…from Wikipedia: “ProPublica is a non-profit corporation based in New York City. It describes itself as an independent non-profit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest…ProPublica has partnered with more than 50 different news organizations,…” ProPublica - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. So…who is ProPublica? The best comparison would be to say that NBC just agreed to take its news from the old Pravda.

a. ProPublica began funded by a billionaire husband and wife team who not only spent millions campaigning for President Obama but also topped donor lists to groups like ACORN and On its website, Pro Publica describes itself as championing the values of the “weak” against the “strong.”

b. The $10 million yearly grant from Herbert and Marion Sandler, the former chief executives of the Golden West Financial Corporation, which was one of the nation’s largest mortgage lenders and savings and loans. Just before the financial crisis, the Sandlers in 2008 sold their business to the Wachovia Corporation for about $26 billion. The Sandlers are major donors to the Democratic Party and are top funders of ACORN,, the American Civil Liberties Union and other far-leftist groups like Human Rights Watch.
NBC newsroom gets fresh leftist invasion. Network teams up with

5. Still not convinced about the control of the media? Perhaps these Leftists simply want to invest in excellence in journalism? Think again. This from the Left-leaning Slate:Slate journalist Jack Shafer raised questions [] about Pro Publica's ability to provide independent nonpartisan journalism given the nature of Sandler's other political donations which include "giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to Democratic Party campaigns." The concern was borne out in a vicious December 2008 attack on natural gas drilling that followed the Democrat no-American-energy agenda. Pro Publica

6. From the Capital Research Center: ProPublica “churns out little more than left-wing hit pieces about Sarah Palin and blames the U.S. government for giving out too little foreign aid.”

7. Oh…and BTW….”The Associated Press today announced a program to promote nonprofit investigative journalism, including articles from ProPublica, to its members for republication. The material will be distributed to AP members—including essentially all of the nation’s leading newspapers—through the Web-based delivery system AP Exchange .” Associated Press Joins Steal Our Stories Movement - ProPublica

8. So, what is going on? Capital Research Center (op. cit.) explains it this way: Create a media outlet that will produce left-wing “investigative” hit pieces that can be given to cash-strapped newspapers at no cost. NBC…AP…wherever you get your news….The Left has a well-funded effort underway.

As usual you play the idiot. "The Media" is controlled by those corps that buy advertising and those in the media that chose who gets to buy advertising.

By all means...Let us know the next time you see a "leftist" organization sponsor a morning, daytime or prime time television or radio broadcast. are such a gullible twat.
Every American who has access to the media has access to conservative programming,

in abundance. No one is being denied access to the remote, or the radio dial, or having their internet access filtered.

This rightwing complaint is without merit.

But the lions share of media does lean left.

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom

What's the point if a person has access to a broad spectrum of left/right bias?

are you saying that the number of stations, newsrooms etc. really has no meaning, because there is fox, there is parity?
So when Obama spends his 1.2 billion on media advertising with the full support of the left wing controlled media supporting him and he loses, how will you explain your thesis then?

So why don't you point out where my post is wrong?
Why are you dodging Gadawg's question?

I thought it was a stupid question, synth.
People are going to vote on how they perceive our country is doing, such as unemployment, debt and also the obamacare. That doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out, even you and gag can do it.....I'm sure you can.
Every American who has access to the media has access to conservative programming,

in abundance. No one is being denied access to the remote, or the radio dial, or having their internet access filtered.

This rightwing complaint is without merit.

But the lions share of media does lean left.

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom

I'm familiar with that 6 year old study. I've used it before to counter the rightwing argument that PBS is liberal.

The opening lines of your link:

While the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal is conservative, the newspaper's news pages are liberal, even more liberal than The New York Times. The Drudge Report may have a right-wing reputation, but it leans left. Coverage by public television and radio is conservative compared to the rest of the mainstream media.

Do you really accept as credible that study's conclusions?

1. that the WSJ is more liberal than the NY Times?

2. that PBS and NPR are more conservative than the rest of the mainstream media?

lol, I hope you'll step up to support me the next time we hear some clueless conservative claim that public television and radio are leftist propaganda.

I guess that study lost its charm, upon further review. :lol::lol::lol:

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