The Left Controls the Media

you are partly right in that liberals will not name each other as liberal generally as, they know that only 21% of the country IDs themselves as such. so they avoid it.

Only 40% of the country IDs as con. yet they use it with such preponderance compared to the term liberal, you would think thats who makes up the country as a large majority, let alone they use it derisively which is also the point as well.
They have figured out that 79% of the country is not what they are , 60% isn't what cons are, so they just use con., kind of unfair isn't it? They are supposed to be objective.

and of course that begs another comment- so, liberals are to shy to make know their ideology and affiliation? Why?

and of course you just answered my question, in that yes there is a bias on that issue, thank you.

It's nice that you can give assent to your reply but you realize that is a sign of hubris or insanity, take your pick.

Still not a single example of leftist MSM, none. Given your assumptions that should have been easy, but you know too what they say of assumptions. I actually saw something on MSM this past weekend which would classify partly as leftist in my definition of the concept. Anyone know what it was?

As for the words conservative or liberal, you are removing them from the discussion by relying on surveys rather than behaviors. If I were to define conservative as supporting America, working hard, succeeding economically, raising first rate children, being married forever, buying American, paying all my taxes, voting, then I am conservative. But you see conservative in terms of its negatives: anti all sorts of things including government and personal freedom and rights. Most people when asked the question today define it through my behavioral definition rather than the political partisanship you seem to represent. I think asking the question isn't relevant outside of context, and context doesn't exist in these surveys. Consider the low rating of the tea party and Christian right as examples of American sentiment.

Liberal is a four letter word today and your use of it with MSM is a demonstration of that fact. You seem to miss that obvious connection completely. When PC or others call MSM liberal they are only engaging in rhetoric and not thought. MSM is corporate owned, operated, and supported, it cannot by its very nature be anything but boring pablum.

Please note that I have never shied away from the use of liberal.

"Ideally citizens are to think of themselves as if they were legislators and ask themselves what statutes, supported by what reasons satisfying the criterion of reciprocity, they would think is most reasonable to enact." John Rawls
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Those THAT WATCH the media control the media.
ALL advertising budgets of every entity that runs ads on media go by ratings.
And to those that have no clue how the free market works $$$$$ controls media.
And media gives it's customers what they want.
Those THAT WATCH the media control the media.
ALL advertising budgets of every entity that runs ads on media go by ratings.
And to those that have no clue how the free market works $$$$$ controls media.
And media gives it's customers what they want.

The usual response from the uninformed.

1. “Katie Couric rhymes a healthcare message” CBS "news anchor" Katie Couric recently whipped out her "reporter's notebook" and closed her newscast with a pro–"health-care reform" poem…Good grief! What a relief that we have nonpartisan "journalists" like Couric to help us navigate this "tough topic."

Couric's "poem" explicitly supports "health-care reform." She clearly wants the sides to come together and produce something. She never questions the presumed need for "reform," much less suggests it wrong – indeed unconstitutional – for the federal government to take money from taxpayer A and give it to B (who may or may not be a taxpayer or, for that matter, even a citizen) because B lacks health insurance.” Katie rhymes for health-care 'reform' Wishing for Senator Snowe to vote the right way.

a. In another “Notebook” clip she denounced ‘fear and frankly ignorance’ that is driving people to town hall forums opposing health care. Katie Couric's Notebook: Fear and Frustration - Couric & Co. - CBS News
I did my post graduate work in education, what is your expertise based on your post graduate work? What are the soft squishy subjects, if you know that they are soft, squishy, you must have a firsthand knowledge of them?
You don't realize it, but you prove my point. :eusa_clap:

In other words, you have no answer.
:lol: Thanks for proving my thesis: "Educated" and "intelligent" are not synonymous.
Those THAT WATCH the media control the media.
ALL advertising budgets of every entity that runs ads on media go by ratings.
And to those that have no clue how the free market works $$$$$ controls media.
And media gives it's customers what they want.

The usual response from the uninformed.

1. “Katie Couric rhymes a healthcare message” CBS "news anchor" Katie Couric recently whipped out her "reporter's notebook" and closed her newscast with a pro–"health-care reform" poem…Good grief! What a relief that we have nonpartisan "journalists" like Couric to help us navigate this "tough topic."

Couric's "poem" explicitly supports "health-care reform." She clearly wants the sides to come together and produce something. She never questions the presumed need for "reform," much less suggests it wrong – indeed unconstitutional – for the federal government to take money from taxpayer A and give it to B (who may or may not be a taxpayer or, for that matter, even a citizen) because B lacks health insurance.” Katie rhymes for health-care 'reform' Wishing for Senator Snowe to vote the right way.

a. In another “Notebook” clip she denounced ‘fear and frankly ignorance’ that is driving people to town hall forums opposing health care. Katie Couric's Notebook: Fear and Frustration - Couric & Co. - CBS News

You know PC, as I continue to read your dire attempts to do what conservatives do and have always done; create some form of an aristocracy, I can't help thinking that your vision of America invites the fate of Robert Frost's hired man—the fate of having "nothing to look backward to with pride, And nothing to look forward to with hope."

The only enemies of the Constitution are those who try to wield it as a weapon against the living, by using the words of the dead.
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Those THAT WATCH the media control the media.
ALL advertising budgets of every entity that runs ads on media go by ratings.
And to those that have no clue how the free market works $$$$$ controls media.
And media gives it's customers what they want.

The usual response from the uninformed.

1. “Katie Couric rhymes a healthcare message” CBS "news anchor" Katie Couric recently whipped out her "reporter's notebook" and closed her newscast with a pro–"health-care reform" poem…Good grief! What a relief that we have nonpartisan "journalists" like Couric to help us navigate this "tough topic."

Couric's "poem" explicitly supports "health-care reform." She clearly wants the sides to come together and produce something. She never questions the presumed need for "reform," much less suggests it wrong – indeed unconstitutional – for the federal government to take money from taxpayer A and give it to B (who may or may not be a taxpayer or, for that matter, even a citizen) because B lacks health insurance.” Katie rhymes for health-care 'reform' Wishing for Senator Snowe to vote the right way.

a. In another “Notebook” clip she denounced ‘fear and frankly ignorance’ that is driving people to town hall forums opposing health care. Katie Couric's Notebook: Fear and Frustration - Couric & Co. - CBS News
It's not biased if it agrees with the left's agenda.

Or at least that's what I understand from the leftists here.
Those THAT WATCH the media control the media.
ALL advertising budgets of every entity that runs ads on media go by ratings.
And to those that have no clue how the free market works $$$$$ controls media.
And media gives it's customers what they want.

The usual response from the uninformed.

1. “Katie Couric rhymes a healthcare message” CBS "news anchor" Katie Couric recently whipped out her "reporter's notebook" and closed her newscast with a pro–"health-care reform" poem…Good grief! What a relief that we have nonpartisan "journalists" like Couric to help us navigate this "tough topic."

Couric's "poem" explicitly supports "health-care reform." She clearly wants the sides to come together and produce something. She never questions the presumed need for "reform," much less suggests it wrong – indeed unconstitutional – for the federal government to take money from taxpayer A and give it to B (who may or may not be a taxpayer or, for that matter, even a citizen) because B lacks health insurance.” Katie rhymes for health-care 'reform' Wishing for Senator Snowe to vote the right way.

a. In another “Notebook” clip she denounced ‘fear and frankly ignorance’ that is driving people to town hall forums opposing health care. Katie Couric's Notebook: Fear and Frustration - Couric & Co. - CBS News

You know PC, as I continue to read your dire attempts to do what conservatives do and have always done; create some form of an aristocracy, I can't help thinking that your vision of America invites the fate of Robert Frost's hired man—the fate of having "nothing to look backward to with pride, And nothing to look forward to with hope."

The only enemies of the Constitution are those who try to wield it as a weapon against the living, by using the words of the dead.
No, you CAN'T annoint Obama as king. The Constitution which you hold in such contempt won't allow it.
Those THAT WATCH the media control the media.
ALL advertising budgets of every entity that runs ads on media go by ratings.
And to those that have no clue how the free market works $$$$$ controls media.
And media gives it's customers what they want.

The usual response from the uninformed.

1. “Katie Couric rhymes a healthcare message” CBS "news anchor" Katie Couric recently whipped out her "reporter's notebook" and closed her newscast with a pro–"health-care reform" poem…Good grief! What a relief that we have nonpartisan "journalists" like Couric to help us navigate this "tough topic."

Couric's "poem" explicitly supports "health-care reform." She clearly wants the sides to come together and produce something. She never questions the presumed need for "reform," much less suggests it wrong – indeed unconstitutional – for the federal government to take money from taxpayer A and give it to B (who may or may not be a taxpayer or, for that matter, even a citizen) because B lacks health insurance.” Katie rhymes for health-care 'reform' Wishing for Senator Snowe to vote the right way.

a. In another “Notebook” clip she denounced ‘fear and frankly ignorance’ that is driving people to town hall forums opposing health care. Katie Couric's Notebook: Fear and Frustration - Couric & Co. - CBS News

The uninformed quote and watch Katie Couric.
I operate three corporations and could care less what talking head media say.
You obviously follow her closely.
The usual response from the uninformed.

1. “Katie Couric rhymes a healthcare message” CBS "news anchor" Katie Couric recently whipped out her "reporter's notebook" and closed her newscast with a pro–"health-care reform" poem…Good grief! What a relief that we have nonpartisan "journalists" like Couric to help us navigate this "tough topic."

Couric's "poem" explicitly supports "health-care reform." She clearly wants the sides to come together and produce something. She never questions the presumed need for "reform," much less suggests it wrong – indeed unconstitutional – for the federal government to take money from taxpayer A and give it to B (who may or may not be a taxpayer or, for that matter, even a citizen) because B lacks health insurance.” Katie rhymes for health-care 'reform' Wishing for Senator Snowe to vote the right way.

a. In another “Notebook” clip she denounced ‘fear and frankly ignorance’ that is driving people to town hall forums opposing health care. Katie Couric's Notebook: Fear and Frustration - Couric & Co. - CBS News

You know PC, as I continue to read your dire attempts to do what conservatives do and have always done; create some form of an aristocracy, I can't help thinking that your vision of America invites the fate of Robert Frost's hired man—the fate of having "nothing to look backward to with pride, And nothing to look forward to with hope."

The only enemies of the Constitution are those who try to wield it as a weapon against the living, by using the words of the dead.
No, you CAN'T annoint Obama as king. The Constitution which you hold in such contempt won't allow it.

I don't want to anoint Obama king. I am not a right wing authoritarian follower, and Obama is not George W. Bush...

Some folks look at me and see a certain swagger, which in Texas is called "walking."
George W. Bush
Those THAT WATCH the media control the media.
ALL advertising budgets of every entity that runs ads on media go by ratings.
And to those that have no clue how the free market works $$$$$ controls media.
And media gives it's customers what they want.

The usual response from the uninformed.

1. “Katie Couric rhymes a healthcare message” CBS "news anchor" Katie Couric recently whipped out her "reporter's notebook" and closed her newscast with a pro–"health-care reform" poem…Good grief! What a relief that we have nonpartisan "journalists" like Couric to help us navigate this "tough topic."

Couric's "poem" explicitly supports "health-care reform." She clearly wants the sides to come together and produce something. She never questions the presumed need for "reform," much less suggests it wrong – indeed unconstitutional – for the federal government to take money from taxpayer A and give it to B (who may or may not be a taxpayer or, for that matter, even a citizen) because B lacks health insurance.” Katie rhymes for health-care 'reform' Wishing for Senator Snowe to vote the right way.

a. In another “Notebook” clip she denounced ‘fear and frankly ignorance’ that is driving people to town hall forums opposing health care. Katie Couric's Notebook: Fear and Frustration - Couric & Co. - CBS News

You know PC, as I continue to read your dire attempts to do what conservatives do and have always done; create some form of an aristocracy, I can't help thinking that your vision of America invites the fate of Robert Frost's hired man—the fate of having "nothing to look backward to with pride, And nothing to look forward to with hope."

The only enemies of the Constitution are those who try to wield it as a weapon against the living, by using the words of the dead.

Look up the difference.
Those THAT WATCH the media control the media.
ALL advertising budgets of every entity that runs ads on media go by ratings.
And to those that have no clue how the free market works $$$$$ controls media.
And media gives it's customers what they want.

The usual response from the uninformed.

1. “Katie Couric rhymes a healthcare message” CBS "news anchor" Katie Couric recently whipped out her "reporter's notebook" and closed her newscast with a pro–"health-care reform" poem…Good grief! What a relief that we have nonpartisan "journalists" like Couric to help us navigate this "tough topic."

Couric's "poem" explicitly supports "health-care reform." She clearly wants the sides to come together and produce something. She never questions the presumed need for "reform," much less suggests it wrong – indeed unconstitutional – for the federal government to take money from taxpayer A and give it to B (who may or may not be a taxpayer or, for that matter, even a citizen) because B lacks health insurance.” Katie rhymes for health-care 'reform' Wishing for Senator Snowe to vote the right way.

a. In another “Notebook” clip she denounced ‘fear and frankly ignorance’ that is driving people to town hall forums opposing health care. Katie Couric's Notebook: Fear and Frustration - Couric & Co. - CBS News

The uninformed quote and watch Katie Couric.
I operate three corporations and could care less what talking head media say.
You obviously follow her closely.

On Thanksgiving Day, November 1999, five year old Elian Gonzalez was one of three survivors fleeing Castro’s Cuba. Included in the deaths of the sinking boat were Elian’s mother and her boyfriend. Miami relatives took the boy in. For the liberal press, it was an opportunity to demonstrate absolute feasance to the wishes of this Communist dictator. And the Clinton administration proved abundantly willing to permit Castro to control events in America:

a. The media made it clear that the Cuban-American community in Miami was nothing but extremists and fanatics. "Communism Still Looms as Evil to Miami Cubans."
-- Headline over April 11 New York Times story.

b. "Some suggested over the weekend that it’s wrong to expect Elian Gonzalez to live in a place that tolerates no dissent or freedom of political expression. They were talking about Miami” NBC’s Katie Couric opening the April 3 Today.

c. “In Miami, it’s impossible to overestimate how everything here is colored by a hatred of communism and Fidel Castro. It’s a community with very little tolerance for those who might disagree.”
— ABC correspondent John Quinones on World News Tonight, April 4, 2000

d. “Cuban-Americans, Ms. Falk, have been quick to point fingers at Castro for exploiting the little boy. Are their actions any less reprehensible?”
— Early Show co-host Bryant Gumbel to CBS News consultant Pam Falk, April 14, 2000
The usual response from the uninformed.

1. “Katie Couric rhymes a healthcare message” CBS "news anchor" Katie Couric recently whipped out her "reporter's notebook" and closed her newscast with a pro–"health-care reform" poem…Good grief! What a relief that we have nonpartisan "journalists" like Couric to help us navigate this "tough topic."

Couric's "poem" explicitly supports "health-care reform." She clearly wants the sides to come together and produce something. She never questions the presumed need for "reform," much less suggests it wrong – indeed unconstitutional – for the federal government to take money from taxpayer A and give it to B (who may or may not be a taxpayer or, for that matter, even a citizen) because B lacks health insurance.” Katie rhymes for health-care 'reform' Wishing for Senator Snowe to vote the right way.

a. In another “Notebook” clip she denounced ‘fear and frankly ignorance’ that is driving people to town hall forums opposing health care. Katie Couric's Notebook: Fear and Frustration - Couric & Co. - CBS News

You know PC, as I continue to read your dire attempts to do what conservatives do and have always done; create some form of an aristocracy, I can't help thinking that your vision of America invites the fate of Robert Frost's hired man—the fate of having "nothing to look backward to with pride, And nothing to look forward to with hope."

The only enemies of the Constitution are those who try to wield it as a weapon against the living, by using the words of the dead.

Look up the difference.

Synonym: Social Darwinism

Two very important shapers of political thought during this time were Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. They believed Social Darwinism provided a way to perfect mankind behaviorally and socially. Marx even offered to dedicate his first volume of Das Kapital to Darwin. Darwin's book had given God's presence "the death-blow," he exulted to fellow socialist, Lassalle (Marx). By enhancing Socialism with Darwinism, Communism emerged as a powerful movement led by Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik Party, later wrenching control of Russia in the Revolution of 1917. All land, materials, and biological (including human) resources became property of the state. Lenin implemented social programs and began starving and slaughtering whole societies whom he regarded as herds of animals. He was encouraged by the deaths of millions and believed people would lose faith in God and turn more to socialism. To survive the famine, many turned to cannibalism. Lenin's ideology was inspired by Darwin's Origin of Species: "Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and death, the most exalted object which we are capable of conceiving, namely, the production of higher animals, directly follows" (Darwin 1886). As Darwinism spread throughout Europe, violence was legitimized under the "struggle for existence" theory. As Austro-Hungarian chief of staff, Franz Baron Conrad von Hoetzendorff wrote in his post-war memoirs: "It is in accordance with this great principle that the catastrophe of the World War came about as the result of the motive forces in the lives of states and peoples--" (qtd. in Joll 164).

Following in Lenin's footsteps, Stalin took control of Soviet Russia. Earlier in life, right before Stalin became a priest he read Origin of Species, and his life quickly changed; he became atheist and joined the Bolsheviks. As dictator, he executed scientists who rejected evolution and the projects developed from it, like soaking seeds in cold water for long periods of time expecting them to adapt to the low temperatures in Russia. As a result, 9 million starved to death and cannibalism once again turned humans into wild savages. During Stalin's reign, 40 million died at his hands, more than the 25 million that died fighting Nazi Germany. The system of Communism paved the way for other disciples of Marxist-Leninist-Darwinism to rise to power in Asia, such as Mao Zedong. After Darwin's work was translated in 1895 into Chinese, many believed constant violence was how evolution occurred. Under Mao, 40 million starved in his Great Leap Forward social program, 78 million in general. Communism eventually spread into surrounding North Korea, North Vietnam, and Cambodia, dragging America into strung out bloody guerilla wars with the terrorist regimes. Today, these ideologies still exist - effecting world politics in no small measure - and make Evolution mandatory learning in the education system, force families apart premised on views that humans as advanced apes do not need them, or religion and ethics, and instead must show loyalty only to the state as the highest authority.

Fascist forms of government indoctrinate the same concepts of Darwinism as Communist governments. Mussolini and Hitler were great advocates of Darwin and Spencer's work. Hitler's National Socialist German Worker's (Nazi) Party combined their deep mystical beliefs with Darwinism to inspire a grandiose vision of world conquest, leading the globe into a new age of enlightenment. Anyone who did not conform to Hitler's ideas of the model citizen were rounded up and executed as inferior races that were holding back the rest of society from evolving. Professor of modern European History, Richard Weikart reviewing his book, From Darwin to Hitler, says "Darwinism played a key role not only in the rise of eugenics, but also in euthanasia, infanticide, abortion, and racial extermination, all ultimately embraced by the Nazis" (Weikart).
The Left Controls the Media

Your argument will only have validity if Fox News is somehow silenced.

Come back to me when this happens and we will discuss the problem.

First, it would seem to be more efficacious to discuss same with someone who has knowledge of the subject.

Second, are you aware of the the numbers of viewers of broadband vs. cable?

If the three nightly network newscast audiences in November 2003 were combined, a total of 29.3 million viewers, it would be more than 12 times the prime time audience for cable, 2.4 million viewers, during the same period.
Cable Audience | State of the Media same period.

So, your post kind of falls apart right there, huh?

Merry Christmas.
The usual response from the uninformed.

1. “Katie Couric rhymes a healthcare message” CBS "news anchor" Katie Couric recently whipped out her "reporter's notebook" and closed her newscast with a pro–"health-care reform" poem…Good grief! What a relief that we have nonpartisan "journalists" like Couric to help us navigate this "tough topic."

Couric's "poem" explicitly supports "health-care reform." She clearly wants the sides to come together and produce something. She never questions the presumed need for "reform," much less suggests it wrong – indeed unconstitutional – for the federal government to take money from taxpayer A and give it to B (who may or may not be a taxpayer or, for that matter, even a citizen) because B lacks health insurance.” Katie rhymes for health-care 'reform' Wishing for Senator Snowe to vote the right way.

a. In another “Notebook” clip she denounced ‘fear and frankly ignorance’ that is driving people to town hall forums opposing health care. Katie Couric's Notebook: Fear and Frustration - Couric & Co. - CBS News

The uninformed quote and watch Katie Couric.
I operate three corporations and could care less what talking head media say.
You obviously follow her closely.

On Thanksgiving Day, November 1999, five year old Elian Gonzalez was one of three survivors fleeing Castro’s Cuba. Included in the deaths of the sinking boat were Elian’s mother and her boyfriend. Miami relatives took the boy in. For the liberal press, it was an opportunity to demonstrate absolute feasance to the wishes of this Communist dictator. And the Clinton administration proved abundantly willing to permit Castro to control events in America:

a. The media made it clear that the Cuban-American community in Miami was nothing but extremists and fanatics. "Communism Still Looms as Evil to Miami Cubans."
-- Headline over April 11 New York Times story.

b. "Some suggested over the weekend that it’s wrong to expect Elian Gonzalez to live in a place that tolerates no dissent or freedom of political expression. They were talking about Miami” NBC’s Katie Couric opening the April 3 Today.

c. “In Miami, it’s impossible to overestimate how everything here is colored by a hatred of communism and Fidel Castro. It’s a community with very little tolerance for those who might disagree.”
— ABC correspondent John Quinones on World News Tonight, April 4, 2000

d. “Cuban-Americans, Ms. Falk, have been quick to point fingers at Castro for exploiting the little boy. Are their actions any less reprehensible?”
— Early Show co-host Bryant Gumbel to CBS News consultant Pam Falk, April 14, 2000

Tell us how that influenced you in any way to believe it.
Again, how is ANYONE influenced by media WHEN THEY DO NOT READ IT OR WATCH IT?
Bryant Gumbel, Katie Couric and The New York Times may be your best source for information but as a professional purveryor of information and the analysis of it they do not make my cut.
The uninformed quote and watch Katie Couric.
I operate three corporations and could care less what talking head media say.
You obviously follow her closely.

On Thanksgiving Day, November 1999, five year old Elian Gonzalez was one of three survivors fleeing Castro’s Cuba. Included in the deaths of the sinking boat were Elian’s mother and her boyfriend. Miami relatives took the boy in. For the liberal press, it was an opportunity to demonstrate absolute feasance to the wishes of this Communist dictator. And the Clinton administration proved abundantly willing to permit Castro to control events in America:

a. The media made it clear that the Cuban-American community in Miami was nothing but extremists and fanatics. "Communism Still Looms as Evil to Miami Cubans."
-- Headline over April 11 New York Times story.

b. "Some suggested over the weekend that it’s wrong to expect Elian Gonzalez to live in a place that tolerates no dissent or freedom of political expression. They were talking about Miami” NBC’s Katie Couric opening the April 3 Today.

c. “In Miami, it’s impossible to overestimate how everything here is colored by a hatred of communism and Fidel Castro. It’s a community with very little tolerance for those who might disagree.”
— ABC correspondent John Quinones on World News Tonight, April 4, 2000

d. “Cuban-Americans, Ms. Falk, have been quick to point fingers at Castro for exploiting the little boy. Are their actions any less reprehensible?”
— Early Show co-host Bryant Gumbel to CBS News consultant Pam Falk, April 14, 2000

Tell us how that influenced you in any way to believe it.
Again, how is ANYONE influenced by media WHEN THEY DO NOT READ IT OR WATCH IT?
Bryant Gumbel, Katie Couric and The New York Times may be your best source for information but as a professional purveryor of information and the analysis of it they do not make my cut.

How about we stick to the subject and continue you prove what an ass you are.

The press toed the Lefts anti-Vietnam line.

a. NYTimes’ Harrison Salisbury traveled to North Vietnam in 1966-67, and reported that the US was deliberately targeting the civilian population. But Guenter Lewy, in “America in Vietnam,” revealed that “Only after the articles had appeared did a small number of persons learn that Salisbury, in effect, had given the authority of his byline to unverified Communist propaganda and the New York Times printed it as though Salisbury had established it himself with his own on-the-scene reporting…borrowed extensively from a North Vietnamese propaganda pamphlet, “Report on US War Crimes in Nam-Dinh City…” Lewy, p. 400-401

b. One marvels at the lack of concern by the Left after the success of their machinations. Linda Ellerbee, commentator for ABC and CBS, made the following joke: “These boat people… "Why would any Vietnamese come to America after what America did for Vietnam? Don't they remember My Lai, napalm, Sylvester Stallone? Clearly they have no more sense over there, than say, Mexicans who keep trying to get into this country even though this country stole large parts of their country from them in the first place." Best of Notable Quotables 1991 -- Media Research Center

c. And the LATimes urged the cutoff of funds to the Lon Nol government "for the good of the suffering Cambodian people..."Peter Rodman, “More Precious Than Peace: Fighting and Winning the Cold War in the Third World,” p.186.

d. NYTimes Sydney Schanberg, wrote this, published on the front page April 13, 1975: “for the ordinary people of Indochina…it is difficult to imagine how their lives could be anything but better with the Americans gone.” So, communist victory was nothing to dread.

e. "it would be tendentious to forecast [genocide] as a national policy under a Communist government once the war is over." A year later, Mr. Schanberg was awarded a Pulitzer Prize, though not for tendentiousness. Stephens: From WikiLeaks to the Killing Fields -

Still want to contend that the press isn't Leftist?
Or...throw in the towel, Dullard.
I was under the impression Fox was the number one rated station out there. IF so, here is a question. Are they left leaning?

They are slightly left in news reporting, slightly right in commentary.

They don't change the tilt overall, given the dozens of sources that are openly run by the DNC, such as the NY Times, Washington Post, the source of all news by forum lefties - Comedy Central, ABCBSMSNBC, et al.

Fox is the #1 CABLE news source, but the far left NY Times still controls the news America gets, including what Fox reports.

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