The Left Controls the Media

More dodge from the dunce,

malarkey from the Morbus.

You have spent 3 or 4 days calling me names from behind your computer instead of challenging my expertise, so you are obviously afraid of me. I will leave you alone now, you pathetic little thing.

I've seen your posts, dunce.

You have no expertise.
Just fantasies.

There's medication that might be helpful.
See your doctor...I'm sure he's just down the corridor.

Now, step off.

A pseudo intellectual Ann Coulter wannabe, how sad.
If the Left did in fact control the Media,

wouldn't that more than anything be a measure of the Right's impotence?

Ya' know...that's a pretty good analysis.
Who wrote it for you???
No, really...if I were a Lefty, I'd have used it. for the pretty good answer.

1. The 60's, fueled by the economic ebullience of families as a result of the post-WWII boom, gave us the arrogant, self-absorbed, violent, anti-American savages known as the 'counter-culture.'

2. One member gave this prescription: “four-square against anti-Communism, eight-square against American-culture, twelve-square against sell-out unions, one hundred and twenty against an interpretation of the Cold War that saw it as a Soviet plot and identified American policy fondly.” Todd Gitlin, “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage,” p. 109-110

3. The unrest was born in June of 1962 at the AFL-CIO camp at Port Huron, Michigan. A draft of the meeting can be found at Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic Society, 1962.
It sets forth an agenda for changing human nature, the nation, and the world. In it, one can hear the ignorance and arrogance so inherent in adolescents.

a. Tom Hayden writes in the draft of men as “infinitely perfectible.” Here is the ominous echo and common view of all totalitarian movements: human nature is infinitely malleable and the simple rearrangement of various institutions a better, and even perfect nature.

4. The radicals of the sixties did not remain within the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.” Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.

Oops! There I go....starting to write the kind of long piece that you're so afraid to read.'s the 'money shot:'

5. “The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51

See...they took over areas of dissemination of information...while the rest of Americans went to work in real know, those 'evil' corporations.

Good thing I have self-discipline...or I'd go off into a discussion of how Bernie Sanders formed the most powerful caucus in Congress, the Marxist-socialist Progressive Caucus.

But..stay tuned.

The word 'media' is plural. When you refer to 'media', you are referring to, among others, radio,

where the rightwing overwhelmingly dominates.

For starters.

So...other than radio, you find nothing in the brief history from the 60's on, to be inaccurate?

So glad we agree.

The point to be gleaned is that the radicals had quite a head start, and, if nothing else positive is to be said for these barbarians, they are patient. Decades so.

Things are changing...the turning point is Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge.

An additional point: in a thread based on your post, called 'Impotence of the Right,'
I explained the aim of these Leftist 'journalists,' as follows-

"Here, the thinking, right out of Fabian socialism, and the aims: “We will never have 100% public support for health reform. We don't need to. But to ensure that reform is implemented successfully, we do need to capture and keep the support of persuadable voters."
Q = A + 1

The Left looks for the uninformed, "persuadable voters."
This tactic has proven quite successful. They hide their true intentions.

You might find that OP interesting.
You have spent 3 or 4 days calling me names from behind your computer instead of challenging my expertise, so you are obviously afraid of me. I will leave you alone now, you pathetic little thing.

I've seen your posts, dunce.

You have no expertise.
Just fantasies.

There's medication that might be helpful.
See your doctor...I'm sure he's just down the corridor.

Now, step off.

A pseudo intellectual Ann Coulter wannabe, how sad.

I had a professor who used a phrase about hangers-on that he couldn't seem to get rid of..."He stuck to me like manure to a wet blanket."

As a result of your posting, I now see exactly what he meant.

Now, disappear into the oblivion you so richly deserve.
I've seen your posts, dunce.

You have no expertise.
Just fantasies.

There's medication that might be helpful.
See your doctor...I'm sure he's just down the corridor.

Now, step off.

A pseudo intellectual Ann Coulter wannabe, how sad.

I had a professor who used a phrase about hangers-on that he couldn't seem to get rid of..."He stuck to me like manure to a wet blanket."

As a result of your posting, I now see exactly what he meant.

Now, disappear into the oblivion you so richly deserve.

It was not very nice for that professor to say that to you.
Where do networks come from? The Network Tree? Solely owned by leeeeeeberals?

Conservatives want a conservative network, then start one. Buy one. Didn't GE buy NBC?

Why didn't some conservatives make a better offer?

Where did Foxnews channel come from? Conservatives want more Fox news channels, start them.

so your answer is; to buy networks or stations etc. and stack them with ideologically predisposed stooges to counter act the media as is stands?well yes of course that's your answer.:lol:

Nice, thx for the admission. god you're such a great foil. gimme a hug man...

That doesn't remotely resemble what I said.


I was drunk when I posted that and....oops.:eusa_shifty:


Tool Cat says....


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How about you ask for specifics as to why the sky is blue....
...not worth answering since casual glance prove the point.

You've proved my point. You - no one else either - can present a single example of the left leaning MSM that supports your necessary fantasy. You only believe and repeat because it is easier to point fingers than to examine and be honest about the complex issues that face America.

"Unions, organizations formerly steeped in the doctrine of class struggle and filled with members who sought broad social and political rights for the working class, have been transformed into domesticated negotiators with the capitalist class. Cars rolling off the Ford plants in Michigan were said to be made by UAW Ford. But where unions still exist, they have been reduced to simple bartering tools, if that. The social demands of unions in the early twentieth century that gave the working class weekends off, the right to strike, the eight-hour workday, and Social Security, have been abandoned. Universities, especially in political science and economics departments, parrot the discredited ideology of unregulated capitalism and have no new ideas.The arts, just as hungry as the media or the academy for corporate money and sponsorship, refuse to address the social and economic disparities that create suffering for tens of millions of citizens. Commercial artists peddle the mythical narrative, one propagated by corporations, self-help gurus, Oprah and the Christian Right, that if we dig deep enough within ourselves, focus on happiness, find our inner strength, or believe in miracles, we can have everything we desire. Such magical thinking, a staple of the entertainment industry, blinds citizens to corporate structures that have made it impossible for families to lift themselves out of poverty or live with dignity." Chris Hedges 'Death of the Liberal Class'

You've proved my point. You - no one else either - can present a single example of the left leaning MSM that supports your necessary fantasy. You only believe and repeat because it is easier to point fingers than to examine and be honest about the complex issues that face America. asked the question, see post 65, I answered,....was it to tough for you?

well Midcan5 I guess it was to tough for you.

another one bites the dust. :eusa_boohoo:
"Russell Baker, legendary columnist for the New York Times, put the matter well in December 2003: "Today's topdrawer Washington news people are part of a highly educated, upper middle class elite; they belong to the culture for which the American system works extremely well. Which is to say, they are, in the pure sense of the word, extremely conservative."" Media is also corporate owned and operated, they do not shoot themselves.

Can someone provide information on something, anything in MSM that is leftist? Concrete examples, not vague accusations or presumptive nonsense. Since it is so obvious, please provide a few specific examples. Should be easy.

Ok, easy one- why is there such a preponderance of labeling, as in using the term conservative for just about any goper? And a huge lack of reciprocity, as in naming or introducing 'democrats' as liberals?

That doesn't give me anything specific from MSM but I'll answer. The framing of conservative and liberal is loaded today with all sorts of baggage. Republicans use 'conservative' to define themselves as the word means certain positives to their audience. Count the times it has been used in the GOP debates. They even claim higher levels of conservative. Liberal on the other hand has been castigated for so long, even liberals now use progressive. No one in the media calls themselves liberal today. I do hear progressive used, but it is addressed at mostly democrats and sometimes republicans, and it is used to describe policy positions.

How about you ask for specifics as to why the sky is blue....
...not worth answering since casual glance prove the point.

You've proved my point. You - no one else either - can present a single example of the left leaning MSM that supports your necessary fantasy. You only believe and repeat because it is easier to point fingers than to examine and be honest about the complex issues that face America....

Yeah, you're right...they're right-wingers top to bottom.

Next election:

A. Income equality, economic central planning, global governance under worldwide socialism.

B. Equality before the law, free market capitalism, the United States Constitution.

Can I guess your choice?

What does that have to do with the price of eggs in China? You're even more off track unless I have magically become MSM, let me check. Nope.
so your answer is; to buy networks or stations etc. and stack them with ideologically predisposed stooges to counter act the media as is stands?well yes of course that's your answer.:lol:

Nice, thx for the admission. god you're such a great foil. gimme a hug man...

That doesn't remotely resemble what I said.


I was drunk when I posted that and....oops.:eusa_shifty:


The complaint that 'the left' controls the media implies that there are forces at work that prevent 'the right' from having whatever presence the right desires in the media.

That would appear to be false based on the evidence of the right in the media where the right has chosen to be.

If 'the right' wants another cable news network, how is the left's implied 'control' stopping that?

If 'the left' controlled the media, would 'the left' have allowed Foxnews to become the number 1 rated cablenews channel? Wouldn't 'the left' have exerted some of that alleged 'control' to prevent that?

Have you seen the posts by our less informed colleagues challenging the idea that the media is Leftist? Consider this story the next time you read one of those misguided individuals….

Damn, that damn propublica .. highlighting that officials say the darnedest things ...

That’s one of the things that I like about him — because he’s been consistent since he changed his mind.
- Christine O’Donnell, appearing on CNN to endorse Mitt Romney.

I also pledge to uphold the institution of marriage through personal fidelity to my spouse and respect for the marital bonds of others.
- Newt Gingrich, in a letter to the Family Leader, a conservative group in Iowa.

Officials Say the darnedest Things
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Have you seen the posts by our less informed colleagues challenging the idea that the media is Leftist? Consider this story the next time you read one of those misguided individuals….

Damn, that damn propublica .. highlighting that officials say the darnedest things ...

That’s one of the things that I like about him — because he’s been consistent since he changed his mind.
- Christine O’Donnell, appearing on CNN to endorse Mitt Romney.

I also pledge to uphold the institution of marriage through personal fidelity to my spouse and respect for the marital bonds of others.
- Newt Gingrich, in a letter to the Family Leader, a conservative group in Iowa.

Officials Say the darnedest Things

Does this come with coo-coo clock sound effects? I see why you neg rep!
Your posts are far from insightful, and you reveal that you didn't understand the OP!

But...glad to see you make the effort...inept though it is.
Atta boy!
The Pro-Republican News Media

The concept of the “Liberal Media” is a myth — and has always been a myth.
The various news media are clearly and unmistakably Pro-Republican.

Only twice since 1932 have a majority of newspapers endorsed the Democratic candidate

The Pro-Republican News Media

The media are controlled by the profit motive, nothing more.
Only the right pursues an agenda.

"Russell Baker, legendary columnist for the New York Times, put the matter well in December 2003: "Today's topdrawer Washington news people are part of a highly educated, upper middle class elite; they belong to the culture for which the American system works extremely well. Which is to say, they are, in the pure sense of the word, extremely conservative."" Media is also corporate owned and operated, they do not shoot themselves.

Can someone provide information on something, anything in MSM that is leftist? Concrete examples, not vague accusations or presumptive nonsense. Since it is so obvious, please provide a few specific examples. Should be easy.

Ok, easy one- why is there such a preponderance of labeling, as in using the term conservative for just about any goper? And a huge lack of reciprocity, as in naming or introducing 'democrats' as liberals?

That doesn't give me anything specific from MSM but I'll answer. The framing of conservative and liberal is loaded today with all sorts of baggage. Republicans use 'conservative' to define themselves as the word means certain positives to their audience. Count the times it has been used in the GOP debates. They even claim higher levels of conservative. Liberal on the other hand has been castigated for so long, even liberals now use progressive. No one in the media calls themselves liberal today. I do hear progressive used, but it is addressed at mostly democrats and sometimes republicans, and it is used to describe policy positions.

You've proved my point. You - no one else either - can present a single example of the left leaning MSM that supports your necessary fantasy. You only believe and repeat because it is easier to point fingers than to examine and be honest about the complex issues that face America....

Yeah, you're right...they're right-wingers top to bottom.

Next election:

A. Income equality, economic central planning, global governance under worldwide socialism.

B. Equality before the law, free market capitalism, the United States Constitution.

Can I guess your choice?

What does that have to do with the price of eggs in China? You're even more off track unless I have magically become MSM, let me check. Nope.

That doesn't give me anything specific from MSM but I'll answer. The framing of conservative and liberal is loaded today with all sorts of baggage. Republicans use 'conservative' to define themselves as the word means certain positives to their audience. Count the times it has been used in the GOP debates. They even claim higher levels of conservative. Liberal on the other hand has been castigated for so long, even liberals now use progressive.No one in the media calls themselves liberal today. I do hear progressive used, but it is addressed at mostly democrats and sometimes republicans, and it is used to describe policy positions.

you are partly right in that liberals will not name each other as liberal generally as, they know that only 21% of the country IDs themselves as such. so they avoid it.

Only 40% of the country IDs as con. yet they use it with such preponderance compared to the term liberal, you would think thats who makes up the country as a large majority, let alone they use it derisively which is also the point as well.
They have figured out that 79% of the country is not what they are , 60% isn't what cons are, so they just use con., kind of unfair isn't it? They are supposed to be objective.

and of course that begs another comment- so, liberals are to shy to make know their ideology and affiliation? Why?

and of course you just answered my question, in that yes there is a bias on that issue, thank you.
"Educated" is not synonymous with "intelligent".

There is usually a connection though.
In the hard sciences, yes. In the soft squishy subjects -- not necessarily.

I did my post graduate work in education, what is your expertise based on your post graduate work? What are the soft squishy subjects, if you know that they are soft, squishy, you must have a firsthand knowledge of them?
There is usually a connection though.
In the hard sciences, yes. In the soft squishy subjects -- not necessarily.

I did my post graduate work in education, what is your expertise based on your post graduate work? What are the soft squishy subjects, if you know that they are soft, squishy, you must have a firsthand knowledge of them?
You don't realize it, but you prove my point. :eusa_clap:
In the hard sciences, yes. In the soft squishy subjects -- not necessarily.

I did my post graduate work in education, what is your expertise based on your post graduate work? What are the soft squishy subjects, if you know that they are soft, squishy, you must have a firsthand knowledge of them?
You don't realize it, but you prove my point. :eusa_clap:

In other words, you have no answer.

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