The Left Is Confounded!

Of course that political hack/ whore uses the right leaning Ragamuffin. Sheā€™d never use a valid poll service like Gallup because they have Putinā€™s Puppet at 37%.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

I so love to destroy her hackery and dubious sources just like I did yesterday.
Doofus in Chief: China likes me.


Three words youā€™d never hear from a real president.
Asian countries have figured out how to deal with this insecure toddler. Roll out a larger red carpet, throw him a parade, clap mightily in his presence and then pick his pocket.
And Doofus leaves smiling because he thinks they like him. Ha!
What a fool!
Doofus in Chief: China likes me.


Three words youā€™d never hear from a real president.
Asian countries have figured out how to deal with this insecure toddler. Roll out a larger red carpet, throw him a parade, clap mightily in his presence and then pick his pocket.
And Doofus leaves smiling because he thinks they like him. Ha!
What a fool!

Lib please Obama had his nose stuffed up China's ass. His favorite talking point was how China is awesome while apologizing for America.
1. 46% is bad
2. Rasmussen is a fake poll
3. This:
1. A solid year of hammering away from the Democrat Party, pushing the 'collusion' lies, and watching 'Impeachment!!!' fade into an echo....

has not gone away and has been ramping up

The only thing ramping up is the undercover FBI informant that was threatened to remain silent by DOJ Loretta Lynch. Bank transactions, the $500,000 paid by Russia to.the Clintons, NRC reports of uranium leaving Wyoming to Canada and on to Europe between 2012 and 2014, names of Russian associates and their businesses that were involved in the deal, ... and this accounts for only a brief overview of whatā€™s been uncovered.

So we have the use of unnamed sources as well as a Trump Associate involved in possible tax evasion between 1999 - 2014 as the only indictment, after over a year through 3 independent investigations and a special council .... vs ... documents of actual names of officials, bank records, NRC reports, routes taken to export uranium to Europe with actual dates of when that took place. Obviously only one of the two has actual named sources, undercover informants, and documentation to move forward towards an actual real conviction.
When reading the OP it is important to remember that most government regulation is to accomplish two important functions:

a. Control.
Property rights precede liberty. Perhaps some know that before it became ā€œlife, liberty, and the pursuit of happinessā€ in our Declaration of Independence, John Locke wrote that man has a right to ā€œlife, liberty, and property.ā€
Property Rights Have Personal Parallels

Regulations effectively remove the control of one's property and annexes it to the state.

An example is the fake environmental rules that prevent folks from determining how their own property is to be used.
  1. The Spotted Owl campaign, as is so very many other environmental campaigns, a deceit. It is a way of advancing the real agenda, confiscating property, making land off-limit, and eliminating any human presence. No matter the cost. No matter the result.
  2. Take the spotted owl caseā€¦.One of the people instrumental in shutting down the forests told me that ā€˜if the spotted owl hadnā€™t existed, we would have had to invent it.ā€™ The goal was to stop loggingā€¦.It is totally questionable whether owls were endangered by logging. Was it good for the overall health of the forest? Probably not. Was it good for the spotted owl? It probably didnā€™t make a difference. Did it hurt the overall economies of the West? Yes.ā€ Nickson, ā€œEco-Fascists,ā€ p.129.

b. Far more important to the, that by producing regulations that stymie businesses....said businesses have to, lobby....the Representative to put in loopholes.
Every notice how many Congressmen leave government far richer than when they went in?

While citizens may not be able to verbalize these corrupt practices of regulation....on some level they understand how they are being used.

Hence....the election of Donald Trump
Of course that political hack/ whore uses the right leaning Ragamuffin. Sheā€™d never use a valid poll service like Gallup because they have Putinā€™s Puppet at 37%.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

I so love to destroy her hackery and dubious sources just like I did yesterday.

I notice the disparaging way you refer to women....

Is this the result of your upbringing?

Does the way your refer to women reflect early experience with family members?

1. A solid year of hammering away from the Democrat Party, pushing the 'collusion' lies, and watching 'Impeachment!!!' fade into an echo....

....the media hiding the good news and spinning what they can....

...and the Never-Trumpers of the GOP doing their best....,er, bog down the Trump agenda.

2. And yet....
"Monday, November 13, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trumpā€™s job performance. " Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reportsā„¢

3. And last week, even the Bezos-Washington Post had to report thus:
"12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election"
Analysis | 12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election

4. And, from the NYSun....perhaps the worst news for the Left:
"Trump Attack on Regulation

Starts To Win Admiration
Both At Home and Abroad"
Trump Attack on Regulation Starts To Win Admiration Both At Home and Abroad - The New York Sun

5. "The Economist, in a piecepublished last month, reported, ā€œthe impact of the Trump administration has been dramatic. The flow of new rules is suddenly a dribble. Since Mr Trump was inaugurated the number of regulatory restrictions has grown at about two-fifths of the usual speed.ā€

6. ....not generally a Trump cheerleader, praised the administrationā€™s approach to financial deregulation as ā€œthoughtful...detailed and rigorous.ā€ It reported, ā€œthe new approach in Washington does seem to have boosted business confidence.ā€

Mr. Trump is focusing on a real problem. ... the growth of federal red tape with a thought experiment explaining the difficulty of even reading, let alone complying with, the government imposed rules.

8. ā€œThe US Code of Federal Regulations ā€” the annually published set of books containing all federal regulations currently in effect ā€” contained 35.4 million words in 1970. A person could read the entire code in just a few days short of a year, assuming he or she read 250 words per minute, 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year,ā€ ...

9. ā€œBy 2016, there were 104.6 million words of federal regulation on the books, about 195 percent growth over 1970, with a corresponding increase in reading time of almost two years. ā€œ

10. BM has been running full-page newspaper ads boasting that its Watson artificial intelligence capability can help compliance officers ā€œkeep up with 20,000 new or modified regulations a year and 200 revisions a day.ā€....ā€œhumans alone are not going to be able to meet these challenges. "

There seem to be only two ironclad rules of government:

Rule no.1: Always try to expand;

Rule no. 2: see Rule no. 1.
Beck, Balfe, ā€œBroke,ā€ p. 115
What's confounding is how sexual harassment, pedophilia, the appointment of vested interests to government positions, the praising of foreign governments at the expense of US intelligence agencies, political attacks on US military personnel, brazen self-enrichment by senior government officials, weekend after weekend of golf by the CiC, Nazis, expanding the national debt and attacks on the Constitution have all suddenly become acceptable to the party that espouses 'family values', fiscal responsibility and wraps itself in the flag at every opportunity.
When she gets her ass kicked she goes on the attack and insults.
Here comes another example of her hypocrisy:
PC: anyone who believes polls is an idiot.
Then she posts a Raggamuffen Poll.

1. A solid year of hammering away from the Democrat Party, pushing the 'collusion' lies, and watching 'Impeachment!!!' fade into an echo....

....the media hiding the good news and spinning what they can....

...and the Never-Trumpers of the GOP doing their best....,er, bog down the Trump agenda.

2. And yet....
"Monday, November 13, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trumpā€™s job performance. " Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reportsā„¢

3. And last week, even the Bezos-Washington Post had to report thus:
"12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election"
Analysis | 12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election

4. And, from the NYSun....perhaps the worst news for the Left:
"Trump Attack on Regulation

Starts To Win Admiration
Both At Home and Abroad"
Trump Attack on Regulation Starts To Win Admiration Both At Home and Abroad - The New York Sun

5. "The Economist, in a piecepublished last month, reported, ā€œthe impact of the Trump administration has been dramatic. The flow of new rules is suddenly a dribble. Since Mr Trump was inaugurated the number of regulatory restrictions has grown at about two-fifths of the usual speed.ā€

6. ....not generally a Trump cheerleader, praised the administrationā€™s approach to financial deregulation as ā€œthoughtful...detailed and rigorous.ā€ It reported, ā€œthe new approach in Washington does seem to have boosted business confidence.ā€

Mr. Trump is focusing on a real problem. ... the growth of federal red tape with a thought experiment explaining the difficulty of even reading, let alone complying with, the government imposed rules.

8. ā€œThe US Code of Federal Regulations ā€” the annually published set of books containing all federal regulations currently in effect ā€” contained 35.4 million words in 1970. A person could read the entire code in just a few days short of a year, assuming he or she read 250 words per minute, 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year,ā€ ...

9. ā€œBy 2016, there were 104.6 million words of federal regulation on the books, about 195 percent growth over 1970, with a corresponding increase in reading time of almost two years. ā€œ

10. BM has been running full-page newspaper ads boasting that its Watson artificial intelligence capability can help compliance officers ā€œkeep up with 20,000 new or modified regulations a year and 200 revisions a day.ā€....ā€œhumans alone are not going to be able to meet these challenges. "

There seem to be only two ironclad rules of government:

Rule no.1: Always try to expand;

Rule no. 2: see Rule no. 1.
Beck, Balfe, ā€œBroke,ā€ p. 115
What's confounding is how sexual harassment, pedophilia, the appointment of vested interests to government positions, the praising of foreign governments at the expense of US intelligence agencies, political attacks on US military personnel, brazen self-enrichment by senior government officials, weekend after weekend of golf by the CiC, Nazis, expanding the national debt and attacks on the Constitution have all suddenly become acceptable to the party that espouses 'family values', fiscal responsibility and wraps itself in the flag at every opportunity.

1. The OP irked you, probably because you supported the career criminal who allied with the Kremlin to try to control the election.

2. Nothing in your post deals with the OP, to which you linked.

Join the rest of the thought-deprived Leftists.

Oh....and why Americans voted as they did?
The glaring error you anti-Trumpers make is assuming that folks voted for the man.

3. Here's a dozen reasons:

Most voted against the Democrats,
against the mess Hussein Obama made of the economy,
against the corruption we've witnessed for decades,
against awarding nuclear weapons to the 7th century savages,
against the anti-white bias of the Democrat Party,
against bringing millions of unvetted Muslim refugees from war-indoctrinated nations,
against redistribution of wealth,
against the failed Liberal welfare industry,
against being dictated to by the United Nothings,
against a failed Liberal education industry,
against $20 trillion national debt...

...and for the slim possibility of a rebirth of America.

Now...wipe away your tears.
Well thanks to our Great Pussy Grabbing President opinion of the US has gone up in Russia.

What The World Thinks Of Trump

And your point?

Is it a suggestion that Russia is our enemy?

If so....why did your party try to ally itself with an 'enemy'?

For the most part opinion of the US under Captain Grab ass and of the admitted Pussy Grabber has gone down.

You think Russia want to be our friend?

Did they come to Hillary and offer dirt on Donnie Dangerously?
Well thanks to our Great Pussy Grabbing President opinion of the US has gone up in Russia.

What The World Thinks Of Trump

And your point?

Is it a suggestion that Russia is our enemy?

If so....why did your party try to ally itself with an 'enemy'?

For the most part opinion of the US under Captain Grab ass and of the admitted Pussy Grabber has gone down.

You think Russia want to be our friend?

Did they come to Hillary and offer dirt on Donnie Dangerously?

What a disjointed post....the OP seems to discombobulated you.

1. Did you write similar posts when you learned that Bill Clinton was an actual rapist, or that he frequented Jeffrey Epsteins' sex island with underage girls?

2. "You think Russia want to be our friend?"
You must be a moron.

ā€œTherefore I say that it is a narrow policy to suppose that this country or that is to be marked out as the eternal ally or the perpetual enemy of England. We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.ā€
Henry John Temple Palmerston

3. "Did they come to Hillary and offer dirt ..."
All we know is that Moscow produced an anti-Trump dossier, and was paid to do so by Hillary and the DNC.
Anti-Trump means pro-Hillary.

Now.....think carefully before you post,and I'm forced to spank you again.
Last edited:
    1. Americas are burdened with the creation of more and more bureaus and agencies endowed with ever broader responsibilities and discretion in defining the rules that govern our activities and our lives. And these rules have the full force of law! Congress has increased the number of rules whose infractions are criminalized, waiving the common law requirement that one knows he is breaking the law. Today, one can be jailed for violating a regulation that one had no reason to know even existed!

  1. While the officials in these agencies are generally good people, they become focused on their particular portfolio of duties, that, often, they cannot see the consequences on other parts of society. Put this together with human nature, and one can see bullying, and misuse of power, especially when these individuals are immune to penalty, and supported by free and extensive legal representation: they have sovereign immunity in their positions.
  2. While not unconstitutional, regulation may be considered extra-constitutional. There may be some point where it is considered to be an unconstitutional delegation of legislative authority to an agency or bureau. Under Obamacare, or Dodd-Frank Reform we see legislation where regulators have not yet determined what the regulation should beā€¦how can Congress allow a law without knowing what the impact will be?
Former Senator James L. Buckley spoke about regulations at the Heritage Foundation, on his book ā€œFreedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State,ā€

...and, finally.....someone has begun to do something about it.

His name is Donald Trump.
Well thanks to our Great Pussy Grabbing President opinion of the US has gone up in Russia.

What The World Thinks Of Trump

And your point?

Is it a suggestion that Russia is our enemy?

If so....why did your party try to ally itself with an 'enemy'?

For the most part opinion of the US under Captain Grab ass and of the admitted Pussy Grabber has gone down.

You think Russia want to be our friend?

Did they come to Hillary and offer dirt on Donnie Dangerously?

What a disjointed post....the OP seems to discombobulated you.

1. Did you write similar posts when you learned that Bill Clinton was an actual rapist, or that he frequented Jeffrey Epsteins' sex island with underage girls?

2. "You think Russia want to be our friend?"
You must be a moron.

ā€œTherefore I say that it is a narrow policy to suppose that this country or that is to be marked out as the eternal ally or the perpetual enemy of England. We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.ā€
Henry John Temple Palmerston

3. "Did they come to Hillary and offer dirt ..."
All we know is that Moscow produced an anti-Trump dossier, and was paid to do so by Hillary and the DNC.
Anti-Trump means pro-Hillary.

Now.....think carefully before you post,and I'm forced to spank you again.

Thanks for the laugh, again.

Moscow produced the dossier now and made Hillary pay for it. Hmmm very interesting, must be Putin trying to recoup the millions he gave to Hillary for the Uranium mine she scammed him on huh?
Well thanks to our Great Pussy Grabbing President opinion of the US has gone up in Russia.

What The World Thinks Of Trump

And your point?

Is it a suggestion that Russia is our enemy?

If so....why did your party try to ally itself with an 'enemy'?

For the most part opinion of the US under Captain Grab ass and of the admitted Pussy Grabber has gone down.

You think Russia want to be our friend?

Did they come to Hillary and offer dirt on Donnie Dangerously?

What a disjointed post....the OP seems to discombobulated you.

1. Did you write similar posts when you learned that Bill Clinton was an actual rapist, or that he frequented Jeffrey Epsteins' sex island with underage girls?

2. "You think Russia want to be our friend?"
You must be a moron.

ā€œTherefore I say that it is a narrow policy to suppose that this country or that is to be marked out as the eternal ally or the perpetual enemy of England. We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.ā€
Henry John Temple Palmerston

3. "Did they come to Hillary and offer dirt ..."
All we know is that Moscow produced an anti-Trump dossier, and was paid to do so by Hillary and the DNC.
Anti-Trump means pro-Hillary.

Now.....think carefully before you post,and I'm forced to spank you again.

Thanks for the laugh, again.

Moscow produced the dossier now and made Hillary pay for it. Hmmm very interesting, must be Putin trying to recoup the millions he gave to Hillary for the Uranium mine she scammed him on huh?

Are you denying what I said....or tap-dancing so as to claim you didn't actually deny the facts?

With your lack of character, you certainly make a fine 'reliable Democrat voter.'
1. A solid year of hammering away from the Democrat Party, pushing the 'collusion' lies, and watching 'Impeachment!!!' fade into an echo....

....the media hiding the good news and spinning what they can....

...and the Never-Trumpers of the GOP doing their best....,er, bog down the Trump agenda.

2. And yet....
"Monday, November 13, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trumpā€™s job performance. " Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reportsā„¢

3. And last week, even the Bezos-Washington Post had to report thus:
"12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election"
Analysis | 12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election

4. And, from the NYSun....perhaps the worst news for the Left:
"Trump Attack on Regulation

Starts To Win Admiration
Both At Home and Abroad"
Trump Attack on Regulation Starts To Win Admiration Both At Home and Abroad - The New York Sun

5. "The Economist, in a piecepublished last month, reported, ā€œthe impact of the Trump administration has been dramatic. The flow of new rules is suddenly a dribble. Since Mr Trump was inaugurated the number of regulatory restrictions has grown at about two-fifths of the usual speed.ā€

6. ....not generally a Trump cheerleader, praised the administrationā€™s approach to financial deregulation as ā€œthoughtful...detailed and rigorous.ā€ It reported, ā€œthe new approach in Washington does seem to have boosted business confidence.ā€

Mr. Trump is focusing on a real problem. ... the growth of federal red tape with a thought experiment explaining the difficulty of even reading, let alone complying with, the government imposed rules.

8. ā€œThe US Code of Federal Regulations ā€” the annually published set of books containing all federal regulations currently in effect ā€” contained 35.4 million words in 1970. A person could read the entire code in just a few days short of a year, assuming he or she read 250 words per minute, 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year,ā€ ...

9. ā€œBy 2016, there were 104.6 million words of federal regulation on the books, about 195 percent growth over 1970, with a corresponding increase in reading time of almost two years. ā€œ

10. BM has been running full-page newspaper ads boasting that its Watson artificial intelligence capability can help compliance officers ā€œkeep up with 20,000 new or modified regulations a year and 200 revisions a day.ā€....ā€œhumans alone are not going to be able to meet these challenges. "

There seem to be only two ironclad rules of government:

Rule no.1: Always try to expand;

Rule no. 2: see Rule no. 1.
Beck, Balfe, ā€œBroke,ā€ p. 115
What's confounding is how sexual harassment, pedophilia, the appointment of vested interests to government positions, the praising of foreign governments at the expense of US intelligence agencies, political attacks on US military personnel, brazen self-enrichment by senior government officials, weekend after weekend of golf by the CiC, Nazis, expanding the national debt and attacks on the Constitution have all suddenly become acceptable to the party that espouses 'family values', fiscal responsibility and wraps itself in the flag at every opportunity.

1. The OP irked you, probably because you supported the career criminal who allied with the Kremlin to try to control the election.

2. Nothing in your post deals with the OP, to which you linked.

Join the rest of the thought-deprived Leftists.

Oh....and why Americans voted as they did?
The glaring error you anti-Trumpers make is assuming that folks voted for the man.

3. Here's a dozen reasons:

Most voted against the Democrats,
against the mess Hussein Obama made of the economy,
against the corruption we've witnessed for decades,
against awarding nuclear weapons to the 7th century savages,
against the anti-white bias of the Democrat Party,
against bringing millions of unvetted Muslim refugees from war-indoctrinated nations,
against redistribution of wealth,
against the failed Liberal welfare industry,
against being dictated to by the United Nothings,
against a failed Liberal education industry,
against $20 trillion national debt...

...and for the slim possibility of a rebirth of America.

Now...wipe away your tears.
Your item 1 isn't clear...are you saying I supported Trump?

I accept that Trump won largely as a protest against the status quo...he was the equivalent of buying a lottery ticket.

None of that explains why he and his new tribe of swamp dwellers keep getting passes from the GOP and their supporters.

I enjoy the way you spike the ball and do a victory dance every time you makes you look like such a winner.
It's customary to score a touchdown first though.
1. A solid year of hammering away from the Democrat Party, pushing the 'collusion' lies, and watching 'Impeachment!!!' fade into an echo....

....the media hiding the good news and spinning what they can....

...and the Never-Trumpers of the GOP doing their best....,er, bog down the Trump agenda.

2. And yet....
"Monday, November 13, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trumpā€™s job performance. " Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reportsā„¢

3. And last week, even the Bezos-Washington Post had to report thus:
"12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election"
Analysis | 12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election

4. And, from the NYSun....perhaps the worst news for the Left:
"Trump Attack on Regulation

Starts To Win Admiration
Both At Home and Abroad"
Trump Attack on Regulation Starts To Win Admiration Both At Home and Abroad - The New York Sun

5. "The Economist, in a piecepublished last month, reported, ā€œthe impact of the Trump administration has been dramatic. The flow of new rules is suddenly a dribble. Since Mr Trump was inaugurated the number of regulatory restrictions has grown at about two-fifths of the usual speed.ā€

6. ....not generally a Trump cheerleader, praised the administrationā€™s approach to financial deregulation as ā€œthoughtful...detailed and rigorous.ā€ It reported, ā€œthe new approach in Washington does seem to have boosted business confidence.ā€

Mr. Trump is focusing on a real problem. ... the growth of federal red tape with a thought experiment explaining the difficulty of even reading, let alone complying with, the government imposed rules.

8. ā€œThe US Code of Federal Regulations ā€” the annually published set of books containing all federal regulations currently in effect ā€” contained 35.4 million words in 1970. A person could read the entire code in just a few days short of a year, assuming he or she read 250 words per minute, 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year,ā€ ...

9. ā€œBy 2016, there were 104.6 million words of federal regulation on the books, about 195 percent growth over 1970, with a corresponding increase in reading time of almost two years. ā€œ

10. BM has been running full-page newspaper ads boasting that its Watson artificial intelligence capability can help compliance officers ā€œkeep up with 20,000 new or modified regulations a year and 200 revisions a day.ā€....ā€œhumans alone are not going to be able to meet these challenges. "

There seem to be only two ironclad rules of government:

Rule no.1: Always try to expand;

Rule no. 2: see Rule no. 1.
Beck, Balfe, ā€œBroke,ā€ p. 115
What's confounding is how sexual harassment, pedophilia, the appointment of vested interests to government positions, the praising of foreign governments at the expense of US intelligence agencies, political attacks on US military personnel, brazen self-enrichment by senior government officials, weekend after weekend of golf by the CiC, Nazis, expanding the national debt and attacks on the Constitution have all suddenly become acceptable to the party that espouses 'family values', fiscal responsibility and wraps itself in the flag at every opportunity.

1. The OP irked you, probably because you supported the career criminal who allied with the Kremlin to try to control the election.

2. Nothing in your post deals with the OP, to which you linked.

Join the rest of the thought-deprived Leftists.

Oh....and why Americans voted as they did?
The glaring error you anti-Trumpers make is assuming that folks voted for the man.

3. Here's a dozen reasons:

Most voted against the Democrats,
against the mess Hussein Obama made of the economy,
against the corruption we've witnessed for decades,
against awarding nuclear weapons to the 7th century savages,
against the anti-white bias of the Democrat Party,
against bringing millions of unvetted Muslim refugees from war-indoctrinated nations,
against redistribution of wealth,
against the failed Liberal welfare industry,
against being dictated to by the United Nothings,
against a failed Liberal education industry,
against $20 trillion national debt...

...and for the slim possibility of a rebirth of America.

Now...wipe away your tears.
Your item 1 isn't clear...are you saying I supported Trump?

I accept that Trump won largely as a protest against the status quo...he was the equivalent of buying a lottery ticket.

None of that explains why he and his new tribe of swamp dwellers keep getting passes from the GOP and their supporters.

I enjoy the way you spike the ball and do a victory dance every time you makes you look like such a winner.
It's customary to score a touchdown first though.

I put you in you place.....the 'touchdown'....

...hence the goal line celebration.
1. A solid year of hammering away from the Democrat Party, pushing the 'collusion' lies, and watching 'Impeachment!!!' fade into an echo....

....the media hiding the good news and spinning what they can....

...and the Never-Trumpers of the GOP doing their best....,er, bog down the Trump agenda.

2. And yet....
"Monday, November 13, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trumpā€™s job performance. " Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reportsā„¢

3. And last week, even the Bezos-Washington Post had to report thus:
"12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election"
Analysis | 12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election

4. And, from the NYSun....perhaps the worst news for the Left:
"Trump Attack on Regulation

Starts To Win Admiration
Both At Home and Abroad"
Trump Attack on Regulation Starts To Win Admiration Both At Home and Abroad - The New York Sun

5. "The Economist, in a piecepublished last month, reported, ā€œthe impact of the Trump administration has been dramatic. The flow of new rules is suddenly a dribble. Since Mr Trump was inaugurated the number of regulatory restrictions has grown at about two-fifths of the usual speed.ā€

6. ....not generally a Trump cheerleader, praised the administrationā€™s approach to financial deregulation as ā€œthoughtful...detailed and rigorous.ā€ It reported, ā€œthe new approach in Washington does seem to have boosted business confidence.ā€

Mr. Trump is focusing on a real problem. ... the growth of federal red tape with a thought experiment explaining the difficulty of even reading, let alone complying with, the government imposed rules.

8. ā€œThe US Code of Federal Regulations ā€” the annually published set of books containing all federal regulations currently in effect ā€” contained 35.4 million words in 1970. A person could read the entire code in just a few days short of a year, assuming he or she read 250 words per minute, 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year,ā€ ...

9. ā€œBy 2016, there were 104.6 million words of federal regulation on the books, about 195 percent growth over 1970, with a corresponding increase in reading time of almost two years. ā€œ

10. BM has been running full-page newspaper ads boasting that its Watson artificial intelligence capability can help compliance officers ā€œkeep up with 20,000 new or modified regulations a year and 200 revisions a day.ā€....ā€œhumans alone are not going to be able to meet these challenges. "

There seem to be only two ironclad rules of government:

Rule no.1: Always try to expand;

Rule no. 2: see Rule no. 1.
Beck, Balfe, ā€œBroke,ā€ p. 115
What's confounding is how sexual harassment, pedophilia, the appointment of vested interests to government positions, the praising of foreign governments at the expense of US intelligence agencies, political attacks on US military personnel, brazen self-enrichment by senior government officials, weekend after weekend of golf by the CiC, Nazis, expanding the national debt and attacks on the Constitution have all suddenly become acceptable to the party that espouses 'family values', fiscal responsibility and wraps itself in the flag at every opportunity.

1. The OP irked you, probably because you supported the career criminal who allied with the Kremlin to try to control the election.

2. Nothing in your post deals with the OP, to which you linked.

Join the rest of the thought-deprived Leftists.

Oh....and why Americans voted as they did?
The glaring error you anti-Trumpers make is assuming that folks voted for the man.

3. Here's a dozen reasons:

Most voted against the Democrats,
against the mess Hussein Obama made of the economy,
against the corruption we've witnessed for decades,
against awarding nuclear weapons to the 7th century savages,
against the anti-white bias of the Democrat Party,
against bringing millions of unvetted Muslim refugees from war-indoctrinated nations,
against redistribution of wealth,
against the failed Liberal welfare industry,
against being dictated to by the United Nothings,
against a failed Liberal education industry,
against $20 trillion national debt...

...and for the slim possibility of a rebirth of America.

Now...wipe away your tears.
Your item 1 isn't clear...are you saying I supported Trump?

I accept that Trump won largely as a protest against the status quo...he was the equivalent of buying a lottery ticket.

None of that explains why he and his new tribe of swamp dwellers keep getting passes from the GOP and their supporters.

I enjoy the way you spike the ball and do a victory dance every time you makes you look like such a winner.
It's customary to score a touchdown first though.

I put you in you place.....the 'touchdown'....

...hence the goal line celebration.

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