The left isn't racist

There is absolutely nothing even close to racists about voter ID laws. Nothing. There is nothing about race, refers to race, or has any race based affects.

If you are telling me, that requiring an ID..... just requiring an ID.... that this alone is racism..... Then I assume you are against having drivers licenses too. We shouldn't be required to have an ID to drive a car right? Because that would be racists and keep minorities off the road, in your mindlessly stupid view of the world.

If you believe that voter ID laws are racists, then you are too stupid to be on this forum with adults. You need to go find some Tic-Tac-Toe games on facebook to play with other 5-year-olds like yourself.
Looks like you didnt read the article.

A specific example. in North Carolina, voter id targeted blacks with surgical precision.

That's what the article says. Great. Now use that tiny dot of a brain you have, and provide evidence.

I want you to prove the claim, not repeat it. Any neanderthal can repeat what someone else says.

The article makes no attempt at proving the claim. Where is the evidence? Where is the proof? Where is the smoking gun?

You don't have it. That's why you can only repeat what is said, not prove what is said.
The article links to an appeals court ruling, detailing how the voter ID law targeted minorities.

So..... let us use our own brains, and look at the actual 'evidence', and make a determination for ourselves.

Three things listed...... These are the only three things in this article.

Voter ID
Same-day Voting
Voting outside your precinct

I'm white. I can't same-day vote. Yet I am able to... because I registered as soon as I moved. In fact each time that I moved, I registered to vote, when I moved.

I'm white, and I have an ID. I am easily able to get an ID, as everyone is. My Bangladesh friend, has an ID. His wife that just got to the US mere months ago, has an ID. Both can now vote.

I'm white, and I can't vote just anywhere. I can only vote in the precinct I'm registered too.

None of these "restrictions" that are held against me, prevent me from voting. Why is it, that when a black person his held to the same standard as all white people are.... that's racists? How are any of these laws racists?

Flat out... they are not. Game over. You lose. The court.. is wrong. Period. And since you are supporting the court, you are therefore wrong as well.

Let’s say you know that 20% of black voters don’t have a specific state issued ID . And you know most of them vote dem. So you float a law that targets people like them and prevents them from voting .

That’s racist.

What’s stopping these black people from acquiring IDs? Your example would only be truly racist if black people were not allowed to get proper ID.
If only more minorities would understand that its the conservatives who were the ones who were the anti-racists all this time.

I never understood why so many minorities were in the democrat party when the democrat has not done one single thing to benefit minorities, women, gays, etc.
Looks like you didnt read the article.

A specific example. in North Carolina, voter id targeted blacks with surgical precision.

That's what the article says. Great. Now use that tiny dot of a brain you have, and provide evidence.

I want you to prove the claim, not repeat it. Any neanderthal can repeat what someone else says.

The article makes no attempt at proving the claim. Where is the evidence? Where is the proof? Where is the smoking gun?

You don't have it. That's why you can only repeat what is said, not prove what is said.
The article links to an appeals court ruling, detailing how the voter ID law targeted minorities.

So..... let us use our own brains, and look at the actual 'evidence', and make a determination for ourselves.

Three things listed...... These are the only three things in this article.

Voter ID
Same-day Voting
Voting outside your precinct

I'm white. I can't same-day vote. Yet I am able to... because I registered as soon as I moved. In fact each time that I moved, I registered to vote, when I moved.

I'm white, and I have an ID. I am easily able to get an ID, as everyone is. My Bangladesh friend, has an ID. His wife that just got to the US mere months ago, has an ID. Both can now vote.

I'm white, and I can't vote just anywhere. I can only vote in the precinct I'm registered too.

None of these "restrictions" that are held against me, prevent me from voting. Why is it, that when a black person his held to the same standard as all white people are.... that's racists? How are any of these laws racists?

Flat out... they are not. Game over. You lose. The court.. is wrong. Period. And since you are supporting the court, you are therefore wrong as well.

Let’s say you know that 20% of black voters don’t have a specific state issued ID . And you know most of them vote dem. So you float a law that targets people like them and prevents them from voting .

That’s racist.

What’s stopping these black people from acquiring IDs? Your example would only be truly racist if black people were not allowed to get proper ID.
Because after they pass the ID laws -- some states get themselves in trouble by doing this simultaneously

As it turns out ... Bentley's driver's license closures were racial, after all
If only more minorities would understand that its the conservatives who were the ones who were the anti-racists all this time.

I never understood why so many minorities were in the democrat party when the democrat has not done one single thing to benefit minorities, women, gays, etc.
They have been, we've been over this myth, I'll be glad to school another lefty on this.
If only more minorities would understand that its the conservatives who were the ones who were the anti-racists all this time.

I never understood why so many minorities were in the democrat party when the democrat has not done one single thing to benefit minorities, women, gays, etc.
They have been, we've been over this myth, I'll be glad to school another lefty on this.
Sure, can you first start with defining what conservative means?

Context is important
There is absolutely nothing even close to racists about voter ID laws. Nothing. There is nothing about race, refers to race, or has any race based affects.

If you are telling me, that requiring an ID..... just requiring an ID.... that this alone is racism..... Then I assume you are against having drivers licenses too. We shouldn't be required to have an ID to drive a car right? Because that would be racists and keep minorities off the road, in your mindlessly stupid view of the world.

If you believe that voter ID laws are racists, then you are too stupid to be on this forum with adults. You need to go find some Tic-Tac-Toe games on facebook to play with other 5-year-olds like yourself.
Looks like you didnt read the article.

A specific example. in North Carolina, voter id targeted blacks with surgical precision.

That's what the article says. Great. Now use that tiny dot of a brain you have, and provide evidence.

I want you to prove the claim, not repeat it. Any neanderthal can repeat what someone else says.

The article makes no attempt at proving the claim. Where is the evidence? Where is the proof? Where is the smoking gun?

You don't have it. That's why you can only repeat what is said, not prove what is said.
The article links to an appeals court ruling, detailing how the voter ID law targeted minorities.

So..... let us use our own brains, and look at the actual 'evidence', and make a determination for ourselves.

Three things listed...... These are the only three things in this article.

Voter ID
Same-day Voting
Voting outside your precinct

I'm white. I can't same-day vote. Yet I am able to... because I registered as soon as I moved. In fact each time that I moved, I registered to vote, when I moved.

I'm white, and I have an ID. I am easily able to get an ID, as everyone is. My Bangladesh friend, has an ID. His wife that just got to the US mere months ago, has an ID. Both can now vote.

I'm white, and I can't vote just anywhere. I can only vote in the precinct I'm registered too.

None of these "restrictions" that are held against me, prevent me from voting. Why is it, that when a black person his held to the same standard as all white people are.... that's racists? How are any of these laws racists?

Flat out... they are not. Game over. You lose. The court.. is wrong. Period. And since you are supporting the court, you are therefore wrong as well.

Let’s say you know that 20% of black voters don’t have a specific state issued ID . And you know most of them vote dem. So you float a law that targets people like them and prevents them from voting .

That’s racist.

I don't care if 99% of the black voters don't have a specific state issued ID.

Is it my job, to make you a responsible adult? Or is it your job to make yourself a responsible adult? Are you saying that Black people are mentally incapable of taking responsibility for their lives? That sounds rather racists to me. Are you racists? Do you believe that blacks are genetically too inferior to get an ID?

Of course not. They are perfectly capable of getting an ID, and it's their job as responsible citizens to do so, and as I said before.... if all white people are held to the same standard, then it is simply not racists. Sorry.
If only more minorities would understand that its the conservatives who were the ones who were the anti-racists all this time.

I never understood why so many minorities were in the democrat party when the democrat has not done one single thing to benefit minorities, women, gays, etc.
They have been, we've been over this myth, I'll be glad to school another lefty on this.
Sure, can you first start with defining what conservative means?

Context is important
Conservatism is conserving the good points of a society, and resisting change that is not good (ie change for the sake of change)
Now in the US conservatism is about
Free markets
limited government
traditional values

so what is your definition?
Looks like you didnt read the article.

A specific example. in North Carolina, voter id targeted blacks with surgical precision.

That's what the article says. Great. Now use that tiny dot of a brain you have, and provide evidence.

I want you to prove the claim, not repeat it. Any neanderthal can repeat what someone else says.

The article makes no attempt at proving the claim. Where is the evidence? Where is the proof? Where is the smoking gun?

You don't have it. That's why you can only repeat what is said, not prove what is said.
The article links to an appeals court ruling, detailing how the voter ID law targeted minorities.

So..... let us use our own brains, and look at the actual 'evidence', and make a determination for ourselves.

Three things listed...... These are the only three things in this article.

Voter ID
Same-day Voting
Voting outside your precinct

I'm white. I can't same-day vote. Yet I am able to... because I registered as soon as I moved. In fact each time that I moved, I registered to vote, when I moved.

I'm white, and I have an ID. I am easily able to get an ID, as everyone is. My Bangladesh friend, has an ID. His wife that just got to the US mere months ago, has an ID. Both can now vote.

I'm white, and I can't vote just anywhere. I can only vote in the precinct I'm registered too.

None of these "restrictions" that are held against me, prevent me from voting. Why is it, that when a black person his held to the same standard as all white people are.... that's racists? How are any of these laws racists?

Flat out... they are not. Game over. You lose. The court.. is wrong. Period. And since you are supporting the court, you are therefore wrong as well.

Let’s say you know that 20% of black voters don’t have a specific state issued ID . And you know most of them vote dem. So you float a law that targets people like them and prevents them from voting .

That’s racist.

I don't care if 99% of the black voters don't have a specific state issued ID.

Is it my job, to make you a responsible adult? Or is it your job to make yourself a responsible adult? Are you saying that Black people are mentally incapable of taking responsibility for their lives? That sounds rather racists to me. Are you racists? Do you believe that blacks are genetically too inferior to get an ID?

Of course not. They are perfectly capable of getting an ID, and it's their job as responsible citizens to do so, and as I said before.... if all white people are held to the same standard, then it is simply not racists. Sorry.
yeah they really think blacks cant do anything, and they call us the racists. It's unreal.
If only more minorities would understand that its the conservatives who were the ones who were the anti-racists all this time.

I never understood why so many minorities were in the democrat party when the democrat has not done one single thing to benefit minorities, women, gays, etc.

Because being told that you are being oppressed, is a seductive argument. People love to believe that their failures and setbacks in life, are not due to a lack of skill or ability, or effort on their part, but rather it's the evil society that is holding them back. It allows them an excuse for every time they either fail, or when bad things happen.

It makes life easier, because then you don't have to look at yourself in the mirror and accept that you need to do better, or work smarter, or find something better to do with your life, than sitting your mothers basement playing video games.
HAHA they are more so than the right.
Just heard there’s an ICE checkpoint in hollywood, a few blocks from where I live. Everyone better give their housekeepers, nannies and landscapers a ride home tonight...

yep they love those stereotypes...and to the left this is NAZI like stuff.

Amber Heard fans upset after she posted a racist tweet while warning people about ICE checkpoints
Most people think Trump has emboldened racists.

This board doesnt let me edit the post. This is correct link: most people think trump has emboldened racists.
And Trump is normalizing racism.
This is how dumb and disingenuous the retarded right is.

Here we have an individual who made a statement, that's not really racist, as it's established fact that many nannies are illegals, while trying to warn the actual illegals.

The self-proclaimed conservative rush in to scream about how racist they are, and goes even further to suggest and claim that those on the left are MORE racist than the right.

Yet, ignore all the willfully and blatantly racist things those on the right say, do and continue to say and do, without one word of dissent.

But we're supposed to believe they're not racist.


This is how dumb and disingenuous the retarded right is. I can't wait

Here we have an individual who made a statement, that's not really racist, as it's established fact that many nannies are illegals, while trying to warn the actual illegals. Not really racist is code for you're making excuses as you're insecure about your position, leading to you don't have a point. Perhaps it's you who is dumb?

The self-proclaimed conservative rush in to scream about how racist they are, and goes even further to suggest and claim that those on the left are MORE racist than the right. You should take time to learn how to write a proper sentence using correct words. "Into", suggest or claim, "rushes". Lose "about" and "that". I have a 4th grade formal education BTW. My guess is your college education failed you.

Yet, ignore all the willfully and blatantly racist things those on the right say, do and continue to say and do, without one word of dissent. BS, I see hints of racism from both the left and right. In general progressives are the worst offenders, as they're consumed by racism and it has become part of their daily crutch.

But we're supposed to believe they're not racist. That's right mother fucker. You put everyone into one group and declare they're racist. That's a fucking hint, dumb fuck.
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You can look at this from the other direction:
Nazis and white supremacists are running as republicans; not democrats.

This is what your party has become. Own it.

And you are all communists and fascists. Own it.
communists and fascists are at opposite ends of ideology; they hate each other. Either you dont know what a communist is, or you dont know what a fascist is, or both.

No, that's not true. Not even close. In fact, before WW2, they were considered on the same said, being against Capitalists. When Stalin realized he was not going to win politically in Germany, he asked his supporters there to support the Nazis because at least they were not Capitalists. You do realize that Nazi means National Socialists.... right?

They were socialists. They joined forces to invade Poland.

They are not opposite ends of the political spectrum at all.

There is only one reason that "they hate each other", and it has nothing to do with ideology. They agree with nearly everything ideologically. The reason they hate each other, is simply because both wanted to rule the world. If I'm a socialist dictator and I want to rule the world, and you are a socialist dictator and you want to rule the world, there is going to be friction between us. We both can't be universal rulers. Stalin thought he was in control of the world. Hitler thought he was in control of the world. Naturally they hate each other.
You can look at this from the other direction:
Nazis and white supremacists are running as republicans; not democrats.

This is what your party has become. Own it.

And you are all communists and fascists. Own it.
communists and fascists are at opposite ends of ideology; they hate each other. Either you dont know what a communist is, or you dont know what a fascist is, or both.

No, that's not true. Not even close. In fact, before WW2, they were considered on the same said, being against Capitalists. When Stalin realized he was not going to win politically in Germany, he asked his supporters there to support the Nazis because at least they were not Capitalists. You do realize that Nazi means National Socialists.... right?

They were socialists. They joined forces to invade Poland.

They are not opposite ends of the political spectrum at all.

There is only one reason that "they hate each other", and it has nothing to do with ideology. They agree with nearly everything ideologically. The reason they hate each other, is simply because both wanted to rule the world. If I'm a socialist dictator and I want to rule the world, and you are a socialist dictator and you want to rule the world, there is going to be friction between us. We both can't be universal rulers. Stalin thought he was in control of the world. Hitler thought he was in control of the world. Naturally they hate each other.
Who is your history teacher?

This is my history teacher:
Hitler and the Nazis outlawed socialism, and executed socialists and communists en masse, even before they started rounding up Jews. In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.

Additionally, the rate of return of capital in germany improved remarkably during the 1930's, as well as german stock market performance relative to rest of europe; as described here.
You can look at this from the other direction:
Nazis and white supremacists are running as republicans; not democrats.

This is what your party has become. Own it.

And you are all communists and fascists. Own it.
communists and fascists are at opposite ends of ideology; they hate each other. Either you dont know what a communist is, or you dont know what a fascist is, or both.

No, that's not true. Not even close. In fact, before WW2, they were considered on the same said, being against Capitalists. When Stalin realized he was not going to win politically in Germany, he asked his supporters there to support the Nazis because at least they were not Capitalists. You do realize that Nazi means National Socialists.... right?

They were socialists. They joined forces to invade Poland.

They are not opposite ends of the political spectrum at all.

There is only one reason that "they hate each other", and it has nothing to do with ideology. They agree with nearly everything ideologically. The reason they hate each other, is simply because both wanted to rule the world. If I'm a socialist dictator and I want to rule the world, and you are a socialist dictator and you want to rule the world, there is going to be friction between us. We both can't be universal rulers. Stalin thought he was in control of the world. Hitler thought he was in control of the world. Naturally they hate each other.
Who is your history teacher?

This is my history teacher:
Hitler and the Nazis outlawed socialism, and executed socialists and communists en masse, even before they started rounding up Jews. In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.

Additionally, the rate of return of capital in germany improved remarkably during the 1930's, as well as german stock market performance relative to rest of europe; as described here.

I just answer that. The Hilter wanted himself to be the center of power. Staling wanted himself to be the center of power. Both ideologies outlaw opposition. In fact, that in itself, is evidence of how the two ideologies are on the same side of the spectrum.

I assume you wouldn't deny that Lenin and Stalin both, trumped up false charges and accusations, to eliminate all their political opposition, just like Hitler.

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