The Left will come after all Trump supporters


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

It won't be good enough just for Biden to win. No, they will come after everyone who supported Trump and ruin their lives

Then they will change laws, policies, and make sure the DNC never loses another election.

The Brown shirts are on the march.

What is interesting is that they will set up a "truth commission". Presumably anyone who disagrees with it will face the consequences.

Come at me bro...
From that jerkoff Beck's article.
"He wrote on Twitter over the weekend that "when this nightmare" — or Trump's presidency — "is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump's lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe".

He isn't talking about unwashed Trump masses wearing their MAGA hats. He's talking about the people who enabled Trump to be...well..Trump.
From that jerkoff Beck's article.
"He wrote on Twitter over the weekend that "when this nightmare" — or Trump's presidency — "is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump's lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe".

He isn't talking about unwashed Trump masses wearing their MAGA hats. He's talking about the people who enabled Trump to be...well..Trump.
So the truth commission will root out all Trump supporters who lie.


And the rest of the liars in DC?
LOL! Like they would survive that attempt.
They are doing it without firing a shot. The judicial system needs to be fixed pronto. The extremist judges making laws is not good. Unelected and like Communist Chairmen. The Prog Politicians need to be called out for what they are. In any way possible. The media/entertainers somehow must be taken to task. They obviously do not fear retribution. The education system must change its curriculum to be pro American again. The corporate people should be ashamed at what the are doing with their products. The richest people involved in politics need to back off in manipulating us all.
From that jerkoff Beck's article.
"He wrote on Twitter over the weekend that "when this nightmare" — or Trump's presidency — "is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump's lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe".

He isn't talking about unwashed Trump masses wearing their MAGA hats. He's talking about the people who enabled Trump to be...well..Trump.

Does not matter.

Bullets will still be coming your way, regardless.
LOL! Like they would survive that attempt.
They are doing it without firing a shot. The judicial system needs to be fixed pronto. The extremist judges making laws is not good. Unelected and like Communist Chairmen. The Prog Politicians need to be called out for what they are. In any way possible. The media/entertainers somehow must be taken to task. They obviously do not fear retribution. The education system must change its curriculum to be pro American again. The corporate people should be ashamed at what the are doing with their products. The richest people involved in politics need to back off in manipulating us all.
Checks and balances are gone. The Left always gets their way with pretty much everything.
From that jerkoff Beck's article.
"He wrote on Twitter over the weekend that "when this nightmare" — or Trump's presidency — "is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump's lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe".

He isn't talking about unwashed Trump masses wearing their MAGA hats. He's talking about the people who enabled Trump to be...well..Trump.
oooohhh well that's OK then LOL
Obammy was the first President who did not peacefully transfer power to the next President.
The Democratic Party is a Banana Republic Party
Democrats want to get rid of our police and replace them with brown shirts.
My guess is they will federalize the police force, like they try to do everything else.

When and if they come for the guns they will have to because many in local law enforcement have made it clear they won't come after them because they don't care what the 9 or 15 or 25 black robes say, it's not Constitutional.

Hitler also had this problem so he just created the SS.
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