The Left Would Not Listen To The Experts

When did the Delta variant appear? It magically appeared after the initial vaccination push.
Nothing magic about it. Its natural that variants occur. The initial vaccine push was in the northern hemisphere. The Delta variant first appeared in Africa [edit India] from my recollection.

Yesterday a bird flew past my window. Right after that my TV shut off. You think the bird caused that?
Actually it’s the psycho right that won’t listen to the experts , nutter butter. If the trump trash got vaccinated there wouldn’t be variants.
Oh and that’s a lie. The unvaccinated are the ones being hospitalized. You’re welcome

you’re also lying about what your link says, which is that spread among the unvaccinated is the problem
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, in case you hadn't noticed and, if you had actually followed the science, not one variant formed in the US.
What is it, they didn't listen to? The left has always been more toward the science experts from the beginning. No matter how lefty they were, they have always tended to be more accepting of analysis of science, scientific method and experts in specific fields, rather than relying on cult-like devotion to the unschooled, untrained nut balls, depending on native intelligence of the average high school graduate or less to analyze as respond to medical and scientific data and situations.
Guess you didn't even read the article. WHO and other places said up front that the world should get the shots first before booster shots were given. Biden and the left purposely ignored the science and now we've got a strain which vaccines may not even work against. Please go back to post number one, click on the link, and take your blue tinted glasses off.
Nothing magic about it. Its natural that variants occur. The initial vaccine push was in the northern hemisphere. The Delta variant first appeared in Africa [edit India] from my recollection.

Yesterday a bird flew past my window. Right after that my TV shut off. You think the bird caused that?
First of all, the virus is not natural, it was created in a lab in China. Second the variables are therefore not natural. Every thing points to this being planned to destroy our free society.
First of all, the virus is not natural, it was created in a lab in China. Second the variables are therefore not natural. Every thing points to this being planned to destroy our free society.
You were never free. You were just socialized to think you were.

The virus is natural and follows all natural laws regardless of were it was created.

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