The Left


Active Member
Dec 28, 2020
The left or so called democrats ,have been so brainwashed by these so called reporters,like Chris Coumo,chuck Todd,Don Lemon and are so affraid to admit there are wrong, that they are willing the watch and praise an administration ( owned by the chinesse ) and run by idiots ruin this country forever. No politician is without fault but common sense should be part of the criteria of those we elect not the goal of being a one party regime. One example is this so called climate Zar, Kerry was an idiot then and is more of an idiot now. Has He said anything about shuting down the pipeline. No and it doesn't help that our nothern neighbors ( are run by a moron also ) It makes a lot of sense that the Canadians will now truck the oil across Canada to ports on the east coast to be shipped to you guessed it ( China ). I could go on about the border and a shit load of other thing that people with common sense understand but it seems that it will fall on deaf ears. Will we be able to take two more years of this stupidity?
Dude, work on your spelling and grammar. Nothing ruins an argument about the errors of others than the blatant errors of the writer.
The left or so called democrats ,have been so brainwashed by these so called reporters,like Chris Coumo,chuck Todd,Don Lemon and are so affraid to admit there are wrong, that they are willing the watch and praise an administration ( owned by the chinesse ) and run by idiots ruin this country forever. No politician is without fault but common sense should be part of the criteria of those we elect not the goal of being a one party regime. One example is this so called climate Zar, Kerry was an idiot then and is more of an idiot now. Has He said anything about shuting down the pipeline. No and it doesn't help that our nothern neighbors ( are run by a moron also ) It makes a lot of sense that the Canadians will now truck the oil across Canada to ports on the east coast to be shipped to you guessed it ( China ). I could go on about the border and a shit load of other thing that people with common sense understand but it seems that it will fall on deaf ears. Will we be able to take two more years of this stupidity?
That was brutal. I don't mean the content of your post, but the way you fractured the English language.
The left or so called democrats ,have been so brainwashed by these so called reporters,like Chris Coumo,chuck Todd,Don Lemon and are so affraid to admit there are wrong, that they are willing the watch and praise an administration ( owned by the chinesse ) and run by idiots ruin this country forever. No politician is without fault but common sense should be part of the criteria of those we elect not the goal of being a one party regime. One example is this so called climate Zar, Kerry was an idiot then and is more of an idiot now. Has He said anything about shuting down the pipeline. No and it doesn't help that our nothern neighbors ( are run by a moron also ) It makes a lot of sense that the Canadians will now truck the oil across Canada to ports on the east coast to be shipped to you guessed it ( China ). I could go on about the border and a shit load of other thing that people with common sense understand but it seems that it will fall on deaf ears. Will we be able to take two more years of this stupidity?
Oil from the Alberta tar sands is only good for making asphalt-duh, and why are you so emotionally invested in asphalt?
The left or so called democrats ,have been so brainwashed by these so called reporters,like Chris Coumo,chuck Todd,Don Lemon and are so affraid to admit there are wrong, that they are willing the watch and praise an administration ( owned by the chinesse ) and run by idiots ruin this country forever. No politician is without fault but common sense should be part of the criteria of those we elect not the goal of being a one party regime.
The irony
The left or so called democrats ,have been so brainwashed by these so called reporters,like Chris Coumo,chuck Todd,Don Lemon and are so affraid to admit there are wrong, that they are willing the watch and praise an administration ( owned by the chinesse ) and run by idiots ruin this country forever. No politician is without fault but common sense should be part of the criteria of those we elect not the goal of being a one party regime. One example is this so called climate Zar, Kerry was an idiot then and is more of an idiot now. Has He said anything about shuting down the pipeline. No and it doesn't help that our nothern neighbors ( are run by a moron also ) It makes a lot of sense that the Canadians will now truck the oil across Canada to ports on the east coast to be shipped to you guessed it ( China ). I could go on about the border and a shit load of other thing that people with common sense understand but it seems that it will fall on deaf ears. Will we be able to take two more years of this stupidity?
After 4 years of Trump, Dems are not going to accept that 2 months into Biden's administration we are wrong simply because a Trumper/GOPer/conservative said so. Their credibility is non-existent. We're brainwashed? Really? That's hilarious.
The left or so called democrats ,have been so brainwashed by these so called reporters,like Chris Coumo,chuck Todd,Don Lemon and are so affraid to admit there are wrong, that they are willing the watch and praise an administration ( owned by the chinesse ) and run by idiots ruin this country forever. No politician is without fault but common sense should be part of the criteria of those we elect not the goal of being a one party regime. One example is this so called climate Zar, Kerry was an idiot then and is more of an idiot now. Has He said anything about shuting down the pipeline. No and it doesn't help that our nothern neighbors ( are run by a moron also ) It makes a lot of sense that the Canadians will now truck the oil across Canada to ports on the east coast to be shipped to you guessed it ( China ). I could go on about the border and a shit load of other thing that people with common sense understand but it seems that it will fall on deaf ears. Will we be able to take two more years of this stupidity?
Oil from the Alberta tar sands is only good for making asphalt-duh, and why are you so emotionally invested in asphalt?
They don't care about the asphalt, they want the pollution. It makes them feel like they "owned the left".
One example is this so called climate Zar, Kerry was an idiot then and is more of an idiot now. Has He said anything about shuting down the pipeline. No and it doesn't help that our nothern neighbors ( are run by a moron also ) It makes a lot of sense that the Canadians will now truck the oil across Canada to ports on the east coast to be shipped to you guessed it ( China )

Let me answer your thought stream hahahahaha the pipeline is pumping as much oil today as it did yesterday as it will tomorrow. Do you think we should stop Canada from selling their tarsand oil to China in the future? Isn't China the other way?

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