The Left's Fake Covid Hysteria

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
How disease are perceived by the left under opposing presidents

So, what you're telling us is...Obama had 13 times as many people infected as Trump but Trump has almost 13 times the number dead.
I'm not sure that you're making the point you thought you were.

Meh, you've been willfully had.

The number of deaths FROM COVID19 is very low.

But because they counted EVERY death as a covid19 death in order to frighten Americans (and for too many it worked)
Trump saved a ton of lives.

Liberal math is quackery

Oh, and of course, you blame Trump for all the elderly Cuomo killed by forcing covid19 patients in to nursing homes.

What a farce you people are. If America ever put's on it's big boy pants and puts you fools in your place, it'd serve you right.
Notice the red dot (deaths) vs the grey dots (total population)

All this destruction of the country because of your anti-Trump hysteria.

Is this what they call "scorched earth" -- total destruction to get a Vegetable in the White House as long as hes a Democrat?

The term that describes them is "Insane"

No matter what, we cannot allow the Insane left to occupy the White House. Communism will follow if we do.
Their policy is scorched Earth. Our policy must be No WAY by ANY means necessary.
How disease are perceived by the left under opposing presidents

Quick name your top 5 countries that Americans aren't completely banned from traveling to

Quick !
Name 1 Leftist media source that isn't using covid19 for political fear Mongering......
It's funny that you racists can't tell minorities in America to go back to their country anymore, because your stupid asses made it globally illegal to do that.
How disease are perceived by the left under opposing presidents

More people were killed last week by covid19 than died in the entire swine flu pandemic.

Swine flu responded well to existing treatments and the vaccine production process was well understood.

Our leaders didn't waste time denying it was a problem,.they jumped in and confronted it head on.

False equivalency is FALSE. It's right there in the name.
How disease are perceived by the left under opposing presidents

You do not get it.
During the 19 month pandemic, H1N1 In the world: The number of lab-confirmed deaths reported to the WHO is 18,449,[8] though this 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic is estimated to have actually caused about 284,000
2009 swine flu pandemic - Wikipedia
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates there were 60.8 million cases, 274,000 hospitalizations, and 12,469 deaths in the United States due to the virus.[117]


The Coronavirus numbers are in just 7 months. If you just look at the number dead in the United States DEAD in 7 months of this as opposed to 19 months of that, it should not be hard to grasp the difference. That is over 12.74 times the dead in only 7 months compared to the 19 month span of the H1N1 pandemic. Get you head out of your butt. Put on a mask and keep your distance. Don't be a tool.
it is Comical CNN 24 7 Cornavirus Fake News and Joe Biden's VP Pic a hooker, Fidel Castro lover and a black brad that is with the Radical group Black lives Matter
You left off the number of deaths for h1n1 and covid. I'm pretty sure deaths have something to do with the differences in panic.

h1n1 deaths: 12,469
covid deaths: 158,929
So, what you're telling us is...Obama had 13 times as many people infected as Trump but Trump has almost 13 times the number dead.
I'm not sure that you're making the point you thought you were.
Death Angel is suffering from terminal stupidity.

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