The Left's Flirtation with Trumpicide

99.9% of the RWnuts on this forum believe that justice for Scalise would be if someone shot a Democrat in Congress.
just sad. you have no fking morals.
None of them of them do. Hence the premise of this thread. When one rejects God, as the left does, then the moral compass ceases to exist. It's why every totalitarian state was secular. One cannot inflict the mass atrocities of Cuba, the U.S.S.R., Iraq, etc. if they fear having to answer to God.
I'm sure millions of Trump voters watched Kelly's show last night especially the Alex Jones segment. When they saw how insane he is and found out ( if they didn't know already) that Trump is in bed with the lunatic and actually listens and takes his advice, this had to appall people all around the country.
If anyone ever needs corroboration of why the left is so bat shit crazy all you have to do is look at the posts of Unreasonable. Incredibly bizarre outlandish stuff!

President Trump doesn't call up Alex Jones for advice. :lmao:
Go ahead. State for the record that you are unequivocally opposed to any violence of any kind against the government.
I'll do it! I just won't do it by perpetuating the false narrative as you desire. I'll do it properly.

I herby declare that I unequivocally oppose any violence of any kind against constitutional government.

I do, however, advocate violence against oppressive, unconstitutional government that you desire NY Crabby Queer if all other avenues have been exhausted (ballot boxes, protests, court systems, etc.).
Did you cheer the congressman who beat up the reporter? Did you speak out against it?
I did. He should be thrown out of the Republican Party, receive no backing from them, and forever be banned from public office. There is absolutely no place for that in public office.
Go ahead. State for the record that you are unequivocally opposed to any violence of any kind against the government.
I'll do it! I just won't do it by perpetuating the false narrative as you desire. I'll do it properly.

I herby declare that I unequivocally oppose any violence of any kind against constitutional government.

I do, however, advocate violence against oppressive, unconstitutional government that you desire NY Crabby Queer if all other avenues have been exhausted (ballot boxes, protests, court systems, etc.).
I couldn't have written that any better.
Go ahead. State for the record that you are unequivocally opposed to any violence of any kind against the government.
I'll do it! I just won't do it by perpetuating the false narrative as you desire. I'll do it properly.

I herby declare that I unequivocally oppose any violence of any kind against constitutional government.

I do, however, advocate violence against oppressive, unconstitutional government that you desire NY Crabby Queer if all other avenues have been exhausted (ballot boxes, protests, court systems, etc.).
I couldn't have written that any better.
NY Crabby Queer desires complete submission to the totalitarian government he desires. I'll be damned if I will denounce violence against that.

However, if we operate under constitutional government, I will absolutely denounce violence against it. If he and his cronies can get a constitutional amendment for something like Obamacare with honest discussions - I will absolutely respect it. I won't like it. But I will respect it and abide by it.

But when they shred the U.S. Constitution and simply hand the federal government powers that they don't have, I refuse to comply. Ever.
Fuck off yourself, Marty. We have videos of that fat senile orange clown inciting his followers to do violence against people that did not agree with him. The SOB that shot that Congressman and others was a crazy. Just like Nichols and McViegh were crazies on your end of the spectrum. No defense for any of this type of crazy, no matter what their political opinions are.
Has there been a protest by the left in the past year that has not involved violence or property damage by the left? Got a long list of times the left has gone ape. Even when the left are not violent they act like they are demonically possessed.
99.9% of the RWnuts on this forum believe that justice for Scalise would be if someone shot a Democrat in Congress.
just sad. you have no fking morals.

Go ahead. State for the record that you are unequivocally opposed to any violence of any kind against the government.
yep!! But I have caveats that I leave on the table.

So the people who say the 2nd Amendment is about the people having guns to resist or rebel against the government are full of shit.

Fuck off yourself, Marty. We have videos of that fat senile orange clown inciting his followers to do violence against people that did not agree with him. The SOB that shot that Congressman and others was a crazy. Just like Nichols and McViegh were crazies on your end of the spectrum. No defense for any of this type of crazy, no matter what their political opinions are.
Has there been a protest by the left in the past year that has not involved violence or property damage by the left? Got a long list of times the left has gone ape. Even when the left are not violent they act like they are demonically possessed.

they're imitating the Founders, lol.
Fuck off yourself, Marty. We have videos of that fat senile orange clown inciting his followers to do violence against people that did not agree with him. The SOB that shot that Congressman and others was a crazy. Just like Nichols and McViegh were crazies on your end of the spectrum. No defense for any of this type of crazy, no matter what their political opinions are.
Has there been a protest by the left in the past year that has not involved violence or property damage by the left? Got a long list of times the left has gone ape. Even when the left are not violent they act like they are demonically possessed.

they're imitating the Founders, lol.

Dufus says the left are attempting to overthrow the government thru assasination 'like the Founding Fathers '
99.9% of the RWnuts on this forum believe that justice for Scalise would be if someone shot a Democrat in Congress.
just sad. you have no fking morals.

Go ahead. State for the record that you are unequivocally opposed to any violence of any kind against the government.
yep!! But I have caveats that I leave on the table.

So the people who say the 2nd Amendment is about the people having guns to resist or rebel against the government are full of shit.

dude, seriously, are you that naive? surely you're kidding the class. or, are you stu'd?
99.9% of the RWnuts on this forum believe that justice for Scalise would be if someone shot a Democrat in Congress.
just sad. you have no fking morals.

Go ahead. State for the record that you are unequivocally opposed to any violence of any kind against the government.
yep!! But I have caveats that I leave on the table.

So the people who say the 2nd Amendment is about the people having guns to resist or rebel against the government are full of shit.

A leftist justifying assasination, color me shocked.
It is hard to believe the level of suppression of truth the left has for itself. THere were polls that suggested that 30% of Americans believed that Bush was responsible for 911. Which party did those people vote for? I doubt they voted for him in 2004 because why would you vote for a guy that you believed staged 911? It makes more sense they voted for the democratic party so that means that half of the democratic party are 911 truthers. When you try to tell them this they deny it outright and keep on going and it is like their brains either are to stupid to figure out the contradiction in their denial or are just raw denying it hard to themselves but if so, I can't imagine the level of insanity you have to have in order to do such a thing.

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