The Levant Mess

You shtick is getting very tired, Vikrant, and it is showing how sick you really are.. I love that video and think it is wonderful that the Indians watching T.V. would see a darkly-complected beautiful woman in that ad. Evidently you didn't like the ad, even though it was lovely.

I cannot stop you from being a India hater. As a matter of fact that is a norm among you people. I suppose bigotry comes easy to you people.

Look at this mentally sick man, folks. It is also "you people." Meanwhile, it is actually Indians like Vikrant who are bigoted if it finally took until the 21st century to have an ad with a darkly-complected beautiful Indian woman.

No Indian on this forum is engaging in any racism but large number of Israelis like yourself are engaging in racism. You guys want to shut down any criticism of Israel under the guise of anti-semitism by attacking members of this forum through racist posts. This is a very Nazi like tendency you people are demonstrating. You should cease and desist.

Come on, Vikrant. Give it a rest. The purpose you came to this forum was to bash Israel. Hey, folks, did you get that? We are all Israelis in this sicko's mind.

You are an Israeli; at least, that is how you project yourself on this forum. I do not know what you are in real life and I do not have enough resources to find that out. So, I will go by what you project.

And you project islamonazi sympathies, making you a threat to mankind and humanity.
I cannot stop you from being a India hater. As a matter of fact that is a norm among you people. I suppose bigotry comes easy to you people.

Look at this mentally sick man, folks. It is also "you people." Meanwhile, it is actually Indians like Vikrant who are bigoted if it finally took until the 21st century to have an ad with a darkly-complected beautiful Indian woman.

No Indian on this forum is engaging in any racism but large number of Israelis like yourself are engaging in racism. You guys want to shut down any criticism of Israel under the guise of anti-semitism by attacking members of this forum through racist posts. This is a very Nazi like tendency you people are demonstrating. You should cease and desist.

Come on, Vikrant. Give it a rest. The purpose you came to this forum was to bash Israel. Hey, folks, did you get that? We are all Israelis in this sicko's mind.

You are an Israeli; at least, that is how you project yourself on this forum. I do not know what you are in real life and I do not have enough resources to find that out. So, I will go by what you project.

And you project islamonazi sympathies, making you a threat to mankind and humanity.

I have love for all and hatred for none. You should learn how to love and be loved; I can point you in the right direction if show some promise :)
It looks like Vikrant has it in for anyone who stick up for Israel. However, Vikrant, you are so full of it? I happen to have a Chinese daughter-in-law from Hong Kong. My daughter has a Filipina mother-in-law. My other son once had a Mexican girlfriend whom I wish he would have married. When my daughter went out on her own, her roommate was a Black girl with whom she is still best friends for years and years. I have a cousin married to a woman from Lebanon, and one cousin married to a woman from Korea. Another cousin's son is married to a woman who is Filipina/Egyptian. Can you tell us a little bit about your background and the different ethnic groups which Hindus would accept into their families? We know there is the caste system, but would there be anything else which would prevent a Hindru from marrying someone of a different ethnic group or religion? The U.S. is becoming like Heinz 57. Will the Hindus take part in this. Only Vikrant knows.

As much as it appears that Vikrant has it in for the Jews, he seems to overlook that Jews give plenty of money to charity which helps other groups. There are many Jews who give a lot of money to our colleges which help students of all ethnic groups. By the way, can you give us any names of Hindus who marched with the Jews during the Civil Rights Movement?

Jewish Americans More Likely To Give To Charity, New Study Finds

Jews and the Civil Rights Movement

He is not a Hindu he is a muslim, I know far too many Hindu's and Sikh's to be suckered by his lies, you see the Hindu's and Sikh's hate the muslims more than anyone else in the world after the mass murders in the 1940's and 1950's

Who made you the spokeswoman/man for Hindus and Sikhs? Speak for yourself, bigot.

You did when you lied about what you are, you are as transparent as clear glass. As I said I know far too many Hindus and Sikhs to be taken in by your posts

You are nothing but an idiot.

The cry of the muslim when cornered by their own stupidity. Comes of all that inbreeding

I hope moderators will deal with your uncivilized rants.
He is not a Hindu he is a muslim, I know far too many Hindu's and Sikh's to be suckered by his lies, you see the Hindu's and Sikh's hate the muslims more than anyone else in the world after the mass murders in the 1940's and 1950's

Who made you the spokeswoman/man for Hindus and Sikhs? Speak for yourself, bigot.

You did when you lied about what you are, you are as transparent as clear glass. As I said I know far too many Hindus and Sikhs to be taken in by your posts

You are nothing but an idiot.

The cry of the muslim when cornered by their own stupidity. Comes of all that inbreeding

I hope moderators will deal with your uncivilized rants.

They haven't taken any action against yours yet, so don't hold your breath. Typical muslim wants the rules changing so they can do as they want while others get censored.
Who made you the spokeswoman/man for Hindus and Sikhs? Speak for yourself, bigot.

You did when you lied about what you are, you are as transparent as clear glass. As I said I know far too many Hindus and Sikhs to be taken in by your posts

You are nothing but an idiot.

The cry of the muslim when cornered by their own stupidity. Comes of all that inbreeding

I hope moderators will deal with your uncivilized rants.

They haven't taken any action against yours yet, so don't hold your breath. Typical muslim wants the rules changing so they can do as they want while others get censored.

It is you who is making uncivilized posts not me. You are calling Muslim folks inbred.
You did when you lied about what you are, you are as transparent as clear glass. As I said I know far too many Hindus and Sikhs to be taken in by your posts

You are nothing but an idiot.

The cry of the muslim when cornered by their own stupidity. Comes of all that inbreeding

I hope moderators will deal with your uncivilized rants.

They haven't taken any action against yours yet, so don't hold your breath. Typical muslim wants the rules changing so they can do as they want while others get censored.

It is you who is making uncivilized posts not me. You are calling Muslim folks inbred.

There are many inbred diseases and genetic malformation among some muslim groups. Marriage within tribes is common in rural areas. Women have marriage arranged or them often to cement bonds within and between tribes.

Some sects will only marry with those of the same closed community where everyone is related. Women will not be allowed to leave or find someone outside.

The awareness of genetic diseases are becoming better understood by arabs.

The egyptians have a long history of marrying siblings but now that is becoming far more rare.
You did when you lied about what you are, you are as transparent as clear glass. As I said I know far too many Hindus and Sikhs to be taken in by your posts

You are nothing but an idiot.

The cry of the muslim when cornered by their own stupidity. Comes of all that inbreeding

I hope moderators will deal with your uncivilized rants.

They haven't taken any action against yours yet, so don't hold your breath. Typical muslim wants the rules changing so they can do as they want while others get censored.

It is you who is making uncivilized posts not me. You are calling Muslim folks inbred.

Which they freely admit is the case, and is why they cast aside so many deformed children for the rest of the world to look after. Time to tell them to fund their own health care until they stop breeding with first cousins all the time
Isn't it strange the Vikrant is not concerned with the human rights violations anyplace else which are so much worse? If the Jews are not involved, Vikrant doesn't want to waste his time. Naturally all the executions in Saudi Arabia and Iran are just fantasies to him.

I have spoken out against human right violations in Saudi Arabia in many of my posts. You would have noted it if you had your head out of your ass.

Has anyone noticed Vikrant making many posts about Saudi Arabia's human rights abuses? We wouldn't expect him to report on Iran's human rights abuses because now India and Iran are buddies. Plus, anyone seen Vikrant report on any of the other countries in the Middle East such as Bahrain, Kuwait and the Emirates since these are part of the Middle East? However, we certainly have seen a lot of posts regarding Israel from Vikrant as if Israel was the only country in the Middle East. Since Vikrayt (the gentleman) just brought up my ass when he really should have brought up his own, I think what is happening here is that Vikrant's ass is busy playing Doo Wop, and Vikrant is catching the echo. Hmm, could it be Dion and the Belmonts who are residing up Vikrant's ass?

China is a bigger friend of Iran than India. I do not see you calling China and Chinese people names. This suggests that you are a hateful person who is bigoted towards Indians. Why are you people so racist?
Isn't it strange the Vikrant is not concerned with the human rights violations anyplace else which are so much worse? If the Jews are not involved, Vikrant doesn't want to waste his time. Naturally all the executions in Saudi Arabia and Iran are just fantasies to him.

I have spoken out against human right violations in Saudi Arabia in many of my posts. You would have noted it if you had your head out of your ass.

Has anyone noticed Vikrant making many posts about Saudi Arabia's human rights abuses? We wouldn't expect him to report on Iran's human rights abuses because now India and Iran are buddies. Plus, anyone seen Vikrant report on any of the other countries in the Middle East such as Bahrain, Kuwait and the Emirates since these are part of the Middle East? However, we certainly have seen a lot of posts regarding Israel from Vikrant as if Israel was the only country in the Middle East. Since Vikrayt (the gentleman) just brought up my ass when he really should have brought up his own, I think what is happening here is that Vikrant's ass is busy playing Doo Wop, and Vikrant is catching the echo. Hmm, could it be Dion and the Belmonts who are residing up Vikrant's ass?

China is a bigger friend of Iran than India. I do not see you calling China and Chinese people names. This suggests that you are a hateful person who is bigoted towards Indians. Why are you people so racist?

Here is Vikrant with his racist shtick once again. He hides it that Indians themselves are so racist. America is but a few hundred years old and Indian culture is years and years is so much older than America's.. Maybe Vikrant can tell us how old. Anyhow, anyone looking at ads now see people of all races. Meanwhile, view this video. This is one o f my favorite youtubes. Read the story about the ad.. They finally used people of darker complections.

This Jewelry Ad Might Seem Normal To Americans, But It's Causing A Huge Stir In India

You are a Hindu hating bigot.

no she isn't Vik. It is sorta almost true----I would not call the Hindu society
"racist"------but doing so is not actually incorrect. Hindus are almost as
COLOR conscious as are Iranians. Long long ago I learned that when a
hindu lady has a baby-----it is VERY IMPORTANT ----especially if the baby
is a girl to comment on her "fair" complexion. She also played a video that
red flags that "one and only one marriage for a hindu woman" thing.
a real issue. Be not so THIN-SKINNED
I have spoken out against human right violations in Saudi Arabia in many of my posts. You would have noted it if you had your head out of your ass.

Has anyone noticed Vikrant making many posts about Saudi Arabia's human rights abuses? We wouldn't expect him to report on Iran's human rights abuses because now India and Iran are buddies. Plus, anyone seen Vikrant report on any of the other countries in the Middle East such as Bahrain, Kuwait and the Emirates since these are part of the Middle East? However, we certainly have seen a lot of posts regarding Israel from Vikrant as if Israel was the only country in the Middle East. Since Vikrayt (the gentleman) just brought up my ass when he really should have brought up his own, I think what is happening here is that Vikrant's ass is busy playing Doo Wop, and Vikrant is catching the echo. Hmm, could it be Dion and the Belmonts who are residing up Vikrant's ass?

China is a bigger friend of Iran than India. I do not see you calling China and Chinese people names. This suggests that you are a hateful person who is bigoted towards Indians. Why are you people so racist?
I have spoken out against human right violations in Saudi Arabia in many of my posts. You would have noted it if you had your head out of your ass.

Has anyone noticed Vikrant making many posts about Saudi Arabia's human rights abuses? We wouldn't expect him to report on Iran's human rights abuses because now India and Iran are buddies. Plus, anyone seen Vikrant report on any of the other countries in the Middle East such as Bahrain, Kuwait and the Emirates since these are part of the Middle East? However, we certainly have seen a lot of posts regarding Israel from Vikrant as if Israel was the only country in the Middle East. Since Vikrayt (the gentleman) just brought up my ass when he really should have brought up his own, I think what is happening here is that Vikrant's ass is busy playing Doo Wop, and Vikrant is catching the echo. Hmm, could it be Dion and the Belmonts who are residing up Vikrant's ass?

China is a bigger friend of Iran than India. I do not see you calling China and Chinese people names. This suggests that you are a hateful person who is bigoted towards Indians. Why are you people so racist?

Here is Vikrant with his racist shtick once again. He hides it that Indians themselves are so racist. America is but a few hundred years old and Indian culture is years and years is so much older than America's.. Maybe Vikrant can tell us how old. Anyhow, anyone looking at ads now see people of all races. Meanwhile, view this video. This is one o f my favorite youtubes. Read the story about the ad.. They finally used people of darker complections.

This Jewelry Ad Might Seem Normal To Americans, But It's Causing A Huge Stir In India

You are a Hindu hating bigot.

no she isn't Vik. It is sorta almost true----I would not call the Hindu society
"racist"------but doing so is not actually incorrect. Hindus are almost as
COLOR conscious as are Iranians. Long long ago I learned that when a
hindu lady has a baby-----it is VERY IMPORTANT ----especially if the baby
is a girl to comment on her "fair" complexion. She also played a video that
red flags that "one and only one marriage for a hindu woman" thing.
a real issue. Be not so THIN-SKINNED

At least on this forum, you Jew folks have upper hand over everyone else when it comes to racism.
Has anyone noticed Vikrant making many posts about Saudi Arabia's human rights abuses? We wouldn't expect him to report on Iran's human rights abuses because now India and Iran are buddies. Plus, anyone seen Vikrant report on any of the other countries in the Middle East such as Bahrain, Kuwait and the Emirates since these are part of the Middle East? However, we certainly have seen a lot of posts regarding Israel from Vikrant as if Israel was the only country in the Middle East. Since Vikrayt (the gentleman) just brought up my ass when he really should have brought up his own, I think what is happening here is that Vikrant's ass is busy playing Doo Wop, and Vikrant is catching the echo. Hmm, could it be Dion and the Belmonts who are residing up Vikrant's ass?

China is a bigger friend of Iran than India. I do not see you calling China and Chinese people names. This suggests that you are a hateful person who is bigoted towards Indians. Why are you people so racist?
Has anyone noticed Vikrant making many posts about Saudi Arabia's human rights abuses? We wouldn't expect him to report on Iran's human rights abuses because now India and Iran are buddies. Plus, anyone seen Vikrant report on any of the other countries in the Middle East such as Bahrain, Kuwait and the Emirates since these are part of the Middle East? However, we certainly have seen a lot of posts regarding Israel from Vikrant as if Israel was the only country in the Middle East. Since Vikrayt (the gentleman) just brought up my ass when he really should have brought up his own, I think what is happening here is that Vikrant's ass is busy playing Doo Wop, and Vikrant is catching the echo. Hmm, could it be Dion and the Belmonts who are residing up Vikrant's ass?

China is a bigger friend of Iran than India. I do not see you calling China and Chinese people names. This suggests that you are a hateful person who is bigoted towards Indians. Why are you people so racist?

Here is Vikrant with his racist shtick once again. He hides it that Indians themselves are so racist. America is but a few hundred years old and Indian culture is years and years is so much older than America's.. Maybe Vikrant can tell us how old. Anyhow, anyone looking at ads now see people of all races. Meanwhile, view this video. This is one o f my favorite youtubes. Read the story about the ad.. They finally used people of darker complections.

This Jewelry Ad Might Seem Normal To Americans, But It's Causing A Huge Stir In India

You are a Hindu hating bigot.

no she isn't Vik. It is sorta almost true----I would not call the Hindu society
"racist"------but doing so is not actually incorrect. Hindus are almost as
COLOR conscious as are Iranians. Long long ago I learned that when a
hindu lady has a baby-----it is VERY IMPORTANT ----especially if the baby
is a girl to comment on her "fair" complexion. She also played a video that
red flags that "one and only one marriage for a hindu woman" thing.
a real issue. Be not so THIN-SKINNED

At least on this forum, you Jew folks have upper hand over everyone else when it comes to racism.

Has anyone noticed Vikrant making many posts about Saudi Arabia's human rights abuses? We wouldn't expect him to report on Iran's human rights abuses because now India and Iran are buddies. Plus, anyone seen Vikrant report on any of the other countries in the Middle East such as Bahrain, Kuwait and the Emirates since these are part of the Middle East? However, we certainly have seen a lot of posts regarding Israel from Vikrant as if Israel was the only country in the Middle East. Since Vikrayt (the gentleman) just brought up my ass when he really should have brought up his own, I think what is happening here is that Vikrant's ass is busy playing Doo Wop, and Vikrant is catching the echo. Hmm, could it be Dion and the Belmonts who are residing up Vikrant's ass?

China is a bigger friend of Iran than India. I do not see you calling China and Chinese people names. This suggests that you are a hateful person who is bigoted towards Indians. Why are you people so racist?
Has anyone noticed Vikrant making many posts about Saudi Arabia's human rights abuses? We wouldn't expect him to report on Iran's human rights abuses because now India and Iran are buddies. Plus, anyone seen Vikrant report on any of the other countries in the Middle East such as Bahrain, Kuwait and the Emirates since these are part of the Middle East? However, we certainly have seen a lot of posts regarding Israel from Vikrant as if Israel was the only country in the Middle East. Since Vikrayt (the gentleman) just brought up my ass when he really should have brought up his own, I think what is happening here is that Vikrant's ass is busy playing Doo Wop, and Vikrant is catching the echo. Hmm, could it be Dion and the Belmonts who are residing up Vikrant's ass?

China is a bigger friend of Iran than India. I do not see you calling China and Chinese people names. This suggests that you are a hateful person who is bigoted towards Indians. Why are you people so racist?

Here is Vikrant with his racist shtick once again. He hides it that Indians themselves are so racist. America is but a few hundred years old and Indian culture is years and years is so much older than America's.. Maybe Vikrant can tell us how old. Anyhow, anyone looking at ads now see people of all races. Meanwhile, view this video. This is one o f my favorite youtubes. Read the story about the ad.. They finally used people of darker complections.

This Jewelry Ad Might Seem Normal To Americans, But It's Causing A Huge Stir In India

You are a Hindu hating bigot.

no she isn't Vik. It is sorta almost true----I would not call the Hindu society
"racist"------but doing so is not actually incorrect. Hindus are almost as
COLOR conscious as are Iranians. Long long ago I learned that when a
hindu lady has a baby-----it is VERY IMPORTANT ----especially if the baby
is a girl to comment on her "fair" complexion. She also played a video that
red flags that "one and only one marriage for a hindu woman" thing.
a real issue. Be not so THIN-SKINNED

At least on this forum, you Jew folks have upper hand over everyone else when it comes to racism.

How about showing some of this alleged racism, bearing in mind telling the truth is not racism
China is a bigger friend of Iran than India. I do not see you calling China and Chinese people names. This suggests that you are a hateful person who is bigoted towards Indians. Why are you people so racist?
China is a bigger friend of Iran than India. I do not see you calling China and Chinese people names. This suggests that you are a hateful person who is bigoted towards Indians. Why are you people so racist?

Here is Vikrant with his racist shtick once again. He hides it that Indians themselves are so racist. America is but a few hundred years old and Indian culture is years and years is so much older than America's.. Maybe Vikrant can tell us how old. Anyhow, anyone looking at ads now see people of all races. Meanwhile, view this video. This is one o f my favorite youtubes. Read the story about the ad.. They finally used people of darker complections.

This Jewelry Ad Might Seem Normal To Americans, But It's Causing A Huge Stir In India

You are a Hindu hating bigot.

no she isn't Vik. It is sorta almost true----I would not call the Hindu society
"racist"------but doing so is not actually incorrect. Hindus are almost as
COLOR conscious as are Iranians. Long long ago I learned that when a
hindu lady has a baby-----it is VERY IMPORTANT ----especially if the baby
is a girl to comment on her "fair" complexion. She also played a video that
red flags that "one and only one marriage for a hindu woman" thing.
a real issue. Be not so THIN-SKINNED

At least on this forum, you Jew folks have upper hand over everyone else when it comes to racism.

How about showing some of this alleged racism, bearing in mind telling the truth is not racism

It's not racism for the mufti to want to cremate all jews in the middle east, but it's racism to want to be close to the center of the jewish faith by wanting to pray at the mount of the center of their ancient heritage as a people by having a national of Israel?

Jews did not come as conquerors like the arabs, but returned and bought and to build a nation from, at highly inflated prices many times over the value of the time.

Most of the locals when given the chance by Ottoman or Mandate did not even want to register the land or pay taxes on it. They used the and but had no loyality to the land or national identity. When offered a state the arabs refused, while Israel accepted.

Racism? like nazi propaganda and blood libels used by palestinians, arabs and Iran? Like public calls to water the land with jewish blood? Like systematic destruction of synagogues while Jordan control the west bank? Like nullifying the sale of land to jews but not returning the money taken for the sale?

Even he palestinians have admitted that they turned down offers of statehood and agreements with Israel. There have been statements that they lied about "massacres" and stealing of land or taking it by force. Lied about the treatment of palestinians by IDF. Those stories get small print and then lost but they return to globally broadcasting the lies and libels right after, over and over and over again.

Jews are villianized for tagging and palestinians become martyred heroes for the most vicious attack and suicidal bombing.

Racism? really?

Palestinians want to wipe out history, a race and a religion and create their own fiction of tolerance and peace, but even christians are targets of hate and genocide and they are also people of the book with the same prophets and myths.

Palestinians execute their own people accused of collaborating with Israel. Israel gives college educations to terrorism accused, tried and found guilt of attacking or killing jews.

Palestinians want a jew free land (world), while more than a third of the Israeli population is arab muslims that chose to stay and build a nation with the jews.

Palestinians use Israeli hosptials and have access to Israeli courts, and colleges. Oh no, they dont' vote in Israel because they don't want to be come Israelis (that is the case in every country).

Israel has allowed some 100,000 reugees to become Israeli through reunification and other programs till Oslo. Israel pulled out of gaza, land jews owned and worked for the sake of peace and prepare for palestinans statehood.


Palestinians need to look in a mirror when they say that

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