The LGBT Industrial Complex

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Controlling others’ language, controlling the argument, redefinition of words, insist on everyone using the same language are effective tools to enforce their will. LGBT activists produce definitions and guides and local laws enforce it and institutions formalize them. There are ever-evolving gender identities and sexualities.

Professional medical societies cower before these activists and create guidelines, not based on facts and science, but politics and feelings. Statutes are enacted without any thought of the consequences. They have compelled speech and fabricated fake pronouns.

Opponents of LGBT are purported to be parties to bullying and hatred. This is simply cognitive dissonance. It is called externalisation. Homophobia is simply a hunt for grievance. Minority stress is a gimmick. LGBT activists view the environment as hostile, so the outside is a source of all their ills.

Their strategy is to divert attention to other topics such as rights and society not treating them kindly or with acceptance. Children at schools are simply props to fulfil their ambitions. LGBT activists care as much about children as communists cared about workers

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Golly gee whiz ....just like every other leftwing group imagine that .....its like they're all reading from the same playbook .....nahhhh
Controlling others’ language, controlling the argument, redefinition of words, insist on everyone using the same language are effective tools to enforce their will. LGBT activists produce definitions and guides and local laws enforce it and institutions formalize them. There are ever-evolving gender identities and sexualities.

Professional medical societies cower before these activists and create guidelines, not based on facts and science, but politics and feelings. Statutes are enacted without any thought of the consequences. They have compelled speech and fabricated fake pronouns.

Opponents of LGBT are purported to be parties to bullying and hatred. This is simply cognitive dissonance. It is called externalisation. Homophobia is simply a hunt for grievance. Minority stress is a gimmick. LGBT activists view the environment as hostile, so the outside is a source of all their ills.

Their strategy is to divert attention to other topics such as rights and society not treating them kindly or with acceptance. Children at schools are simply props to fulfil their ambitions. LGBT activists care as much about children as communists cared about workers

I've known people who've been fired for being gay.
I've known people who've been beaten up for being gay.

The fact your bigotry is no longer fashionable is your hangup, not society's. But tell you what, why don't you go into work on Monday and share your rant with your co-workers.

1. Gay bashing (verbal or physical) is real, for some supposedly straight men are gay themselves or are insecure about their heterosexuality. So they beat up gays to relieve their inner tension and fears.

2. All decent people, of course, should work to stop any gay bashing.

3. I DO understand, however, the OP's frustration when it comes to language.

a. This very morning I read an article in a liberal magazine that discussed an author's life. The author identifies as "binary." Therefore, the article used the pronoun "they" to refer to the author. In other words, not "He likes ice cream" or "She likes ice cream" but "They like ice cream." I guess that means that both sides of the author like ice cream.

(i) Of course, we will all get used to this change. After all, it seems that almost everyone now accepts "Every student should bring THEIR book tomorrow." Because I am very old, it sticks in my craw. So I will say that "Everyone should bring his or her book." But I no longer dare use "his" to refer to both genders.
You guys just can't make up your minds...first you want everyone working, working hard, no unemployment, no welfare. That's fine. Then you want people fired just for being gay. Makes zero sense. Take your ball and go home. Game over.
From the link;
"Donovan sees himself as a member of the earliest generation of gay men who could be free to ditch the “victim mentality” of queer politics. In Androphilia, he praises activists who fought to decriminalize gay sex and to combat institutional indifference to AIDS “It would be remiss not to credit the Gay Rights Movement for fighting against this sort of oppression, intolerance, and intentional negligence,” he writes, but “having achieved relative tolerance for same-sex-oriented people in mainstream culture, and having brought an end to police harassment and widespread discrimination, the Gay Rights Movement has turned to nitpicking.”
I've known people who've been fired for being gay.
I've known people who've been beaten up for being gay.

The fact your bigotry is no longer fashionable is your hangup, not society's. But tell you what, why don't you go into work on Monday and share your rant with your co-workers.

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And you have black friends and Spanish friends
Jesus youre such a backwater hick

I agree with millennials when they say boomers need to die
You Left wing loser boomers can't die fast enough

Now all we need is Mrs fire Island to show up and ill be all set
And you have black friends and Spanish friends
Jesus youre such a backwater hick

I agree with millennials when they say boomers need to die
You Left wing loser boomers can't die fast enough

Now all we need is Mrs fire Island to show up and ill be all set

Cleetus, you missed the point entirely... The point is, gay people have had to put up with awful shit all the time. You are not being oppressed because you have to act decently.

LIke I said, assuming you have a job (unlikely), please share your thoughts on the LGBT complex with your coworkers. Let me know how long you have a job.

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