A List of Lies From the Debate

If you poll the average voter, the average voter will say they don't want all abortion outlawed

However, if you poll the same people about term limits on abortion, the average voter will say that they want term limits

So, as I said, democrats took this to heart and sold Constitutional amendments all over the country in states like Ohio to revive the right to abortion, but failed to mention that these state constitutions never mentioned any age limits on abortion.


Democrats knew that if Americans voted on the truth, they would lose the ability for late term abortions, so they just hid the truth in the legislative wording.

Now abortions in Ohio are unregulated, it is just between the mother and the doctor.
Just stop. Late term abortions are only legal in rare cases where the life of the mother is at risk.

They are rare and should not be part of the abortion debate
You base all your “feelings” on the actions of this one actual murderer? A convicted murderer at that?
He is just an adjunct.

Again, these state constitutional amendment on purpose do not put any age restrictions on abortions
Over and over Trump told outrageous lies

“Blue states are killing babies after they’re born…”?

What an absurd claim! What kind of person would say something that insane?

Trump claimed responsibility for capping insulin costs at $35. That’s false. He instituted a pilot program that helped some people in some cases.

Biden included that into his IRA for virtually all people

And many many more lies. That’s all Trump did was lie

Apparently Trumpers refuse to read the link in the OP

Trump did nothing BUT lie the entire evening
No, it's not.

Geez, that lie has been debunked for decades.

Go on, keep defending that big lie by lying more. It will send so many more votes to the Democrats.
New York celebrated passing late term abortion by lighting the world trade in pink. You really don't know what your party represents.
1. Seven states have no restrictions on abortions. So "partial birth abortions" are legal. Trump is CORRECT.

Both men told lies, exaggerated, and got facts and figures wrong.

2. Pelosi's video accepts responsibility for J6 by NOT calling up the NG as requested by Trump and Sund.
late term abortions are done only when necessary, and if a child is kllled after birth, that is no longer an "abortion:" is it? and 50 states have laws that cover infanticide.
This is a lie. He did not CREATE 15 million jobs. 15 million people returned to the jobs lost not due to Trump, but due to the covid shutdowns; a leftist agenda item.
That is the lie. Some returned to their old jobs. Millions did not. Millions got NEW jobs and even after the nine millions jobs were replaced, he created six million more and counting

And again. There was no guarantee that those jobs would ever be filled after the economy cratered. Biden made sure that did not happen
That is the lie. Some returned to their old jobs. Millions did not. Millions got NEW jobs and even after the nine millions jobs were replaced, he created six million more and counting

And again. There was no guarantee that those jobs would ever be filled after the economy cratered. Biden made sure that did not happen
Of all those millions who returned to jobs, their old ones or not, they were still "RETURNING" to jobs. Not one job was created by Joe Biden.

That is fact.
Of all those millions who returned to jobs, their old ones or not, they were still "RETURNING" to jobs. Not one job was created by Joe Biden.

That is fact.
Again. That accounts for nine million “returned jobs “ ( lost on theTrump admin)

Six million and counting added since then.

Along with higher wages
Over and over Trump told outrageous lies

“Blue states are killing babies after they’re born…”?

What an absurd claim! What kind of person would say something that insane?

Trump claimed responsibility for capping insulin costs at $35. That’s false. He instituted a pilot program that helped some people in some cases.

Biden included that into his IRA for virtually all people

And many many more lies. That’s all Trump did was lie

Biden said many lies also. Guess you forgot about those.

late term abortions are done only when necessary, and if a child is killed after birth, that is no longer an "abortion:" is it? and 50 states have laws that cover infanticide.
Trump called out VA governor Northam for his "late term abortion stance". It is TRUE.
Come on man, Biden has a 6 handicap and can drve 300 yards off the tee.
i'm not sure biden plays golf.. but big deal.
Trump called out VA governor Northam for his "late term abortion stance". It is TRUE.

is abortion legal after the child is born? it is born., it is a child. killing it is not abortion., is it?

killing a child is murder, self defense, manslaughter, or tragic accident but it is not, and can never be, abortio0n.

is abortion legal after the child is born? it is born., it is a child. killing it is not abortion., is it?

killing a child is murder, self defense, manslaughter, or tragic accident but it is not, and can never be, abortio0n.
Seven democrat states have NO RESTRICTIONS on abortion.

Trump called out Northam for infanticide.

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