A List of Lies From the Debate

As usual, trump began with his Liathon early and never stopped. He is a brash and bullying con man. Biden did not help himself. He did not rest any fear that he is too old to do the job.

A good hearted old man against a devious lying con man. That was pretty much the night.
Nice going jimboliar. All your hard campaigning for Trump paid off with a resounding victory.
Oh you wanted Poopeypants to win? Well then you should have been keeping your giant yapper shut all these months.
No, it's not
Geez, that lie has been debunked for decades.
Go on, keep defending that big lie by lying more. It will send so many more votes to the Democrats.
The CNN question was about "seven states that have no restrictions on abortion"

As usual, trump began with his Liathon early and never stopped. He is a brash and bullying con man. Biden did not help himself. He did not rest any fear that he is too old to do the job.

A good hearted old man against a devious lying con man. That was pretty much the night.
Debate Disaster *Joe is brain dead.
That was pretty much the night.
NO state allows babies to be killed after they are born

What a stupid … even insane… lie
As we saw with Dr. Kermit in PA, these types of crimes go on unreported for decades.

That is because abortion had become a political football, so they chose to turn a blind eye to all of what he had done

Dr. Kermit was actually the number on mass murderer in US history, killing viable infants and mothers alike, but the media hid it all.
Biden created 15 million jobs

Trump lost 3 million
This is a lie. He did not CREATE 15 million jobs. 15 million people returned to the jobs lost not due to Trump, but due to the covid shutdowns; a leftist agenda item.
Yet that wasn't Trump's claim. He said Democrats want to kill babies after birth.

And you know that. Your lie, as usual, is very deliberate.

All of the Trump cultists here are lying about that.

The Lord of Lies approves of the Trump cult.
If you poll the average voter, the average voter will say they don't want all abortion outlawed

However, if you poll the same people about term limits on abortion, the average voter will say that they want term limits

So, as I said, democrats took this to heart and sold Constitutional amendments all over the country in states like Ohio to revive the right to abortion, but failed to mention that these state constitutions never mentioned any age limits on abortion.


Democrats knew that if Americans voted on the truth, they would lose the ability for late term abortions, so they just hid the truth in the legislative wording.

Now abortions in Ohio are unregulated, it is just between the mother and the doctor.
As we saw with Dr. Kermit in PA, these types of crimes go on unreported for decades.

That is because abortion had become a political football, so they chose to turn a blind eye to all of what he had done

Dr. Kermit was actually the number on mass murderer in US history, killing viable infants and mothers alike, but the media hid it all.
As we saw with Dr. Kermit in PA, these types of crimes go on unreported for decades.

That is because abortion had become a political football, so they chose to turn a blind eye to all of what he had done

Dr. Kermit was actually the number on mass murderer in US history, killing viable infants and mothers alike, but the media hid it all.
You base all your “feelings” on the actions of this one actual murderer? A convicted murderer at that?

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