The liberal double standard on Homosexuality and Religion: In one cartoon

So why is it okay to "come out" but not profess the faith?

I could give a shit whether Tebow is a Christian or whether Collins is gay. In either case it is none of my business just as it is none of anyone's business but their own. The truth of the matter is you could probably switch the guy with the mike around and use this cartoon to make fun of the right wing. It would probably be more accurate.
Which brings us to why do you always try to pick a fight by posting crap? I suspect you do this because you are too ignorant to post anything remotely intelligent.
Some people are ignorant but they are smart enough to hide it from others. Other people are ignorant but they want to announce their ignorance to the world. Clearly you are in the second group.

It's funny though, you accuse me of announcing my ignorance to the world, but here you are removing all doubt as to yours.

"It is better to be silent and thought a fool, than to speak out an remove all doubt."

-Maurice Switzer
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"NFL player announces he is a Christian." No one would bother to read that, who cares? It's novelty VS. boring, that's all. Even so Tebow got far more publicity than his mediocre gameplay warranted because he was a very public Christian.

He got more NEGATIVE publicity. Please, try not to leave important facts out, as you often do.

No he didn't.

Quite the contrary.

It probably extended his career.

If you call failing to land a contract in the CFL (Canadian Football League) "extending his career." Funny how he's a sports commentator, 5 years out of college.
He got more NEGATIVE publicity. Please, try not to leave important facts out, as you often do.

No he didn't.

Quite the contrary.

It probably extended his career.

If you call failing to land a contract in the CFL (Canadian Football League) "extending his career." Funny how he's a sports commentator, 5 years out of college.

Are you a football fan? I mean.....are you able to grasp the reasons why this guy is no longer playing professional football?

If so, please list them.
No he didn't.

Quite the contrary.

It probably extended his career.

If you call failing to land a contract in the CFL (Canadian Football League) "extending his career." Funny how he's a sports commentator, 5 years out of college.

Are you a football fan? I mean.....are you able to grasp the reasons why this guy is no longer playing professional football?

If so, please list them.

I can name a couple right off. He was lied to by John Elway after being promised the starting job the following year. That is until the Broncos traded for Peyton Manning. He was traded to the Jets only to be used like a Swiss Army Knife, and then got sent to New England where he never played a snap. All this began when the media went into a feeding frenzy over his kneeling and praying to God on the sidelines, an overt display of his faith. Yeah, I know exactly why he lost his career in football. He was used as a lightning rod for all the PC liberal media types. Nobody wants a Christian stealing the spotlight. But if you simply come out, you're a hero. Funny how that works.
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If you call failing to land a contract in the CFL (Canadian Football League) "extending his career." Funny how he's a sports commentator, 5 years out of college.

Are you a football fan? I mean.....are you able to grasp the reasons why this guy is no longer playing professional football?

If so, please list them.

I can name a couple right off. He was lied to by John Elway after being promised the starting job the following year. That is until the Broncos traded for Peyton Manning. He was traded to the Jets only to be used like a Swiss Army Knife, and then got sent to New England where he never played a snap. All this began when the media went into a feeding frenzy over his kneeling and praying to God on the sidelines, an overt display of his faith. Yeah, I know exactly why he lost his career in football. He was used as a lightning rod for all the PC liberal media types. Nobody wants a Christian stealing the spotlight. But if you simply come out, you're a hero. Funny how that works.

Hey......great analysis! He is not playing because he prays to god? The media killed his playing career? Brilliant.
Are you a football fan? I mean.....are you able to grasp the reasons why this guy is no longer playing professional football?

If so, please list them.

I can name a couple right off. He was lied to by John Elway after being promised the starting job the following year. That is until the Broncos traded for Peyton Manning. He was traded to the Jets only to be used like a Swiss Army Knife, and then got sent to New England where he never played a snap. All this began when the media went into a feeding frenzy over his kneeling and praying to God on the sidelines, an overt display of his faith. Yeah, I know exactly why he lost his career in football. He was used as a lightning rod for all the PC liberal media types. Nobody wants a Christian stealing the spotlight. But if you simply come out, you're a hero. Funny how that works.

Hey......great analysis! He is not playing because he prays to god? The media killed his playing career? Brilliant.

Nobody likes a liability playing on their team. What better way to do that than to make him a source of negativity. It strikes me that nobody would like a Christian taking the spotlight, but would turn around and glorify the first guy to come out.
If you call failing to land a contract in the CFL (Canadian Football League) "extending his career." Funny how he's a sports commentator, 5 years out of college.

Are you a football fan? I mean.....are you able to grasp the reasons why this guy is no longer playing professional football?

If so, please list them.

I can name a couple right off. He was lied to by John Elway after being promised the starting job the following year. That is until the Broncos traded for Peyton Manning. He was traded to the Jets only to be used like a Swiss Army Knife, and then got sent to New England where he never played a snap. All this began when the media went into a feeding frenzy over his kneeling and praying to God on the sidelines, an overt display of his faith. Yeah, I know exactly why he lost his career in football. He was used as a lightning rod for all the PC liberal media types. Nobody wants a Christian stealing the spotlight. But if you simply come out, you're a hero. Funny how that works.

This is as ignorant and as ridiculous as your OP.

You’re trying so desperately – and failing – to contrive a myth of the ‘Christian victim,’ ‘persecuted’ by the ‘liberal media,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
If you call failing to land a contract in the CFL (Canadian Football League) "extending his career." Funny how he's a sports commentator, 5 years out of college.

Are you a football fan? I mean.....are you able to grasp the reasons why this guy is no longer playing professional football?

If so, please list them.

I can name a couple right off. He was lied to by John Elway after being promised the starting job the following year. That is until the Broncos traded for Peyton Manning. He was traded to the Jets only to be used like a Swiss Army Knife, and then got sent to New England where he never played a snap. All this began when the media went into a feeding frenzy over his kneeling and praying to God on the sidelines, an overt display of his faith. Yeah, I know exactly why he lost his career in football. He was used as a lightning rod for all the PC liberal media types. Nobody wants a Christian stealing the spotlight. But if you simply come out, you're a hero. Funny how that works.

Super Bowl 2014: Religion runs deep for many NFL players and teams |
But religion in the NFL goes much deeper than what is visible on the surface, players and team chaplains say. The importance of religion is embedded in the fabric of franchises, a tangible part of the weekly routine. Teams across the league have chaplains or other religious figures who lead services and often travel with the team, helping establish rituals players and coaches use for emotional and spiritual support. Historically, Evangelical Christian players, specifically, have been outspoken about their faith and used their platform in the NFL to spread their beliefs.

go fuck your ignorant fucking moron. for once in your pathetic life educate yourself about a subject first before wasting everyone's fucking time with your own stupidity.
"The faith" isn't real. Homosexuality is. News organizations should focus on real issues.

So your LGBT protests are against nothing.

Sounds like you should talk to Jerry Seinfeld to make a TV show of it.
Are you a football fan? I mean.....are you able to grasp the reasons why this guy is no longer playing professional football?

If so, please list them.

I can name a couple right off. He was lied to by John Elway after being promised the starting job the following year. That is until the Broncos traded for Peyton Manning. He was traded to the Jets only to be used like a Swiss Army Knife, and then got sent to New England where he never played a snap. All this began when the media went into a feeding frenzy over his kneeling and praying to God on the sidelines, an overt display of his faith. Yeah, I know exactly why he lost his career in football. He was used as a lightning rod for all the PC liberal media types. Nobody wants a Christian stealing the spotlight. But if you simply come out, you're a hero. Funny how that works.

This is as ignorant and as ridiculous as your OP.

You’re trying so desperately – and failing – to contrive a myth of the ‘Christian victim,’ ‘persecuted’ by the ‘liberal media,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

How do you know how much or how little it takes for Christians to feel threatened by an encroaching alien and hostile ideology in the land and on the sociological landscape where we once felt secure?

How many cancer cells would you consider safe to have in your body?

How much feces do you permit in the punchbowl and still feel it's safe to drink?

You live here but you don't pay attention to anything but your own selfish concerns.

We feel your encroachment and we can't not react to it.

So, you had BETTER figure out how to make nice with us.

You saw what happened with the Gay Protest of Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson.

He's baaaack.
"The faith" isn't real. Homosexuality is. News organizations should focus on real issues.

So your LGBT protests are against nothing.

Sounds like you should talk to Jerry Seinfeld to make a TV show of it.
No, that's incorrect. Westboro talking monkeys holding up signs that say "God hates fags" at heterosexual US servicemembers' funerals are protesting against nothing. If the civil rights of LGBT Americans such as a legally recognized union between two people are "nothing", then so are Christians' civil rights.

'Equality' does not equate to 'tyranny'. If this issue of gay marriage were left up to "state's rights", the Southern neo-Confederate redneck red states who can't grow up out of the slavery era would maintain exclusion and bigotry as a standard practice the same way that they maintained that slavery was a Christian value.

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