The liberal double standard on Homosexuality and Religion: In one cartoon

So why is it okay to "come out" but not profess the faith?

I could give a shit whether Tebow is a Christian or whether Collins is gay. In either case it is none of my business just as it is none of anyone's business but their own. The truth of the matter is you could probably switch the guy with the mike around and use this cartoon to make fun of the right wing. It would probably be more accurate.
Which brings us to why do you always try to pick a fight by posting crap? I suspect you do this because you are too ignorant to post anything remotely intelligent.
Some people are ignorant but they are smart enough to hide it from others. Other people are ignorant but they want to announce their ignorance to the world. Clearly you are in the second group.

So why is it okay to "come out" but not profess the faith?

At least you’re consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The premise of your post fails as a fallacy, you’re comparing two completely different issues, where one has nothing to do with the other.

When a gay American makes known his sexual orientation, he does so in the context of many states – perhaps his state of residence – that have laws on their books or provisions in their constitutions which deny gay Americans the right to access marriage law, where the majority of states otherwise do not allow gay Americans to marry, and where many states have no public accommodations laws for gay Americans, allowing them to be subject to discriminatory actions by business owners without recourse.

Now contrast that with religious expression.

Let’s use Christianity as an example. No state has a law or provision in its constitution disallowing Christians to access marriage law, all the states afford marriage to Christians (except for Christians who happen to be gay, of course), and there are Federal public accommodations laws that all the states are subject to which prohibit business owners from discriminating on the basis of religion. In fact, religious expression is protected by the Federal Constitution, where no person of faith need fear being discriminated against solely as a consequence of his faith; a guarantee not currently afforded gay Americans with regard to their right to express themselves freely as individuals.

One again you fail in your inane, childish, and partisan attempt to portray ‘liberals’ as being somehow ‘inconsistent’ or ‘hypercritical’ with regard to their advocacy of citizens’ civil liberties.
So why is it okay to "come out" but not profess the faith?


You understand that many spiritual and religious people think that a millionaire athlete thanking God for making good passes was the height of arrogance and pride -- as if an all knowing creator is choosing sides in an NFL contest seeped in excessive consumption of alcohol and gambling. As if the God of the Heavens chooses Timmy to win over other QB's because Timmy prays more and thanks Him throughout the game.

Catholic Priests like to joke about Notre Dame Fighting Irish being God's favorite team. They do this with their tongue planted in their cheek. Take note Christians.

The message of Christ was love and tolerance UNCONDITIONAL -- not OT tribal codes about fish, clothing, and sleeping arrangement. Get a grip and try to read the bible in historical context.

The hero is the one standing sacrificing himself for the good of other. The first openly gay NFL draftee makes it easier for the next one. Christ would be proud.

Christ is rather annoyed with Tebow.

[ame=]Tim Tebow and Jesus last season. Funniest skit EVA - YouTube[/ame]
Also note that in the history of the US society, Christians have always had it there way, while gays were persecuted, condemned and killed.
"NFL player announces he is a Christian." No one would bother to read that, who cares? It's novelty VS. boring, that's all. Even so Tebow got far more publicity than his mediocre gameplay warranted because he was a very public Christian.

He got more NEGATIVE publicity. Please, try not to leave important facts out, as you often do.

No he didn't.

Quite the contrary.

It probably extended his career.

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