The liberal double standard on Homosexuality and Religion: In one cartoon

LOL, you're so predictable. I ask two very simple questions that annihilate your entire viewpoint and you know it and that's why you refuse to answer. Thanks for conceding defeat so quickly this time.

You're a pathetic racist, homophobe who hasn't amounted to shit in life. Be proud.

They dont annhilate anything except any expectation I had for something like a discussion from you. The questions are irrelevant. Which is why answering is a waste of time.
You're done, sambo.
Just imagine if you weren't so lazy. Imagine if you went to school and got yourself an education. You'd actually be able to have a discussion like an adult.

Dare to dream.
Yawn. You want the rest of my sandwich? I won't finish it.
They dont annhilate anything except any expectation I had for something like a discussion from you. The questions are irrelevant. Which is why answering is a waste of time.
You're done, sambo.
Just imagine if you weren't so lazy. Imagine if you went to school and got yourself an education. You'd actually be able to have a discussion like an adult.

Dare to dream.
Yawn. You want the rest of my sandwich? I won't finish it.

Not surprising, you don't finish anything.
I finished you in this discussion. You're just too stupid to realize it.

LOL Ok. Just like your failed business, you failed in this thread. As usual. Everything you do is a failure.

And yet I still bent you over. How to explain that?

You're delusional. You refusing to answer a question does not equal you bending me over.

But when I want to be bent over, you can explain to me how to operate a failed business. Deal?
LOL Ok. Just like your failed business, you failed in this thread. As usual. Everything you do is a failure.

And yet I still bent you over. How to explain that?

You're delusional. You refusing to answer a question does not equal you bending me over.

But when I want to be bent over, you can explain to me how to operate a failed business. Deal?

I explained patiently the question was irrelevant to the discussion. If you dont understand that, get someone smarter to explain it. Like maybe a kindergartner.
You wouldnt know how to operate any business. My words are wasted on you.
And yet I still bent you over. How to explain that?

You're delusional. You refusing to answer a question does not equal you bending me over.

But when I want to be bent over, you can explain to me how to operate a failed business. Deal?

I explained patiently the question was irrelevant to the discussion. If you dont understand that, get someone smarter to explain it. Like maybe a kindergartner.
You wouldnt know how to operate any business. My words are wasted on you.

Maybe if you weren't delusional and a liar your business wouldn't be closed down now. Just a thought.
You're delusional. You refusing to answer a question does not equal you bending me over.

But when I want to be bent over, you can explain to me how to operate a failed business. Deal?

I explained patiently the question was irrelevant to the discussion. If you dont understand that, get someone smarter to explain it. Like maybe a kindergartner.
You wouldnt know how to operate any business. My words are wasted on you.

Maybe if you weren't delusional and a liar your business wouldn't be closed down now. Just a thought.

You can't explain why your questions are irrelevant and I'm delusional?
Guess again, klondike.
I explained patiently the question was irrelevant to the discussion. If you dont understand that, get someone smarter to explain it. Like maybe a kindergartner.
You wouldnt know how to operate any business. My words are wasted on you.

Maybe if you weren't delusional and a liar your business wouldn't be closed down now. Just a thought.

You can't explain why your questions are irrelevant and I'm delusional?
Guess again, klondike.

Of course I can't explain why they're irrelevant.

Because they're not irrelevant.

You literally show how insane you are with each time you post.
Maybe if you weren't delusional and a liar your business wouldn't be closed down now. Just a thought.

You can't explain why your questions are irrelevant and I'm delusional?
Guess again, klondike.

Of course I can't explain why they're irrelevant.

Because they're not irrelevant.

You literally show how insane you are with each time you post.

They are irrelevant. Please explain the relevance. Show how either answer would refute what I wrote.
This ought to be good.
Who are you to tell me my faith isn't real? Who is the media to tell me my faith isn't real? Are you nuts?
Your "faith" is in a fairy tale of an invisible man in the sky whose perfect creation was ruined by a talking snake. Your "faith" isn't real because there isn't an invisible man in the sky nor was there ever a talking snake.

Faith is very real, and just because you do not believe in a higher being, that does not mean that one does not exist. When you completely discount your opponents side of the argument, you make your own case much weaker. You are doing pretty much what they do; you're just doing it from a different angle.

If you grant this point........that a higher being exists......then you open the door for the kind of bullshit that we see from religious nutbags of every stripe. Essentially, a person can make up anything and call it "faith".

I will grant that others truly believe in higher beings. Their belief exists. But the being.....not so much.
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Only in some warped world view are the two things even remotely comparable. People have been afraid to come out as openly gay because of persecution. The reason Collins is a story is because he is breaking that barrier.

Tim Tebow is one of many Christian athletes. The vast majority of which are openly religious and no one gives a crap.
You can't explain why your questions are irrelevant and I'm delusional?
Guess again, klondike.

Of course I can't explain why they're irrelevant.

Because they're not irrelevant.

You literally show how insane you are with each time you post.

They are irrelevant. Please explain the relevance. Show how either answer would refute what I wrote.
This ought to be good.

You're literally insane.

You said:
Homosexuals engage in unprotected anonymous sex and as a result suffer many diseases, STDs, AIDs, herpes, gay bowel syndrome and a bunch of others. No one is forcing that on them. No one is making them engage in that behavior. But it's what they do. Thats the gay lifestyle.

So I asked if you thought that Heterosexuals also engage in (your words) unprotected anonymous sex?

And do you think all Homosexuals engage in unprotected anonymous sex?

Both completely relevant questions as I am taking your words and your asinine statement verbatim.

This is where you dismiss my questions again because you know you are a homophobic piece of shit.
The big question is this: how do you decide which science to believe and which to disregard?

I only disregard the views of scientists when other scientists review their ideas and thoroughly debunk them.

That's because you're stupid and haven't been taught anything.

Yeah. Screw those elitist scientific studies. Talking snakes and sky wizards for the win!
yeah science isn't political, I mean first you were saying we were all going to burn up, now we're all freezing to death. Oh they did this same oscillation in the 70s, hmmmmm
and forged document, political pressue

sorry but science is gravity, things you can do in a lab and replicate results over and over again, not theories that cant be proven, which just happens to lead to more government control, how convieeeenent
So why is it okay to "come out" but not profess the faith?


I don't know of anyone who wants TeBOW to shut up about his religion. Just slow down with the "God made me a superman" Shtick til ya get a job mkay?

Then again, I've never seen a gay person try to convert hetero's the way prostelyzers like TeBOW do.
Of course I can't explain why they're irrelevant.

Because they're not irrelevant.

You literally show how insane you are with each time you post.

They are irrelevant. Please explain the relevance. Show how either answer would refute what I wrote.
This ought to be good.

You're literally insane.

You said:
Homosexuals engage in unprotected anonymous sex and as a result suffer many diseases, STDs, AIDs, herpes, gay bowel syndrome and a bunch of others. No one is forcing that on them. No one is making them engage in that behavior. But it's what they do. Thats the gay lifestyle.

So I asked if you thought that Heterosexuals also engage in (your words) unprotected anonymous sex?

And do you think all Homosexuals engage in unprotected anonymous sex?

Both completely relevant questions as I am taking your words and your asinine statement verbatim.

This is where you dismiss my questions again because you know you are a homophobic piece of shit.

So if heterosexuals engage in unprotected anonymous sex does that make whatever gays do OK?
See, the question is irrelevant. Just like your posts.
They are irrelevant. Please explain the relevance. Show how either answer would refute what I wrote.
This ought to be good.

You're literally insane.

You said:
Homosexuals engage in unprotected anonymous sex and as a result suffer many diseases, STDs, AIDs, herpes, gay bowel syndrome and a bunch of others. No one is forcing that on them. No one is making them engage in that behavior. But it's what they do. Thats the gay lifestyle.

So I asked if you thought that Heterosexuals also engage in (your words) unprotected anonymous sex?

And do you think all Homosexuals engage in unprotected anonymous sex?

Both completely relevant questions as I am taking your words and your asinine statement verbatim.

This is where you dismiss my questions again because you know you are a homophobic piece of shit.

So if heterosexuals engage in unprotected anonymous sex does that make whatever gays do OK?
See, the question is irrelevant. Just like your posts.

What does that have to do with a gay man playing basketball?
"The faith" isn't real. Homosexuality is. News organizations should focus on real issues.

if you don't accept jesus before you die, it will be too late when you find out my faith is real.

Jesus Christ is more than just a name someone says they believe in. We can define words to mean all sorts of things, but that doesn't mean faith in a word means anything. It is the faith in the meaning behind the words that matter.

When you decide to make following Jesus about hate you are not showing faith in Jesus but faith in your own hate and weakness. Love your neighbor as yourself. Believe in a life devoted to that and you will be following Christ whether you call that path Christ or not.

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