The liberal double standard on Homosexuality and Religion: In one cartoon

TK and some others, Here's your sign:

Only in some warped world view are the two things even remotely comparable. People have been afraid to come out as openly gay because of persecution. The reason Collins is a story is because he is breaking that barrier.

Tim Tebow is one of many Christian athletes. The vast majority of which are openly religious and no one gives a crap.

Let's be honest, if you open yourself up to express and talk about your belief, then you open the door to ridicule and everyone else's interpretation of what a Christian "ought" to mean (particularly from those who practice and share no concept of faith at all). Those who have a problem seeing a person openly expressed their belief, have already settled in their mind their OWN views of what that individual's religion "should" become according to their worldly perception. They have an intolerance of a religion that is unwilling to adapt to their secular way of thinking, so they will mock people of faith into believing those worldly perceptions they want for them to condone and accept. Our nation's society has an intolerance towards a difference of opinion. They don't want religion to dictate how a person ought to live, which I find very understandable as you can't expect individuals who don't understand you views and beliefs to simply accept them because it's what you want. At the same a society which shares no belief WILL, most definitely, try to influence and push their views on any religion that opposes them (to include laws that forces people of faith to accept what contradicts with their own personal conviction). Any hopes our Founders had of a nation who's people can freely express one's belief according to their own conscience, is long gone.
Any hopes our Founders had of a nation who's people can freely express one's belief according to their own conscience, is long gone.
Oh we seem to be doing pretty well actually. The fight is over do you have to treat everyone the same at the courthouse, and when buying a cake?

No one said these cake-bakers couldn't be offended by homosexuality or homosexual marriage. That they are free to do so. It's what happens when you run your business using the same exclusions you'd find at your church? The Founders never really saw that one coming or they looked at like the Inn rule of long ago. If you rent lodging, you rent to all who can pay.
So why is it okay to "come out" but not profess the faith?


I'm sorry, I guess all those stories about Tebow and his Christian faith and how he pretty much can't stop talking about it, and how he was a "miracle baby" because his parents ignored some quack in the Philippines who suggested a theraputic abortion.

So when did they tell Tebow to put a sock in it?

Frankly, we see way too much of these idiots who praise God for winning a football game.

Because he can't solve war or famine or poverty or injustice, but the Sky Pixie is all over that three-point conversion.

[ame=]Atheist Comedy - God's Priorities - YouTube[/ame]
"The faith" isn't real. Homosexuality is. News organizations should focus on real issues.

Who are you to tell me my faith isn't real? Who is the media to tell me my faith isn't real? Are you nuts?

Actually what he means is that his faith is more real then your faith. So he tries and shove his faith onto you and everyone else who believes the Sun doesn't revolve around them.
"The faith" isn't real. Homosexuality is. News organizations should focus on real issues.

YAWN. Faith is very real to billions; much more than people like you. there are even homosexuals who have faith. are they half real?


your arrogance is disgusting; and you're doomed to stay disappointed
"The faith" isn't real. Homosexuality is. News organizations should focus on real issues.

Who are you to tell me my faith isn't real? Who is the media to tell me my faith isn't real? Are you nuts?

Actually what he means is that his faith is more real then your faith. So he tries and shove his faith onto you and everyone else who believes the Sun doesn't revolve around them.

i belive it boils down to his BELIEF that faith is not real or worthless is just as strong as others faith. thats why i feel atheism is a religion itself.
Are you a football fan? I mean.....are you able to grasp the reasons why this guy is no longer playing professional football?

If so, please list them.

I can name a couple right off. He was lied to by John Elway after being promised the starting job the following year. That is until the Broncos traded for Peyton Manning. He was traded to the Jets only to be used like a Swiss Army Knife, and then got sent to New England where he never played a snap. All this began when the media went into a feeding frenzy over his kneeling and praying to God on the sidelines, an overt display of his faith. Yeah, I know exactly why he lost his career in football. He was used as a lightning rod for all the PC liberal media types. Nobody wants a Christian stealing the spotlight. But if you simply come out, you're a hero. Funny how that works.

This is as ignorant and as ridiculous as your OP.

You’re trying so desperately – and failing – to contrive a myth of the ‘Christian victim,’ ‘persecuted’ by the ‘liberal media,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Any hopes our Founders had of a nation who's people can freely express one's belief according to their own conscience, is long gone.
Oh we seem to be doing pretty well actually. The fight is over do you have to treat everyone the same at the courthouse, and when buying a cake?

No one said these cake-bakers couldn't be offended by homosexuality or homosexual marriage. That they are free to do so. It's what happens when you run your business using the same exclusions you'd find at your church? The Founders never really saw that one coming or they looked at like the Inn rule of long ago. If you rent lodging, you rent to all who can pay.

There seems to have been a lot of offense taken by the media to the owners of Chic Fil-A for choosing to offer their own personal religious views with regard to homosexuality. Why should that even matter what they happen to believe or think, as they have never made an open business decision to deny service towards anyone? Media outlets like Saturday Night Live, David Letterman, or Bill Maher have at one time or another expressed the views regarding Christians, but that doesn't result in the same public outrage from believers towards those who only happen to be expressing the same choice of rendering an "opinion". Who do you think is being more tolerant towards a different point of view here?

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