The liberal NYT paid their female top editor less than their male top editor

The following article is FROM the New York Times. It makes your claim that they are a conservative paper laughable.

THE PUBLIC EDITOR - Is The New York Times a Liberal Newspaper? -

They not only admit it...they PROUDLY admit it!

"They"? Who is "they"?

Published: July 25, 2004
Oh right, "they" are really "him," and "is" is really "was". So here's a list of hardline conservatard articles from multiple authors, all published on May 24, 2014--yesterday.

NYT advocates for using Hispanic-American immigrants as slave labor
NYT joins the GOP in bashing Russia's annexation of Crimea
NYT shills for Jeb Bush's 2016 presidential run
NYT lauds corporations taking over pot industry

Read these and tell me that the New York Times is liberal. Go on, do it. And when you do, cite multiple quotes from each article or you're admitting to the world that you're full of shit.

You're a fucking tool. I clicked the one link 'NYT lauds corporate marijuana bla bla' They're not lauding shit. They're reporting on an issue. It's not even an editorial.
The following article is FROM the New York Times. It makes your claim that they are a conservative paper laughable.

THE PUBLIC EDITOR - Is The New York Times a Liberal Newspaper? -

They not only admit it...they PROUDLY admit it!

"They"? Who is "they"?

Published: July 25, 2004
Oh right, "they" are really "him," and "is" is really "was". So here's a list of hardline conservatard articles from multiple authors, all published on May 24, 2014--yesterday.

NYT advocates for using Hispanic-American immigrants as slave labor
NYT joins the GOP in bashing Russia's annexation of Crimea
NYT shills for Jeb Bush's 2016 presidential run
NYT lauds corporations taking over pot industry

Read these and tell me that the New York Times is liberal. Go on, do it. And when you do, cite multiple quotes from each article or you're admitting to the world that you're full of shit.

OK...I read them. Now tell me why you think THOSE articles in any way prove that the New York Times is a conservative paper? Great article on Jeb Bush by the way! It's sad that instead of Barry (who plays the part of an intellectual and a leader) we could have had someone as competent as the younger Bush.

And you still haven't addressed the NYT's piece lauding it's liberal credentials!
The following article is FROM the New York Times. It makes your claim that they are a conservative paper laughable.

THE PUBLIC EDITOR - Is The New York Times a Liberal Newspaper? -

They not only admit it...they PROUDLY admit it!

"They"? Who is "they"?

Published: July 25, 2004
Oh right, "they" are really "him," and "is" is really "was". So here's a list of hardline conservatard articles from multiple authors, all published on May 24, 2014--yesterday.

NYT advocates for using Hispanic-American immigrants as slave labor
NYT joins the GOP in bashing Russia's annexation of Crimea
NYT shills for Jeb Bush's 2016 presidential run
NYT lauds corporations taking over pot industry

Read these and tell me that the New York Times is liberal. Go on, do it. And when you do, cite multiple quotes from each article or you're admitting to the world that you're full of shit.

You're a fucking tool. I clicked the one link 'NYT lauds corporate marijuana bla bla' They're not lauding shit. They're reporting on an issue. It's not even an editorial.

She's desperately shoveling some Grade A bull shit at this point because her claim is laughable and I think even SHE has figured that out! I predict that she'll revert to insults and a heavy dose of "you're all HATERS!" any second now!
The following article is FROM the New York Times. It makes your claim that they are a conservative paper laughable.

THE PUBLIC EDITOR - Is The New York Times a Liberal Newspaper? -

They not only admit it...they PROUDLY admit it!

"They"? Who is "they"?

Published: July 25, 2004
Oh right, "they" are really "him," and "is" is really "was". So here's a list of hardline conservatard articles from multiple authors, all published on May 24, 2014--yesterday.

NYT advocates for using Hispanic-American immigrants as slave labor
NYT joins the GOP in bashing Russia's annexation of Crimea
NYT shills for Jeb Bush's 2016 presidential run
NYT lauds corporations taking over pot industry

Read these and tell me that the New York Times is liberal. Go on, do it. And when you do, cite multiple quotes from each article or you're admitting to the world that you're full of shit.

You're a fucking tool. I clicked the one link 'NYT lauds corporate marijuana bla bla' They're not lauding shit. They're reporting on an issue. It's not even an editorial.

Great job, Gatsby! You're breaking free of your Wrongpublican conservatard mental programming! You see, the reason why you cannot discern a slant is because the liberal mindset is the most neutral and realistic. Reality is biased towards liberalism, because reality, like the liberal ideology, is objective and fact-based. That's why when you read that article all you saw was neutral, unbiased reporting--AKA, liberalism in action.

I haven't even been here a week and I've already redpilled someone to the inherent truthfulness of liberalism. Truly, I am a secular, nondenominational blessing upon this community.
Yea, I show you that you posted a retarded claim, and you can only attack me. I don't suffer fools, ass-wipe. Don't think I'm going to accord you an ounce of undue respect either.
"They"? Who is "they"?

Oh right, "they" are really "him," and "is" is really "was". So here's a list of hardline conservatard articles from multiple authors, all published on May 24, 2014--yesterday.

NYT advocates for using Hispanic-American immigrants as slave labor
NYT joins the GOP in bashing Russia's annexation of Crimea
NYT shills for Jeb Bush's 2016 presidential run
NYT lauds corporations taking over pot industry

Read these and tell me that the New York Times is liberal. Go on, do it. And when you do, cite multiple quotes from each article or you're admitting to the world that you're full of shit.

You're a fucking tool. I clicked the one link 'NYT lauds corporate marijuana bla bla' They're not lauding shit. They're reporting on an issue. It's not even an editorial.

Great job, Gatsby! You're breaking free of your Wrongpublican conservatard mental programming! You see, the reason why you cannot discern a slant is because the liberal mindset is the most neutral and realistic. Reality is biased towards liberalism, because reality, like the liberal ideology, is objective and fact-based. That's why when you read that article all you saw was neutral, unbiased reporting--AKA, liberalism in action.

I haven't even been here a week and I've already redpilled someone to the inherent truthfulness of liberalism. Truly, I am a secular, nondenominational blessing upon this community.

You haven't been here a week and you're in the running for "Most Clueless Poster"! The NY Times is a conservative newspaper? Even Jay Carney would have a tough time saying that with a straight face...

I'm amused by your notion that liberalism is "objective and fact-based" when we're talking about an Administration run by Progressive ideologues who continue to step on their own toes because their agenda disregards actual reality for a reality that they WISH existed. The Reason that Barry and the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight are struggling so mightily is that they DON'T deal well with the real world.
You're a fucking tool. I clicked the one link 'NYT lauds corporate marijuana bla bla' They're not lauding shit. They're reporting on an issue. It's not even an editorial.

Great job, Gatsby! You're breaking free of your Wrongpublican conservatard mental programming! You see, the reason why you cannot discern a slant is because the liberal mindset is the most neutral and realistic. Reality is biased towards liberalism, because reality, like the liberal ideology, is objective and fact-based. That's why when you read that article all you saw was neutral, unbiased reporting--AKA, liberalism in action.

I haven't even been here a week and I've already redpilled someone to the inherent truthfulness of liberalism. Truly, I am a secular, nondenominational blessing upon this community.

You haven't been here a week and you're in the running for "Most Clueless Poster"! The NY Times is a conservative newspaper? Even Jay Carney would have a tough time saying that with a straight face...

Once more, all of my fact-based analysis is completely blown away by your amazing comeback of "durrrr ur a idjit". Truly, my towering intellect is humbled by your low-brow piggishness. Gosh golly am I taken aback.

I'm amused by your notion that liberalism is "objective and fact-based" when we're talking about an Administration run by Progressive ideologues who continue to step on their own toes because their agenda disregards actual reality for a reality that they WISH existed. The Reason that Barry and the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight are struggling so mightily is that they DON'T deal well with the real world.

Give me one example of this being the case, and be sure to provide complete analysis and commentary on what constitutes them disregarding "actual reality," what constitutes them adopting "a reality that they WISH existed," and what constitutes President Obama and his administration "struggling so mightily" within that one example.
Great job, Gatsby! You're breaking free of your Wrongpublican conservatard mental programming! You see, the reason why you cannot discern a slant is because the liberal mindset is the most neutral and realistic. Reality is biased towards liberalism, because reality, like the liberal ideology, is objective and fact-based. That's why when you read that article all you saw was neutral, unbiased reporting--AKA, liberalism in action.

I haven't even been here a week and I've already redpilled someone to the inherent truthfulness of liberalism. Truly, I am a secular, nondenominational blessing upon this community.

You haven't been here a week and you're in the running for "Most Clueless Poster"! The NY Times is a conservative newspaper? Even Jay Carney would have a tough time saying that with a straight face...

Once more, all of my fact-based analysis is completely blown away by your amazing comeback of "durrrr ur a idjit". Truly, my towering intellect is humbled by your low-brow piggishness. Gosh golly am I taken aback.

I'm amused by your notion that liberalism is "objective and fact-based" when we're talking about an Administration run by Progressive ideologues who continue to step on their own toes because their agenda disregards actual reality for a reality that they WISH existed. The Reason that Barry and the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight are struggling so mightily is that they DON'T deal well with the real world.

Give me one example of this being the case, and be sure to provide complete analysis and commentary on what constitutes them disregarding "actual reality," what constitutes them adopting "a reality that they WISH existed," and what constitutes President Obama and his administration "struggling so mightily" within that one example.

Is this Keith Olbermann? Only someone as egotistical and pompous as Keith would claim to have a "towering intellect" while displaying NONE. Here's how it works...before you can claim to HAVE an intellect (let alone one that towers:cuckoo:) you have to make points that have at least some credence.

You seem to be confused on how this whole debate thing works. You make stupid statements. (Like the New York Times is a conservative paper) I point out that your statement is laughable and you respond by demanding things from the Times that show they are liberally slanted and I do just that by providing an actual editorial by the Times political editor boasting about how liberal they are! You then ignore what you've demanded be provided...and declare yourself the "victor".

Now you want me to educate you again on the shortcomings of the Barack Obama Administration? Why would I BOTHER when you've failed so miserably to address your first demand? You're obviously not intelligent enough to handle give and take.
Is this Keith Olbermann? Only someone as egotistical and pompous as Keith would claim to have a "towering intellect

Or just you're run of the mill troll, which is what he is. I spotted it a million miles away.

Let's give LM some credit here, Gatsby! Anyone who can come on this board and declare that the New York Times is a "conservatard" publication isn't a run of the mill troll...oh no...anyone who can do THAT is a world class troll!:udaman::udaman:

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