The Liberal Rage!,We Cannot Have A Liar On The Supreme Court!,Oh,So Liberals Never Lie?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :puhleeze: You have to laugh, right? Liberals are angry that we now have someone who lies on the Supreme Court? Now, what liberals are infamous for lying?
Can we all make a list?
:iyfyus.jpg: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Di Fi is near the tipity top of my Sheite list...

California's Sen. Dianne Feinstein's estimated $94 million net worth makes her the second-wealthiest serving senator. Blum Capital, a private equity firm founded in 1975 by her husband. Richard Blum, is the source for most of that wealth. (Blum Capital...Think China) O & yes, I guess she could have afforded to keep her Chinese spy on after all, on her own dime

O yeh, the hubby tags along on Gov. meeting but plugs his ears when accessing privileged conversations...
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Di Fi is near the tipity top of my Sheite list...

California's Sen. Dianne Feinstein's estimated $94 million net worth makes her the second-wealthiest serving senator. Blum Capital, a private equity firm founded in 1975 by her husband. Richard Blum, is the source for most of that wealth. (Blum Capital...Think China) O & yes, I guess she could have afforded to keep her Chinese spy on after all, on her own dime

O yeh, the hubby tags along on Gov. meeting but plugs his ears when accessing privileged conversations...

She made my shit list years ago to.

She is against free speech.

Feinstein wants to limit who can be a journalist

Why Sen. Feinstein Is Wrong About Who’s a “Real Reporter”
Di Fi is near the tipity top of my Sheite list...

California's Sen. Dianne Feinstein's estimated $94 million net worth makes her the second-wealthiest serving senator. Blum Capital, a private equity firm founded in 1975 by her husband. Richard Blum, is the source for most of that wealth. (Blum Capital...Think China) O & yes, I guess she could have afforded to keep her Chinese spy on after all, on her own dime

O yeh, the hubby tags along on Gov. meeting but plugs his ears when accessing privileged conversations...

ahh,,the address of the home where I was molested?,,ahhh,,,hmm,,,,I dont recall
Host: so Hillary, have you ever lied to the American People?
Hillary:,,,,ha ha ha ha,,,,oh comon, you are kidding right? I have never lied to anyone in my life
Liberalism is a social disease. They cannot help themselves. That is why they are so beside themselves.

It can be boiled down to the rudiment, which is moral relativism... In the absence of a moral authority innate and bigger than ourselves 'we' become our own moral arbiters, in 'our' respective worlds views... Who better to exemplify this than Di-Fi who tries to lie to the public on matters of 2A to rape and gang bangs in a despotic pursuit of subjugating the masses... There will be a special place in eternity for the likes of her (I trust).
Anthony Weener: I saw the photo,,and I am 100% sure that that is not my schlong !!!
At least Barack Obama didn't lie to us about his beer drinking (Wow, I am actually able pay him a compliment after all), lol. Skip to last few seconds for his six pack revelation...

At least Barack Obama didn't lie to us about his beer drinking (Wow, I am actually able pay him a compliment after all), lol. Skip to last few seconds for his six pack revelation...

well he did lie when he informed that we have 57 states
They treated him so bad that asleep Democrats who generally don’t care wing got woke and are pissed at their own party
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :puhleeze: You have to laugh, right? Liberals are angry that we now have someone who lies on the Supreme Court? Now, what liberals are infamous for lying?
Can we all make a list?
:iyfyus.jpg: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

What is it we think Judge K lied about?

From what I was reading it seems to be his college drinking habits, nothing really criminal.

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