The liberals' official hostility to religion takes a strange new turn

You do realize that conservatives, Republicans RULE the House of Representatives, don't you? and that this Franking committee for the House is made up of 3 republicans and 3 democrats? And that "liberals" are NOT the ones that came up with this "franking Rule" for the House?

The Senate, ruled by Liberals/Democrats CAN SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS or HAPPY HANUKKAH their CORRESPONDENCE with their constituents....

this info is in your link.


Liarbility is such a tool.

Actually, of course, Raving Asshole, you are wrong again.

As I correctly noted, the ones making these idiotic rulings and determinations are not the Republican majority or the Democrat Parody minority Members. It is a bunch of staffers living in the make-believe world of Washington where your kind of rancid stupidity prevails. Politically correct think (i.e., mindless sheep liberalism) is the orthodoxy of that culture.

Quite utterly pathetic. Almost as pathetic as Raving Asshole.
Oh gosh would think that you would read up on the ops you post instead of just parroting Drudge....

The Franking committee IS NOT made up of a bunch of staffers living in the make believe world as you just stated. the Franking committee is made up of where you get your BS from is beyond me???

anyway... looks like you big spenders of our tax monies have whined so loud, the franking committee are going to review their original decisions....and spend millions on our dime, to send Christmas cards and Hanukkah cards and Ramadan cards out to their campaign contributors....

anyone here ever get a Christmas card from your senators or Representatives....Matt and I never have, the decades we have been eligible to vote....

You do know that NO ONE can take Christ away from you, don't you? Just a comes from within oneself....and THAT can never be taken away....

Merry Christmas Liability


Liarbility is such a tool.

Actually, of course, Raving Asshole, you are wrong again.

As I correctly noted, the ones making these idiotic rulings and determinations are not the Republican majority or the Democrat Parody minority Members. It is a bunch of staffers living in the make-believe world of Washington where your kind of rancid stupidity prevails. Politically correct think (i.e., mindless sheep liberalism) is the orthodoxy of that culture.

Quite utterly pathetic. Almost as pathetic as Raving Asshole.
Oh gosh would think that you would read up on the ops you post instead of just parroting Drudge....

The Franking committee IS NOT made up of a bunch of staffers living in the make believe world as you just stated. the Franking committee is made up of where you get your BS from is beyond me???

anyway... looks like you big spenders of our tax monies have whined so loud, the franking committee are going to review their original decisions....and spend millions on our dime, to send Christmas cards and Hanukkah cards and Ramadan cards out to their campaign contributors....

anyone here ever get a Christmas card from your senators or Representatives....Matt and I never have, the decades we have been eligible to vote....

You do know that NO ONE can take Christ away from you, don't you? Just a comes from within oneself....and THAT can never be taken away....

Merry Christmas Liability


One MIGHT expect you to have SOME marginal ability to get a handle on how Congress works before pontificating on it.


But sometimes, I suppose, our expectations are just wishful thinking.

OF COURSE the COMMITTEE is made up of Congress-critters, Sherlock. Jeez. They don't put unelected staffers ON Congressional Committees. Film at 11.

Nevertheless, the day-to-day work of the Committee is done by -- that's right -- STAFFERS. They are the ones who issue the "rulings" on such things.

Here: educate yourself a bit on the stuff you are making noise about without understanding the topic: About the Franking Commission | Committee on House Administration

And if you think that a STAFFER ought to be telling Congress-critters that they MAY not insert a phrase like "Merry Christmas" as a sign-off at the end of an otherwise perfectly valid constituent letter, then YOU apparently LIKE a world run by the bureaucrats.

By the way, the "ruling" a Congress-critter gets from the Committee is considered an "advisory" determination.
Last edited:
Looks like the PC police have threatened members of the House of Representatives against wishing constituents a "Merry Christmas," if they want to do so in a mailing paid for with tax dollars.

Members who submit official mailings for review by the congressional franking commission that reviews all congressional mail to determine if it can be "franked," or paid for with tax dollars, are being told that no holiday greetings, including "Merry Christmas," can be sent in official mail.

"I called the commission to ask for clarification and was told no 'Merry Christmas.' Also told cannot say 'Happy New Year' but can say 'have a happy new year' – referencing the time period of a new year, but not the holiday," said a Hill staffer who requested anonymity.

* * * *
Congressmen can't say 'Merry Christmas' in mail | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

At this point, I'd ask "are you fucking kidding me?" But why bother? I already know they're serious.

Seriously absurd.

We told you this was not a Christian country!

And now we non-christians have to flex a little(and I mean a little) of our power!

Note, you can say Happy Hanukah
Actually, of course, Raving Asshole, you are wrong again.

As I correctly noted, the ones making these idiotic rulings and determinations are not the Republican majority or the Democrat Parody minority Members. It is a bunch of staffers living in the make-believe world of Washington where your kind of rancid stupidity prevails. Politically correct think (i.e., mindless sheep liberalism) is the orthodoxy of that culture.

Quite utterly pathetic. Almost as pathetic as Raving Asshole.
Oh gosh would think that you would read up on the ops you post instead of just parroting Drudge....

The Franking committee IS NOT made up of a bunch of staffers living in the make believe world as you just stated. the Franking committee is made up of where you get your BS from is beyond me???

anyway... looks like you big spenders of our tax monies have whined so loud, the franking committee are going to review their original decisions....and spend millions on our dime, to send Christmas cards and Hanukkah cards and Ramadan cards out to their campaign contributors....

anyone here ever get a Christmas card from your senators or Representatives....Matt and I never have, the decades we have been eligible to vote....

You do know that NO ONE can take Christ away from you, don't you? Just a comes from within oneself....and THAT can never be taken away....

Merry Christmas Liability


One MIGHT expect you to have SOME marginal ability to get a handle on how Congress works before pontificating on it.


But sometimes, I suppose, our expectations are just wishful thinking.

OF COURSE the COMMITTEE is made up of Congress-critters, Sherlock. Jeez. They don't put unelected staffers ON Congressional Committees. Film at 11.

Nevertheless, the day-to-day work of the Committee is done by -- that's right -- STAFFERS. They are the ones who issue the "rulings" on such things.

Here: educate yourself a bit on the stuff you are making noise about without understanding the topic: About the Franking Commission | Committee on House Administration

And if you think that a STAFFER ought to be telling Congress-critters that they MAY not insert a phrase like "Merry Christmas" as a sign-off at the end of an otherwise perfectly valid constituent letter, then YOU apparently LIKE a world run by the bureaucrats.

By the way, the "ruling" a Congress-critter gets from the Committee is considered an "advisory" determination.
Well, then you and I and the rest of the nation, disagree...Staffers ARE NOT elected Congressmen....the term 'Staffers' in Washington are those WHO WORK FOR Congressmen and Senators....A congressman or Senator is NOT a we disagree on the terminology Liability.

Aaron Schock (R-IL-18)


Tom Price (R-GA-06)


Bob Latta (R-OH-05)



Susan Davis (D-CA-53)


Brad Sherman (D-CA-27)


Cedric Richmond (D-LA-02)


Pursuant to Public Law 93-191, the bipartisan Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards or the "Franking Commission" has a three fold mandate: (1) to issue regulations governing the proper use of the franking privilege; (2) to provide guidance in connection with mailings; (3) to act as a quasi-judicial body for the disposition of formal complaints against Members of Congress who have allegedly violated franking laws or regulations.

As a result of the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for FY 1991, Members are required to submit all mass mailings (unsolicited mailings of 500 or more pieces of the same matter) for an advisory opinion prior to mailing.

About the Franking Commission | Committee on House Administration
actually, in these times of limited tax monies, and with our huge deficits, I don't think congress should be spending our tax dollars on Holiday specific cards.....we just can't afford it and us tax payers should NOT have to pay for their Christmas etc cards....they should use their own campaign funds to send their own cards out.....

people....citizens are really hurting right now while we ponder taking away the help we are able to give them and spend that money on Christmas cards?????????? sheesh...GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT people!

For God's sake. How many times does it have to get repeated? We ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT sending Christmas cards.

We are talking about the usual run-of-the-fucking-mill Congress-critters letters to their constituents.

There are separate issues here. (1) Do we really like the fact that Congress-critters can send what amounts to campaign literature on our tax dime? It's a real question, but not the one in this thread. This thread accepts (for now) the Congressional franking privilege.

(2) GIVEN the Congressional franking privilege exists for sending "important" and "official" news from a Congress-critter to his/her constituents, and GIVEN that we all fucking agree that this should not be used for the sending of Christmas cards or individual birthday cards or the like, SHOULD there be a Franking Committee "rule" that somehow prevents a Congress-critter from sending a standard run-of-the-mill letter to his/her constituents IF that letter includes a sign-off wishing the constituents a Merry Christmas?

The Franking Committee has an actual legitimate set of rules for a rational coherent valid reason. We really don't want our Congress-critters using their franking privilege for personal reasons. Thus, they shouldn't send out Christmas cards and they shouldn't send out birthday cards or send a payment to the phone company on the public dime. THAT'S why the Franking Committee rules exist.

Where the fucking Franking Committee has crossed a line is when they decide that a SIGN-OFF in a Congressperson's letter to his/her constituents wishing a "Merrry Christsmas" is somehow verboten! Fuck them and fuck their notions of "proper" censorship. Such a wish is not their concern. It's between the Congress-critter and his/her constituents. If I am displeased with a letter from my Congressional Representative, I know how to address the matter. And I do vote.
You do realize that conservatives, Republicans RULE the House of Representatives, don't you? and that this Franking committee for the House is made up of 3 republicans and 3 democrats? And that "liberals" are NOT the ones that came up with this "franking Rule" for the House?

The Senate, ruled by Liberals/Democrats CAN SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS or HAPPY HANUKKAH their CORRESPONDENCE with their constituents....

this info is in your link.

For God's sake. How many times does it have to get repeated? We ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT sending Christmas cards.

We are talking about the usual run-of-the-fucking-mill Congress-critters letters to their constituents.

There are separate issues here. (1) Do we really like the fact that Congress-critters can send what amounts to campaign literature on our tax dime? It's a real question, but not the one in this thread. This thread accepts (for now) the Congressional franking privilege.

(2) GIVEN the Congressional franking privilege exists for sending "important" and "official" news from a Congress-critter to his/her constituents, and GIVEN that we all fucking agree that this should not be used for the sending of Christmas cards or individual birthday cards or the like, SHOULD there be a Franking Committee "rule" that somehow prevents a Congress-critter from sending a standard run-of-the-mill letter to his/her constituents IF that letter includes a sign-off wishing the constituents a Merry Christmas?

The Franking Committee has an actual legitimate set of rules for a rational coherent valid reason. We really don't want our Congress-critters using their franking privilege for personal reasons. Thus, they shouldn't send out Christmas cards and they shouldn't send out birthday cards or send a payment to the phone company on the public dime. THAT'S why the Franking Committee rules exist.

Where the fucking Franking Committee has crossed a line is when they decide that a SIGN-OFF in a Congressperson's letter to his/her constituents wishing a "Merrry Christsmas" is somehow verboten! Fuck them and fuck their notions of "proper" censorship. Such a wish is not their concern. It's between the Congress-critter and his/her constituents. If I am displeased with a letter from my Congressional Representative, I know how to address the matter. And I do vote.
You do realize that conservatives, Republicans RULE the House of Representatives, don't you? and that this Franking committee for the House is made up of 3 republicans and 3 democrats? And that "liberals" are NOT the ones that came up with this "franking Rule" for the House?

The Senate, ruled by Liberals/Democrats CAN SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS or HAPPY HANUKKAH their CORRESPONDENCE with their constituents....

this info is in your link.



Already answered and refuted.

The oopsie is on you and your ignorant beliefs.
Oh gosh would think that you would read up on the ops you post instead of just parroting Drudge....

The Franking committee IS NOT made up of a bunch of staffers living in the make believe world as you just stated. the Franking committee is made up of where you get your BS from is beyond me???

anyway... looks like you big spenders of our tax monies have whined so loud, the franking committee are going to review their original decisions....and spend millions on our dime, to send Christmas cards and Hanukkah cards and Ramadan cards out to their campaign contributors....

anyone here ever get a Christmas card from your senators or Representatives....Matt and I never have, the decades we have been eligible to vote....

You do know that NO ONE can take Christ away from you, don't you? Just a comes from within oneself....and THAT can never be taken away....

Merry Christmas Liability


One MIGHT expect you to have SOME marginal ability to get a handle on how Congress works before pontificating on it.


But sometimes, I suppose, our expectations are just wishful thinking.

OF COURSE the COMMITTEE is made up of Congress-critters, Sherlock. Jeez. They don't put unelected staffers ON Congressional Committees. Film at 11.

Nevertheless, the day-to-day work of the Committee is done by -- that's right -- STAFFERS. They are the ones who issue the "rulings" on such things.

Here: educate yourself a bit on the stuff you are making noise about without understanding the topic: About the Franking Commission | Committee on House Administration

And if you think that a STAFFER ought to be telling Congress-critters that they MAY not insert a phrase like "Merry Christmas" as a sign-off at the end of an otherwise perfectly valid constituent letter, then YOU apparently LIKE a world run by the bureaucrats.

By the way, the "ruling" a Congress-critter gets from the Committee is considered an "advisory" determination.
Well, then you and I and the rest of the nation, disagree...Staffers ARE NOT elected Congressmen....the term 'Staffers' in Washington are those WHO WORK FOR Congressmen and Senators....A congressman or Senator is NOT a we disagree on the terminology Liability.

WTF are you babbling about?

I never said, suggested or implied that staffers are elected congressmen. In fact, I said the exact opposite.

You are emphatically "disagreeing" with me while simultaneously saying what I have maintained.

Bad day? Need coffee?

A Congressman may be a member of the committee, but only the staffers are staffers.

Members are required to submit all mass mailings (unsolicited mailings of 500 or more pieces of the same matter) for an advisory opinion prior to mailing.

The issuance of an advisory opinion is a process; involving telephone and personal consultations with the Member's staff prior to the dispersing of a written advisory. When proposed mailings are submitted to the Commission in draft form, often changes are needed in order to comply with franking standards. Staff routinely points out any problems and suggests the revisions that are necessary for the issuance of a favorable opinion. All material submitted to the Commission is reviewed by both the majority and minority staff before an advisory is issued.

Aaron Schock (R-IL-18)


Tom Price (R-GA-06)


Bob Latta (R-OH-05)



Susan Davis (D-CA-53)


Brad Sherman (D-CA-27)


Cedric Richmond (D-LA-02)


Pursuant to Public Law 93-191, the bipartisan Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards or the "Franking Commission" has a three fold mandate: (1) to issue regulations governing the proper use of the franking privilege; (2) to provide guidance in connection with mailings; (3) to act as a quasi-judicial body for the disposition of formal complaints against Members of Congress who have allegedly violated franking laws or regulations.

As a result of the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for FY 1991, Members are required to submit all mass mailings (unsolicited mailings of 500 or more pieces of the same matter) for an advisory opinion prior to mailing.

About the Franking Commission | Committee on House Administration

That ^ was a useless post. I already linked to the site. We all already know that the Members are Congresspersons.

Thanks to the information I corrected you with, we also now know that STAFFERS issue the advisory rulings.
The Democratic Senate can say 'Merry Christmas',

the Republican House can't.

Makes you wonder why the imbecile who started this thread didn't blame conservatives instead of liberals.

I nominate the premise of this thread for Most Idiotic Thread Premise of the Year.

Liarbility is such a tool.

Actually, of course, Raving Asshole, you are wrong again.

As I correctly noted, the ones making these idiotic rulings and determinations are not the Republican majority or the Democrat Parody minority Members. It is a bunch of staffers living in the make-believe world of Washington where your kind of rancid stupidity prevails. Politically correct think (i.e., mindless sheep liberalism) is the orthodoxy of that culture.

Quite utterly pathetic. Almost as pathetic as Raving Asshole.
Oh gosh would think that you would read up on the ops you post instead of just parroting Drudge....

The Franking committee IS NOT made up of a bunch of staffers living in the make believe world as you just stated. the Franking committee is made up of where you get your BS from is beyond me???

anyway... looks like you big spenders of our tax monies have whined so loud, the franking committee are going to review their original decisions....and spend millions on our dime, to send Christmas cards and Hanukkah cards and Ramadan cards out to their campaign contributors....

anyone here ever get a Christmas card from your senators or Representatives....Matt and I never have, the decades we have been eligible to vote....

You do know that NO ONE can take Christ away from you, don't you? Just a comes from within oneself....and THAT can never be taken away....

Merry Christmas Liability


hahahaha! Liarbilty is such a tool.

Merry Christmas, Care. :)
The Democratic Senate can say 'Merry Christmas',

the Republican House can't.

Makes you wonder why the imbecile who started this thread didn't blame conservatives instead of liberals.

I nominate the premise of this thread for Most Idiotic Thread Premise of the Year.

BIG Oopsie. :lol:
The founders designed a system free of religion.

Pretnd they didnt but the facts are clear

Wasn't it actually that religion couldn't dictate to the government. It was never a system free of religion, TM.
Actually, of course, Raving Asshole, you are wrong again.

As I correctly noted, the ones making these idiotic rulings and determinations are not the Republican majority or the Democrat Parody minority Members. It is a bunch of staffers living in the make-believe world of Washington where your kind of rancid stupidity prevails. Politically correct think (i.e., mindless sheep liberalism) is the orthodoxy of that culture.

Quite utterly pathetic. Almost as pathetic as Raving Asshole.
Oh gosh would think that you would read up on the ops you post instead of just parroting Drudge....

The Franking committee IS NOT made up of a bunch of staffers living in the make believe world as you just stated. the Franking committee is made up of where you get your BS from is beyond me???

anyway... looks like you big spenders of our tax monies have whined so loud, the franking committee are going to review their original decisions....and spend millions on our dime, to send Christmas cards and Hanukkah cards and Ramadan cards out to their campaign contributors....

anyone here ever get a Christmas card from your senators or Representatives....Matt and I never have, the decades we have been eligible to vote....

You do know that NO ONE can take Christ away from you, don't you? Just a comes from within oneself....and THAT can never be taken away....

Merry Christmas Liability


hahahaha! Liarbilty is such a tool.

Merry Christmas, Care. :)

A tool? Hardly. Tools are designed and made to be useful.
Actually, of course, Raving Asshole, you are wrong again.

As I correctly noted, the ones making these idiotic rulings and determinations are not the Republican majority or the Democrat Parody minority Members. It is a bunch of staffers living in the make-believe world of Washington where your kind of rancid stupidity prevails. Politically correct think (i.e., mindless sheep liberalism) is the orthodoxy of that culture.

Quite utterly pathetic. Almost as pathetic as Raving Asshole.
Oh gosh would think that you would read up on the ops you post instead of just parroting Drudge....

The Franking committee IS NOT made up of a bunch of staffers living in the make believe world as you just stated. the Franking committee is made up of where you get your BS from is beyond me???

anyway... looks like you big spenders of our tax monies have whined so loud, the franking committee are going to review their original decisions....and spend millions on our dime, to send Christmas cards and Hanukkah cards and Ramadan cards out to their campaign contributors....

anyone here ever get a Christmas card from your senators or Representatives....Matt and I never have, the decades we have been eligible to vote....

You do know that NO ONE can take Christ away from you, don't you? Just a comes from within oneself....and THAT can never be taken away....

Merry Christmas Liability


hahahaha! Liarbilty is such a tool.

Merry Christmas, Care. :)

The best part of proving a rightwing nut wrong is how they keep digging themselves deeper to avoid simply admitting they were wrong.

Aaron Schock (R-IL-18)


Tom Price (R-GA-06)


Bob Latta (R-OH-05)



Susan Davis (D-CA-53)


Brad Sherman (D-CA-27)


Cedric Richmond (D-LA-02)


Pursuant to Public Law 93-191, the bipartisan Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards or the "Franking Commission" has a three fold mandate: (1) to issue regulations governing the proper use of the franking privilege; (2) to provide guidance in connection with mailings; (3) to act as a quasi-judicial body for the disposition of formal complaints against Members of Congress who have allegedly violated franking laws or regulations.

As a result of the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for FY 1991, Members are required to submit all mass mailings (unsolicited mailings of 500 or more pieces of the same matter) for an advisory opinion prior to mailing.

About the Franking Commission | Committee on House Administration

That ^ was a useless post. I already linked to the site. We all already know that the Members are Congresspersons.

Thanks to the information I corrected you with, we also now know that STAFFERS issue the advisory rulings.
no, the 'member staff', which means the 6 congressmen, review and issue rulings.....not your short cut version of ''staffers''....but hey, it's Christmas and if you want to call congressmen and congresswomen that are the franking committee member staff, ''staffers'' then it's ok with long as you know they are not, ''made up of a bunch of staffers living in the make believe world'' as you stated... which implied thay were NOT congressmen/women, but simply congressional hired staffers....

Merry Christmas Grinch!

Aaron Schock (R-IL-18)


Tom Price (R-GA-06)


Bob Latta (R-OH-05)



Susan Davis (D-CA-53)


Brad Sherman (D-CA-27)


Cedric Richmond (D-LA-02)


Pursuant to Public Law 93-191, the bipartisan Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards or the "Franking Commission" has a three fold mandate: (1) to issue regulations governing the proper use of the franking privilege; (2) to provide guidance in connection with mailings; (3) to act as a quasi-judicial body for the disposition of formal complaints against Members of Congress who have allegedly violated franking laws or regulations.

As a result of the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for FY 1991, Members are required to submit all mass mailings (unsolicited mailings of 500 or more pieces of the same matter) for an advisory opinion prior to mailing.

About the Franking Commission | Committee on House Administration

That ^ was a useless post. I already linked to the site. We all already know that the Members are Congresspersons.

Thanks to the information I corrected you with, we also now know that STAFFERS issue the advisory rulings.
no, the 'member staff', which means the 6 congressmen, review and issue rulings.....not your short cut version of ''staffers''....but hey, it's Christmas and if you want to call congressmen and congresswomen that are the franking committee member staff, ''staffers'' then it's ok with long as you know they are not, ''made up of a bunch of staffers living in the make believe world'' as you stated... which implied thay were NOT congressmen/women, but simply congressional hired staffers....

Merry Christmas Grinch!

Wrong AGAIN careless4all:

It is NOT as YOU erroneously wrote "member staff."

The apostrophe followed by the "s" would be a useful clue for you.

It clearly says "member's staff." It means "possessive." It's the staff OF the "Members."

The staff of the members are staff, not elected Representatives.

But hey, it's Christmas, so if you think you can ignore the apostrophe "s" to "make" your alleged point -- and if you then want to imagine that's somehow valid -- go right ahead.

But you aren't getting off the Island of Misfit Toys that way, GI Barbie doll.

Merry Christmas to All and a Happy Humbug to Careless4all.
That ^ was a useless post. I already linked to the site. We all already know that the Members are Congresspersons.

Thanks to the information I corrected you with, we also now know that STAFFERS issue the advisory rulings.
no, the 'member staff', which means the 6 congressmen, review and issue rulings.....not your short cut version of ''staffers''....but hey, it's Christmas and if you want to call congressmen and congresswomen that are the franking committee member staff, ''staffers'' then it's ok with long as you know they are not, ''made up of a bunch of staffers living in the make believe world'' as you stated... which implied thay were NOT congressmen/women, but simply congressional hired staffers....

Merry Christmas Grinch!

Wrong AGAIN careless4all:

It is NOT as YOU erroneously wrote "member staff."

The apostrophe followed by the "s" would be a useful clue for you.

It clearly says "member's staff." It means "possessive." It's the staff OF the "Members."

The staff of the members are staff, not elected Representatives.

But hey, it's Christmas, so if you think you can ignore the apostrophe "s" to "make" your alleged point -- and if you then want to imagine that's somehow valid -- go right ahead.

But you aren't getting off the Island of Misfit Toys that way, GI Barbie doll.

Merry Christmas to All and a Happy Humbug to Careless4all.


Wow, you guys just keep on coming with those ass-cheeks squeezed so tight you turn coal into diamond!

Lame insult.
Can anyone explain why the Democrats are being blamed for a law passed over 200 years ago and this recent clarification which was made by the Republicans in the House?

Do Republicans EVER use the truth and the actual facts for their stories?

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