The lifeboat is leaking


Sep 23, 2010
Way back at the beginning of the primary season I posted messages stating conservatives should focus on getting control of the Senate. Without control there is not a chance the Affordable Care Act will be repealed. This piece by John fund analyzes where some of those Senate races are at today:

September 21, 2012 4:00 A.M.
The Senate Is Up for Grabs
Almost a dozen races are in play.
By John Fund

The Senate Is Up for Grabs - John Fund - National Review Online

Irrespective of controlling the Senate, repealing the ACA may turn out to be an impossible dream. The people who expect to realize big money from that disaster, along with labor unions, had two years to dig in and prepare their strategy for defeating repeal. Bribes have been paid, promises made —— a cover story has already been tested. The story: A two-thirds majority (67 votes) is needed to repeal. On top of everything else there is no guarantee RINO will vote to repeal in the event “Senate Majority Leader” Mitch McConnell can turn 51 into the magic number.

It all comes down to this for conservatives: If the lifeboat is leaking are they going to get in or stay in the water. Conservative Republicans, basically the Tea Parties, must go all out to win the Senate in the remaining weeks before election day. Elect and pray for the best. Aside from control and repeal let’s look beneath the surface in two races.


Establishment Republicans like Karl Rove tried to throw a seat to Democrat Clair McCaskill when they torpedoed Todd Akin. For that reason alone electing Akin should become a holy crusade for conservatives. Todd Akin’s victory in Missouri would send a message to Rove and establishment Republican RINO in general.


Scott Brown over Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts has undertones that are equally as important as is winning control of the Senate. Defeating anybody from Harvard in their own backyard is one such undertone:

When he was pummeling her on the asbestos litigation, and her $225,000 payday, and on the $700,000 she and her husband make from Harvard, she seemed on the verge of losing it. But Scott didn’t go for the knockout — that never works in a debate for a guy. Just ask Rick Lazio.

After Scott Brown got to the Senate some doubt about his conservatism emerged. Still, you gotta respect a guy who is smart enough to nail two members of the Harvard cabal in one sentence:

Sometimes, watching those aw-shucks TV spots, you forget how sharp Scott’s elbows can be. Like when she cited his vote against Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court — he cited Kagan’s almost total lack of experience outside academia.

But before that, he hit her with a beautiful right cross: “I’m sorry I voted against your boss.”

As to Cherokee Warren’s chances: It won’t take much of a push from conservatives to send her back to Harvard:

This woman has lived in Massachusetts for, what, 15 years. Surely she should have figured out by now that a lot of people here don’t like Harvard. Or the Globe. Too many phonies in both places, of which she is currently Exhibit A.

A note to Granny: You’re not in Oklahoma anymore
By Howie Carr | Friday, September 21, 2012 | Home - | Columnists

A note to Granny: You’re not in Oklahoma anymore -

Finally, more than any election in my lifetime this election highlights the necessity for a well-organized third party before 2016. The mere fact that Democrats are still in contention after everything Hussein & Company did to this country (with help from establishment Republicans) is reason enough for a third party.

It’s not going to take more than a year or so to find out if Republicans are committed to rolling back everything Democrats did; not only rollback but fix it so they cannot do it again. Anything less and a strong third party winning a lot of congressional seats in 2014 is within the realm of possibilities. In short: Acquire muscle in Congress before settling on a presidential candidate in 2016.

Anybody who opposed the things Democrats did while they were doing them should be more committed to undoing them; especially when it was rammed down the country’s throat as was the Affordable Care Act.
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I don’t know much about Republican Linda McMahon in Connecticut, but she looks like she might win her race for the Senate. In a sane world she would have no trouble beating this guy:

And so everyone who is anyone knows, absolutely knows that the Democrat she's running against, Washington and Connecticut insider U.S. Rep. Christopher Murphy, is infinitely more qualified for the job. He's a protégé of former U.S. Senator Chris Dodd, whose career the New York Post described as "a cavalcade of scandal." Murphy has been accused of following in the footsteps of his mentor, having allegedly accepted a Dodd-like special mortgage deal in return for his vote for TARP money. And he's a lawyer, Oxford-educated (the one in England, not the small town in Connecticut), and voted with friend Nancy Pelosi 98 percent of the time. Hint of scandal, elite schools, powerful Washington buddies, lawyer -- does it get any better than that?

Scott Brown winning in Massachusetts and Linda winning in neighboring Connecticut. What is the world coming to? Two Republican Senators from the heart of Liberaldom!

Let’s turn our imaginations loose and say Republicans end up with 60 Senate seats. Come the next election cycle will anyone remember what pollsters and the MSM have been pulling for months?

And maybe there's a lesson here -- that no election is lost just because the New York Times, the mainstream media, and the political and cultural elites say it's lost.

And maybe, just maybe, as Connecticut goes, so goes the nation. Good news for Linda and, perhaps, good news for Mitt. Because...she's baaaaack!

September 22, 2012
McMahon in Connecticut: She's Baaaaaack!
By Stuart Schwartz

Articles: McMahon in Connecticut: She's Baaaaaack!

Parenthetically, the truest conservative in the House, Michele Bachmann, is in a tough fight:

It was Michele Bachmann who introduced the first bill to repeal Obamacare, Pelosi’s prize legislative achievement as speaker of the House.

As a result, Bachmann faces an excruciatingly tough re-election fight in Minnesota in November. With her record of uncompromising leadership in the House over the last six years, she should be a shoo-in for re-election. But Pelosi is raising millions to take her down. On top of that, she’s running against a fat-cat multimillionaire who will spend whatever it takes to defeat Bachmann in his effort to return Pelosi to the position of speaker of the House.

Tea Partiers and conservatives who read this message might take a look at Farah’s piece:

Urgent plea for support of Michele Bachmann
Exclusive: Joseph Farah asks readers to help principled leader targeted by Pelosi crony
Published: 13 hours ago

Urgent plea for support of Michele Bachmann
How do you tea party fools sleep at night. You love the plutocrats and hate people who are victims of this racist greed driven system. Assholes

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