The long black rant

My life's mission and calling is to end abuse.

But... Before that, I have to cleanse my soul.

If none of this applies to you, please skip it. And don't take the internet more seriously than it needs to be. This is a need to vent. Enjoy :)

1. "Nigg*r, c*nt, f*g, dyk*", etc.
Get some new material.

2. "Go back to where you came from." Refer to number 1 about original material. And a better idea...why don't we let the native Americans decide who stays and who goes? It's their land. I doubt they would want people staying with them who are getting them attacked with dogs, shooting them with rubber bullets and even KILLING them even in 2016.

3. Black lives matter. No one should make any argument to justify abusive behavior. If you say that it is OK for police to abuse black people because black people abuse black people....that's just like saying a man can beat his wife because women hit women. Abuse is abuse. In every instance where black people are abusive to each other there are community organizations that address the abuse that the media will not inform you of. For every kind of abuse that exists, there needs to be an organization for that specific type of abuse. Black lives matter is an organization that specifically seeks to correct the abusive behavior of police officers to unarmed minorities. If you use one kind of abuse to justify another type of abuse... check for a pulse, check yourself into a psych ward, or find the nearest priest to exorcise you.

4. Stop acting like your skin color is a sports team. Your skin color is how your brain metabolizes neuro peptide melanin. It makes us about 1/10th of a pecent different from each other. That's a fraction of a fraction. That's about as insignificant as the size of your toes. It doesn't make anyone superior to anyone else. Stop lying to yourself others. If any group of people other than yourselves where truly inferior by nature, there would be no need to exercise contrived methods to keep them down.

5. Stop making black people the scapegoats of immortality while you do horrible, unspeakably abusive acts to your own children, eat people, bomb people, rape people, impregnate women in comas, etc.

6. The black dream? Not to be included but to be completely left alone. Since the Mexicans love you guys so about all of them just come up here and we can have Mexico all to ourselves. We can't go back to Africa because you guys F*ked up everything over there so badly
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I bet you believe that right up until some people try to live on YOUR property, then you'll be calling the cops.

Unlike you dependent pussies, I never call the cops. Define 'my property.'
I bet you believe that right up until some people try to live on YOUR property, then you'll be calling the cops.

Unlike you dependent pussies, I never call the cops. Define 'my property.'
So you would kick them out, right? Why am I even asking, we already both know what the answer is.
So you would kick them out, right? Why am I even asking, we already both know what the answer is.

I asked you to define 'my property.' The point I was going to make, is that there has to be a legitimate claim of ownership for it to be truly mine. How do you decide whose space is whose?
So you would kick them out, right? Why am I even asking, we already both know what the answer is.

I asked you to define 'my property.' The point I was going to make, is that there has to be a legitimate claim of ownership for it to be truly mine. How do you decide whose space is whose?
Borders decide who's space is whos.

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