The Long List of Why Hillary Clinton Lost The Election

Hillary ran her campaign like it was the early 90s. She was either too dumb or too incompetent to realize that all of her dirt is available to see online.

Heck, despited Comey stating unequivocally that she Obstructed Justice and Viloated the Espionage Act which barred her from running for office, he came out and essentially said that she was too phucking stupid to send to jail, and let her off the hook on that basis alone.
Nyet. The Russians did her in.
Werewolf Women of the SS (Tarantino's Grindhouse)

That's why Trump wouldn't shake hands with Burqal Merkel. It would have looked like he was slanting the German election in her favor. He did, however, make a videotape of her peeing on a portrait of Frederick the Great. So we have a way to control her if she does get reelected.
Pretty Simple.

No Fake Boogie Man had anything to do with any of this.

Here is why she lost. There was no imaginary boogeyman that could cause her decades long history of corruption, deception, unethical behavior and just flat out lying.

  • White Water
  • Bimbo Gate
  • Mena Arkansas Drug Ring
  • Rose Law Firm
  • Travel Gate
  • FBI File Gate
  • $2 Billion Haitian Earthquake Relief Fund Theft
  • Benghazi and her lying to Congress under Oath
  • Uranium One
  • Her receiving $125 Million afterwards from Russia
  • Her accepting $100 Million from Saudi Arabia, and then later arranging for a special arms deal for them
  • The Clinton Foundation Influence Peddling Scandal & Money Laundering Investigation that mysteriously got buried after Lynch Unethically and illegally met with Bill Clinton.
  • Using the State Department as a conduit to solicit donations to The Clinton Foundation
  • $6 Billion Dollars Vanishing at The State Department with No Explanation
  • The Clinton Cash Documentary none of the facts have been able to be refuted
  • Her Private Server, built to be concealed and circumvent The State Department Security and policies, and avoid FOIA Laws
  • Bleach Bit.
  • The Destruction of 33,000 emails violating two federal court preservation orders.
  • Her lies about her 1 device when she had 17.
  • The Violation of Two Federal Court Ordered Preservation Orders.
  • Comey coming out and saying she was guilty of Title 18 violations but was too stupid to go to jail for it.
  • Comey granting her entire staff immunity and then sealing their testimonies.
  • Her Public and Private Positions
  • Her calling Sanders supporters Basement Dwellers
  • Her calling Blacks Super Predators
  • Her calling Latinos Lazy Taco Bowls
  • Her calling Trump Supporters "A Basket of Irredeemable Deplorables"
  • Her calling people in flyover states "Uneducated Rednecks."
  • Her telling Coal Miners to Pound Salt and that she was going to put then out of work
  • Her paying The Homeless, Drug Addicts, and Felons to go to Trump Rallies and instigate Violence and Bloody and Intimidate Trump Supporters.
  • Her and The DNC paying for Fake Protestors
  • Her and Donna Brazille stealing Debate Questions
  • Her and the MSM conspiring together to craft stories favorable to her, edited by her
  • Her Conspiring with the Media to have them give her questions to interviews prior to her being interviewed so she could rehearse the perfect sound bites, and responses.
  • The DNC rigging their own Primary, and Schultz getting fired for it
  • TITLE 18 US CODE Section 798

Everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the Field. And NO ONE believes that Trump would have won this election without the help of Vladimir Putin and FBI Director James Comey's unprecendented interference into this election.

FBI Director James Comey violating long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information 60 days before an election, ignored the warnings of the DOJ to not release a letter to congress, and did it anyway., (11 days before an election.) There were millions that voted during those 7 days believing that charges were immient against Hillary Clinton. 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger. Comey is also under DOJ investigation for his interference into this election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
Comey notified Congress of email probe despite DOJ concerns -
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy via=desktop&source=twitter (This article involves a couple of your favorites--Rudi Giuliani & James Kalstrom--both frequent flyers on FOX News who will be required to testify under Oath.)


Then Putin's interference into this election. I have noticed that the opt has gobbled up the Russian manufactured news in his/her comments also. Not only did he hack into DNC databases but is responsible for speading all kinds of FAKE news on social media outlets, along with enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.


Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

There is NO ONE alive that could have watched any of those debates either in the primary or with Hillary Clinton and believed that Trump won a single one of them. If they tell you that, they're lying through their teeth.


Therefore the
biggest PROBLEM Hillary Clinton had--was her Gender. If her name had been Henry Clinton instead of Hillary--she would have easily won this election, even with the goal posts being moved. All these investigations and interferance was to do one thing. KEEP THE 1ST WOMAN PRESIDENT OUT OF THE OVAL OFFICE. Because where there is one woman President, there will be more.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You!

Regardless, Hillary Clinton kicking Trump's ass by 3 million popular votes, along with the above makes Trump the most ILLIGITAMATE President to ever be sworn into the Oval Office.

Your first mistake was making the Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party, your second mistake was not voting for Hillary Clinton to keep the ass clown out of the oval office.

Last edited:
Pretty Simple.

No Fake Boogie Man had anything to do with any of this.

Here is why she lost. There was no imaginary boogeyman that could cause her decades long history of corruption, deception, unethical behavior and just flat out lying.

  • White Water
  • Bimbo Gate
  • Mena Arkansas Drug Ring
  • Rose Law Firm
  • Travel Gate
  • FBI File Gate
  • $2 Billion Haitian Earthquake Relief Fund Theft
  • Benghazi and her lying to Congress under Oath
  • Uranium One
  • Her receiving $125 Million afterwards from Russia
  • Her accepting $100 Million from Saudi Arabia, and then later arranging for a special arms deal for them
  • The Clinton Foundation Influence Peddling Scandal & Money Laundering Investigation that mysteriously got buried after Lynch Unethically and illegally met with Bill Clinton.
  • Using the State Department as a conduit to solicit donations to The Clinton Foundation
  • $6 Billion Dollars Vanishing at The State Department with No Explanation
  • The Clinton Cash Documentary none of the facts have been able to be refuted
  • Her Private Server, built to be concealed and circumvent The State Department Security and policies, and avoid FOIA Laws
  • Bleach Bit.
  • The Destruction of 33,000 emails violating two federal court preservation orders.
  • Her lies about her 1 device when she had 17.
  • The Violation of Two Federal Court Ordered Preservation Orders.
  • Comey coming out and saying she was guilty of Title 18 violations but was too stupid to go to jail for it.
  • Comey granting her entire staff immunity and then sealing their testimonies.
  • Her Public and Private Positions
  • Her calling Sanders supporters Basement Dwellers
  • Her calling Blacks Super Predators
  • Her calling Latinos Lazy Taco Bowls
  • Her calling Trump Supporters "A Basket of Irredeemable Deplorables"
  • Her calling people in flyover states "Uneducated Rednecks."
  • Her telling Coal Miners to Pound Salt and that she was going to put then out of work
  • Her paying The Homeless, Drug Addicts, and Felons to go to Trump Rallies and instigate Violence and Bloody and Intimidate Trump Supporters.
  • Her and The DNC paying for Fake Protestors
  • Her and Donna Brazille stealing Debate Questions
  • Her and the MSM conspiring together to craft stories favorable to her, edited by her
  • Her Conspiring with the Media to have them give her questions to interviews prior to her being interviewed so she could rehearse the perfect sound bites, and responses.
  • The DNC rigging their own Primary, and Schultz getting fired for it
  • TITLE 18 US CODE Section 798

lol, so that's what it took for Trump to find someone he could beat.

Goddam I think you're onto something.
If you need any more proof why the mentally ill Trump attracts the certifiably mentally ill this thread proves it.

These are the people that think conspiracy theorist lizard boy Alex Jones is a patriot.

Treeman( the clean coal idiot) uses every conspiracy theory on the Clintons here in this laughable thread. All debunked of course but it doesn't stop this basket case from polluting the forum with his BIG BOLD trump - like lies.

All trying to deflect from the serious criminal investigation into the Trump Administration helping Russia to get the orange cheeto elected.

This investigation has legs and Clean Coal Idiot is scared to death the truth will come out.
When reality get too hot for Putin's Puppet.. he goes out on the campaign trail to be around his people, those who have no idea what is happening to this administration.
He didn't even mention he's under a criiminal investigation to the crowd. Thus they don't think one exists.
This is just like Clean Coal idiot starting this dated thread. He KNOWS Frump's in serious trouble so he dredges up old conspiracy theories on Hillary while the real Trump scandals mount right in front of his eyes..

Sad how confused, bewildered, petrified and beat down Treeman is.
Pretty Simple.

No Fake Boogie Man had anything to do with any of this.

Here is why she lost. There was no imaginary boogeyman that could cause her decades long history of corruption, deception, unethical behavior and just flat out lying.

  • White Water
  • Bimbo Gate
  • Mena Arkansas Drug Ring
  • Rose Law Firm
  • Travel Gate
  • FBI File Gate
  • $2 Billion Haitian Earthquake Relief Fund Theft
  • Benghazi and her lying to Congress under Oath
  • Uranium One
  • Her receiving $125 Million afterwards from Russia
  • Her accepting $100 Million from Saudi Arabia, and then later arranging for a special arms deal for them
  • The Clinton Foundation Influence Peddling Scandal & Money Laundering Investigation that mysteriously got buried after Lynch Unethically and illegally met with Bill Clinton.
  • Using the State Department as a conduit to solicit donations to The Clinton Foundation
  • $6 Billion Dollars Vanishing at The State Department with No Explanation
  • The Clinton Cash Documentary none of the facts have been able to be refuted
  • Her Private Server, built to be concealed and circumvent The State Department Security and policies, and avoid FOIA Laws
  • Bleach Bit.
  • The Destruction of 33,000 emails violating two federal court preservation orders.
  • Her lies about her 1 device when she had 17.
  • The Violation of Two Federal Court Ordered Preservation Orders.
  • Comey coming out and saying she was guilty of Title 18 violations but was too stupid to go to jail for it.
  • Comey granting her entire staff immunity and then sealing their testimonies.
  • Her Public and Private Positions
  • Her calling Sanders supporters Basement Dwellers
  • Her calling Blacks Super Predators
  • Her calling Latinos Lazy Taco Bowls
  • Her calling Trump Supporters "A Basket of Irredeemable Deplorables"
  • Her calling people in flyover states "Uneducated Rednecks."
  • Her telling Coal Miners to Pound Salt and that she was going to put then out of work
  • Her paying The Homeless, Drug Addicts, and Felons to go to Trump Rallies and instigate Violence and Bloody and Intimidate Trump Supporters.
  • Her and The DNC paying for Fake Protestors
  • Her and Donna Brazille stealing Debate Questions
  • Her and the MSM conspiring together to craft stories favorable to her, edited by her
  • Her Conspiring with the Media to have them give her questions to interviews prior to her being interviewed so she could rehearse the perfect sound bites, and responses.
  • The DNC rigging their own Primary, and Schultz getting fired for it
  • TITLE 18 US CODE Section 798
That pretty much sums it up.
More important is why democrats and liberals thought she would win. The short answer is that lefties have listened to and believed propaganda spewed by the criminal conspiracy in the mainstream media for so long that they were unable to distinguish between reality and fiction. You almost gotta laugh that even after they were fooled by fake polls they still believe them today.
Pretty Simple.

No Fake Boogie Man had anything to do with any of this.

Here is why she lost. There was no imaginary boogeyman that could cause her decades long history of corruption, deception, unethical behavior and just flat out lying.

  • White Water
  • Bimbo Gate
  • Mena Arkansas Drug Ring
  • Rose Law Firm
  • Travel Gate
  • FBI File Gate
  • $2 Billion Haitian Earthquake Relief Fund Theft
  • Benghazi and her lying to Congress under Oath
  • Uranium One
  • Her receiving $125 Million afterwards from Russia
  • Her accepting $100 Million from Saudi Arabia, and then later arranging for a special arms deal for them
  • The Clinton Foundation Influence Peddling Scandal & Money Laundering Investigation that mysteriously got buried after Lynch Unethically and illegally met with Bill Clinton.
  • Using the State Department as a conduit to solicit donations to The Clinton Foundation
  • $6 Billion Dollars Vanishing at The State Department with No Explanation
  • The Clinton Cash Documentary none of the facts have been able to be refuted
  • Her Private Server, built to be concealed and circumvent The State Department Security and policies, and avoid FOIA Laws
  • Bleach Bit.
  • The Destruction of 33,000 emails violating two federal court preservation orders.
  • Her lies about her 1 device when she had 17.
  • The Violation of Two Federal Court Ordered Preservation Orders.
  • Comey coming out and saying she was guilty of Title 18 violations but was too stupid to go to jail for it.
  • Comey granting her entire staff immunity and then sealing their testimonies.
  • Her Public and Private Positions
  • Her calling Sanders supporters Basement Dwellers
  • Her calling Blacks Super Predators
  • Her calling Latinos Lazy Taco Bowls
  • Her calling Trump Supporters "A Basket of Irredeemable Deplorables"
  • Her calling people in flyover states "Uneducated Rednecks."
  • Her telling Coal Miners to Pound Salt and that she was going to put then out of work
  • Her paying The Homeless, Drug Addicts, and Felons to go to Trump Rallies and instigate Violence and Bloody and Intimidate Trump Supporters.
  • Her and The DNC paying for Fake Protestors
  • Her and Donna Brazille stealing Debate Questions
  • Her and the MSM conspiring together to craft stories favorable to her, edited by her
  • Her Conspiring with the Media to have them give her questions to interviews prior to her being interviewed so she could rehearse the perfect sound bites, and responses.
  • The DNC rigging their own Primary, and Schultz getting fired for it
  • TITLE 18 US CODE Section 798

lol, so that's what it took for Trump to find someone he could beat.

Goddam I think you're onto something.

Exactly and thank you and I am. No one needed any help from The Russians to beat a lousy and corrupt candidate such as Hillary Clinton.
Bernie should have been your nominee, and he may have been your president. But you prefer corrupt and and tired old retreads.
Maybe next time you will learn to reject The Establishment Nominee.
Pretty Simple.

No Fake Boogie Man had anything to do with any of this.

Here is why she lost. There was no imaginary boogeyman that could cause her decades long history of corruption, deception, unethical behavior and just flat out lying.

  • White Water
  • Bimbo Gate
  • Mena Arkansas Drug Ring
  • Rose Law Firm
  • Travel Gate
  • FBI File Gate
  • $2 Billion Haitian Earthquake Relief Fund Theft
  • Benghazi and her lying to Congress under Oath
  • Uranium One
  • Her receiving $125 Million afterwards from Russia
  • Her accepting $100 Million from Saudi Arabia, and then later arranging for a special arms deal for them
  • The Clinton Foundation Influence Peddling Scandal & Money Laundering Investigation that mysteriously got buried after Lynch Unethically and illegally met with Bill Clinton.
  • Using the State Department as a conduit to solicit donations to The Clinton Foundation
  • $6 Billion Dollars Vanishing at The State Department with No Explanation
  • The Clinton Cash Documentary none of the facts have been able to be refuted
  • Her Private Server, built to be concealed and circumvent The State Department Security and policies, and avoid FOIA Laws
  • Bleach Bit.
  • The Destruction of 33,000 emails violating two federal court preservation orders.
  • Her lies about her 1 device when she had 17.
  • The Violation of Two Federal Court Ordered Preservation Orders.
  • Comey coming out and saying she was guilty of Title 18 violations but was too stupid to go to jail for it.
  • Comey granting her entire staff immunity and then sealing their testimonies.
  • Her Public and Private Positions
  • Her calling Sanders supporters Basement Dwellers
  • Her calling Blacks Super Predators
  • Her calling Latinos Lazy Taco Bowls
  • Her calling Trump Supporters "A Basket of Irredeemable Deplorables"
  • Her calling people in flyover states "Uneducated Rednecks."
  • Her telling Coal Miners to Pound Salt and that she was going to put then out of work
  • Her paying The Homeless, Drug Addicts, and Felons to go to Trump Rallies and instigate Violence and Bloody and Intimidate Trump Supporters.
  • Her and The DNC paying for Fake Protestors
  • Her and Donna Brazille stealing Debate Questions
  • Her and the MSM conspiring together to craft stories favorable to her, edited by her
  • Her Conspiring with the Media to have them give her questions to interviews prior to her being interviewed so she could rehearse the perfect sound bites, and responses.
  • The DNC rigging their own Primary, and Schultz getting fired for it
  • TITLE 18 US CODE Section 798

lol, so that's what it took for Trump to find someone he could beat.

Goddam I think you're onto something.
And the Democrat Party was dumb enough run her in the general election because it was her turn and she has a vagina ( I assume).

"The Long List of Why Hillary Clinton Lost The Election"

Looks like you're a Trump or RNC troll already working on the 2020 election, if not also the 2018 mid-term. LOL!

Yes, indeed, politicians are corrupt in many ways and play the game to win.
Is that news to you, bumpkin?

Here's a short list for why Trump should have lost the election:
1) He's by far the biggest LIAR among politicians --- he lies the most often.
2) He's impulsive & emotionally immature, impatient.
3) He's ignorant about science, hates complexity, and prefers 1-page briefs with pictures to make serious decisions.

His voters watch too much fake TV; that's why Arnold has lower ratings among those stupid voters.
Last edited:
Pretty Simple.

No Fake Boogie Man had anything to do with any of this.

Here is why she lost. There was no imaginary boogeyman that could cause her decades long history of corruption, deception, unethical behavior and just flat out lying.

  • White Water
  • Bimbo Gate
  • Mena Arkansas Drug Ring
  • Rose Law Firm
  • Travel Gate
  • FBI File Gate
  • $2 Billion Haitian Earthquake Relief Fund Theft
  • Benghazi and her lying to Congress under Oath
  • Uranium One
  • Her receiving $125 Million afterwards from Russia
  • Her accepting $100 Million from Saudi Arabia, and then later arranging for a special arms deal for them
  • The Clinton Foundation Influence Peddling Scandal & Money Laundering Investigation that mysteriously got buried after Lynch Unethically and illegally met with Bill Clinton.
  • Using the State Department as a conduit to solicit donations to The Clinton Foundation
  • $6 Billion Dollars Vanishing at The State Department with No Explanation
  • The Clinton Cash Documentary none of the facts have been able to be refuted
  • Her Private Server, built to be concealed and circumvent The State Department Security and policies, and avoid FOIA Laws
  • Bleach Bit.
  • The Destruction of 33,000 emails violating two federal court preservation orders.
  • Her lies about her 1 device when she had 17.
  • The Violation of Two Federal Court Ordered Preservation Orders.
  • Comey coming out and saying she was guilty of Title 18 violations but was too stupid to go to jail for it.
  • Comey granting her entire staff immunity and then sealing their testimonies.
  • Her Public and Private Positions
  • Her calling Sanders supporters Basement Dwellers
  • Her calling Blacks Super Predators
  • Her calling Latinos Lazy Taco Bowls
  • Her calling Trump Supporters "A Basket of Irredeemable Deplorables"
  • Her calling people in flyover states "Uneducated Rednecks."
  • Her telling Coal Miners to Pound Salt and that she was going to put then out of work
  • Her paying The Homeless, Drug Addicts, and Felons to go to Trump Rallies and instigate Violence and Bloody and Intimidate Trump Supporters.
  • Her and The DNC paying for Fake Protestors
  • Her and Donna Brazille stealing Debate Questions
  • Her and the MSM conspiring together to craft stories favorable to her, edited by her
  • Her Conspiring with the Media to have them give her questions to interviews prior to her being interviewed so she could rehearse the perfect sound bites, and responses.
  • The DNC rigging their own Primary, and Schultz getting fired for it
  • TITLE 18 US CODE Section 798

lol, so that's what it took for Trump to find someone he could beat.

Goddam I think you're onto something.
And the Democrat Party was dumb enough run her in the general election because it was her turn and she has a vagina ( I assume).

I know that. I was posting against the Hillary nomination 2 years ago.
So if Trump can get beaten by 3 million votes by the horrible candidate the OP describes,

how many million votes will he get beaten by in 2020 by a good candidate?
So if Trump can get beaten by 3 million votes by the horrible candidate the OP describes,

how many million votes will he get beaten by in 2020 by a good candidate?
So it wasn't because of the Russians?

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