The Lord is Non Partisan

That is a long discussion, it's a gorgeous day I'm working outside and taking advantage of it. I will get back to you later thanks. For right now all I can say is your Bible is a tenant of your religion nothing more. You are not who you think you are.
I know exactly who I am. I am a child of the Most High, the Alpha and the Omega, co-heir with Christ.
When you get back, tell me who you are...
I know exactly who I am. I am a child of the Most High, the Alpha and the Omega, co-heir with Christ.
When you get back, tell me who you are...
I am one with the entity you call " God ". We all are, we are all eternal. The concept of " heaven " is actually a parallel universe where noncorporeal beings exist out of time, or without time, however you want to look at it. All existing as one. We visit physical worlds like Earth and are able to enter and coexist within " humans " in this world. It is our presence that makes these animal forms more than they are, we put the human in human beings. Eternity in a blissful state isn't all what it's cracked up to be, after a while if it's boring. So these visits are nice respites from that life. Plus it is a good symbiotic relationship which is mutually beneficial to both parties.
Get thee behind me Satan
your phony boogie man does not exist - anywhere but in your own corrupt mind.
He exists alright. And he's a liar, as are his minions.

evil exists that's the point of the religion of antiquity if the triumph over evil were accomplished they would be found out and made harmless - if a certain one of many did exist what difference does it make.

another example of your worthless c bible, expecting someone else to do for you that is for you to do for yourself.
evil exists that's the point of the religion of antiquity if the triumph over evil were accomplished they would be found out and made harmless - if a certain one of many did exist what difference does it make.

another example of your worthless c bible, expecting someone else to do for you that is for you to do for yourself.
Evil exists. And so does Satan. He’s a person, just as God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are persons 😉
Evil exists. And so does Satan. He’s a person, just as God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are persons 😉
Do you actually mean persons, or do you mean personifications ? That would make more sense.
Evil exists. And so does Satan. He’s a person, just as God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are persons 😉

no, satan is dead that's not the issue.

otherwise, were the triumph of good near accomplished they would be found out and taken care of anyway even if they are the last and with their passing the parable, religion of antiquity would be fulfilled - that's when the heavens and whomever might be up there from Earth would return ... in peace.

- if you see an army coming down, no one will be spared all will be evil.
The holy Ghost was never a person, and the entirety of God cannot access this world. Jesus was a man.
They are three persons. God can access this world, he has walked the earth though that isn’t what makes him a person.
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They are three persons. God can access this world, he has walked the earth though that isn’t what makes him a person.
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Ancient mankind in this world in many cultures personified elements as gods. Judaism Christianity and Islam are no exceptions to the rule.
It's held mankind back from reaching it's potential. Religion should have died out centuries ago, better yet it should have never been allowed to develop.
Is THAT relevant or are you just taking this opportunity to bloviate mindlessly?
Totally relevant unless you want to keep wasting your life being concerned about things that don't exist.
That isn’t what we were talking about punkin. I take it you are throwing in the towel. Thank goodness.
You should repent and invite Jesus in, and leave your hate, ignorance and bigotry behind.
Wake up already, why do you think women were treated as second class citizens up until recent history. Religious indoctrination. Why do you think homosexuals were criminalized and victimized again and again. Religious indoctrination. Why do you think religious institutions are so wealthy and promoted so many wars. Religious indoctrination. Who do you think attacks science ? Religion. I rest my case. The rest is common sense. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and get over your affliction.

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