The Lying Face of the Obama Administration

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Finally, someone less competent than Jay Carney.
Meet Jen Psaki, spokesperson for the State Department. She thinks Obama doesnt give himself enough credit on his foreign policy. She cites the Daily Kos and ThinkProgress as objective sources. She lies so badly she doesnt believe her own bullshit. Who hired this person??
?The Onion next?? State Department?s Jen Psaki ridiculed for citing Daily Kos, ThinkProgress as reference sources | Twitchy
Press Laughs at Psaki Saying Obama 'Doesn't Give Himself Enough Credit' on His Foreign Policy | Washington Free Beacon

[ame=]Reporters Mock And Laugh At State Dept. Spin On Obama's Panned Foreign Policy Speech - YouTube[/ame]
"who hired this person ?"

i'll take a wild ass guess.., someone just as, or more stupid than her ?
You can tell a lot about a person by the people he hires. In this case Obama has consciousy surrounded himself with people less competent than he is. And it shows. The least competent administration in history. They could screw up a one car parade.
It is not that she is incompetent. Actually, she handled herself well.

The problem is, she was confronted by reporters with questions that were in response to what she said. That is something the Obama administration did not experience for the last 5 years.

Up until recently, when the spokesperson said "we did good", the press would not ask "what was it that you did good"...

They accepted the rhetoric as fact and moved on to another topic.

The tide is starting to change.
Isn't that the same gal that gave the deer in headlights look when asked about Hillary's accomplishments? While I don't blame her she clearly isn't up to the task of polishing turds of this magnitude.

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