"The Mad World of Donald Trump"

Donald is a loose cannon.

a BOMB THE HELL OUT OF THEM loose cannon.
Obama has bombed 7 countries in 7 years.
That is actual action and not talk. Is he a loose cannon too?
How many of them did your girl corrupt cankles participate in?
Obama has let the world down. I dont know if that is because of internal pressures or that he is a brain dead war monger.

President Obama is a Idealist that never understood it take a realist to be the President of this fine nation...
Ann Coulter isn't healthy. Bitch has cancer... I hope.
Thats harsh mate.She didnt strike me as a deep thinker.

"What would a Trump run America look like ?"

"Um Romney would do the boring bits like the Fed and Trump would build the wall and stuff."

We have a similar type in the UK called Katie Hopkins. Says "shock" things to get column inches.
Ann Coulter isn't healthy. Bitch has cancer... I hope.
Thats harsh mate.She didnt strike me as a deep thinker.

"What would a Trump run America look like ?"

"Um Romney would do the boring bits like the Fed and Trump would build the wall and stuff."

We have a similar type in the UK called Katie Hopkins. Says "shock" things to get column inches.

Same thing here. She is well-known for saying shocking things to sell books. And people eat the shit up.
He didnt come out of it looking too well. The fact that his ex has a gagging order looks sus. The main thing though is that I dont think that if this ran 24/7 it would affect his core vote. I tend to think that it would not affect those who would not back him either.

America seems to be a divided nation.
He didnt come out of it looking too well. The fact that his ex has a gagging order looks sus. The main thing though is that I dont think that if this ran 24/7 it would affect his core vote. I tend to think that it would not affect those who would not back him either.

America seems to be a divided nation.

So, you think you guys got all the rape rings?
Is Ann Coulter on heroin? She's looking rough.
Where have I heard her name before ?

She was the author who once claimed the 9/11 widows were taking advantage of their husband's deaths. The skinny blonde retard on this documentary a little earlier. Aside from the right wing, she's pretty well hated in America.
so roughly half the people hate her. she's sort of the donald trump of conservative pundits, she doesn't parse her words to be politically apropos.

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